Milica Ćurčić

Milica Ćurčić
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences | VIN · Department of Physical Chemistry

PhD in National Security


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Milica Ćurčić is a Research Associate at Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade. She is participating in the Institute’s project on "Testing and verification of methods for multidisciplinary forensic analysis in the function of Non-Proliferation of WMD”. Milica has a Master’s Degree in Security Studies, and she is currently a PhD candidate at the Faculty for Security Studies, University of Belgrade.
Additional affiliations
October 2018 - present
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
  • Research Assistant
January 2017 - January 2018
Government of the Republic of Serbia
  • Assistant liaison officer
September 2012 - September 2014
Faculty of Security Studies
Field of study
  • Security studies
October 2008 - September 2012
Faculty of Security Studies
Field of study
  • Security studies


Publications (44)
Conference Paper
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Nuclear power plants represent critical infrastructure assets essential for global energy production, embodying both immense potential for state and significant risks. This paper examines the possibility of insider threats within nuclear power plants, clarifying the complex interplay among human factors, security measures, and technical vulnerabili...
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Introduction/purpose: Artificial intelligence can be used for both positive and negative purposes. In recent years, the use of deepfake technology has attracted significant attention. Deepfake technology replaces a person's face and creates events that never happened. While the use of deepfake was more noticeable in the past, the technology has adv...
Conference Paper
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Preovlađujući diskurs o energetici u savremenoj eri naglašava klimatske promene i energetsku bezbednost kao najvažnije zabrinutosti. Dok su obnovljivi izvori energije (OIE) zavisni od geografskih i klimatskih uslova, postavljajući izazove kao što su diskontinuirana dostupnost i zahtevi za okupiranjem velikih površina zemljišta, nuklearna energija p...
Conference Paper
Measurement of ambient dose equivalent rate in the environment of objects and materials is a dosimetric measurement which is carried out by controlling the radioactivity of goods during import, export and transit. The procedure must be carried out in order to prevent illegal traffic of radioactive and nuclear material across the border. The dosimet...
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The acquisition, processing, and analysis of data about threats against public health have long been recognized as significant areas of work of intelligence operations aimed at protecting national security. Across modern states, public health has been securitized, with health facilities designated as critical infrastructure vital to national securi...
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Donald Nuechterlein's matrix for researching the intensity of national interest holds a pivotal position in the field of national interest research within international relations and security sciences. Widely adopted, this matrix serves as a fundamental tool for theorists, either in its original form or with various modifications tailored to enhanc...
Conference Paper
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Očuvanje i zaštita životne sredine i prirodnih resursa Srbije odražavaju bitna bezbednosna pitanja koja zahtevaju planiranje, analizu i akciju. Strategija nacionalne bezbednosti Republike Srbije predstavlja najznačajniji strateški dokument u oblasti bezbednosti koji usmerava prioritete i akcije države. U okviru ove strategije, zdrava životna sredin...
Conference Paper
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This paper explores the sustainability of the Republic of Serbia's military neutrality by examining the necessary economic investment. Military neutrality is based on the doctrine of total defense, which implies relying exclusively on one's defense capacity, that is, the joint involvement of the entire society in the defense of the state. The Army...
Military neutrality and cooperation are essential in realizing Serbia's national interests, manifested in preserving sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. The creators of strategic documents in the area of national security have placed the unlawfully declared independence of Kosovo and Metohija and the activities of extremist groups...
Conference Paper
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Ovaj rad detaljno istražuje i analizira tehničke standarde bezbednosti transporta nuklearnog materijala, kao i metode i načine prevencije, detektovanja i pružanja odgovora na namerne i neovlašćene pokušaje pristupa i druga nezakonita dela usmerena ka nuklearnom i drugom radioaktivnom materijalu, povezanim objektima i aktivnostima. S obzirom da se s...
Conference Paper
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The use of radioactive material provides numerous benefits and facilitates various activities in different spheres of human life. At the same time, malicious or unprofessional use of radioactive materials can induce numerous dangers to the lives and health of people and the environment. This paper presents multidiscipline research on the characteri...
Conference Paper
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CBRN security has a high priority for the nation's Critical Infrastructure Protection. Comprehensive protection against CBRN threats includes a complex analysis of many aspects of CBRN threats, vulnerabilities, response plans, programs, procedures and protocols, communication infrastructure, personnel, legal and economic factors. The paper provides...
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Osnovni cilj Otvorenog Balkana je ekonomska integracija zemalja učesnica, te kao takva ova inicijativa ne služi kao zamena pristupanju u EU već kao element u tom procesu. Istraživačko pitanje glasi: da li je moguća dublja ekonomska integracija bez potpune političke i bezbednosne sinhronizacije zemalja učesnica Otvorenog Balkana? Kompleksnost ovog p...
Conference Paper
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Aktuelna energetska kriza nastala kao posledica globalne nesigurnosti i povećane eksploa-tacije neravnomerno raspoređenih i ograničenih prirodnih resursa stavila je u fokus alterna-tivne izvore energije. Narativ o nuklearnoj energiji praćen je diskusijom o prednosti upotrebe ovog najčistijeg vida energije nasuprot strahu o potencijalnim akcidentima...
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Maртин вaн Крeвeлд, Успoн и прoпaдaњe држaвe, Фaкултeт бeзбeднoсти/ Aлбaтрoс плус, Бeoгрaд, 2012, стр. 428. Фeнoмeн држaвe, њeн нaстaнaк и рaзвoj, пojaвни oблици и кaрaктeристикe, oднoснo трaнсфoрмaциja држaвe крoз вeкoвe, нe прeстaje дa пoбуђуje пaжњу истрaживaчa рaзличитих тeoриjских дисциплинa. Meђу брojним примeримa нaучних aнaлизa кoнкрeтних a...
Conference Paper
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Purpose: Unfortunately, the use of Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) as a weapon of choice is still a terrorist and military practice despite the International Chemical Weapons Convention. Due to their extremely hazardous and lethal characteristics, they can be used only in a strictly controlled environment (laboratories and isolated platforms) by trai...
Conference Paper
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U ovom radu izvršen je uporedni prikaz političkih, ekonomskih, društvenih i ekoloških aspekata u analizi bezbednosnih rizika koji potiču od različitih oblika ugrožavanja poput terorizma, krađa, pronevera, sabotaža i prevara u upravljanju nuklearnim otpadom. Na taj način, primenom sektorskog pristupa bezbednosti, formulisanog u okviru Kopenhaške ško...
Conference Paper
In this paper we synthesised new hybrid porous carbon/MWCNT material using ionic liquid. Characterization of surface chemistry showed that hybrid porous carbon/MWCNT material, beside oxygen functionalities, has nitrogen as well as sulphur surface functional groups. This hybrid material was further tested as electrode material for multivalent ions e...
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Стратегија као својеврсна идеја или замисао како остварити националне интересе има важну улогу у егзистенцији државе. Њен успех почива на осмишљавању и имплементацији рационалних идејних решења, тачније, оних решења која су реално остварива у пракси а, при томе, ефектна и исплатива. Зато је важно разумети да стратешко мишљење, иако претежно умна и...
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The aim of this paper is a review of the conceptualization of national interest in the theoretical assumptions of realism. A review of the literature and its analysis provides an overview of the main findings of prominent realists who shaped the national interest and created a solid foundation for future research: Hans Morgentau, Raymond Aron, and...
Conference Paper
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In the modern security architecture, CBRN threats represent one of the most dangerous and devastating threats with immediate and prolonged effects both on people and the environment with additional security and economic consequences. The prompt and professional response has a key role in the management of the crisis caused by CBRN agents. That is w...
Conference Paper
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The modern security environment is undergoing a profound transformation. This transformation has been shaped by the emergence of new patterns of conflict and cooperation among state and non-state actors as well as the spread of globalization and new technologies. Also, the development of a new breed occurred, characterized by a combination of warfa...
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Учешће жена у активностима савремених ис-ламских екстремистичких организација пропраћено је неразуме-вањем, недоумицама, па и занемаривањем од стране научне зајед-нице, али и друштвене и политичке јавности. Улога жена у џиха-ду увек је стављана у други план, акценат је био на мушкарцима, пре свега на лидерима исламских екстремистичких организација....
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Contemporary security environment has been facing with a numerous security threats: from old threats to new and transformed threats. Security is no longer associated with pure military force that threaten the stability or the typical function of states. The broadening and deepening of our understanding of what constitutes a security threat and chal...
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Pipelines are an integral part of energy infrastructure and because of the length of spreading they are often the most vulnerable to attacks. Pipelines can be attacked by vandals or terrorists and can be the intended target for thieves or even sabotaged by the competition. It is not easy to prevent hostile, armed groups that attack the pipeline, an...
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The areas where armed conflicts take place and have been perpetrated by state or non-state actors involved in conflicts represent a suitable place for emergence of phenomenon of human trafficking. The exploitation of victims of trafficking in human beings in the context of armed conflicts can take various forms, so that for the purposes of our rese...
Conference Paper
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The media have a major impact on all spheres o f life and people have the only experience of many events thanks to the media exclusively. The public opinion has often been determined by the manner of media reporting, that give a great power to the media. Terrorists understand this presumption, so they pay a great attention on way how to attract a m...
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The emergence and use of the term „hybrid warfare“ is related to the efforts of the US military analysts to explain the changes in the physiognomy of war, as well as the practical problems of the US Armed Forces on the ground as a result of these changes. A wider debate within American (Western) military circles on the inefficiency of Western conve...
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The New Silk Road initiative represents a very important trade and cultural communication line connecting the two ends of Eurasian continent - PR China and Europe. This initiative concern various aspects - political, economic and cultural as well as the security aspect. Balkans security architecture has been significantly transformed over the last...
Conference Paper
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Sadržaj: Povećan interes za izučavanje regiona i regionalne bezbednosti javlja se iz dva razloga: regioni postaju centralno mesto gde dolazi do intenzivnih procesa sukobljavanja i saradnje i stiču "suštinsku autonomiju"od interakcija globalnih sila. Regionalni bezbednosni kompleksi predstavljaju regione koji su posmatrani kroz objektiv bezbednosti...
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Women have been involved in political violence for more than a century, but the academic focus on women terrorists is relatively recent dated. As terrorism is transforming, the role of women is evolving from secular to Islamic religious settings. The Western Balkans is a region that is particularly vulnerable to the appearance of the female terrori...
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This paper examines the impact of tensions over the exploitation of water on the emergence of internal and international conflicts in the Middle East. The deficit of this resource and the unilateral actions of states in water resources management are one of the main causes of the conflict between the countries in the Tigris and Euphrates basins and...
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Kонцепт стратегијске комуникације може да се примени на тероризам на два начина, зависно од актера. Може бити коришћен од стране терориста који посредством утицаја на понашање публике теже да остваре своје циљеве и од стране влада држава које њене принципе имплементирају у своје противтерористичко деловање. Терористи препознају бенефи-те које носи...
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Terrorist threats are to be considered as important determinant which affects the security of given tourist destinations. Proactive measures with the purpose of terrorist attacks prevention implies comprehensive and systematic approach and synchronized actions from numerous actors. The application of the resilience concept designed as a preventive...


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