Milan Matijević

Milan Matijević
University of Zagreb · Department of Teacher Education Studies



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September 1980 - present
University of Zagreb
  • Professor


Publications (47)
Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku učenika trećih razreda strukovnih škola i gimnazija (N=605). Od uključenih učenika, gimnaziju je pohađalo njih 253, a srednje strukovne škole 352 učenika. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati neke specifičnosti u percepciji učenika srednjih škola o važnosti nastavnih predmeta iz područja likovnih umjetnosti. Napravl...
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The aim of research was to examine how students in higher secondary education estimate the importance of visual arts subjects for the acquisition of general knowledge and the importance of visual arts for their future profession. The participants (N=605) were students in the third year of higher secondary education. Although the participants in the...
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U radu su kritičko-komparativnom i povijesnom analizom definirani, objašnjeni i dovedeni u odnos koncepti konstruktivističke didaktike te neurodidaktike s pravcima i pokretima reformne pedagogije. Analizom je pokazano da su neka od zajedničkih obilježja konstruktivističke didaktike i neurodidaktike vidljiva u nastavnim strategijama kao što su: učen...
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CALL 4 PAPERS: Croatian Andragogy Society (Zagreb) invites international education experts to participate in the 8th International conference on adult education „QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN ADULT EDUCATION“ Organised as an activity within ESF project „Promotion of Lifelong learning“ November 30th 2018 to December 2nd 2018 Zagreb, Croatia
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Mobile learning and teaching is currently becoming more and more interesting to all the participants of the educational process. New technologies are becoming more available and therefore widely present in the society. The possibilities these technologies offer are much greater than so far. Todays teachers realize that mobile technologies offer man...
The aim of this study was to examine the frequency of use and the motivation to use digital media in teaching and in the organisation of constructivist learning, as well as differences between teachers in elementary and secondary school (N=368). The results of the study show that both subgroups of teachers only sometimes or rarely use various digit...
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Škola treba stvarati uvjete za optimalno ostvarivanje mogućnosti svakog učenika. Svi su nastavni predmeti u školskom kurikulumu jednako važni za ostvarivanje i samopotvrđivanje potencijala svakog pojedinca jer, prema teoriji višestrukih inteligencija, svaki je pojedinac u nečemu dobar i ima predispozicije za uspjeh. Ovo je istraživanje posvećeno is...
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The aim of this research is to examine the extent to which certain sociodemographic characteristics of students and teachers, along with computer self-efficacy, attitudes towards the new media and the frequency of using the new media in instruction, can be regarded as predictors of constructivist teaching. The research was carried out on a sample o...
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Frequent technological changes have started the unstoppable changes in the development of human society. Unlimited access to the information is surely the first and the basic result of these changes. The next change, not less important, happened in the transfer and the presentation of the information and the knowledge. Development of mobile technol...
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The aim of this research was to investigate whether particular socio-demographic characteristics of pupils in lower secondary education, their level of computer self-efficacy and motivation for using digital media in class are considered significant pre-dictors of constructivist learning. Furthermore, the aim was to investigate the characteristics...
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The aim of this study was to determine the differences in spending free time in kinesiology and non-kinesiology related activities between subsamples defined according to gender and age on the sample of students completing primary and attending lower secondary education. Daily physical exercise is very important for the health of children and youth...
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Despite the understandings that constructivist and multimedia didactics, as well as curricular theory and multiple intelligences theory, have been providing for years, what happens in the classroom and in the teaching process is still mostly teacher-centred. The didactic and methodological scenarios that prevail in our classes are more suitable to...
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Sažetak U ovom radu autori povijesno-komparativnom metodom analiziraju kurikulumske pro-mjene u procesu poučavanja i učenja u školi. Analiza projekata i reformskih pravaca je usmjerena na čitavo 20. stoljeće, s naglaskom na početak 21. stoljeća u svijetu i Hrvatskoj. U prvoj polovini prošlog stoljeća kurikulumske promjene se odvijaju pod snažnim ut...
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We live in times of rapid change in all areas of science, technology, communication and social life. Every day we are asked to what extent school prepares us for these changes and for life in a new, multimedia environment. Children and adolescents spend less time at school or in other settings of learning than they do outdoors or within other socia...
Djeca i mladi net generacije odrastaju u digitalnom multimedijskom okruženju. Naziv „net-generacija“ djeca i mladi ovog doba su dobili zbog izloženosti snažnom utjecaju moćnih umreženih medija (eng. net - mreža; Internet, mobilni i 'pametni' telefoni, tablet, satelitska televizija). Do punoljetnosti i polaganja ispita zrelosti pripadnici net-genera...
It has been of great interest to researchers in education to explore students' experiences in school. Getting an insight into the daily activities of students in classroom activities can be very benefi-cial for the process of curriculum creation, improving student motivation or teaching. There are a number of factors that impact on students' experi...
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The aim of this study was to establish whether there are differences between the computer self-efficacy of pupils and teachers (N = 507) in the context of the classroom, as a developing workplace of the teacher in elementary education. The survey covered 184 teachers and 323 pupils in elementary school. The results show that there is no statistical...
U ovom radu prezentirana je jedna kritika didaktike nastave usmjerene na učitelja i nastavni program odnosno kritika tradicionalne didaktike koja i danas još uvijek dominira u učionicama osnovnih i srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj. I pored spoznaja konstruktivističke i kurikulumske didaktike te teorija učenja Benjamina Blooma, Roberta Gagnéa, Edgare Dale...
The course book Didactics, published by Bognar and Matijević in 1993 is the result of a years-long engagement in the process of changing teaching. In these endeavours, the authors have realised that it is not possible to change teaching unless the theory on which that teaching is based is changed as well. This relates to a synchronised change of th...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this research is to assess the frequency of learning through the new media and from textbooks at home and in class, and the frequency of learning from exercise books, and the correlation according to the type of school and to the form the students attend. The survey conducted on a sample of secondary school students attending either voca...
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The development and use of new media in the class emphasizes independent learning based on the activitiesofthestudents, constructivistlearningand student-centredlessonsin general. Using new media in the class does not prompt more efficient learning and teaching in itself, but can initiate the learning processes by didactically shaping the class wit...
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Learners in primary and secondary education live and grow up in a modern environment rich in multimedia (the internet, satellite TV, mobile phones...). They spend only 180 days per year in school and do not go to school for the remaining 185 days of the year. By the end of their secondary education, those children will have spent more time with the...
Autor upozorava na problem definiranja osnovnih pojmova koji se odnose nakomuniciran je i učenje uz pomoć novih medija, te na problem izbora odgovarajućih medija za nastavni proces i proces učenja (učenje se događa samo u školi!). Problem izbora medija za učenje i poučavanje nije nov, ali je nov kontekst događanja uvjetovan pojavom novih digitalnih...
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Udžbenik se već dugo promatra kao neizostavan element nastavnog procesa. Učenik, učitelj i udžbenik ključni su čimbenici nastave u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi. No, unatoč njegovoj učestaloj, gotovo neizostavnoj prisutnosti u nastavnom procesu, ostaje nejasno u kojoj mjeri je udžbenik didaktički oblikovan i prilagođen potrebama učenika. Ovaj rad je pr...
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Udžbenik je, pored učitelja, najvažniji izvor znanja za učenike. Tijekom školovanja učenicima se nude brojni udžbenici koji im pobliže objašnjavaju nastavne sadržaje i pomažu u stjecanju važnih kompetencija (npr. naučiti kako se uči, naučiti rješavati probleme itd.). Prema tome, učenici su najkompetentniji procjenjivati obilježja i prikladnost udžb...
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The stimulating learning environment in the period when Comenius wrote his Didactica Magna (Great Didactic), or when Maria Montessori came up with her original pedagogical concept, greatly differed from the stimulating learning environment at the beginning of this century. In the middle of the 17 th century, Comenius and learners could learn from o...
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Uvod Djeca i roditelji kod kuće često pričaju o školi. Glavna je tema, naravno: školsko ocjenjivanje. Ta je tema vjerojatno građanima Hrvatske zanimljivija i od nogometa i hokeja na ledu. Svaki dan u Hrvatskoj u školu odlazi oko 600.000 učenika, a za njihovo učenje i ponašanje u školi zainteresirano je više od 1.000.000 građana koji su njihovi rodi...
At the end of the last millennium, the school got a strong competition in the form of Internet, multimedia and other electronic media developed due to the new possibilities of gathering, processing, searching for and sending information. Alongside that, young and adults travel a lot, and while travelling they learn. Never in the history of mankind...
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IzmeĎu didaktike nastave usmjerene na učenika i kurikulumske teorije. U: Zbornik radova Četvrtog kongresa matematike. Zagreb: Hrvatsko matematičko društvo i Školska knjiga, str. 391-408. Sažetak -Nastava predstavlja organizirani proces učenja i poučavanja. Ona je djelotvorna ako su glavni subjekti tog procesa aktivni. Glavni subjekti su učenici. Na...
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Sastavljena su brojna određenja i postavljene mnoge teorije o tome što se uči i kako se odvija proces učenja. Među tim pokušajima znanstvenog objašnjenja procesa i rezultata učenja spominje se sintagma projektno učenje, a pedagozi i didaktičari govore o pro-jektnoj nastavi. Većina se psihologa slaže kako se uče repertoari po-našanja (Andrilović i Č...
Conference Paper
The authors consider the present and future of new media and the classroom environment of pupils in primary education. Some experts are inclined to see the future of the classroom teaching environment solely through the perspective of new media, primarily computers and the Internet. The authors agree that these media are essential for modern teachi...
U nastavnom kurikulumu evaluacija je važna varijabla i veoma važna aktivnost učenika i učitelja. Evaluacija ima snažan utjecaj na ukupno školsko i razredno-nastavno ozračje. Učenici vole školu u mjeri koliko su zadovoljni oblicima i rezultatima evaluacije, napose rezultatima unutarnje evaluacije. S obzirom na svrhu razlikuju se različite vrste eval...
U nastavnom kurikulumu evaluacija je važna varijabla i veoma važna aktivnost učenika i učitelja. Evaluacija ima snažan utjecaj na ukupno školsko i razredno-nastavno ozračje. Učenici vole školu u mjeri koliko su zadovoljni oblicima i rezultatima evaluacije, napose rezultatima unutarnje evaluacije. S obzirom na svrhu razlikuju se različite vrste eval...
Conference Paper
Abstract – Twenty years ago, distance learning was reserved mainly for adult learners. The development of computers and the Internet has facilitated the application of some distance learning methods in the compulsory education of children and young adults. Modern e-learning requires the introduction of more significant changes in traditional teachi...
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Na uzorku od 800 Roma, roditelja obaju spolova, autori istražuju relacije između njihovih samoiskaza u različitim oblicima neredovitosti pohađanja nastave njihove djece prema ukupnom broju njihove djece i formalnom bračnom statusu ispitanika. Polaze od hipoteza prema kojima (ne)redovitost tijeka školovanja ovisi kako o broju djece u obiteljima, tak...
Conference Paper
Abstract: This paper presents the basic knowledge about the influence of hypermedia educational technology on the selection and design of the teaching process for new generations of adolescent and adult students. The global teaching model which is predominant in the present-day school could be called "the class-subject-lesson system". This didactic...
Conference Paper
Media education (Germ. Mediendidaktik, Didaktik der Medien) is an educational scientific discipline which deals with the didactic formation of teaching media and the factors that go along with the application of modern communication media in the teaching process. Multimedia, as an immanent feature of modern communication media and of the modern tea...
Autor u radu prezetnira pregled osnovnih spoznaja iz područja suvremene didaktike i obrazovne tehnologije. Prikazana je kratka povijest didaktičkih teorija, pregled osnovnih didaktičkih strategije, osnove didaktike medija, mogućnost upotrebe interneta u obrazovanju.
Currently, in elementary schools in Croatia, a type of frontal teaching dominates in a class-subject-lesson system. Such teaching is more teacher-oriented than directed towards school-children. It is important what the teacher is doing and how the curriculum is carried out, and the pupils mostly sit, listen and watch. The author has been studying f...
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Sažetak – Ne postoji najbolja škola u svijetu. Kad bi takva škola postojala onda bi svi kopirali i organizirali baš takvu školu. Takvu školu nije moguće niti stvoriti. Naprosto, nije moguće zadovoljiti jednim rješenjem očekivanja koja razni ljudi i razni narodi postavljaju pred školu. Izlaz je u zagovaranju i ostvarivanju školskog pluralizma te raz...
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It is considered that television as a medium presented a great incentive for change to the global political movement in 1968. In those years, television achieved a notable level of power in terms of its informative, educational and political activity. At the end of the 19 th century and the beginning of the 20 th century, the communicative power of...
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According to the results of a survey conducted in 2006 in Croatia (N=2,994), 75% of pupils in primary education have a computer at home. Of this number, 70% are connected to the Internet. All elementary schools in Croatia have special classrooms where information can be accessed on the Internet, but it is planned to equip all classrooms with one co...
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Cjeloživotno obrazovanje nije umotvorina stručnkaka novijeg vremena. Učili su tijekom cijelog života i upozoravali na značenje toga fenomena filozofi i stručnjaci od davnih vremena. Samo je prije petsto ili 2500 godina značenje toga fenomena bilo različito od onoga koje ima danas. Prvi oblici učenja mladih i odraslih bili su iskustveni, a poučavanj...
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In this paper, the author describes the Finnish national curriculum for compulsory schools. Particular attention is paid to an analysis of the model of monitoring and grading of students’ activities and achievements in Finnish compulsory schools. The author seeks to answer the question of why Finnish students are so successful in the international...


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