Milagrosa C. SoriguerUniversidad de Cádiz | UCA · Department of Biology
Milagrosa C. Soriguer
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Publications (103)
An interdisciplinary team of experts in prehistoric archeology, terrestrial fauna and marine fauna of the Universities of Cadiz, Córdoba and CSIC of Barcelona, has studied sites from various prehistoric times in the Strait of Gibraltar region, both on the European and North African shore.
In particular from the Neolithic period we have recently exc...
Intertidal fish are a key component of littoral food webs, contributing to the diets of birds and commercial fish species. Ascertaining their growth and condition can therefore help understand the health status of local communities.
Lipophrys pholis is a fish of the rocky intertidal with a wide distribution throughout the North‐eastern Atlantic (NE...
In Ecuador, Peprilus medius is an important fishery resource whose destination is for local consumption and export. There are few local studies on its reproductive biology, and its capture is not regulated. Therefore, this study evaluates the most relevant aspects of its reproductive activity. Samples were obtained monthly from January to December...
Recientemente se ha retomado el estudio de la villa maritima romana y de la problemática arqueológica del Cabo Trafalgar, el antiguo Promontorium Iunonis (Barbate, Cádiz), con el objetivo fundamental de caracterizar su piscina de acuicultura, única hasta la fecha en Baetica. Se presenta en este trabajo un avance de la campaña de marzo de 2021, que...
The short-term site fidelity of intertidal fish species was studied in a rocky intertidal zone in southern Portugal using visible implant elastomer tagging. Eleven fish species were caught, tagged and released, seven of which were recaptured. The larger tide pool with the highest complexity level and located at a lower position in the shore level d...
We present the total length and total weight (wet mass) data of common blenny (Lipophrys pholis) caught from protected and unprotected rocky shores of two contrasting marine provinces in the temperate Northeastern Atlantic: Northern European Seas (NES) and Lusitania (LU). The samplings locations in NES were in Wales and England, and in LU were in S...
Length-weight relationships (LWRs) for six fish species caught from tidepools in an intertidal rocky shore in the Gulf of Cadiz are presented. This study presents the first data on LWR for Clinitrachus argentatus (WT = 0.0069 * TL3.077), Coryphoblennius galerita (WT = 0.0051 * TL3.409), and Parablennius incognitus (WT = 0.0090 * TL3.113) outside th...
Length‐weight relationships for seven fish species caught from tidepools in an intertidal rocky shore in the Gulf of Cadiz are presented. Fish were sampled monthly (April 2008–January 2012), using hand nets (mesh size 1.5 mm). The values of b parameter remained within the expected range of 2.5–3.5 for all fish species. An ANCOVA test was used to ev...
This study presents the results of the archaeological investigation in Benzú Cave, located on the North African shore of the Strait of Gibraltar. The archaeological deposits, approximately 1 m deep, belong to two occupational levels dated to the Neolithic and the Bronze Age. A wide range of artifacts was found, and this led to an interdisciplinary...
Intertidal fish are adapted to live in a fluctuating environment and are considered suitable bioindicators of environmental change. Understanding the relationship between fish species distribution and environmental variables is fundamental for comparative analysis among geo- graphical locations and identification of long-term trends predicted by gl...
Early development of the Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii from its free embryo after hatching (stage 36), until late embryo stage, when the transition to exogenous feeding starts (stage 45) is described. Special emphasis is given to morphological development and description of the different structures that are formed at each life stage. After h...
RESUMEN. El yacimiento de La Esparragosa se encuen-tra ubicado en la provincia de Cádiz (España), en plena orilla norte del Estrecho de Gibraltar. La tumba que nos ocupa constituye un caso excepcional para la denominada «cultura de los silos», ya que se ha podido documentar en este enterramiento en fosa la existencia de un individuo cubierto por un...
The reproductive cycle of seven common species (Gobius paganellus, Gobius bucchichi, Gobius cobitis, Parablennius sanguinolentus, Salaria pavo, Tripterygion tartessicum and Symphodus roissali) on rocky shores in the Gulf of Cadiz and their relationship with the sea surface temperature (SST) is analysed. Partial data on Scorpaena porcus are also giv...
The present work on the feeding ecology of Scorpaena porcus according to season, sex and size, is the first study carried out in the rocky intertidal in the NE Atlantic. Previous studies were carried out with fish collected in fishing grounds from Mediterranean areas. A total of 106 fish were caught in monthly samplings from April 2008 to July 2010...
This paper describes the use of resources and diet of nine resident fish species in the rocky intertidal zone of the Gulf of Cadiz and examines whether their populations are affected by trophic competition. A stomach content analysis of the nine species revealed that only one was herbivorous (Parablennius sanguinolentus), while the rest were mainly...
This article examines the role played by marine resources for hunter-gatherer groups of the Middle/Upper Pleistocene in the geohistorical region around the Straits of Gibraltar, on the basis of new evidence collected at the rock shelter of Benzú (North Africa). The stratigraphic sequence at Benzú has been dated to between 254 and 70 ka. The excavat...
Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) is one of the species with higher ecological and socioeconomic importance in the Gulf of Cadiz, and this is the reason of being subjected to a very high fishing pressure. Despite the precautions that have been taken in recent years, there is a lack of biological information of that species to allow proper managem...
The sequence and timing of the embryonic development of Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) are described at a constant temperature (17 ± 1 °C), from fertilisation to hatch in a hatchery. Fertilised eggs, obtained from one female and two males, were held in a flow-through system. On the first day, embryos were sampled every 20 min during the fir...
L’abri de Benzú est situé dans la ville de Ceuta, en Afrique du Nord. Nous apportons ici unbilan sur la géologie, la stratigraphie, la chronologie, l’écologie et les ressources utilisées parles sociétés préhistoriques de ce site. Nous mettons l’accent sur les données technologiquesissues du mobilier archéologique et sur les modes de vie. Les fondem...
The regulation of minimum sizes of catch is one of the oldest and most widely accepted tools for the management of fisheries. The principal justification that has been given for this measure is that it prevents the fishing of immature individuals. It is a technical measure used to manage fishing, with the object of allowing sufficient numbers of ju...
Archaeological excavations carried out by Professor M. Tarradell in the 50s of last century in the caves of Gar Cahal and Kaf That Gar (Northern Morocco), made with methods typical of the time, provide data of great interest to understand the historical processes that occurred in northern Morocco from social formations hunter-gatherer to the initia...
ABSTRACT: Archaeological excavations carried out by Professor M. Tarradell in the 50s of
last century in the caves of Gar Cahal and Kaf That Gar (Northern Morocco), made with methods
typical of the time, provide data of great interest to understand the historical processes that
occurred in northern Morocco from social formations hunter-gatherer to...
En la zona ístmica de la Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta se realizó una actividad arqueológica preventiva en el año 2006, en el solar situado en la plaza de África no 3, que deparó una interesante secuencia de época romana, tardorromana, medieval y moderna. Los restos de época preislámica se vinculan a contextos relacionados con el procesado de los recurs...
The Shelter of Benzú is located near the city of Ceuta, in North Africa. We are currently working on
the final stage of the scientific report of the activities carried out in the last years. So, we have done an evaluation, although still not final, of geological, stratigraphic, chronological, and ecological data as well as of the different resource...
El abrigo de Benzú se encuentra situado próximo a la ciudad de Ceuta, en el (norte) de África. Trabajamos en estos momentos en una fase final de la memoria científica de las actividades realizadas los últimos años. Por ello damos un balance, que todavía no es definitivo, de los datos geológicos, estratigráficos, cronológicos, ecológicos y de los re...
Las especies residentes del intermareal se distribuyen a lo largo de un gradiente latitudinal, y es su tolerancia térmica la que marca los límites de su distribución geográfica. El reclutamiento al área, es decir, el número de individuos que incrementan la abundancia de la población, procedentes de la reproducción anterior, es otro de los aspectos...
The size selectivity of alternative codends for nylon shrimp and yellow squat lobster was studied off the Chilean coast using the covered codend technique. Various mesh sizes (47 and 63 mm mesh opening) and shapes (diamond and square) in the codends were used. For both species, substituting the DM47 codend with the DM63 codend significantly increas...
Using the data collected in a size selectivity experiment on Chilean hake (Merluccius gayi gayi) carried out in 2000, the selectivity parameters for four codend mesh sizes (100, 110, 130, and 140 mm of mesh size opening) were estimated and modelled by the SELECT model. These analyses included considerations of the sampling proportions of the catch...
The behaviour of fish by-catch was recorded and characterized by in situ observations in the mouth of a crustacean trawl using an underwater camera system with artificial light, at depths between 106 and 461 m, along the central coast of Chile. The groups or species studied were rattails (family Macrouridae), Chilean hake Merluccius gayi gayi, shar...
Using the data collected in a size selectivity experiment on Chilean hake (Merluccius gayi gayi) carried out in 2000, the selectivity parameters for four codend mesh sizes (100, 110, 130, and 140 mm of mesh size opening) were estimated and modelled by the SELECT model. These analyses included considerations of the sampling proportions of the catch...
Queirolo, D., Hurtado, C. F., Gaete, E., Soriguer, M. C., Erzini, K., and Gutiérrez-Estrada, J. C. 2012. Effects of environmental conditions and fishing operations on the performance of a bottom trawl. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69: 293–302.
Trawl performance was studied based on net spread and variability in the contact of the footrope with...
Los ejemplares de Symphodus roissali, capturados en 3 áreas rocosas costeras de la Bahía de Cádiz, se examinaron para evaluar su crecimiento, sus hábitos alimenticios y reproductivos y las posibles relaciones con la ictiofauna residente y visitante. En total, se capturaron 628 peces desde el año 2003 al 2011. La zona presenta un patrón estacional,...
Se han capturado 648 ejemplares de Gobius bucchichi (Gobiidae) a lo largo de 3 años de muestreo (2008 – 2011), identificándose 236 hembras, 211 machos y 201 indeterminados. El sex-ratio, con un valor de 1.11 hembras por cada macho, se mantiene constante para las distintas clases de talla.El índice gonadosomático tanto de machos como de hembras pres...
Las zonas intermareales rocosas tienen un alto grado de variabilidad, tanto por cambios hidrodinámicos en los ciclos mareales, como por la presión de predación y competencia con especies de la zona submareal y del hábitat terrestre. Caracterizar las comunidades biológicas, diversidad, composición y variaciones, así como conocer la influencia de los...
Scorpaena porcus (Scorpaenidae) fue capturada en 3 zonas de intermareal rocoso del litoral gaditano. La ausencia en las capturas de ejemplares maduros sexualmente a lo largo de todo el estudio indica que no utiliza el intermareal rocoso como zona de puesta. Sin embargo, debido a su presencia mantenida en el tiempo consideramos a esta especie como r...
Scorpaena porcus (Scorpaenidae) es una especie que se distribuye en el Atlántico este, desde el sur de las islas Británicas hasta Senegal y en el Mediterráneo, incluido el mar Negro. Es una especie de interés comercial, explotada fundamentalmente por el sector artesanal y litoral, con trasmallo en el mar Negro y palangre de fondo en el Golfo de Cád...
Moluscos y púrpura en contextos arqueológicos atlántico-mediterráneos Nuevos datos y reflexiones en clave de proceso histórico JUAN JESÚS CANTILLO DARÍO BERNAL JOSÉ RAMOS (Eds.) Los estudios arqueomalacológicos constituyen una herramienta fundamental para la reconstrucción de los modos de vida de las sociedades del pasado en clave diacrónica, desde...
The regulation of minimum legal size (MLS) of catches is a tool widely applied in the management of
fisheries resources, although the MLS does not always coincide with the length at first maturity (LFM).
The optimization of this management tool requires a series of quality control in fish markets and
transportation. A software application has been...
Abstract The performance of robust principal component analysis (RPCA), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) with two demersal fish data sets were assessed in terms of their stability to bootstrap-generated sample variation and the method’s ability to reflect a well-known depth gradient. Stability w...
The Strait of Gibraltar is a geographic region between the south of Europe and the north of Africa. On the basis of the geological, geographical and ecological evidence, this is considered a historical region. Prehistoric societies that lived during the Pleistocene and Holocene on both sides of the Strait left behind very similar archaeological rec...
This study was conducted to determine the reduction in bycatch and the loss of target catch in trawl hauls for three commercial crustacean species (yellow squat lobster, Cervimunida johni, nylon shrimp, Heterocarpus reedi, and red squat lobster, Pleuroncodes monodon) in central Chile. Two experiments were carried out using the covered codend method...
a b s t r a c t The regulation of minimum legal size (MLS) of catches is a tool widely applied in the management of fisheries resources, although the MLS does not always coincide with the length at first maturity (LFM). The optimization of this management tool requires a series of quality control in fish markets and transportation. A software appli...
Although both seasonal patterns and short-term variation in CPUE are known to occur in most fisheries, particularly small-scale coastal fisheries, the analysis of their underlying factors have received little attention to date. When these factors become part of the local fishermen's ecological knowledge, the resulting peak abundances are often inte...
Many species of littoral fish that live in rocky substrates are syntopic, sharing the same coastal habitat. They have similar feeding behaviours and use small hollows as places to hide and spawn. In the present study, we identified a total of 16 resident fish species in a rockpool assemblage in the Gulf of Cádiz and studied their patterns of co-occ...
Size selectivity of the deep water longline used in the black spot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar was studied with data of four sizes of hooks. Logistic (classic) and Artificial Neural Networks (heuristic) selectivity models were fitted for two experimental fishing trials. Logistic selectivity model was adequate fo...
During the past 5 years researchers from the University of Cádiz have carried out several studies on artisanal fishing in Andalusia, with the object of determining the state of the fleet and safety on board vessels. These studies have been financed largely with help from the European Union. In this third approach to the topic, the census of the fle...
The Strait of Gibraltar is a geographic region between the south of Europe and the north of Africa. On the basis of the geological, geographical and ecological evidence, this is considered a historical region. Prehistoric societies that lived during the Pleistocene and Holocene on both sides of the Strait left behind very similar archaeological rec...
From so-called Social Archaeology boarded an analysis of the exploitation of marine resources for
hunter-gatherer-shellfish and tribal community mode social formations in the historic region of the Gibraltar
Strait. His analysis brings us closer to the lifestyles and ways of working of the societies from the Medium
Pleistocene to the Early Holocene...
This paper presents the SAGENA Archaeological Research Project, supported by the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science and Business of Andalusia, through its Excellence programme funds (2008-2011). The main aim of the project is to implement a research agenda on fishing equipment in the ancient world, a subject which has been much neglected in A...
The European Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) establishes a framework for the protection of all waters. Transitional waters are functional units with fluctuating and unstable dynamics, which leads to a high abundance and species diversity. The reference condition for a water body is the description of the biological quality elements that...
Analysing historical citations and the specimens preserved in museums, as well as zoological collections in France, Portugal,
Spain, and Italy, the historical and current distributions of sturgeons in southern Europe have been studied, using morphological
and genetic techniques. Errors were found in the classification of specimens of non-Adriatic o...
Background. The deep-water longline fishery of the blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo, is an economically important fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar, which is a very complex transition ecosystem between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean with an extreme spatial and temporal variability. This paper presents a series of morphometric r...
Andalusia, Spain, has an important tradition in the fishing industry that makes it one of the areas of the European Union where fisheries policies have a great significance for the population. In order to analyse the sector, a total number of boats to be surveyed was set at 10% of the total population: 202 boats of the total of 2027 in the census....
The present paper originates from a wider study of the Artisanal Fishing Fleet conducted during 2002, financed by the Regional Government of Andalusia (acronym SEGUMAR). In the SEGUMAR Project we are investigating the general state of the Andalusian fishing fleet from the point of view of health, safety and the prevention of occupational risks. A q...
The conditions of work in the fisheries sector are arduous with high rates of occupational accidents. Numerous factors are known that can directly influence the health of the sailor or fisherman both in fishing and merchant fleets.
To evaluate the health status, safety and working conditions in the Andalusian fishing sector.
Cross-sectional questio...