Mikyung Shin

Mikyung Shin
Mikyung verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Mikyung verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Illinois State University | ISU · Special Education



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August 2019 - June 2024
West Texas A&M University
  • Professor (Assistant)
August 2016 - August 2019
Jeonju University
  • Professor (Assistant)
September 2015 - February 2016
Ewha Womans University
  • Lecturer
August 2009 - August 2013
University of Texas at Austin
Field of study
  • Special education


Publications (79)
In this study, we examined the differences in reading comprehension processes between students with and without reading difficulties. A total of 72 third- and fourth-grade students in South Korea participated in the study; of these, 28 were identified as having reading difficulties and 44 were not. Multiple types of tasks were administered to evalu...
This study examines the effects of technology-assisted instruction with teacher prompts on the ability to visualize and solve fraction multiplication word problems for four middle school students with learning disabilities. A multiple-probe design across participants, a type of single-case design, showed a functional relationship between the interv...
There have been ongoing issues surrounding students with learning disabilities across different countries and cultures, including South Korea. This study aims to propose future education policies and practices for students with learning disabilities using Delphi surveys and topic modeling. To evaluate experts’ responses and validate the opinion-dri...
State legislation serves as a guide and critical influence on the evaluation and identification of students with dyslexia across the United States. The state of Texas has numerous laws and regulations concerning dyslexia, guided by the Texas Administrative Code, Texas Education Code, Texas Occupations Code, and the Texas Education Agency’s dyslexia...
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This study describes the benefits and challenges of meta-analyses of single-case design research using multilevel modeling. The researchers illustrate procedures for conducting meta-analyses using four-level multilevel modeling through open-source R code. The demonstration uses data from multiple-baseline or multiple-probe across-participant single...
강은영, 박해린, 신미경 (2023). 최근 교육 현장 변화에 따른 미래 학습장애 학생 교육 지원 정책 개발을 위한 인식 분석. 학습장애연구, 20(3), 111-138. The purpose of this study is to analyze perceptions that have recently emerged in the related system. This analysis is necessary as policy development plans are needed to support the future education of students with learning disabilities (LD) in South K...
Objectives: This is a conceptual replication aiming to investigate the cognitive processes of students with reading comprehension difficulties using the think-aloud protocol. Methods: Among 72 third- and fourth-grade participants, 28 poor comprehenders and 44 average students were identified based on screening criteria and standardized tests. The t...
This study investigates the effects of a synchronous online intervention that explicitly taught equivalent fractions using virtual manipulatives to fifth-grade students with learning disabilities. Employing a multiple probe across participants single-case design, this study provided 15 fraction lessons via video conferencing programs to three fifth...
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The purpose of this study was to conduct a content analysis of research on technology use for teaching mathematics to students with disabilities. We applied word networks and structural topic modeling of 488 studies published from 1980 to 2021. Results showed that the words "computer" and "computer-assisted instruction" had the highest degree of ce...
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Although South Korea has a relatively short history of special education, the country has made remarkable improvements following the Special Education Act (1974) and Act on Special Education for Persons with Disabilities (2008) mandates. The meaningful social inclusion of individuals with disabilities is a fundamental goal documented through the la...
The effects of whole number computation interventions among school students with learning disabilities in Grades K to 5 were examined using a multilevel meta-analysis. Applying a correlated and hierarchical effect model of robust variance estimation, we examined the intervention effects among 15 peer-reviewed articles and dissertations (two group d...
Difficulty learning to read presents many struggles for children and their families, and evaluation of parental perspectives of the dyslexia assessment process within the United States represents an under‐researched area. This study sought to investigate how parental perspectives change during their child's dyslexia assessment. Six hundred one pare...
Technology has changed the practices related to teaching and learning mathematics in schools. The demand for learning mathematics in virtual environments is increasing in the 21st-century classroom. There has been widespread expansion of the use of technology in education. This column reviews three types of instruction—synchronous, asynchronous, an...
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The purpose of this survey-based study was to investigate high school students’ perceptions of mathematics teachers’ implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)-based practices and technology in their mathematics classes in 2017. A total of 303 high school students in South Korea participated in this online survey on teachers’ use of tech...
Learning mathematics in an inclusive classroom is challenging for many students with disabilities. The adapted digital mathematics textbooks for Grades 3 to 6 in South Korea were designed to support these students’ access to the general mathematics curriculum. This study evaluates these textbooks according to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL)...
Technology has changed the practices related to teaching and learning mathematics in schools. The demand for learning mathematics in virtual environments is imminent and increasing in the 21st century classroom. There has been widespread expansion of the use of technology in education. The following article reviews three types of instruction—synchr...
Over the past decade, there has been a rapidly declining trend in the prevalence of students with learning disabilities in South Korea. In 2019, only 1.5% of students receiving special education support were identified as having learning disabilities. This column reports on three current issues related to learning disabilities to provide a greater...
We synthesized studies published since 2000 that assessed the effects of using virtual manipulatives to increase the mathematical accuracy of students with disabilities. We extracted a total of 1,796 raw data points from 114 cases across 35 single-case studies. By applying three-level multilevel modeling, we analyzed both immediate effects and tren...
Virtual manipulatives are interactive and dynamic visual objects on a screen, which allow students to manipulate them to construct mathematical knowledge. The purpose of this study was to synthesize the literature on interventions that used virtual manipulatives to improve the mathematics performance of K–12 students with learning disabilities. A t...
Single‐case research designs (SCRDs) are rigorous methods used to investigate the effects of interventions on socially important outcomes. A hallmark of SCRDs is repeated measurement of observable behavior presented in time‐series graphs. The construction of time‐series graphs can inflate Type I or Type II errors made via visual analysis. In the cu...
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Since 2004, federal regulations in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) have provided states with guidelines for serving the educational needs of students with disabilities. These guidelines delineate requirements for the identification of eligible professionals in charter schools, county education offices, and local education age...
In this meta-analysis of single-case designs, the researchers investigated the effects of word-problem instruction for students with learning disabilities in Grades 1 through 12, as reported in 20 peer-reviewed articles published between 1975 and 2020. A two-level multilevel model with a robust variance estimation method was implemented to calculat...
In this meta-analysis of single-case designs, the researchers investigated the effects of word-problem instruction for students with learning disabilities in grades 1 through 12, as reported in 20 peer-reviewed articles published between 1975 and 2020. A two-level multilevel model with a robust variance estimation method was implemented to calculat...
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This meta-analysis verifies associations between three dimensions of special education teachers’ (SET) burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment) and student-, teacher-, and school-related variables. Altogether, 28 peer-reviewed English articles and 13 dissertations (total sample of teachers = 6,623) published be...
Single-case research designs (SCRDs) are a collection of rigorous methods employed to investigate the effects of interventions on socially important outcomes for individuals. A hallmark of SCRDs is the repeated measurement of observable behavior. These data are presented in time-series graphs with time on the x-axis and the measurement of the behav...
Improving the algebraic concepts and skills of secondary school students with learning disabilities is critical for their success in college and in the job market. This research reviewed 12 studies to examine interventions for students with learning disabilities in relation to algebraic notions and competencies. The results indicate that in regard...
Conference Paper
Improving the algebraic concepts and skills of secondary school students with learning disabilities (LD) is critical for their success in college and the job market. This research reviewed 12 studies to examine interventions for students with LD in relation to algebraic notions and competencies. The results indicate that in regard to the Common Cor...
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*신미경, 이옥인 (2020). 보편적 학습설계 측면에서의 고등학교 국어과 교수 실태: 소셜 빅데이터 및 설문조사 분석. 한국산학기술학회논문지, 21(1), 1-12. This study examined the public interest in high school Korean language instruction and the universal design for learning (UDL) using the social big data analysis method. The observations from 10,339 search results led to the conclusion that public interest...
*신미경, 김우리 (2019). 수학 문장제 문제해결력과 작업기억 간 상관관계에 대한 메타분석. 특수교육학연구, 54(1), 61-89. The purpose of this study was to perform a meta-analysis of the correlation between mathematical word problem solving and the phonological loop, the visuo-spatial sketchpad, and the central executive working memory. Articles published in English peer-reviewed journals from...
Educators in South Korea have been adapting textbooks and related activities to meet the increasing need for national-level curricula for teachers of special and general education for students with disabilities at the elementary school level. The underlying aim is to create inclusive educational environments. There are four steps in adapting nation...
The importance of social studies and civics education is increasing, as evidenced by the growing number of states requiring coursework in this area for graduation and its growing presence in school accountability frameworks. Social studies instruction is critical for all students so that they may understand their roles, rights, and responsibilities...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of decoding and reading fluency to reading comprehension and how it differs across different types of comprehension measures among 4th-grade students with reading difficulties and disabilities (M age = 9.8, SD = 0.6). Results indicated that decoding and reading fluency predicted 8.1% to...
*김우리, 신미경, 유용석 (2018). 지도 읽기에서 사회과 학습부진 학생과 일반 학생들의 안구운동 차이. 아시아교육연구, 19(4), 1021-1048. The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in visual search for map reading between low achievers in social studies and average achievers. Participants were comprised of 18 fourth-year elementary school students, nine low achievers and nine average...
*신미경, 채수정 (2018). 경도지적장애 학생의 분수 개념 이해도 향상을 위한 시각적인 표상과 가상조작물의 활용 효과 비교. 특수교육, 17(3), 187-216. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of explicit, systematic instruction with the use of visual representations and virtual manipulatives to improve the understanding of fraction concepts by elementary school students. Method: We u...
Many students who have experienced complex trauma receive special education services related to emotional and behavioral disorders at residential treatment facilities (RTFs) as they undergo therapy. One academic skill in which students with emotional and behavioral disorders often struggle is writing. The current multi-probe, multiple-baseline, acr...
*이현주, 신미경, 최나리 (2018). 예비 중등 일반교사와 특수교사의 보편적 학습설계의 중요성에 대한 인식 비교. 통합교육연구, 13(2), 73-93. Recently, Universal Design for Learning has emerged as an important paradigm for successful inclusive education. In this context, this study aims to investigate and compare the perceptions regarding the significance on Universal Design for Learning between prese...
This study examined the effects of reading interventions from single-case design studies for students with and at risk of emotional and behavioral disorders in grades K-12 using a quantitative synthesis. Seventeen studies met the selection criteria of having one or more dependent variables meeting WWC design standards with or without reservations....
In this study, the researchers used a researcher‐developed online survey to examine the beliefs of elementary school general and special education teachers regarding inclusion and their implementation of mathematics instructional practices. Participants were 55 general and 38 special education teachers. The data analysis was performed using frequen...
*신미경, 정평강 (2018). 단일대상 메타분석 연구를 위한 그래프 추출 컴퓨터 프로그램의 신뢰도, 타당도, 사용성 평가. 특수교육, 17(3), 185-207. Purpose: This study analyzed the reliability, validity, and usability of GetData Graph Digitizer 2.26, a computer program used for graphic data extraction in the meta-analysis of single-case studies. Method: A set of 168 graphs (total number of data points =...
The purpose of this online survey study was to obtain basic information about South Korean high school students’ understanding of learning disabilities. A total of 343 students responded to questions about demographics, familiarity with terms related to learning disabilities, beliefs about learning disabilities, and attitudes toward students with l...
*배병덕, 이옥인, 신미경 (2018). 장애학생을 위한 앱 기반 스마트러닝 효과성에 대한 체계적인 문헌분석: 단일대상연구설계를 중심으로 . 특수아동교육연구, 20(2), 83-115. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to synthesize the effects of app-based smart learning for students with disabilities. The specific research questions according to the research purpose were as follows: First, what is the general characteri...
*Shin, M., & Choi, N. (2018). How Korean English Language Learners Learn Reading and Mathematics in English: Policy Considerations for At-Risk Students. Asia-Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 5(1), 56-68. The demographics of U. S. public school student populations have changed dramatically in recent years. As a result, many high-school...
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*신미경 (2018). 초등학교 수학부진학생을 위한 ‘재미난 분수’ 가상조작물 웹사이트 개발 및 가상조작물-반구체물-추상기호의 명시적이고, 순차적인 교수 효과. 학습장애연구, 15(1), 57-91. Elementary school students with mathematics difficulties experience significantly more complications in word problem-solving and mathematical reasoning of multiplying fractions than their peers. This study was conducted in two segments. T...
*박은영, 신미경, 채수정 (2018). 장애학생을 위한 개별 차원의 긍정적 행동지원에 대한 단일대상연구 메타분석. 행동분석․지원연구, 5(1), 27-48. The purpose of this study was to investigate a quantitative analysis of the effects of individualized positive behavior supports by conducting a meta-analysis of studies with single-case research designs. In this manner, a total of 28 articles published in Kore...
This article presents the results of a meta-analysis of the effects of school-based interventions for improving disability awareness and attitudes towards disability of students without disabilities in Kindergarten through secondary school grades in the Republic of Korea (South Korea). A total of 20 studies published between 2001 and 2017 were incl...
*신미경, 채수정, 정평강. (2018). 학습장애 학생들의 문장제 문제해결력 향상을 위한 전략교수 효과: 단일대상연구 메타분석. 학습장애연구, 15(3), 203-230. The purpose of this meta-analysis of single-case studies was to investigate the effects of general characteristics-related and strategic-instruction-related moderators on the use of strategic instruction in improving the ability to solve word problems a...
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신미경, 박은혜, 홍기형, 이주현, 박혜원 (2018). 읽기장애아동을 위한 하이브리드 모바일 읽기 게임의 사용성 검사. 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 18(1), 314-326. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability of a hybrid mobile reading game among 14 parents of children with reading disabilities. The reading game consisted of six steps according to the process of reading (familiarizing with consonants and...
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In 2001, the government of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) first established Special Education Support Centers (SESCs) to provide appropriate services to students identified as having disabilities based on Korean special education law. School supervisors in the local offices of education across the nation oversee the SESCs. Despite the importan...
Researchers have noted the lack of research to guide reading practice for students with and at-risk for emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD). Although comprehensive syntheses have identified promising practices and areas for future research, none have evaluated the rigor of studies according to quality indicators. The current study evaluated the...
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The definitions and educational policies related to learning disabilities have been updated throughout the last two decades since the passing of the Special Education Promotion Act (1994) in the Republic of Korea (South Korea). In particular, the definition of learning disabilities was entirely revised in the Special Education Act for Individuals W...
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신미경 (2017). 초등학교 수학의 교수를 위한 모바일 가상조작물 앱 분석. 멀티미디어학회논문지, 20(6), 935-949. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of virtual manipulatives apps that can be used to teach students struggling to learn mathematics. To achieve this goal, ten general characteristics of 23 virtual manipulatives apps were evaluated. The instructional, i...
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채수정, 박은영, 신미경 (2017). 전라북도 장애인 평생교육 지원 및 평생계획 요구 분석: 장애발생 시기에 따른 비교. 통합교육연구, 12(1), 163~187. The purpose of this survey was to analyze the need for lifelong education support and planning among adults with disabilities in Jeollabukdo according to individuals’ disability onset (congenital vs. acquired) and to suggest policy directions for lifelong e...
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신미경, 이현주 (2017). 수학부진, 국어부진, 국어수학부진, 일반 초등학생의 창의성 발달 매개효과 분석: 잠재성장모형을 중심으로. 학습장애연구, 14(1), 123-148. This study targeted elementary school students with mathematics difficulties, reading difficulties, reading and mathematics difficulties, and no learning difficulties. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of teachers' interactive clas...
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이영미, 박은혜, 김영태, 신미경 (2017). 특수학교 교사와 특수학급 교사의 장애 학생 읽기 지도 실태 분석. 특수아동교육연구, 19(1), 27-52. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare special school and special class teachers’ teaching experiences and reading instructional supports for students with disabilities. Method: Questionnaires were developed to examine the reading instructional pract...
Students with mathematics learning disabilities (MLD) have a weak understanding of fraction concepts and skills, which are foundations of algebra. Such students might benefit from computer-assisted instruction that utilizes evidence-based instructional components (cognitive strategies, feedback, virtual manipulatives). As a pilot study using a mult...
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Many students with learning disabilities demonstrate difficulty in developing a conceptual understanding of mathematical topics. Researchers recommend using visual models to support student learning of the concepts and skills necessary to complete abstract and symbolic mathematical problems. Virtual manipulatives (i.e., interactive visual models) c...
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신미경, 강은영, 옥민욱. 수학학습에 어려움이 있는 장애 및 학습부진 학생들을 위한 초등학교 일반 교사들의 통합교육에 대한 인식 및 수학교수 실제 실태조사. 특수교육, 2016, 제15권, 제4호, 33-60. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to survey elementary school general education teachers' beliefs on inclusive education and mathematics instructional practices for students with disabilities and learning difficulties. A total...
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신미경, 박은혜, 김영태, 강진경 (2016). 장애학생들의 음운인식 및 단어재인능력 향상을 위한 읽기중재: 단일대상 메타분석 연구. 특수아동교육연구, 18(2), 45-75. Purpose: This study synthesized the effect sizes of reading interventions on phonological awareness and word recognition for students with disabilities. Eight moderators were also examined. Method: A total of 29 single-subject studies between 1994 and...
Co-teaching is commonly used to support students with disabilities in inclusive educational settings. However, there is often a gap between the potential effectiveness of co-teaching and actual classroom practice. This study examined preservice teachers co-teaching experiences to better understand this gap to identify potential practices for improv...
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This study synthesized intervention studies focusing on instruction to improve fraction skills. Seventeen studies met the inclusion criteria: being published in English-language peer-reviewed journals or dissertations between 1975 and 2014, and targeting 3rd- through 12th-grade students struggling to learn mathematics. From the Common Core State St...
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신미경, 김우리 (2015). 학습장애 학생들의 인지 특성: 메타분석의 활용. 특수교육, 14(3), 217-239. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the cognitive performance of students having learning disabilities with typical students and students with other similar disabilities (at-risk students and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This study also investigated how th...
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Systematically observing instruction for students with learning disabilities provides information regarding the quality of school-based interventions, allocation of instructional time, and other implementation variables associated with student outcomes. In this synthesis, observation studies of reading and mathematics instruction from 2000 to 2013...
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The purpose of this study was to synthesize the findings from 23 articles that compared the mathematical and cognitive performances of students with mathematics learning disabilities (LD) to (a) students with LD in mathematics and reading, (b) age- or grade-matched students with no LD, and (c) mathematical-ability-matched younger students with no L...
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By applying Collaborative Strategic Reading to the reading comprehension instruction of three English language learners from Korean cultural backgrounds in the first grade (i.e., 7 years old), this qualitative study describes interactions while applying the preview and the click and clunk strategies in a group, the percentage of utterances and the...


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