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Publications (43)
This article reports on a study using data from nation‐wide standardised examinations in Poland. We analysed the extent to which grade 9 student achievements have depended on the stability of their peer group over the course of middle school. We controlled for the fixed effects of schools attended by the students, as well as for individual achievem...
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest eksploracyjna analiza przestrzennej alokacji środków na kapitał ludzki na poziomie lokalnym w Polsce. W szczególności analiza ta dotyczy przestrzennej dystrybucji środków Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki (POKL 2007–2013). Kolejne etapy badania obejmują: ekstrapolację na poziom lokalny (gminny) zastosowanego w POK...
Nowadays, the interdisciplinary approach is a major trend in academic research. Working over traditional boundaries seems to be essential in studying the connections between history and regional development. In this paper, we describe how we applied an interdisciplinary approach in examining the impact of historical institutions on present-day educ...
According to the economic literature human capital is a critical growth factor. This is why migration of individuals well endowed with human capital is subject of interest for both academics and policymakers. The aim of this paper is to identify main drivers of highly skilled migration within Poland. Following the findings of earlier studies, we ar...
Many authors claim that regional differences in average student achievements in Poland are partly determined by the cultural factors and cannot be fully explained by uneven spending on education or by reproduction of human capital between generations. The aim of this article is to better understand this phenomenon by studying the institutional aspe...
The goal of this paper – set in the context of the reform to lower the school starting age in Poland – is to investigate the determinants of parental decisions to enrol their six-year-old children in the 1st grade versus leaving them in preschool or preparatory class. It was found that starting school before the compulsory term occurs primarily in...
One important aspect of the debate on optimal school grade configuration concernsthe effect of peer group stability (versus disintegration)on student achievements. We address this issue in the context of the recent reform of Poland’s school systemthat has extendedelementary schooling to eight years and abolishedmiddle schools. Using data from the n...
The goal of this work is to better understand the institutional changes in the educational systems of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. We demonstrate that the educational reforms implemented during the transformation introduced very different institutional arrangements in the four countries, despite the fact that their systems shar...
The aim of this article is to gain a better understanding of the patterns of human capital mobility in transition economies. It exploits a unique dataset from a Polish social networking website to develop a typology of skilled migration. Determinants of human capital flows are further elaborated using an empirical model of student and graduate migr...
This paper investigates some early outcomes of the reform to lower the school starting age in Poland. It explores data on the school performance of 6- and 7-year-old pupils, collected in the transitory period of the reform, when parents were welcomed to enroll their 6-year-old children in the first grade on a voluntary basis. The discovery is that...
Celem autorów jest porównanie wyborów edukacyjnych dwóch grup społecznych uzyskujących wyższe wykształcenie w Polsce – przedstawicieli tradycyjnej „inteligencji” oraz osób pochodzących z niewykształconych środowisk, dla których studia wyższe wiążą się z możliwością społecznego awansu. Istotny kontekst badania stanowi dynamiczny proces upowszechnien...
Working paper investigating some early outcomes of the reform lowering the school starting age in Poland
The goal of this article was to estimate the regional rates of return of investment in higher education as well as potential benefits of migration of educated people between Polish regions. The results show that the benefits of higher education in Poland are higher for women than for men. Also, wage benefits of education grow with age and work expe...
The goal of this work is to better understand the existing variation in educational outcomes between the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia by comparing the institutional changes in the education systems. The motivation comes from the strongly divergent achievements of these countries in PISA tests, in which Poland has recently outperform...
The goal of this work is to better understand the existing variation in educational outcomes between the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia by comparing the institutional changes in the education systems. The motivation comes from the strongly divergent achievements of these countries in PISA tests, in which Poland has recently outperfor...
In this paper we use a unique, large dataset collected from a social networking website to
develop a typology of the educational and post-educational mobility in Poland, to identify
regions that are winning or losing in terms of human capital accumulation, and to elaborate on
factors of human capital migration using empirical model of interregio...
The transformation of Polish economy toward a free market system and related changes on the Polish labour market released the demand for higher education, held for decades at an artificially low level. The impressive increase in enrolment was possible because the Polish government allowed the private sector to establish higher education institution...
1. Ruchliwość przestrzenna mieszkających w Polsce osób w wieku do 30 lat jest niska. Około 75% badanych nigdy nie zmieniło
miejsca (miejscowości) zamieszkania. Na migrację stałą nieco częściej decydują się młode kobiety niż mężczyźni, natomiast
status społeczno-ekonomiczny rodziny, z której wywodzi się respondent, nie wpływa znacząco na skłonność d...
Celem niniejszego raportu jest zaproponowanie nowego podejścia do monitorowania realizacji Społecznej Strategii Warszawy w zakresie kapitału ludzkiego. Uchwalona w grudniu 2008 r. Społeczna Strategia Warszawy, obejmująca lata 2009-2020, jest ważnym świadectwem perspektywicznego myślenia o rozwoju miasta. Jej istotność wynika przede wszystkim z uzna...
Universities’ contributions to urban development frequently focus on their micro- or macro-scale effects, ignoring the meso-scale effects they have on inter-territorial relationships. Although universities are seen as an essential part of the recipe for successful urban development, there is a lacuna to understanding how they make places and shape...
According to economic theory, supported by rich empirical evidence, the ability of an economy to accumulate a high quality human capital is an important factor of economic growth. Since economies better endowed with human capital grow at a higher rate, the mobility of skilled individuals should have a meaningful effect on the economic perspectives...
Strengthening economic cohesion of regional economies is usually considered as one of the major goals of regional policy. At the same time, metropolitan cities are recognized as main centres of economic growth, influencing the development perspectives of more peripheral areas. It is therefore important to know the range and the mechanism of spillov...
This paper is aimed at investigating the presence of sigma and beta convergence regarding per capita GDP levels between the Polish subregions over the period 1995-2006. We verify the existence of absolute convergence, as well as convergence conditioned on the stock of physical capital, human capital, and the size of the central city, being emphasis...
This paper demonstrates how the probability of enrolment in tertiary schools evolves for different social groups in Poland over the period of educational boom and expansion of tertiary schooling institutions. It also investigates how the socio-economic status influences the choices between full-time and part-time studies (the latter being of relati...
This paper investigates the presence of sigma and beta convergence between the Polish subregions over 1995–2006. We verify for the absolute convergence, as well as for the convergence conditioned on the stock of physical capital, human capital and the size of the central city, these being emphasised in the literature as important factors of regiona...
Human capital stock affects economic growth by raising the productivity of labour in a given area or by enhancing the ability of the regional economy to create and absorb innovations. From the perspective of an academic city, this process can be reinforced by attracting students and researchers to study and work at the local universities. To do thi...
Divergent histories and changing country boundaries can lead to substantial within country variation in economic and social structures and inequality in economic and social outcomes. Given its changing borders and turbulent history, Poland provides a fertile setting for an examination of the effects of social and economic structures. In this paper...
Ten years after delegating the responsibility for school management and operation maintenance to local governments, the education funding system in Poland still faces open challenges of fundamental importance. Although the decentralisation of education is commonly considered a success, the particular mechanisms of funding and legal solutions are ho...
Celem analizy przedstawionej w dalszej części artykułu jest symulacja wzrostu gospodarczego w polskich regionach i podregionach w latach 2006–2015, wykorzystująca obserwowane w przeszłości odchylenia regionalnych stóp wzrostu od stopy krajowej. Prognoza przewiduje, że głównymi ośrodkami wzrostu w badanym okresie będą metropolie warszawska i poznańs...
Peryferyjnie położone województwo warmińsko-mazurskie jest jednym z najuboższych regionów w Polsce, jednocześnie boryka się z najtrudniejszymi w skali kraju a nawet Unii Europejskiej problemami na rynku pracy (najniższy wskaźnik zatrudnienia i najwyższy wskaźnik bezrobocia). Ta mieszanka trudności ekonomicznych i społecznych stanowi wielkie wyzwani...
The impact of school choice on education quality is one of the most hotly contested issues in education economics. We contribute to the debate by investigating the effect of concentration of local education markets and the number of schools in the city on the average achievements of 9th grade students in Polish middle schools. We find the evidence...
Theory and empirical literature relates educational quality to four main explanatory factors: intergenerational transfer of human capital, quality of schools, school composition and economic conditions. Based on these findings a model explaining territorial differentiation of educational quality is proposed. The dependent variable is test score of...
We investigate the size-related features of the production function of Polish primary schools. The interplay of small schools ineffectiveness and of organizational and social difficulties appearing in large schools implies that the relationship between school size and student achievement is non-linear, with the optimal size crucially dependent on t...