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Mikhail Y. Pletnev

Mikhail Y. Pletnev

Doctor of Science
Looking for collaborators or business partners in parapharmacy, green/smart solutions in household and personal care.


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As a formulator and chemical engineer with various accomplishments, I'm looking for an employer, collaborator or a business partner for consulting, personal training and creating value-added products.
Additional affiliations
May 2009 - June 2020
Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies, Russian Technological University - MIREA
  • Head of Department
  • Skills in: interfaces, adsorption processes, nanoparticles, emulsions, foams, surfactants, polymer solutions, other colloids; specialty chemicals, personal care, related products and technologies.
September 1996 - December 2001
Belgorod National Research University
  • Head of Department, Professor
November 1973 - December 1977
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences
Field of study
  • Colloid Chemistry
September 1964 - March 1970
Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies
Field of study
  • Study of iodine sorption from the 2nd type brines in fluidized bed of the AV-17 anion exchanger.


Publications (104)
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Запатентована пена с лимитированной стабильностью, используемая для временной разметки футбольного поля.Пат. RU 2 732 490 C2; МПК C09K 3/30, C09D 5/29, A63B 71/024; 29.11.2016/17.09.2020.
This is a supplementary file to my presentation "Multilevel protection against COVID-19. Importance of personal prophylaxis by regular care of the nasopharyngeal area" containing slide-by-slide comments, references, and the case history. The Spanish version is also available.
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This presentation is devoted to the personal prophylaxis by regular care of the nasopharyngeal area during dramatic times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here I am justifying the need for daily procedures that can allow you to avoid this dangerous infection or alleviate the course of a confirmed viral disease. This is my personal experience of many years...
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The origin, basic features, and behavior of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) are considered here in terms of prevention, namely through the prism of an available set of tools that allow us to avoid the dangerous disease. Part 1 is a brief overview of hand sanitizers, their kinds, regulation, and new formulation ideas. Other parts will be decided t...
Research Proposal
Basic features and behavior of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are deeply examined in terms of the disease prevention methods, namely through the prism of the most proper natural remedies that can allow us to avoid this dangerous disease. The development is grounded on a seven-year experience in protection against acute viral and influenza infections an...
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В компактном учебно-методическом пособии «Технология эмульсий. Гидрофильно-липофильный баланс и обращение фаз» на современном уровне раскрываются: особенности строения и стабилизации эмульсий, теория и практика гидрофильно-липофильного баланса (ГЛБ), принципы классификации ПАВ-эмульгаторов по шкале ГЛБ, методы нахождения «требуемого» ГЛБ масел и вы...
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Using self-foaming dispenser, wet aqueous foams were prepared from isoviscous solutions of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) with chemically distinct polymer stabilizers. Contribution of coalescence and Ostwald ripening to the foam decay was examined from photos and video data. The bubble coarsening was estimated by dispersion analysis using the Lifshitz...
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Ensuring the stability and transparency of dispersions is an interindustry colloid-chemical and formulation task with many variables. In this presentation, theory and practice of obtaining stable and transparent suspensions, gels, micellar solutions, encapsulated systems and concentrates is briefly outlined. What is better to choose? What's new her...
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Plenary lecture at the InterExpoBeauty - InterBytkhim Show, Feb. 28, 2017, Gostiny Dvor, Moscow: Новые коллоидно-химические подходы к загущению и стабилизации продуктов�� / Novel Colloid-chemical Approaches to the Product Stabilization and Thickening
Conference Paper
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The range of new acrylate (co)polymers from the number of cross-linked and hydrophobically modified polymers activated by the addition of alkali has been tested as water foam stabilizers. According to the dispersion analysis, a conclusion was made about the mechanism of foam destruction with these polymers and xanthan as a comparison model.The rheo...
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Invention relates to a method of determining water resistance of materials, such as textile items, natural and artificial leather, fabric, non-woven materials and coatings, as well as testing hydrophilic properties of materials, water repellent compositions and impregnation compounds used to endow them with water resistance. Material sample weight...
Conference Paper
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The plenary lecture is devoted to nanoparticles in personal care products with special attention to nanosilver. The term "Nanomaterials" is meant an insoluble or biologically stable specially prepared material, which has one or more dimensions (or internal structure) with a particle size ranging from one to one hundred nanometers. As cosmetic ingre...
Conference Paper
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Густая обильная пена является непременным атрибутом современных шампуней, средств для принятия ванн и душа, препаратов для очищения кожи и снятия макияжа. Важная современная тенденция в косметике состоит в более широком использовании природных и экологичных косметических ингридиентов. Однако присущие им характеристики подчас не отвечают требованиям...
Conference Paper
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There is a growing demand in natural and nature-derived surfactants because of their diverse advantages, such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, and sustainable production from renewable biomass sources. Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate (SLSar) or sodium N-dodecanoyl-sarcosinate is a mild and eco-friendly surfactant derived from amino acid sarcosine...
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Data have been presented on the dispersity, drainage, and rheological properties of aqueous foams stabilized with acylamidopropyl betaine (cocaamidopropyl betaine) and containing a polysaccharide, xanthan gum, as well as solid particles of silica or bentonite clay. The influence of the addition of xanthan gum and the solid particles on the rate of...
This chapter discusses the chemistry of surfactants. Surface active substances or surfactants are amphiphilic compounds having a lyophilic, in particular hydrophilic, part (polar group) and a lyophobic, in particular hydrophobic, part (often hydrocarbon chain). The amphiphilic structure of surfactants is responsible for their tendency to concentrat...
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Data of the bubble size analysis, drainage and rheological properties of aqueous foams stabilized by acylaminopropylbetaine (acyl is of coconut origin, CAPB) as well as by xanthan gum, microbial polysaccharide, and particles of colloidal silica or bentonite clay are given. Effect of additives of xanthan gum and solid particles on the drainage rate,...
Conference Paper
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Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate (SLSar) or sodium N-dodecanoylsarcosinate is mild and eco-friendly surfactant derived from amino acid sarcosine and palm-kernel or coconut oil. SLSar offers good foaming and cleansing, skin and mucous compatibility. SLSar is characterized often as a ‘cryptoanionic’ surfactant due to the hydrophilic peptide spacer and weak...
Влияние полифункциональных поверхностно-активных веществ на ингибирование солеотложений в высокоминерализованной воде. Influence of polyfunctional surfactants on the inhibition of scale deposition in highly mineralized water. Results of the study of nonionic and anionic surfactants containing ethylene oxide as scale inhibitors in mineralised water...
Conference Paper
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Data of the bubble size analysis, drainage and rheological properties of aqueous foams stabilized by sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) and acylaminopropylbetaine (acyl is of coconut origin, CAPB) as well as by xanthan gum, microbial polysaccharide, and particles of colloidal silica or bentonite clay are given. Effect of additives of xanthan gum and soli...
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Изобретение относится к составам бытовой химии, применяемым для гидрофобизации изделий из натуральной гладкой и ворсовой кожи и их защиты от негативного воздействия растворов электролитов. Композиция для защиты материалов от действия воды и/или водных растворов, содержит: а) органический растворитель; b) реакционноспособный бифункциональный аминоси...
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Structure of Biodiesel E-learning Course (22 lectures in total) 1. Introduction to Biodiesel. Biodiesel in the Context of Global Energy Trends 2. Biodiesel Feedstocks and Byproducts 3. Fat-and-Oil Recovery and Refining 4. Chemistry of transesterification and related stages 5. Industrial Process – General Description 6. Methods of Analysis and Qua...
Raw materials for production of surfactants, surfactant synthesis, general characteristics, trade names, applications, structure-performance relations in surfactants are critically reviewed. Surfactants: Chemistry, Interfacial Properties, Applications (Studies in Interface Science, v. 13), Edited by V.B. Fainerman, D. Möbius, R. Miller, 01/2001: ch...
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Data have been presented on wetting of the surfaces of gelatin hydrogels and natural chamois leather with water and sunflower oil both in the initial state and after treatment with hydrophobising agents—poly(1,1,2,2-tetrahydroperfluoroalkylmethyl acrylates), where perfluoroalkyl is n-C6F13 and n-C8F17. The kinetics of variations in the contact angl...
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Представлены данные исследования влияния поверхностно-активных веществ (ПАВ) из числа эфирокарбоксилатов и эфирофосфатов на электрохимическую коррозию низкоуглеродистой стали в нейтральной среде боратного буфера с помощью электрохимического и эллипсометрического методов анализа. Результаты работы показывают, что добавка ПАВ подавляет коррозию ст3....
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Data of the bubble size analysis, drainage and rheological properties of aqueous foams stabilized by alkylaminopropylbetaine (alkyl is of coconut origin, CAPB) as well as by xanthan gum, microbial polysaccharide, and particles of colloidal silica or bentonite clay are given. Effect of additives of xanthan gum and solid particles on the drainage rat...
Conference Paper
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Foams and emulsions are disperse systems, which are widely used in cosmetics and personal care formulations. Quality and stability of foam are important for the bath and shower aids, shampoos and toothpastes whereas emulsion form is most typical for cosmetic creams and lotions. Foams and emulsions are thermodynamically not stable systems, they are...
Conference Paper
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Various surfaces that show superhydrophobic and ultralow-adhesive properties are very promising for a large scope of industrial and domestic applications, such as: self-cleaning surface of solar panels and car windscreens, stain-resistant textile and leather, anti-graffiti coatings, aircraft anti-ice treatment, and biofouling-resistant coatings for...
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The results of investigation of nonionic and anionic surfactants among ethylene oxide derivatives as inhibitors of scaling in highly mineralized water are given. The obtained experimental data allow developing and applying more effective compositions of scale inhibitors used in water circulation systems of industrial enterprises. Source: http://wat...
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The dynamic surface tension and adsorption properties of the aqueous solutions of N'-undecylenamidopropyl-N ''-trimethylammonium methyl sulfate, an eco-friendly cationic surfactant, were evaluated by a maximum bubble pressure method at various life times.
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The conditions of formation of stable highly dispersed direct emulsions water-soybean oil-mineral oil-emulsifier (base of “natural” creams), stabilized with natural emulsifiers, soybean lecithin and lysolecithin, were examined. The effect of 1,2-pentanediol and 1,2-octanediol on the stability of the emulsions and on the particle size and charge was...
Приведены результаты коллоидно-химических закономерностей зародышеобразования и роста частиц карбоната кальция в водной среде в присутствии диспергаторов из числа анионных и неионогенных поверхностно-активных веществ. На основе данных фотометрического анализа предложен механизм действия «криптоанионных» поверхностно-активных веществ (эфирокарбоксил...
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The book introduces readers to the substances and compositions, which are known as preservatives and used for preservation during the product storage, shelf-life and application. This compact book provides a list of the most common and other preservatives as well as the synergistic mixtures. Systems of non-conventional, organic and natural preserva...
Conference Paper
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Industrial waters used in circulation systems and heat exchangers accumulate usually salts, which varies depending on the region and the water treatment system. Enterprises are forced to use recycled waters containing a sparingly soluble salts, particularly with increased percentage of calcium, magnesium, barium and other polyvalent ions. The scale...
Conference Paper
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We have investigated foaming properties and foam stability depending on nature of a surfactant in aqueous solution containing colloidal silica particles generally used in toothpastes as an abrasive and gelling agent. Foam volume and stability were determined by shaking of 20 ml of the aqueous surfactant solutions in graduated cylinders at room temp...
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The dispersity, specific surface area, porosity, and pore size distribution are determined for samples of colloidal silica and calcium o-phosphate, toothpaste constituents. The results obtained show that adsorbents have the developed mesoporous structure. It was found that the adsorption of sodium lauryl sulfate and a nonionic surfactant, glyceryl...
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in situ усиленные наноструктурированные полимерные композиты, необычные латексы и микрокапсулы с уникальными свойствами. Ключевые слова: адсорбция, вещества поверхностно-активные, краевой угол, латексы, нанокомпозиты полимерные, смачивание, устойчивость эмульсий, эмульсии Пикеринга, эмульсионная полимеризация. Более столетия тому назад было обнаруж...
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Пленарный доклад посвящен веществам и композициям, называем консервантами, которые применяют для презервирования продукции в течение всего срока ее годности и использования. Добавка консерванта сводит к минимуму вероятность развития микроорганизмов ― бактерий, грибов или плесени. Размножаясь в продукте, они способны вызывать утрату его качества, то...
Conference Paper
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Further displacement of fossil fuels is highly questionable without extensive involving in emerging production technologies of lignocellulosic biomass, other alternatives (e.g. algae) and organic wastes and innovative methods of conversion thereof. Shifting toward biofuels in developing countries should be accomplished with careful consideration of...
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Mixing the alcoholic extract of bee propolis with distilled water or model of seawater gives rise to aqueous dispersions with or without emulsifier. High dispersion stability is attained at HLB 13.9 using sorbitan oleate and polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate (Polysorbate-80) as a binary emulsifier. The initial particle size of dispersions is almo...
Conference Paper
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There are a number of compounds (essential oils, vegetable extracts and fermentation products) of natural origin, which claiming to be natural preservatives and currently available on the market. Like as natural or nature-identical preservatives should be differentiated here. Preserving efficiency of the non-conventional preservatives and their syn...
Conference Paper
Global market of biofuels and fast-growing production capacities are soaring in the 21st century that require more sustainable supply of biomass other than sugar, starch and vegetable oil. Agricultural land that would need to meet the demand is limited in developed and populous countries. Abundance of cost-effective feedstocks, such as cellulose, o...
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The article considers results of rheological studies of dilute aqueous dispersions of montmorillonite near the sol-gel transition. Results of dynamic light scattering, rotational viscometry, and adsorption data reveal the presence of a critical concentration of the structure formation, which is strongly influenced by the electrolyte (NaCl) concentr...
The global biodiesel production is highly increasing; therefore, large amounts of crude glycerol as a by-product of transesterification of vegetable oils are generated. Refined glycerol is widely used in pharmacy, cosmetics, food and other industries. However, glycerol refining is expensive and power-consuming process, which makes it beyond capacit...
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Although ethanol and biodiesel (FAME) are main drivers for the World biofuel market, other biofuels can be economically produced from vegetable biomass. Today, (bio)butanol, obtained from starch and molasses by the modified ABE or Weizmann process, seems again as a promising kind of biofuel, which offer the higher caloric and octane value with resp...
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Environmentally friendly (‘green’) and mild surfactants derived essentially from vegetable raw materials are briefly reviewed. Demand for these surfactants is stirred up by a fast-growing market of natural and organic products, especially from the personal care sector. Some recent developments in the field of green and natural surfactants from oleo...
Conference Paper
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50 лет назад, еще многие в качестве основного средства поддержания чистоты используют хозяйственное мыло. Вне зависимости от размера, опыта производители моющих (МС) и чистя-щих (ЧС) средств стараются удовлетворить эти явные и скрытые потребности, облегчить малоприятные, требующие затрат времени и труда операции.
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Review of reports at the 23rd IFSCC Congress "Cosmetic Science - Unlocking the Mystery, Fantasy, and Reality", 24-27 October 2004, Orlando, USA.
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Modern trends in raw materials: an overview In fact, the tendency to »naturalness« can be considered as condensed essence of human aspirations with respect to the requirements mentioned above. Products claiming to be »natural« (Fig. 1) are gaining more weight, especially in the global cosmetic market. Responsible care for environment gives also ris...
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Average particle radii of dilute calcium oleate dispersions containing various efficient surfactants-dispersants of calcium soap are calculated from the data on optical density. The effect of the surfactant on the particle sizes and kinetics of their variations during two hours are studied. Dispersing efficiency does not always correlates with the...
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About 20 types of vegetable oils are of great importance as raw materials for oleochemical industry. Soybean oil, palm/palm-kernel oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, and coconut oil contribute to the largest part of those. Production of palm oil had the fastest rate of growth during the 1991 – 2000 period showing 7.2% average annual increase, wherea...
The handbook contains data on a great variety of surfactants and related products (surfactant compositions, complex emulsifiers, amphiphilic polymers, etc.) that are manufactured mainly by European producers. Surfactant types, their properties, selection and applications are briefly reviewed. Trade and chemical names of surfactant products as well...
This chapter discusses the chemistry of surfactants. Surface active substances or surfactants are amphiphilic compounds having a lyophilic, in particular hydrophilic, part (polar group) and a lyophobic, in particular hydrophobic, part (often hydrocarbon chain). The amphiphilic structure of surfactants is responsible for their tendency to concentrat...
This chapter discusses the chemistry of surfactants. Surface active substances or surfactants are amphiphilic compounds having a lyophilic, in particular hydrophilic, part (polar group) and a lyophobic, in particular hydrophobic, part (often hydrocarbon chain). The amphiphilic structure of surfactants is responsible for their tendency to concentrat...
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This publication provides comprehensive material on the chemical and physical attributes of surfactants and new models for the understanding of structure-property relationships. Surfactants Chemistry, Interfacial Properties, Applications provides efficient instruments for the prognostication of principal physicochemical properties and the technolog...
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Изобретение относится к веществам, используемым в качестве добавок к мылам и моющим средствам на мыльной основе с целью повышения их эффективности в жесткой воде путем предотвращения осаждения известкового мыла. Предложена синергическая смесь ПАВ-диспергаторов известкового мыла, содержащая оксиэтилированные спирты и/или алкилфенолы, отличающаяся те...
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The colloidal solubility boundaries (Kraffi points) of binary mixtures of individual sodium soaps with sodium salts of acyl isethionates as well as the sodium salt of an ether carboxylate were determined by the conductometric polythermic method. For the mixtures of sodium soap and sodium acyl isethionate having close chain lengths, the Krafft point...
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Temperature ranges of colloid solubility (Krafft points, Tk) of sodium myristate and its mixtures with sodium stearate and sodium dodecylsulphate in 0.01 M aqueous sodium hydroxide solution are determined using electric conductivity measurements. Ranges of limited solubility of the component with higher Tk value in surfactant micelles of the compon...
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Методом электропроводности определены температурные области коллоидной растворимости (точки Крафта, Тк) миристата натрия со стеаратом натрия и додецилсульфатом натрия в 0.01 М водном растворе NaOH. Отмечены области ограниченной растворимости в мицеллах ПАВ с низкой Тк компонента, имеющего более высокую Тк.
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The boundaries of the colloidal solubility (Kraft points) of individual sodium soaps and sodium acyl isethionates, as well as of their mixtures, have been determined by the polythermic, conductometric method. For mixtures of soaps and sodium acyl isethionates with close chain length the dependence of Kraft points upon composition has a pseudo-eutec...
Interaction of anionic surfactants with polyethylene glycols has been investigated. Behaviour of sodium dodecylsulphate and tetramethylammonium dodecylsulphate has been compared. It has been shown, that hydrophobic cation of tetramethyl ammonium substantially reduces the possibility of association of anionic surfactants with polyethylene glycols. T...
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Letter to the Editor: Interaction of anionic surfactants with polyethylene glycols has been investigated by dye solubilization. Behaviour of sodium dodecylsulphate and tetramethylammonium dodecylsulphate has been compared. It has been shown, that hydrophobic cation of tetramethyl ammonium substantially reduces the possibility of association between...
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The book covers the basics of the development and use of personal care detergents, assessing the quality and consumer properties of a wide range of products: shampoos, hair conditioners, soaps, shower and bath aids, etc. Their typical formulations, ingredients, and preparation methods are reviewed. The book is addressed to chemists, technologists,...
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The carbonyl group of asymmetric perfluorinated ketone, 2-fluorosulfonylperfluoroethyloctyl ketone, show hydration in water forming hemidiol, which has surface activity and, like alcohols, the ability to associate by hydrogen bonding with the polar group of anionic surfactant, such as ammonium perfluorononanoate. Карбонильная группа асимметричного...
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The composition of mixed micelles of a series of ionogenic hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon SF was calculated with the Rubin equation. The parameter of the interaction between them is always positive. In the region of phase boundaries, it approaches ∞, and the calculated equation has no solutions. The data graphically indicate the antagonism between hy...
The hydrostatic stability of low-aeration foams prepared from solutions of different foaming agents for extinguishing fires, including film-forming, synthetic, and new thixotropic, was estimated. The last foam was distinguished by high stability, insulating capacity, quenching efficiency, and good adhesion to surfaces, which ensures elevated operat...
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The curve representing the specific electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions of nonionic surfactants as function of concentration has an inflection in the region of the CMC (Concentration of Micelle Formation). It is caused by the influence of the excluded (micellar) volume and the change in the activity of cations, specially added to the solut...
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The curves representing the specific electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions of nonionic surfactants as function of concentration have an inflection in the region of CMC of surfactants. It is result of the influence of the excluded (micellar) volume and the change in the activity of cations, which were specially added to the solution or presen...
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In aqueous solutions, polyoxyethylene chain of a nonionic surfactant, like a cyclic crown ether, can bind cations and convert into an associated cationic surfactant, which is able to interact electrostatically with an anionic surfactant, cation's donor. As a result of the cooperative association between nonionic and anionic surfactants, mixed micel...
Like a crown ether, a polyoxyethylene chain of a nonionogenic surfactant can bind cations in an aqueous solution and, as it were, be converted into an associated cationic surfactant capable of undergoing an electrostatic interaction with an anionic surfactant, i. e. , the donor of the cations. The cooperative association of such surfactant molecule...
A deviation from the additivity of the surface and interphase tension of aqueous solutions of mixtures of sodium lauryl sulfate with the sodium and ammonium salt of perfluoropelargonic acid was found. The antagonism of the surfactants consists of the fact that the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of their mixtures is higher than the CMC of the...
Rheological and colloid-chemical properties of aqueous xanthan (anionic microbial polysaccharide) solutions were studied in the presence of the 1:1 electrolyte NaCl and sodium lauryl sulfate, NaLS. The temperature dependence of the effective viscosity of aq. xanthan solutions undergoes a break at 60-70 C, identified as the reversible transition of...
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Rheological and colloid-chemical properties of diluted aqueous xanthan gum solutions containing NaCl and sodium laurylsulphate were studied by viscometry, tensiometry, dye solubilization and circular diсhroism, CD. Viscosity and CD measurements indicate the presence in the xanthan solution of a large fraction of an ordered rigid helix structure tha...
Rheological properties of aqueous xanthane solutions (anionic microbic polysaccharide were studied in the presence of the simplest electrolyte NaCl and sodium lauryl sulfate. The temperature dependence of the effective viscosity of solutions undergoes a break at 60-70 degree , identified as the reversible transition of xanthane molecules from a spi...
A comparative analysis of the isotherms of the surface tension gamma //L//A and contact angle of wetting theta of polypropylene (PP) for aqueous solutions of surfactants is reported: hydroxyethylated lauryl alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, and ammonium perfluoroheptanoate. The adsorption of these surfactants on the boundaries of the solution with PP...
Conference Paper
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Wetting of low-energy surfaces of PP and paraffin by aqueous solutions of micelle-forming surfactants was studied. Surfactant adsorption and the concentration of maximal adsorption at S/L and L/A interfaces were obtained. Role of nature of the surfactant in wetting of polymer surfaces is analysed.
Surfactants with the general formula H(CF//2)//nCH//2(OC//2H//4)//mOH have been prepared by the ethoxylation of alpha , alpha , omega -trihydroperfluoroalcohols and purification, where n equals 6, 8, 10 and m equals 8. 2, 8. 2, 8. 8. Surface tension isotherms of the alpha , alpha , omega -trihydroperfluoroalkyl ethoxylates (TPFE) were used to deter...
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Additive of polypropylene glycols (PPG), their block-copolymers and alkyl derivatives offer temperature-controlled foaming in surfactant solutions above the cloud point (CP). PPG-reach coacervate phase nucleated in the solution above CP act as defoaming agent. The foam inhibition in surfactant solutions is interpreted in terms of theory of heteroge...


Questions (2)
Some institutions where I once worked have changed their names over time. I recently received a notification here: "Institution names have been updated" with a suggestion to make changes to my affiliations or education history. Does it make sense to do this? And why?
Hi! There was some kind of glitch on my ResearchGate page: the citations of my 104 articles, books and other publications suddenly turned out to be zero (see screenshot). What's reason of this surprise?
Regards, Dr. Mikhail Pletnev


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