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Mikhail Yu Markovets

Mikhail Yu Markovets
Zoologigal Institute RAS · Biological Station "Rybachy"



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Publications (44)
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The thick-shelled river mussel Unio crassus is categorized as Endangered on the IUCN Red List, and searching for surviving populations is urgent. We surveyed for this species in Kaliningradskaya Oblast, a Russian territory lying between Poland and Lithuania, where empty shells of the species had been reported from two rivers. There are at least 125...
The family Hippoboscidae Samouelle, 1819 includes approximately 213 species. The genus Ornithomya Latreille, 1802 (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) is one of the largest louse fly genera and now includes 31 species. These flies are parasites of different small birds from the order Passeriformes. Many of them specifically prefer swallows as hosts. Swallows h...
The arid belt of Central Asia constitutes a barrier for small landbirds during autumn migration. Some species that migrate from Siberia to Africa circumvent this barrier by taking a detour around the northern coast of the Caspian Sea. It becomes increasingly clear that at least some songbirds that migrate between eastern Europe and southern Asia al...
The parasitic family Hippoboscidae is distributed around the world and currently includes more than 200 species. These insects are of high veterinary importance both as carriers of dangerous diseases and as transport for other groups of parasites. The genus Ornithophila is one of the smallest genera among Hippoboscidae. Currently, the genus Ornitho...
Pond bat Myotis dasycneme is distributed from Belgium to Eastern Siberia, between 44°–50° N and 60° N. The total population of M. dasycneme is probably declining, but supporting data are incomplete. The conservation status of the species is not yet completely assessed. Surveys of hibernacula and foraging sites have been carried out recently in Nort...
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Bats, like birds, are capable of long annual migrations; however, a very limited number of studies are devoted to the role of the Earth's magnetic field in bat navigation. We aimed to perform a series of experiments on Nathusius's pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii) to ensure that they are able to use the geomagnetic field for orientation. Bats wer...
Conference Paper
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Область гнездования глухой кукушки (Cuculus optatus) охватывает большую часть таёжной зоны Евразии, включая самую северную границу бореальных лесов. Пути миграции и районы зимовок кукушек разных популяций этого вида изучены крайне слабо, что связано как со скрытностью птиц вне сезона размножения, так и с внешним сходством с представителями близких...
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Louse flies from the family Hippoboscidae parasitise birds and mammals. Both males and females feed on the blood and carry many dangerous diseases. Representatives of the genus Ornithoctona are full-winged, widely specialised parasites of birds. Before this study it was considered, that the genus Ornithoctona includes 12 species. Among them, only t...
The arid belt of Central Asia is a major barrier for many migrating songbirds. It has to be crossed by passerines that breed in Siberia and winter in Africa, but also by the species that breed in eastern Europe and winter in southern and south-eastern Asia. Many passerine migrants breeding in Siberia and wintering in Africa avoid crossing the deser...
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Information on seagrass in the Russian section of the Baltic Sea-Sambia Peninsula, Curonian Spit, and Gulf of Finland (water area of Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions) is generalized based on a recent survey, literature search, and study of herbarium samples. Seagrasses are found in the emissions of most of the coast of the Kaliningrad region, but...
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Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmental change.
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Ecological “big data” Human activities are rapidly altering the natural world. Nowhere is this more evident, perhaps, than in the Arctic, yet this region remains one of the most remote and difficult to study. Researchers have increasingly relied on animal tracking data in these regions to understand individual species' responses, but if we want to...
The wetlands of Central Asia, including many of high ecological value, are poorly studied and poorly represented in international conservation activities. The Sorokaoziorki (“Forty Lakelets”) complex of wetlands, located in the arid Koibalskaya steppe (Republic of Khakassia, Russian Federation), falls into this category. We documented the origin of...
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Background Haemoproteus parasites are widespread, and some species cause disease in wild and domestic birds. However, the insect vectors remain unknown for the majority of species and genetic lineages of avian Haemoproteus. This information is crucial for better understanding the biology of haemoproteids, the epidemiology of haemoproteosis, and the...
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Since 1957, Biological Station Rybachy performs long-term monitoring of timing of spring and autumn migrations, timing of breeding and postfledging movements, dynamics of numbers of breeding and transient bird populations by standardized trapping in Rybachy-type funnel traps on the Courish Spit on Baltic coast. The results of monitoring strongly su...
The avian haemosporidian parasite Haemoproteus majoris has been reported to infect a wide range of passerine birds throughout the Holarctic ecozone. Five cytochrome b (cyt b) lineages have been described as belonging to the morphological species H. majoris and these form a tight phylogenetic cluster together with 13 undescribed lineages that differ...
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Haemoproteus parasites are widespread, and several species cause diseases both in birds and blood-sucking insects. These pathogens are transmitted by dipterans belonging to the Ceratopogonidae and Hippoboscidae, however certain vector species remain unknown for the majority of Haemoproteus spp. Owls are often infected by Haemoproteus parasites, but...
The interest in experimental studies on avian malaria caused by Plasmodium species has increased recently due to the need of direct information about host-parasite interactions. Numerous important issues (host susceptibility, development of infection, the resistance and tolerance to avian malaria) can be answered using experimental infections. Howe...
Recently, the lineage hTURDUS2 of Haemoproteus minutus (Haemosporida, Haemoproteidae) was reported to cause mortality in captive parrots. This parasite lineage is widespread and prevalent in the blackbird Turdus merula throughout its entire distribution range. Species identity of other closely related lineages recently reported in dead parrots rema...
Conference Paper
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We studied wintering ecology of bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) during 2003-2007 in Eilat, Israel (29.33N, 34.57E). We used ptilochronology to evaluate the relative annual differences in growth bar width, i.e., their nutritional condition . Migrants in 2003 showed no significant difference between sex and age groups. During autumn passage the mean d...
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Analysis of the mean date of first captures and median arrival dates of spring migration for 34 species of birds at Eilat, Israel, revealed that the earlier a species migrates through Eilat, the greater is the inter-annual variation in the total time of its passage. Birds arrive during spring migration in Eilat in four structured and independent wa...
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This paper examines the phenology and biometrics of Bluethroats staging in the Eilat region. This is of special interest because of the extreme conditions with which this temperate zone breeding species has to contend because Eilat is a desert habitat and is the last green area before the crossing of the deserts in autumn or after it in spring. Dat...
Late-hatched Great Tits Parus major have often a lower local recruitment rate than those hatched early. However, estimates of recruitment usually neglect differential disappearance due to dispersal. We report on the proportions of late-hatched breeders in two Great Tit breeding populations (near St. Petersburg, NW Russia, and on the Courish Spit, E...
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Over four years, nestling Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) were banded and recaptured in nest boxes at a 44 km long and 1–1.5 km wide study area along the Courish Spit on the southeast Baltic coast. The return rate for males was nearly twice as high as for females. Males settled significantly closer to their natal sites than predicted by the n...
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Over four years, nestling Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) were banded and recaptured in nest boxes at a 44 km long and 1–1.5 km wide study area along the Courish Spit on the southeast Baltic coast. The return rate for males was nearly twice as high as for females. Males settled significantly closer to their natal sites than predicted by the n...
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The most critical, and dangerous, time of the avian life cycle probably is the migratory period when not only does a migrating bird have to decide on the routes to take to and from the wintering grounds but also when to rest, where and for how long. To understood the migrants decision we studied migratory European Bee-eaters (Merops apiaster) along...
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Between 1984 and 2002,a total of 7643 Bluethroats were ringed and 1054 of these were recaptured at the International Birding and Research Center (IBRCE) in Eilat,Israel (291330N, 341570E). The autumn migration of Bluethroat begins in September and ends in early December (median 01-Nov). The spring migration starts in early March and continues till...
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The Yellow-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus xanthopygos is an abundant resident throughout Israel but no natural history and demographic studies on the species have been published to date. We analyzed the ringing data for eight years at the Bird Sanctuary of the International Birding and Research Centre in Eilat (IBRCE). We compared the changes in biometri...
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Study of philopatry and dispersal of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca was launched on the Courish Spit (SE Baltic) in 1981. Since then, ca. 9,000 nestlings were ringed at different sites in the Russian part of the Courish Spit. A total of 557 individuals ringed as pulli were recaptured in subsequent seasons in the study area. Both males and fema...
Conference Paper
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The life history of the migratory bird species is dictated by the cost-benefit decisions made during the year. It appears that the most critical, and dangerous, time of the life cycle is the migratory period when not only do they have to decide on the routes to take to and from the wintering grounds but also when to stopover, where and for how long...
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Analysis of dynamics of autumn numbers in 47 passerine species from Sweden, Russia (Courish Spit), Poland and Belgium in 1957-1975 has shown that in these countries, in most species high numbers were recorded in the 1960s. However in the mid 1970s, in most species numbers have significantly declined in these regions. The decline was recorded in bot...
The terms of spring migration were analyzed in 20 migrating Passerines species in relation to mean spring temperatures. The mean terms of migration in 6 species arriving predominantly in April are significantly related to the April temperature: the higher temperature, the earlier are terms of migrating birds through the Courish Spit. A significant...
Analysis of spring migration in 33 Passerines species showed that the earlier the species migrated through the Courish Spit, the greater is variation of migration terms. The annual variation of migration terms is not related to a distance of migration. During the period under investigation (1959-1996), in early (April) migrating birds the early ter...
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Sokolov, L.V., Markovets, M.Yu. & Yu. G. Morozov (1999): Long-term dynamics of the mean date of autumn migration in passerines on the Courish Spit of the Baltic Sea. Avian Ecol. Behav. 2: 1-18. The analysis of the mean date of autumn migration in juveniles in 26 passerine species over 40 years (1959-1998) revealed considerable inter-annual variatio...
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Sokolov, L. (1998): Long-term trends in the timing of spring migration of passerines on the Courish Spit of the Baltic Sea. Avian Ecology and Behaviour 1: 1—21. An analysis of dates of first captures and mean dates of spring migration in 33 passerine species revealed that the earlier a species migrates through the Courish Spit, the greater is the i...
The hypothesis of higher survival rates in bird males than those of females was tested. Annual survival rates for both sexes in 10 species were estimated using the stochastic models. In 8 species survival of males was higher than that of the females, although significant differences were found in two species only. The analysis of published data alo...


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