Mihriban Civan

Mihriban Civan
Kocaeli University · Department of Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy


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August 2020 - present
Kocaeli University
  • Associate Director


Publications (44)
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The interest in the studies on Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) levels indoors has increased with the banning or phase out of the use of PCBs in commercial products due to their adverse effects on human health. A comprehensive PCB source apportionment and risk estimation study was conducted for the first time using house dust in Turkey. Fifteen PCB...
Soil samples collected from 50 greenhouses (GHs) cultivated with tomatoes (plasticcovered:24, glass-covered:26), 5 open-area tomato growing farmlands, and 5 non-agricultural areas were analyzed in summer and winter seasons for 13 PAEs. The total concentrations (Σ13PAEs) in the GHs ranged from 212 to 2484 ng/g, wheeas the concentrations in open-area...
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The study aimed to determine the effects of torrefaction on the fuel properties of pellets. Therefore, firstly, torrefaction parameters of rose (Rosa Damascena Mill.) oil distillation solid waste and red pine sawdust were determined through the torrefaction optimization process in terms of temperature and holding time. Then, using the selected torr...
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TOBB Türkiye İklimlendirme Meclisi, İç Hava Kalitesi Komitesi ve Limit Değerler Çalışma Grubu (LDÇG) iç hava kalitesi alanında uluslararası saygın dergilerde iç hava kirliliği ile ilgili yayınları olma ve hava kirleticilerinin sağlık etkileri konusunda bilgi birikimi sahibi olma kriterlerini sağlayan araştırmacılar arasından geniş bir kirletici lis...
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Two different biomass types, rose oil (Rosa damascena Mill.) distillation solid wastes (RDWs) and red pine sawdust (RPS), were pelletized in this study at different moisture and additives. The prepared pellets were also torrefied. This study revealed that the strength of the RPS and RDW pellets decreased as their moisture content increased in both...
Five waste wood samples representing wood processing wastes, pine wood, four chemically treated waste woods, wooden window frame, wooden parquet, and two different furniture made of MDF (f1 and f2, produced for the production of office furniture from two different factories) were selected to determine combustion characteristics. Pine tree samples (...
Artan nüfus ve kentleşme beraberinde birçok hava kirliliğini getirmekte ve bunun sonucunda bronşit, astım, kalp krizi, akciğer hastalığı, kanser ve erken ölüm gibi hava kirliliğinin neden olduğu hastalıklara neden olmaktadır. İnsanlar, özellikle kentsel alanlarda yaşayanlar, zamanlarının %90'ından fazlasını iç mekanlarda geçirdikleri için, son zama...
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ZET Partikül madde (PM)'ler sebep olduğu sağlık riskleri ve taşıdıkları kanserojenik kirleticiler sebebi ile önemli iç ortam hava kirleticileri arasında yer almaktadır. Bu sebeple insanların çalıştıkları, yaşadıkları, vakit geçirdikleri iç ortamların seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesi oldukça önemlidir. Özellikle hassas alt gruplar tarafından ziyaret...
The presence of microplastics (MPs) in the atmosphere and their relationship with other pollutants have been gaining attention due to both their ubiquity and threatening human health. As well phthalic acid esters (PAEs) regarding as plasticizers for being added in plastic materials are key role for plastic pollution. In this study, the concentratio...
In this study, the combustion characteristics and kinetics of various mixtures of both raw and torrefied rose pulp and red pine sawdust with each other and with Elbistan lignite were investigated in the context of lignocellulosic biomasses’ potential use as fuel. Ignition temperatures, peak temperatures, burnout temperatures, and comprehensive comb...
Restrictions have been imposed on the number of people, the duration of their stay and air conditioning operation in temples to limit the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This work studied how restrictions affected energy consumption, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality (IAQ) in mosques. Energy consumption data on lighting, heating and coolin...
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Bu çalışmada, İzmit Körfezi’nde Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon (PAH) kirliliğinin analizi için kullanılabilecek çok-ortamlı akıbet modellerine destek olmak üzere gerçekleştirilen saha çalışmalarının planlama ve uygulama süreci sunulmuştur. TÜBİTAK tarafından 118Y155 numaralı, “İzmit Körfezi için Çok-Ortamlı Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon Akıbeti...
Organoklorlu Pestisit(OCP)’ler doğada kalıcı özelliktedir ve toprakta birikme eğilimi gösterir. Çevreye ve insan sağlığına olan olumsuz etkilerinden dolayı son yıllarda dikkat çekmeye başlamıştır. OCP’lerin besin zincirine katıldığı ilk nokta olan sera yetiştiriciliğinde, seviyelerinin tespit edilmesi son derece önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada 24...
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İzmit İlçesi’nde yaz (Temmuz 2018 - Eylül 2018) ve kış mevsimlerinde (Kasım 2018 - Ocak 2019) yüksek hacimli örnekleyici kullanılarak partikül madde (PM2.5) derişimleri ölçülmüştür. Mekânsal dağılımdaki farklılığı belirlemek için 14 noktada numune toplanmıştır. PM2.5 numuneleri, 24 saat boyunca 1,13 m3/dk bir akış hızında kuvars filtre kağıdı kulla...
Holy temples represent a unique type of buildings due to their large inner space, purpose, and intermittent use. This review summarizes the essential knowledge embodied in the numerous research studies performed on the topics of thermal comfort, indoor air quality, and energy consumption in temples. The focus is on churches and mosques as two frequ...
A number of studies have pointed out the occurrence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in indoor dust from different commercial and residential settings, but limited studies exist on the apportionment of their potential sources. This study aims to determine the levels and apportion of possible sources of 14 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE...
In this study, the effects of particle size on combustion kinetics, mechanisms, and decomposition characteristics of five wood samples were examined using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) under air atmosphere and three different heating rates (10, 40, and 80 °C/min). By using the both Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Coats-Redfern methods, the highest activati...
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The interest in phthalate esters (PAEs) has increased in recent years because elevated phthalate levels have been detected in environmental matrices and they have certain adverse effects on human health. Indoor dust from 90 homes and outdoor (street) dust from outside these homes were collected in Kocaeli province between February and April 2016 an...
Conference Paper
Prenatal exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) may increase the sensitivity of pregnancy and develop health risks in early childhood. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are still existing in the environment even if they were banned and it's still unknown how much we are exposed to PCBs. This study aims to measure the levels of PCBs in mate...
Conference Paper
Phthalates are a group of artificially synthesized organic compounds that are widely used in consumer products, food packaging, medical products as well as used additives or plasticizer in polyvinyl acetates, polyvinyl chloride to improve flexibility and resistance of plastic products. The main objective of this study is to analyze the phthalate le...
Conference Paper
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were collected in 11 different points of industry, urban, road and rural sites of Kocaeli in summer season (August). 16 PAH defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) as "priority pollutants" were measured in two diffrerent size with GC MS system. PAH levels have changed drastically in diffe...
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Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and inorganic pollutants including sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and ozone (O3) were measured using passive samplers in both indoor and outdoor environments at 2, 5, 8, 13, 17, 24, and 29 m from the ground level at a high-rise building in the Middle East Technical University campus...
The levels and sources of VOCs in the atmosphere of Bursa have been investigated by measuring C2-C12 VOCs which include alkanes, alkenes, alkines, aromatics and halogenated hydrocarbons in two different campaigns. The first campaign was carried out between September 14 and November 6, 2005, and the second one between March 17 and May 10, 2006. The...
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Indoor dust samples were collected from 40 homes in Kocaeli, Turkey and were analyzed simultaneously for 14 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and 16 poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) isomers. The total concentrations of PBDEs (Σ14PBDEs) ranged from 29.32 to 4790 ng g⁻¹, with a median of 316.1 ng g⁻¹, while the total indoor dust concentrations...
Indoor concentrations of 34 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) were measured at 32 sampling points in classes, offices and hallways of the Environmental Engineering Department (ENVE) in the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara. Outdoor samples were also collected around the de...
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A total of 34 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured in the indoor of laboratories, offices and classrooms of the Chemical Engineering Department of Hacettepe University in Ankara in 2 week-day passive sampling campaigns. The average concentrations ranged from 0.77 to 265 μg m−3 at the different indoor sites, with the most abundant VOC fou...
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In this study, concentrations of approximately 30 VOCs were measured, between January and June 2008 at a university campus in Ankara. Concentrations of measured VOCs are lower than corresponding concentrations reported for other cities in literature. Average concentrations of the measured VOCs ranged from 0.04 to 7.89 μg m− 3. Benzene (2.18 μg m− 3...
Ambient concentrations of C2-C12 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured at Bursa, which is the fourth largest city of Turkey. Two measurement campaigns were carried out between September 14 to November 6, 2005 and March 17 to May 10, 2006. Fifty one VOCs were regularly determined in each chromatogram. However, only BTX compounds are discus...
Stainless steel passive (diffusive) sampling tubes manufactured by Gradko International Ltd. (UK) were filled with Chromosorb 106 (Supelco) and evaluated to determine the uptake rates of 31 VOCs over six months under different meteorological conditions in a suburban area of Ankara, Turkey. The URs have been calculated, and dependence on such meteor...
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Weekly passive sampling campaigns were carried out over two sample periods to measure SO2, NO2,O3 in Bursa, one of the most heavily industrialized cities in Turkey. The measurements were conducted at 40 points in October 2005 and 49 points in April 2006. Ozone formation potential related to VOCs measured in same sampling points is calculated by Max...
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In order to accurate and precise determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from vehicular emissions were developed method including a) adsorption of VOCs on different adsorbents followed by thermal desorption and gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detector (FID) quantification, b) validation of the sampling and analytical method...
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Weekly passive sampling campaigns were carried out over two sample periods to measure volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Bursa, one of the most heavily industrialized cities in Turkey. The measurements, taken at 40 points in October 2005 and 49 points in April 2006, revealed concentrations of 34 VOCs, including aromatics, olefins, paraffin and ha...
Passive samplers have been widely used as a cost-effective and reliable technique in measuring ambient Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) concentrations. The main source of uncertainty in environmental applications of passive sampling is the use of uptake rates determined in the laboratory. With the exception of BTX compounds, information on uptake...


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