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Publications (38)
This paper analyzes factors influencing recognition of sustainable opportunities by using an augmented sustainability process model. The conceptual model used two main factors, Knowledge and Motivation, and one moderating variable, Social embeddedness. We investigated entrepreneurs from PVC joinery industry and concluded that while market orientati...
The field of accessing European funds is a dynamic one and it passed through changes along time. Thus, starting with 2007, Romania succeeded to absorb important resources which were later invested in various fields of activity. Some of these resources were directed towards education, research, tourism, transportation, agriculture, a. s. o. Concerni...
Social media in general and social networking websites in special have become ubiquitous for modern Internet. With over 2.5 billion active users, they are only surpassed by search engines for users’ presence but, unlike search engines, they are capable of gathering much more detailed data about their visitors. Furthermore, they have been heavily co...
The world is in a continuous changing, products change, people change but what matters is what makes us click? Many tried to answer this question, but there are a lot of factors that determine and have a real influence over the consumer behavior. This paper aims to analyze the influence perceived by consumers, whenever they bought or intent to buy...
Due to the advantages of social media in connecting businesses to end-consumers directly, in a timely manner and at a low cost, by facilitating various a reas of marketing, such as promotions, marketing intelligence, sentiment research, public relations, marketing communications, product and customer management, social media has become the now-a-da...
The importance of patient satisfaction derives from the fact that it influences compliance with treatment, the intention to repurchase those healthcare services, to recommend the provider to others as well as the positive word of mouth. Thus, this paper aims to present an econometric model which links the major determining factors of patient satisf...
Previous studies (McKnight, Lankton and Tripp, 2011; Liao, Lui and Chen, 2011) have shown the crucial role of trust when choosing to disclose sensitive information online. This is the case of online social networks users, who must disclose a certain amount of personal data in order to gain access to these online services. Taking into account privac...
Previous studies (McKnight, Lankton and Tripp, 2011; Liao, Lui and Chen, 2011) have shown the crucial role of trust when choosing to disclose sensitive information online. This is the case of online social networks users, who must disclose a certain amount of personal data in order to gain access to these online services. Taking into account privac...
This paper aims to present the main events that left their mark on the history and evolution
of the Marketing Faculty of Bucharest Economic Studies University, an academic body that
this will mark its 10th anniversary this fall. As the only school dedicated exclusively to the
study of marketing in Romania, as well as one of the few exclusively mark...
We face today, both at the national and global level, a serious challenge with “Health–Nutrition–Well-Being,” requiring a more rapid adaptation to changing economic trends and new thinking, including the alternative food system, as a general expression of the concern for synergy between the social returns and business success and for improving the...
A few decades ago, academics and economic pundits used to say that information is the main source of power. However, in the Knowledge Society, as we experience it today, information is readily available for everyone, and the real challenge is to master modern and complex information analysis tools, which can make sense of the information overflow o...
Despite the increasing rate of corporate blog adoption among companies, few empirical researches have been published up to date. In order to fill the void in current state of literature and enrich the body of knowledge, we model Romanian SME intention to use corporate blogs. We assume that intention to integrate the corporate blog within the market...
The aim of this paper is to propose and test a simple, yet rigorous model of apparel online buying behavior, capable of explaining and predicting consumers' behavioral intention. We drew on TRA (Theory of Reasoned Actions) framework which postulates that individuals' attitude toward a behavior is determined by their salient beliefs. In order to mai...
The present study aims to provide some solutions to a better adaptation of educational offer of economic academic institutions from Romania to the labor market needs. For this purpose, we did some in depth interviews on persons with responsibilities in academic quality improvement and on business representatives to understand the perceptions on the...
Our paper reports on an extensive survey carried out amongst marketing managers or people with similar positions and tasks employed by Romanian public institutions, both central and local. We attempted to get a broad picture of how marketing activities are organized within Romanian public institutions and tried to identify marketing tools and pract...
Serviciile aeriene reprezintă un segment al economiei globale extrem de sensibil la fluctuațiile economiei mondiale, fiind asociat de către un segment important de utilizatori ca un serviciu de transport de lux. În acest context, pierderile generate de fluctuațiile frecvente ale economiei globale din ultimul deceniu a dus la dispari ția unui număr...
Serviciile aeriene reprezinta un segment al economiei globale extrem de sensibil la fluctuatiile economiei mondiale, fiind asociat de catre un segment important de utilizatori ca un serviciu de transport de lux. In acest context, pierderile generate de fluctuatiile frecvente ale economiei globale din ultimul deceniu a dus la disparitia unui numar s...
The intellectual property is approached, both national plan and international, from two perspectives: author rights and rights connected to them. From scientific perspective, even if the legislation from the domain (8/1996 Low, modified and rectified by 285/2004 Law) is clear and specified, the attention of the public organisms — first of all Roman...
La acest moment, la nivelul comunităţii internaţionale, bazele de date ce adună într-un singur loc rezultate ale cercetării dintr-o serie vastă de domenii şi surse, indexate pe criterii complexe, ce permit regăsirea informaţiilor utile într-o manieră simplă şi rapidă, reprezintă instrumentul principal în diseminarea rezultatelor cercetarilor. Obiec...
The application of marketing in the health services presents certain particularities determined by market characteristics, of the organizations, products, staff and consumers. The consumers of health services are different of those of other goods and services, due to the lack of information concerning the means of rendering a service and its price,...
The Internet has fundamentally changed communication among consumers and is likely to impose similar cnanges for industrial marketing in general, as well as the market profile of metallurgical products. As a result, marketing researchers face a great number of challenges. One of these challenges seems to arise from weblogs, or short blogs. Technica...
Usability is an attribute of any good product, just as its functionality. It refers mainly to the utility of a product for its indented users, as well as to its ease of use. And whilst a correct functionality is critical for the commercial success of any product, its value comes through the human needs that it fulfills, which is determined through...
Marketing professionals use, on a daily basis, a complex array of information systems and communication tools. Our paper presents the results of an extensive project that we have conducted in Romania in order to identify pertinent patterns and needs for industrial marketing information systems users. We have defined IIMkIS, in a broader meaning of...
Sistemele informatice de marketing sunt considerate, de regula, la nivelul litaraturii de specialitate, ca fiind un susbset al sistemelor informatice manageriale, utilizate la nivelul departamentelor si activitatilor specifice marketingului din cadrul organizatiilor socio-economice. Utilizatorii acestora sunt persoane cu nevoi si asteptari spefice,...
Utilitatea reprezinta un atribut al oricarui produs sau serviciu – in aceeasi masura ca si functionalitatea lui. Iar daca functionalitatea se refera la ceea ce poate realiza un produs si testarea functionalitatii la asigurarea ca produsul respecta specificatiile functionale, similar utilitatea se refera la modul in care oamenii folosesc produsul re...
Companiile de succes din sectorul serviciilor au o strategie precisa, clara, competitiva. Ele au o ratiune de a fi care impulsioneaza firma si care defineste in ultima instanta serviciul prestat. Cu o strategie bine conturata, managerii au mai usor posibilitatea de a accepta sau refuza anumite initiative; cu o strategie bine conturata, prestatorii...
Managementul riscurilor reprezinta procesul de implementare si actualizare a unor metode si instrumente de minimizare a riscurilor asociate sistemului informational al unui organizatii, precum Politicile de Securitate Informationala, procedurile si practicile formalizate asociate acesteia, precum si alte mijloace adoptate cu scopul aducerii acestor...
In teoria firmei, in mod natural se pleaca de la premisa ca firma actioneaza ca scop maximizarea profitului. Daca ar fi sa analizam activitatea firmelor, in ansamblu, am putea descoperi ca nu toate programele pe care acestea le deruleaza se inscriu in acest deziderat de maximizare a profitului. Inca de la inceputul anilor 50, in literatura de speci...
Noi forme de marketing si publicitate online se impun si transforma cu din ce in ce mai mare viteza marketingul traditional, instrumentele mass-media la indemana marketer-ilor, ca si perceptiile consumatorilor. Factorul interactiv reprezinta un element din ce in ce mai frecvent in marketingul modern, marketer-ii si clientii redefinind in permanenta...
The IT&C industry products are ubiquitous in modern society. However, their specificity led, for a long time, to a so-called “marketing blind-spot” in the IT industry, situation especially evident after the Microsoft devastating success from the early nineties. Microsoft was the first IT company to use large scale marketing techniques, among whom w...
In zilele noastre societatea se confrunta cu o serie importanta de transformari. Acestea se datoreaza in principal trecerii la abordarea de dezvoltare sustenabila a societatii. Contributii in acest sens sunt necesare de la toate sectoarele de activitate incluzand aici si segmentul de afaceri ( companii). In Europa, un numar din ce in ce mai mare de...
Internetul a schimbat felul in care marketer-ii abordeaza consumatorii, a deschis noi oportunitati pentru cumparatori de a se informa, de a-si exprima interesele si de a comunica. Astazi, sute de milioane de utilizatori ai internetului folosesc mii de website-uri sociale pentru a pastra legatura cu prietenii lor, pentru a intalni noi prieteni si pe...