Miguel E. Jácome-FloresCentro del Cambio Global y la Sustentabilidad · Conservación, restauración y aprovechamiento sustentable de los ecosistemas
Miguel E. Jácome-Flores
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September 2016 - August 2018
November 2011 - November 2015
January 2011 - December 2015
August 2008 - October 2010
September 2002 - December 2006
Publications (31)
Premise of research. Plant aggregation and pollen origin can profoundly influence pollination success, as measured by fruit initiation and development. The effect of these variables should be more significant in plants with highly specialized pollination systems, as the pool of potential pollinators is assumed to be smaller than in plants with gene...
The nature and the strength of plant‐frugivore interactions often vary along an antagonism–mutualism continuum and are highly influenced by the local ecological context (e.g. level of environmental disturbances). However, little is known concerning how the local ecological setting where plant–frugivore interactions take place affects the seed dispe...
Range expansion in plant populations, especially at the colonization front, can be either limited by disproportionately large effects of antagonistic interactions or facilitated by their release. How the strength of antagonistic interactions changes along successional gradients during range expansion is still poorly documented, especially when dive...
Plant-animal mutualisms such as seed dispersal are key interactions for sustaining plant range shifts. It remains elusive whether the organization of interactions with seed dispersers is reconfigured along the expansion landscape template and, if so, whether its effects accelerate or slow colonization. Here we analyse plant-frugivore interactions i...
Ecological restoration requires a holistic view of the interconnectedness between degraded areas, remaining ecosystems, and the repercussions of land use and other socioeconomic costs. In this study, we analyze how biological priorities for restoration change when ecological, social, and economic feasibility are considered. A multi-criteria approac...
El incremento de la temperatura asociado al cambio climático ha sido
particularmente evidente en zonas urbanas, lo que ha provocado problemas de salud pública principalmente en la población más vulnerable. Por
ello, se cuantificaron las variaciones espaciales y temporales de la temperatura en la ciudad tropical de Villahermosa, Tabasco, y su relaci...
The beliefs, myths and stories existing in the symbolic field of bats have a great influence on people's assessment. The objective of this research is to know the perception that exists among the ejidatarios of El Bejucal about bats and the ecosystem service of seed dispersal. This research was carried out in two stages, first semi-structured inter...
Ecologists have long recognized that seed dispersal mutualisms trigger natural regeneration and range expansion of animal‐dispersed trees. Yet we lack empirical studies addressing whether frugivore activity influences founder effects, which reduce genetic diversity at the colonization front of expanding populations.
Here, we evaluate the contributi...
The existing beliefs, myths, and stories in the symbolic realm of bats have a great influence on the valuation of people. The objective of this research is to know the perception that exists among the inhabitants of the El Bejucal community about bats and the ecosystem service of seed dispersal. This research was performed in two phases, first, sem...
Reportamos el redescubriento del murciélago cara rayada mayor (Vampyrodes major) en el estado de Tabasco, México, después de 60 años. Los registros se basan en dos individuos capturados con redes de niebla dentro del área natural protegida Cañón del Usumacinta, municipio de Tenosique. Éstos registros confirman su procedencia en el estado y represen...
• Reproductive isolation is a necessary condition for plant domestication in their domestication centre where crops co‐occur with their wild progenitors. However, the identification of reproductive barriers and their relative contribution to reproductive isolation have been overlooked in plants under domestication.
• We assessed pre‐ and post‐polli...
Chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) (Mill.) I.M. Johnst is a neglected and underutilized crop, cultivated clonally by the Maya from pre-Hispanic times to the present in their home gardens for their own consumption. Like other crops in the early stages of domestication, cultivated chaya co-occurs with its wild relatives, however, the degree of domesti...
Dentro de la familia de las cactáceas existe un gran número de especies que han desarrollado una relación mutualista con hormigas a través de estructuras extraflorales dedicadas exclusivamente a la producción de néctar. En esta interacción las hormigas visitan la plantas para obtener alimento y actúan agresivamente hacia los herbívoros que intentan...
Background and aims:
Nursery pollination is a highly specialized interaction in which pollinators breed inside plant reproductive structures. Pollinator occupancy of host plants often depends on plant location, flowering synchrony and sex. The nursery pollination system between the dioecious dwarf palm Chamaerops humilis (Arecaceae) and the host-s...
Throughout Europe, increased levels of land abandonment lead to (re)colonization of old lands by forests and shrublands. Very little is known about the spatial pattern of plants recolonizing such old fields. We mapped in two 21–22-ha plots, located in the Doñana National Park (Spain), all adult individuals of the endozoochorous dwarf palm Chamaerop...
La dispersión de semillas representa el final del ciclo reproductivo de las plantas, que conlleva al reclutamiento de una nueva generación de plantas en una zona más o menos lejana. Una de las estrategias de dispersión más extendida en los hábitats templados es la endozoocoria, en la que las plantas ofrecen frutos carnosos para atraer a vertebrados...
Density‐ and distance‐dependent ( DDD ) mechanisms are important determinants of plant reproductive success ( PRS ). Different components of sequential PRS can operate either in the same or in different directions and thus reinforce or neutralize each other, and they may also operate at different spatial scales. Thus, spatially explicit approaches...
Los sistemas de polinización mediados por insectos están determinados por la disponibilidad espacio-temporal de los recursos florales. En los sistemas nursery pollination en los que los polinizadores utilizan las estructuras reproductivas de las plantas para completar su ciclo de vida, se espera que esta dependencia también ocurra. En esta investig...
The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus linnaeus, 1758) has a vast distribution area, including both shores of the Northern atlantic and the Mediterranean sea. It is commonly assumed to be present in Morocco, but the only specific records of the sea lamprey in the country come from the first half of the 20th and are exclusive to the atlantic coast. Her...
Cincuenta años después de su creación, ¿qué se investiga actualmente en la Estación Biológica de Doñana? Ahora hay técnicas de estudio muy avanzadas, el ámbito de actuación abarca el mundo entero y, por supuesto, se han incorporado nuevos científicos. Pero el interés por escudriñar la biodiversidad sigue vigente.
It has been suggested that there is a geographic dichotomy in the pollination systems of chiropterophilous columnar cacti: in intra-tropical areas they are pollinated almost exclusively by bats, whereas in extratropical areas they are pollinated by bats, birds and bees. However, currently the studies are clumped both taxonomically (mainly Pachycere...
One of the most important tools for conservation biology and planning management is the
detailed knowledge of ecologic and geographic distribution of the native species. The current
geographic and ecological distribution of the species allows understand the evolutionary and
ecologic constraints for the adaptation, fitness and survival of the specie...
Myrmecochory sensu stricto is uncommon in Neotropical forests. In these ecosystems the role of ants as secondary dispersers of non-myrmecochorous seeds is well known, however, the primary dispersal of this type of seed by ants has been poorly documented. Only a few anecdotal observations scattered throughout the literature report the removal of the...