Miguel Gea

Miguel Gea
University of Granada | UGR · Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos


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Publications (112)
One of the environments that child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) find particularly challenging is school, which has an impact on their involvement. Virtual reality (VR) could provide appropriate repetitive or difficulty-controlled experiences relevant for children with ASD, where the environment’s constancy can be crucial to facilitating thei...
El cambio hacia una cultura digital está transformando radicalmente nuestra sociedad tal y como se concebía hasta nuestros días. La irrupción de la tecnología ha dado lugar a un cambio profundo de nuestros hábitos y la proliferación de nuevos medios. Analizaremos cómo ha sido la evolución de esa adopción tecnológica analizando en primer lugar la ca...
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En esta comunicación presentamos al grupo de investigación del proyecto Indigo! Ecosistema educacional para el desarrollo continuo e independiente de personas con TEA. Este proyecto está financiado dentro del plan Retos por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación entre junio de 2020 y mayo de 2023. El proyecto está coordinado por Pilar Rodríguez y Ge...
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El presente volumen persigue aportar avances significativos para la necesaria discusión teórica y el análisis crítico de la compleja interrelación de narrativas transmediales y procesos colaborativos que caracteriza la cultura mediática de este inicio del siglo XXI. Ofrece para ello una selección de trabajos originales de investigación presentado...
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The assessment of the acquisition of professional skills is an essential process in occupational therapy students. Until now, there has been no standardized and validated instrument for evaluating these skills in Spanish occupational therapy students. This study reports the development and testing of the psychometric properties of the professional...
Conference Paper
This paper presents a proposal for integrating people in risk of exclusion by means of Virtual Worlds. Different studies show the benefits of using virtual worlds for educational purposes, where you can develop a wide variety of innovative teaching and learning activities. In particular we are working with immigrants; with high school students with...
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This paper proposes the use of transmedia storytelling techniques to stimulate the day living of children with cognitive disabilities in the context of their social integration on future Smart Cities. By using virtual immersive world we focus on authoring stories and contents by these children to stimulate their abilities, and therefore, the explor...
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El aprendizaje a través de Internet está revolucionando la forma de concebir los modelos de formación en las instituciones, y la irrupción del fenómeno de los MOOC (cursos masivos, abiertos y en línea) es la punta del iceberg de este proceso de cambio. Este libro recoge las experiencias llevadas a cabo en el marco del proyecto de innovación docent...
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Ce livre regroupe les expériences en cours dans les universités de Grenade et de Tunisie, fruit d'un projet de collaboration de l'AECID (AP/038290/11 "La formation virtuelle pour l'apprentissage permanent de l'échange culturel en Méditerranée"). Les chapitres présentent différents résultats en relation avec la formation virtuelle ainsi qu'à l'échan...
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p>At present, there is great interest over the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) in all of its forms: OpenCourseware repositories OCW, spare open resources, or even more recently as Massive Online Open Courses (also called MOOC). This panorama has generated considerable debate about their effectiveness in terms of learning, sustainability...
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Massive open online course (MOOC) is a trending topic in Higher Education Institutions to create online courses for wider student communities. This initiative offers free enrolment on good quality courses for all. This talk discusses this evolution, different approach taken to adopt MOOC courses, different point of views for analysis and future tre...
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The paper explores the implementation of open learning in the European university system. The concept of open learning is based on the use of open educational resources (OER), such as open educational programs and open online courses. The authors demonstrate the following ad- vantages of open educational resources: education cost savings, an abilit...
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The arrival of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has stimulated teachers and universities to change in some ways the teaching methodologies. The success of these massive courses is based on involving students to acquire knowledge and skills in a wider community by learning from others and using active learning practices. MOOC providers also help...
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Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are a modality of e-learning that have created social disruption and a considerable debate about its effectiveness in terms of learning, sustainability, and the role played by universities. We present AbiertaUGR a MOOC experience carried out at the University of Granada oriented towards the use of stable and dyna...
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At present, there is great interest over the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) in all of its forms: OpenCourseware repositories OCW, spare open resources, or even more recently as Massive Online Open Courses (also called MOOC). This panorama has generated considerable debate about their effectiveness in terms of learning, sustainability a...
Conference Paper
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This paper considers the interest of traditional high educational institution to bounce into the world of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). This learning approach is defined over the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) in a basis of a high number of users that interact with the learning materials (mostly multimedia resources). This approa...
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At present, there is great interest over the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) in all of its forms: OpenCourseware repositories OCW, spare open resources, or even more recently as Massive Online Open Courses (also called MOOC). This panorama has generated considerable debate about their effectiveness in terms of learning, sustainability a...
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El aprendizaje permanente (LifeLong Learning) es cada vez más im-portante y necesario en una sociedad que evoluciona sobre modelos productivos basados en nuevas formas de gestión de la información. Internet es tanto un medio de transmisión como una fuente de información cada vez más importante en todo este proceso. En este artículo abordaremos las...
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Resumen La introducción de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) en las universidades está provocando profundos cambios en el mundo académico por su indudable potencial para el desarrollo de la docencia, la gestión y la investigación. Sin embargo, al analizar este proceso se puede comprobar que no es un simple cambio de herra...
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Online Learning Communities have great potential in sharing experiences and creating a collective knowledge based on the interaction among members. This paper presents some our experience and conclusions of using PLE to mixing personal profiles with community building as a mean to exchange experiences from different stakeholders involved in learnin...
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Este artículo presenta el panorama de los sistemas de calidad y buenas prácticas en docencia no presencial, cuyos orígenes y enfoques son muy heterogéneos. Actualmente existe un gran interés por unificar los procesos y modelos para tener un marco de referencia común. Otro aspecto de creciente interés y con muchas posibilidades es la proliferación d...
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La introducción de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comuni- cación (TIC) en las universidades ha provocado un profundo cambio en todos los ámbitos. Si bien es indudable el gran potencial que supone para el desarrollo de la docencia, la gestión y la investigación, también re- presenta un reto importante abordar este proceso, ya que no es un...
Conference Paper
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La adaptación de los títulos de Grado al modelo de EEES ha incorporado como novedad el reconocimiento de tres modalidades de estudio (presencial, semipresencial y a distancia) además de incorporar un procedimiento para el seguimiento y evaluación de los títulos (Sistema de Garantía de la Calidad) que será evaluada por una entidad externa (ANECA o a...
Neuroergonomics could provide on-line methods for measuring mental effort while the operator interacts with hypermedia. We present an experimental study in which 28 participants interacted with a modified version of an existing Spanish e-commerce website in two searching tasks (Goal oriented shopping and Experiential shopping) that demand different...
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We are living new paradigms of communication models in modern societies. Digital Age collapsed old-fashioned analogical methods for acquiring knowledge, dissemination and therefore, creating profound changes in our way of life. The Information society is an umbrella term to describe and identify all those changes that are happening in our social st...
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Virtual Mobility enables European wide exchanges for all those not able to benefit from existing physical international exchange programmes, due to social, economical, organisational or other reasons and can therefore offer the advantages and benefits of real mobility to a wider community. In this paper, we reformulate the concept of Virtual Mobili...
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Informa tion society brings new forms of communication models where citizens live with multiple digital identities on nomadic online communities. These collectives are capable of interact themselves to create new forms of knowledge sharing experiences and recycling old fashioned model of information management, and thus creating learning communitie...
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The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) represent relevant challenges in Spanish universities. Nowadays, Universities are involved in the adaptation of current tittles to this new framework with the support of the Spanish Agency ANECA for quality assurance. This paper reviews th...
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La puesta en marcha de las enseñanzas universitarias adaptadas al EEES ha promovido el sistema español de garantía de la calidad, cuyo proce- dimiento está regulado por el protocolo de evaluación para la Verificación de títulos universitarios oficiales: Verifica. Estas directrices, fundamentales para articular el funcionamiento y seguimiento de nue...
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The new models on communication and interaction based on online communities should be a basis to improve the collaboration between education institutions to internationalize curricula. The background of this cooperation can be achieved increasing the cooperation on virtual mobility. This paper analyzes the relevance of e-learning online communities...
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iFreeTablet es un nuevo concepto de Interfaz de usuario que persigue los mismos objetivos de la Interacción Persona Ordenador. El iFreeTablet está compuesto por un conjunto de dispositivos físicos (tabletPC, mando a distancia, cámara Web, dispositivos de comunicación, electrónicos del hogar, sistemas médicos digitales y en general cualquier element...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes a collaborative educational data mining tool based on association rule mining for the continous improvement of e-learning courses allowing teachers with similar course´s profile sharing and scoring the discovered information. This mining tool is oriented to be used by instructors non experts in data mining such that, its intern...
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Recommendation systems have been widely used in many internet activities and their importance is increasing due to the information overload problem arising from internet. This paper gives background and some example of the RS current usage domains, the different recommendation systems approaches. In addition, the paper discusses the recommendation...
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Web users seem to apply a scent following strategy in order to make navigation decisions and find information in a website, (e.g. Card, Pirolli, Van Der Wege, Morrison, Schraedley & Boshart, 2001). This strategy which implies assessing the semantic similarity between searching goals and hyperlink choices is inefficient if the semantic scents are no...
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Social-aware computing is an emerging trend based on ubiquitous computing technologies and collaborative work. A successful design demands a better understanding of group tasks, adaptation mechanisms and support for dynamic changes in a nomadic computing paradigm. This paper proposes the use of a hypermedia model to describe and support group activ...
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So far, the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigm has been applied to the development of a great variety of real systems. They use advanced technologies such as ubiquitous computing, natural interaction and active spaces, which become part of social environments. In the design of AmI systems, the inherent collaboration among users (with the purpose o...
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Social-aware computing is an emerging trend based on ubiquitous computing technologies and collaborative work. A successful design demands a better understanding of group tasks, adaptation mechanisms and support for dynamic changes involved in a nomadic computing paradigm. This paper proposes the use of a hypermedia model to describe and support gr...
Computer aided learning environments is one of the main interests for computer scientists. Ambient Intelligence represents a novel and promising paradigm to be applied to blended-learning systems. These systems handle very dynamic contextual information that can be used in task scheduling to increase the benefits of proactiveness and context-aware...
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Recommendation Systems (RS) have been widely used in many Internet activities and their importance is increasing due to the "Information Overload" problem arising from Internet. This paper describes the current usage domains of RS, giving a background, and some examples of systems used in every domain. In addition, it presents the different approac...
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Functional and non-functional requirements must be taken into account early in the development process of groupware applications in order to make appropriate design decisions, e.g. spatial distribution of group members and group awareness, which are related to the main characteristics exhibited by CSCW systems (communication, coordination and colla...
This paper presents our current activities in the development of a system to assist students and teachers in their activities in educational environments. The system combines features of two different technologies: multimodal dialogue systems and ubiquitous computing. The former aims at developing computer programs that emulate the behaviour and co...
Conference Paper
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Ambient intelligence (AmI) is a promising paradigm for human-centred interaction based on mobile and context-aware computing, nat-ural interfaces and collaborative work. AMENITIES (a conceptual and methodological framework based on task-based models) has been spe-cially devised for collaborative systems and is the starting point for a new design pr...
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Ambient intelligence (AmI) represents a promising paradigm for group-centred collaborative interaction with the surrounding envi-ronment. The complexity for AmI designs is closely connected with the mechanism for describing their inherent features. What would be inter-esting is a method which is capable of describing these properties in a straightf...
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Abstract. La interacción persona-ordenador es un área gran interés en el ámbito docente e investigador en la Universidad de Granada. En este sentido, y ante la gran aceptación por los alumnos, se ha propuesto una serie de mecanismos que permitan de forma efectiva su impartición teniendo en cuenta las demandas de los alumnos.
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Most educational centers (e.g. universities, institutes, colleges) are adopting some kind of eLearning tool as an integral part of their learning systems; to enhance their traditional learning system or to create alternative models based on virtual learning. An important resource for these eLearning solutions is the eLearning platform. Therefore, t...
Conference Paper
A key aspect for the development of CSCW systems is the previous study of the social organization of the members that participate in the collaborative process. Organizations have static and dynamic aspects that are relevant to identify in order to predict the group behaviour, such as changes in member roles. Modelling the organizational structure f...
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eLearning is a new tool introduced to enhance the traditional learning system; it is becoming an integral part of the learning tools used by every school, business, colleges, and universities. The core of eLearning solutions are LMS or CMS (learning/course management systems), which help the universities automating the managing of learning events....
Conference Paper
Systems for cooperative design are inherently complex and their development requires specific methods and modelling techniques with capacity to accurately specify their requirements. This paper presents the importance of social organization modelling of cooperative processes to describe more precisely the responsibilities to be assigned to each mem...
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This paper presents our current work in the UCAT project (Ubiquitous Collaborative Adaptive Training) concerned with setting up a multimodal, multilingual and adaptive dialogue system. The system goal is to assist teachers and students in some of their usual activities within an educational space (e.g. a University Faculty). The user-system interac...
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Dial-XML (Analysis and Application of XML-based Technologies to Set Up Dialogue Systems) is a research project funded by the Research Plan of Granada University for 2005. The project is aimed at facilitating the creation of a basic infrastructure to study, analyse and develop spoken, multimodal and multilingual dialogue using XML-based technologies...
Technology is increasing the possibilities for working in groups and even changing the way in which traditionally this has been performed. This chapter reviews models and techniques for obtaining and describing requirements in cooperative systems. Features and diversity of this kind of system imply an inherent complexity in studying and developing....
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Open Universities (or Open Learning programs) are spread in the world, due to many factors: economic, time, place, age…etc. The ideas of Open University have been successful and their graduates obtain same results like others students in normal learning or better. As a one who had one of my degrees in this kind of learning, I had enough knowledge a...
Conference Paper
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems (AAC) are an emergent technology for improving the social integration of people with temporary or permanent communication difficulties. One problem which arises is the need to adapt these systems to the different users and situations by taking their capabilities, skills and progress into account. I...
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Nowadays, the increasing performance of modern computers enables interactive systems focus on the graphical handling of information. This increase in computational power allows the designer to develop better interfaces oriented to more intuitive human-computer interaction using an interaction style more adapted to the user and system characteristic...
Las organizaciones de trabajo son sociedades con objetivos bien definidos si bien, su comportamiento y estructura puede variar sensiblemente para adaptarse a nuevos cambios o estrategias. En este sentido, resulta vital poder desarrollar tecnicas y metodologias que permitan adecuarse a modelos de comportamiento dinamico, reflejando los aspectos de c...
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Las organizaciones de trabajo son sociedades con objetivos bien definidos si bien, su comportamiento y estructura puede variar sensiblemente para adaptarse a nuevos cambios o estrategias. En este sentido, resulta vital poder desarrollar técnicas y metodologías que permitan adecuarse a modelos de comportamiento dinámico, reflejando los aspectos de c...
New approaches are currently being adopted to address the development of cooperative systems, although not many standards exist that can be used to develop this type of interactive system. We apply the standard Unified Modelling Language (UML) notation within a methodology aimed at the analysis and design of such systems, and present a semantic for...
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Resumen: En este artículo se realiza una breve introducción a la tecnología de los sistemas de diálogo que se centra, principalmente, en la descripción de estrategias adaptativas que permiten llevar a cabo una interacción más cómoda y amigable para los usuarios. Inicialmente, se presenta la estructura modular de un sistema de diálogo convencional y...
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El trabajo en grupo constituye una actividad humana fundamental y se puede usar para la gestión del conocimiento compartido. Aunque existen propuestas para la modelización de sistemas informáticos, los entornos CSCW presentan peculiaridades que hacen necesarias metodologías específicas que nos ayuden a modelizar formalmente sus características y pr...
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La complejidad inherente que poseen los sistemas interactivos actuales obliga a hacer un gran esfuerzo en el proceso de especificación para garantizar su corrección. Las fases iniciales del desarrollo de un producto tienen una gran importancia ya que los errores que no se detecten en estas fases pueden provocar grandes aumentos en el costos de desa...
Conference Paper
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New approaches are currently being adopted to address the development of cooperative systems, although not many standards exist that can be used to develop this type of interactive system. We apply the standard Unified Modelling Language (UML) notation within a method- ology aimed at the analysis and design of such systems, and present a semantic f...
In this paper we present an initiative born within the Spanish Human-Computer Interaction Association (AIPO). Our aim is the creation of a group work to discuss the basic contents of an introductory course to HCI and to design a common-core syllabus of curricula contents in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Spanish, using the Internet as the medi...