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Publications (134)
Los especialistas en mamíferos (mastozoólogos) frecuentemente señalan que Oaxaca es el estado con mayor diversidad de mamíferos en México, esto se debe, principalmente, a que Oaxaca está ubicado entre la región neotropical y neártica, y a la heterogeneidad ambiental, lo que promueve la presencia de diferentes tipos de vegetación y múltiples hábitat...
Biodiversity is multidimensional and should therefore be characterized using multiple approaches to understand the patterns at various temporal and spatial scales. Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic measurements of diversity are now recognized as comprehensive methods for understanding the relationships among species diversity, associated ecol...
Protected sites managed by indigenous people have been used for decades to conserve natural resources. These sites can be considered “conservation islands” and can maintain high biodiversity. This study explores the diversity and structure of medium and large mammals in (1) four protected natural areas in Oaxaca, Mexico, and (2) two different conse...
Urbanization is one of the leading causes of habitat loss, which has increased significantly in tropical regions in recent years, leading to the loss of species, their ecological functions, and evolutionary history. To determine the effect of urbanization on the diversity of bat communities in urban and suburban environments, we analyzed the ↵ and...
En los últimos años, los mamíferos se han visto gravemente afectados por la pérdida de hábitat, la cacería furtiva, las especies invasoras y el cambio climático. Estos vertebrados tienen una variedad de roles funcionales que impactan en el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. Para evaluar esta diversidad funcional, es necesario contar con una lista d...
El estudio de la biodiversidad va más allá de contar cuántas especies habitan un área. Sin embargo, esta medida ha sido la más utilizada en estudios ecológicos. No obstante, la diversidad filogenética (medida del parentesco evolutivo de las especies) y la diversidad funcional (variedad de funciones de las especies) ofrecen otras perspectivas que ti...
Todos los seres vivos que viven en un ecosistema desempeñan roles funcionales y realizan un trabajo en equipo, de ello depende su existencia y la de su hábitat.
Southern Mexico’s tropical forests are home to the country’s highest richness of mammal species; La Chinantla region is situated within this area, its name from the indigenous group residing in the area and holding territorial ownership, namely the Chinantecos. In La Chinantla, there are no Protected Areas; instead, there are Areas Destined Volunta...
Predator species are essential for ecosystems as they maintain the ecological integrity of the habitat. Particularly, felids populations have declined globally due to their sensitivity to habitat disturbances. Nevertheless, in Mexico, there are areas protected by indigenous communities to preserve a portion of their territory, benefiting multiple s...
Skunks are important for the ecosystems as consumers of fruits, seeds, and insects. The hooded skunk (Mephitis macroura) is a medium-sized mammal common in North America, but its abundance is poorly known throughout its range. In a semiarid location in southern Mexico, we deployed a camera traps array to study the populations of meso-carnivores in...
Sabemos que los ratones tienen hábitos terrestres o arborícolas, que comen hierbas o semillas, pero que naden y se alimenten de peces e insectos acuáticos sí que es increíble de imaginar, pero existen y viven en México.
Estimating density and activity patterns is useful for management and conservation of species. Data for Mexican bobcat (Lynx rufus) populations are scarce. Here we estimated the density of a bobcat population in Oaxaca, southern Mexico, and evaluated its daily activity patterns. We also evaluated macroecological patterns of bobcat density across it...
La elaboración de un manual especiali- zado requiere de lineamientos precisos que permitan al lector poner en práctica las instrucciones definidas en el texto. La información contenida en un manual debe ser detallada para que sea lo más explí- cita y entendible para el usuario, además de ser clara en la terminología utilizada para tener un amplio a...
The greatest challenge that we currently face is generating integrative conservation strategies to guar- antee the preservation not only of species richness, but also of ecological functions and evolutionary history. We propose to assess these different dimensions to identify areas of high multidimensional diversity (AMC), and exemplify this approa...
Las actividades antropogénicas amenazan cada vez más la extensión y procesos de los ecosistemas. La Lista Roja de Ecosistemas (LRE) de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN, por sus siglas en inglés) es un estándar global para evaluar su riesgo de colapso. En este trabajo se analizaron las tendencias mundiales en las ev...
Estamos acostumbrados a ver personajes de ratones en televisión, pero cuando escuchamos la palabra ratón o vemos alguno en nuestra casa, solo queremos huir. ¡¡¡Sin embargo, los ratones son animales increíbles!!!
Wildlife crime, including illegal harvesting, poaching, use, and trade, is a global issue. While studies on wildlife crimes have been performed on a global scale, it is also essential to assess their impact on native species at national scales. Investigating illegal activities involves analyzing law enforcement and seizure data, especially in areas...
Biological collections have become a key tool for biodiversity research. They are repositories of germplasm and data on modified or extinct natural populations, providing valuable information for understanding anthropogenic impacts on the natural world. We appraised the scientific value of the three mammal collections maintained by the Instituto Po...
Interest in the study of mycotic diseases in bats has increased after the identification of bats affected by white-nose syndrome in the northern United States. In a temperate forest of the community of San Pedro Yolox, Ixtlán in the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, Mexico, we collected bats of various species, including 13 specimens of Myotis velifer that s...
Understanding the ecological and historical causes and processes that shape biodiversity distribution patterns remains a challenging and fundamental task in biogeography, ecology, and evolution. To address this issue, taxonomic and phylogenetic β diversity can help us to assess the importance of ecological and historical factors that structure thes...
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 91 (2020): e912820 Ecology Ecology of the neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis) in southern Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve, Mexico Ecología de la nutria neotropical (Lontra longicaudis) en el sur de la Reserva de la Biosfera Tehuacán-Cuicatlán, México Abstract Land otters are predators at the top of the food...
Predator-prey interactions are one of the central themes in ecology due to their importance as a key mechanism in structuring biotic communities. In the predator-prey systems, the no-trophic interactions, such as persecution and avoidance, have more impact on ecosystems than the trophic ones. We analyze the spatiotemporal relations between prey and...
La vertiente del Pacífico mexicano en el suroeste de Oaxaca alberga una gran diversidad de aves que ha sido poco estudiada. Presentamos un inventario y análisis de la avifauna de esa región, mediante transectos, redes de niebla y observaciones no sistemáticas, en 12 localidades repartidas en cuatro tipos de vegetación (selva mediana subcaducifolia,...
The Handbook summarizes all the key steps in conducting an acoustic survey of a bat community, including project planning, strategies for data collection, approaches to analysis and interpretation, a guide to purchasing a bat detector, and a series of case studies. Chapter 1 (“Introduction to bat echolocation”) provides a broad introduction to the...
The urgent need for alternative methods of obtaining clean energy has accelerated wind farm development worldwide. To determine the effects of these facilities on the biodiversity of resident species, we conducted a spatio-temporal measurement on the glucocorticoid contents of four species of frugivorous bats (Artibeus lituratus, A. jamaicensis, St...
La musaraña de orejas pequeñas de Phillips, Cryptotis phillipsii (Schaldach, 1966), está geográficamente restringida a pequeños parches de bosques nuboso de montaña en el sur de Oaxaca, México. Los registros de distribución y los especímenes de C. phillipsii son relativamente escasos, por lo que sigue siendo una especie poco conocida. Aquí, proporc...
Se reflexiona sobre los posibles efectos de la enfermedad COVID-19 en la educación, la investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico, en particular, en el proceso de docencia. La enseñanza de las ciencias biológicas y sus áreas de conocimiento, como la mastozoología, ecología, entre otros, se aborda bajo el esquema de dos componentes centrales. El prim...
Bat acoustic libraries are important tools that assemble echolocation calls to allow the comparison and discrimination to confirm species identifications. The Sonozotz project represents the first nation-wide library of bat echolocation calls for a megadiverse country. It was assembled following a standardized recording protocol that aimed...
Understanding the mechanisms that drive the assembly of communities is a central goal in ecology, and phylogenetic approaches allows for the testing of hypotheses related to such mechanisms. We analyzed assembly mechanisms of cricetid rodents in an environmentally heterogeneous region of southern Mexico by assessing their phylogenetic diversity and...
Bat communities' responses to land use change in neotropical montane forests have scarcely been studied. We hypothesized that, like in lowland forests, a montane agricultural area will have a lower species richness, abundance, diversity and species composition of understory phyllostomid bats than a native forest (montane cloud forest and pine-oak f...
Biodiversity is multidimensional and different mechanisms can influence different dimensions. The spatial distribution of these dimensions can help in conservation decisions through the location of complementary areas with high diversity. We analyzed congruence in spatial patterns of species richness and functional diversity of cricetid rodents in...
Los pequeños roedores juegan un papel fundamental en los ecosistemas que habitan, ya que desempeñan funciones importantes. Para conocer la diversidad de ratones en el estado de Oaxaca, consultamos la base de datos de la Colección Mastozoológica del CIIDIR, IPN, Unidad Oaxaca, y literatura especializada. Se analizó la riqueza taxonómica, distribució...
Systematic conservation planning (SCP) identifies priority areas for biodiversity conservation using surrogates for adequate representation of biodiversity content. The use of multiple well‐known taxonomic groups rather than single ones as a surrogate set is expected to enable a better representation of most important biodiversity constituents in p...
Systematic conservation planning (SCP) identifies priority areas for biodiversity
conservation using surrogates for adequate representation of biodiversity content.
The use of multiple well-known taxonomic groups rather than single ones as a surrogate
set is expected to enable a better representation of most important biodiversity
constituents in p...
Bat species richness in the region of the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico
We present a revised checklist of bat species occurring in the semi–urbanized region of the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. The checklist is based on surveys using mist nets, recordings of echolocation calls, data from literature, and museum databases. Results show that...
Hydroelectric power is a widely used source of energy in tropical regions but the impact on biodiversity and the environment is significant. In the Río Verde basin, southwestern of Oaxaca, Mexico, a project to build a hydroelectric dam is a potential threat to biodiversity. The aim of this work was to determine the parameters of mammals in the main...
El estado de Oaxaca al sur de México, posee una excepcional biodiversidad, pero una alta pérdida de hábitat natural amenaza su conservación. Este estudio presenta un análisis de las distintas iniciativas de conservación existentes, su extensión territorial y los tipos de vegetación que representan en Oaxaca. Se analizó, por medio de un sistema de i...
The bat, Myotis occultus (Vespertilionidae) is a rare and small-sized bat. The known distribution of M. occultus extends from the semi-arid areas of the southwestern United States down as far as the middle half of Mexico, not having beeing previously registered in the state of Guanajuato in Mexico. In August 2008 and February 2013, we collected bat...
Se estudió la composición y la actividad de murciélagos artropodívoros, durante las temporadas de lluvias y secas de 2013 y 2014, para evaluar el efecto de los parques eólicos sobre estas especies. Se capturaron ejemplares con redes de niebla y se grabaron sonidos de ecolocación en vuelo libre con un detector ultrasónico en 2 áreas: dentro...
Number of bats captured over the four stages of installing a wind farm in the Mexican tropics
Prep: preparation, Cons: construction, Oper1: first stage of operation (immediate effect), Oper2: second stage of operation (delayed effect). Ind: total number of individuals captured. Size (mean forearm length), Weight, Height (flight height) and Diet are...
Wind energy has rapidly become an important alternative among renewable energies, and it is generally considered clean. However, little is known about its impact at the level of ecological communities, especially in biodiversity hotspots. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is a highly biodiverse region in Mesoamerica, and has the highest potential for gene...
Las colecciones científicas juegan un papel fundamental en la conservación del patrimonio natural. Los ejemplares depositados en ellas son una prueba de las especies que existen o existieron en una localidad geográfica y en qué tiempo; la acumulación de este conocimiento per- mite evaluar la biodiversidad de alguna región o país. Las colecciones ci...
Oaxaca es el estado con mayor diversidad biológica de México, ocupa el primer lugar en riqueza de especies
de an bios, reptiles, aves y mamíferos. La pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat y la cacería excesiva son las principales
amenazas en la conservación de estas especies. Para conocer el estado de conservación y normativo de los vertebrados
Spiny pocket mice Liomys and Heteromys are forest-dwelling granivorous rodents distributed in seasonally dry forest or thorn scrub along the Pacific lowlands or xeric regions in the Mexican Plateau. We analyzed the population dynamics of the spiny pocket mouse Heteromys pictus, in the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico, in two sites of tropical deciduous fore...
El presente libro contribuye a recopilar y actualizar la información que se tiene sobre el conocimiento de la distribución de los mamíferos mexicanos a nivel estatal y representa un avance en el análisis de las
diversas estrategias de conservación existentes en las entidades federativas de México. Además, contribuye a la uni cación de criterios que...
En este primer volumen de la obra se presentan listados actualizados de la mastofauna para 15 de las 32 entidades federativas de México: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Ciudad de México, Colima, Chiapas, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Sal Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Tabasco, Tlaxcala y Veracruz. Se presentan dos capítulos más, uno...
The state of Oaxaca has an extraordinarily high biological diversity which is necessary to conserve through various means. This study presents an analysis of the richness of terrestrial mammals in Oaxaca, their endangered status and the contribution of existing conservation initiatives in the state for their protection.
In Oaxaca 216 species of ter...
Los ratones espinosos de abazones Liomys y Heteromys son roedores granivoros que se distribuyen en bosques tropicales secos y en matorral espinoso a lo largo de tierras bajas del Pacifico y en regiones xerofilas en la meseta de Mexico. Analizamos la dinamica poblacional del raton espinoso de abazones Heteromy spictus en la costa de Oaxaca, Mexico,...
We recorded five jaguar skulls (Figure 1); four were placed in the physiographic subprovince of the Sierra Madre of Oaxaca, and one in the Pacific Coastal Plain (Ortíz-Pérez et al. 2004). Three individuals were hunted in cloud forest, one in pasture for livestock contiguous to oak forest, and the other in an area with a mixture of semi-deciduous tr...
Several studies have observed that bat species respond differently to landscape changes and that individuals tend to expand their home range when the habitat is not optimal. Tropical dry forest in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, shows a high habitat loss and fragmentation by anthropogenic causes. However, how bats use this fragmented landscape...
El manejo y aprovechamiento legal de los mamíferos en México se realiza a través de unidades de manejo para la conservación de vida silvestre (UMA) y en predios e instalaciones que manejan vida silvestre (PIMVS). En Oaxaca se distribuyen 216 especies de mamíferos, y a pesar de ello se carece de información que examine su manejo y aprovechamiento en...
The tropical dry forests of Mexico are one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. To contribute to the knowledge of mammal diversity and conservation of the central coast of Oaxaca State, southern Mexico, we conducted field surveys in the area. Additional information was obtained from literature and museum databases. In order to compare the taxonomi...
Presentamos los primeros registros de jaguar Panthera onca (Carnivora: Felidae) para el Parque Nacional Cumbres de Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. Entre los años 2013 a 2015 se colocaron cámaras trampa en los bosques templados del parque. Se obtuvieron 15 fotografías y 7 vídeos de varios individuos de la especie, que evidencian la presencia de una p...
The Chimalapas forests in Oaxaca, Mexico, still maintain populations of wild felids despite increased anthropogenic threats. These species have an important ecological role as predators within the carnivore assemblage. Nevertheless their distribution and population status is unknown in this region. From 2009 to 2013 we collected field data of wild...
El Istmo de Tehuantepec en Oaxaca, México, es una de las regiones con mayor riqueza de especies de murciélagos en el estado. También es una zona fragmentada por actividades agropecuarias y con una creciente instalación de parques eólicos debido a la presencia de fuertes vientos. Por lo anterior, se analizó la composición de las especies de murciéla...
The tapir plays an important role in its ecosystem as an herbivore and effective seed disperser, as well as being of cultural importance. However, the ecology and ethnozoology of the endangered Baird´s tapir in the north of Oaxaca, Mexico is poorly understood. We used camera-traps to estimate its relative abundance and density and describe the acti...
Barn Owls have a flexible diet for catching their prey based on availability. However, little has been explored about the age class distribution of their main prey. In this work we analyzed the prey diversity, niche width and age class frequency of their main prey from pellets of Barn Owls (Tyto alba) found in a cave surrounded by oak forest in Cen...
The loss and degradation of forests in tropical regions have modified tree cover, creating deforested landscapes. It has been suggested that there are thresholds in these landscapes beyond which the diversity, distribution, abundance, and fitness of different biological groups can be affected. In this study, the ecological habitat thresholds were d...
Oaxaca shows an exceptional biodiversity, although a high rate of natural habitat loss threatens its conservation. Here we analyze different initiatives for conservation, their extension and vegetation representativeness in Oaxaca, until 2008. We compiled different initiatives from governmental, non-governmental, and academic and private institutio...
En este trabajo se presenta una lista actualizada de las especies de mamíferos terrestres de Oaxaca. Se analizó la riqueza acumulada, los patrones espaciales de riqueza, endemismo, estado de conservación y la diversidad beta taxonómica. La información proviene de recolectas recientes y se complementa con los registros de ejemplares depositados en c...
The size of the coyote's (Canis latrans) home range was estimated in a temperate forest in Sierra Madre, Oaxaca, Mexico. The periods of reproduction, gestation, breeding and pups independence and rain and dry seasons are compared. A collar with activity sensor was placed in 4 coyotes and monthly readings were registered in cycles of 24 h. To delimi...
We show evidence of the presence of the Central American tapir in the communal lands of the natural conservation area called Cerro de las Flores, in the District of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Skull and skeletal remains (limbs bones) were found in September 2008, faeces and footprints were observed from December 2008 to February 2009. This work ex...