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Publications (41)
The main purpose of this review on published information on reading in Botswana schools is to seek ways of providing instruction and assessment that result in children becoming proficient readers. Botswana has made impressive progress in literacy growth since independence. However, a lot still needs to be done if literacy is to become all that it n...
In this review the authors considered all the documents pertaining to the teaching of reading in Botswana primary schools from independence to the present. The purpose was to get the big picture with regard to the status of reading education. The results are reported in four categories: (1) Reading in the Classroom; (2) Reading and Policy; (3) Read...
In Botswana, it is common to hear the lament that there is no culture of reading. We aim to contribute to the development of more specific understanding of a culture of reading by reporting on information gathered from teachers who attended workshops we offered titled “Teachers as Readers AND Readers as Teachers: Creating Young Readers and Writers....
The present study investigates the question of whether second and fifth grade children already know the meanings of reading vocabulary presented as “new” vocabulary in their basal readers. Students from two midwestern school districts (N=142) were asked to complete a yes/no test and a multiple‐choice test to assess their knowledge of vocabulary pre...
Three hundred and twelve teachers responded to a survey questionnaire based on the Reading Framework, a document that articulates the rationale for the 1992 National Assessment of Educational Progress in Reading. The survey responses indicate support for many aspects of the rationale. These teachers reactions to the major changes undertaken in asse...
This is an account of what a teacher educator learned from using the video game Neverwinter Nights with Drax, a high school student whose reading is like that of an elementary school student. Neverwinter Nights is a role-playing adventure game that requires reading print along with other meaningful signs such as sounds, artefacts, color, maps, etc....
This study was designed to investigate the development of a 5-year-old child's language and literacy development in English and Chinese within a 10-week tutoring context where the primary materials were wordless picture books. Storytelling in English and Chinese were the primary activities in each session. Extended activities included labeling, sen...
This integrative review on the teaching of reading in Kenyan primary schools provides a foundation for the growing movement there to improve reading education. In gathering sources for this review, we took an inclusive historical stance. Thus, we did not dismiss research reports that lacked traditional indicators of quality such as being...
In this article, the author recounts her experiences with the scripted teaching of reading and describes how her observations of scripted reading lessons changed her decision on preparing teachers to make informed instructional decisions based on their knowledge of reading as an orchestration of interrelated cognitive processes. Given the number of...
Foster a classroom community where teachers and students make their own meanings of the world and consider their relation to larger social, political, cultural, and historical issues. The reader will find a rich range of perspectives in these stories of K-12 teachers and university educators who participated in a three-year study to explore issues...
This article investigates the interplay of cultural knowledge, symbolic language, and interpretive reading comprehension, focusing on the role of culture in symbolic understanding of text. Eight graduate students from two different cultural communities read and discussed a Korean folktale. Data were collected in the form of initial written response...
As I wake up in my new country of Botswana, it is humid, but peaceful. (Andy, the University of Georgia) I have been a citizen of Botswana, which is located in the Southern part of Africa for two decades, and I have never been so free in life until this morning when I woke up and found myself as a citizen of America. (Nomsa, the University of Botsw...
Incl. abstract, bibl. The first national survey of literacy in Botswana was conducted in 1993 and the results were published in a 1997 government report. The survey found that 68.9 per cent of the adult population are literate in either Setswana or English. We examine the significance of this finding in light of the methods of assessment used to de...
Book reviewed in this article:
Handbook of Reading Research, Volume III . Edited by Michael Kamil, Peter B. Mosenthal, P. David Pearson, and Rebecca Barr. 2000.
If we in teacher education want emerging teachers to inquire into the complexities of authority and to reimagine how it might operate in schools, then we need firsthand experience troubling it in our own classrooms. To this end, we - three reading education professors - problematized our classroom authority as we sought to enact critical inquiries...
The article focuses on 50 essays written by young people, aged 14-20, in Botswana, Africa, about how life would change if they were to wake up one day and find themselves a member of the other sex. The youth are peer counselors in a Young Women's Christian Association's program, 'Peer Approach to Counseling by Teens' (PACT), which is used in school...
Studying 18 students' questions during literature discussions became the focus of a qualitative exploratory research project that a university professor and a second-grade teacher pursued over the course of 1 school year. The research began as a study of the process of transferring responsibility from teacher to students in a literature discussion...
The results of a survey of literacy educators' attitudes toward gender issues show that teachers are aware of sociocultural influences.
Studying 18 students' questions during literature discussions became the focus of a qualitative exploratory research project that a university professor and a second-grade teacher pursued over the course of I school year. The research began as a study of the process of transferring responsibility from teacher to students in a literature discussion...
This study sought insights into literacy professionals' perspectives on current trends in literacy teaching and learning. The questionnaire was mailed to a random sample of K‐12 teachers, reading specialists, administrators, library‐media specialists, and teacher educators in the U.S. Results are based on 1,519 responses. The report discu...
This study focused on us — a group of university — and school-based teacher researchers and observers — as we attempted to alter or interrupt certain gendered discursive practices that threatened to reproduce some of the same inequities in classroom talk about texts that we had noted in the past, but had not challenged. A feminist theoretical frame...
The authors share how feminist theories affect their own work and explore the influence of feminist methodologies on classroom research.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the content on women in three secondary school world history textbooks used in the USA from one feminist perspective. The analyses involved recursively reading, coding, and interpreting all of the content pertaining to women across the three texts. The macroanalysis yielded a 16-category coding scheme that r...
On a souvent entendu dire que «l'evaluation conduit l'enseignement». Les AA. etudient le bien-fonde de cette observation en s'appuyant sur les resultats d'une etude de cas realisee dans differents etablissements d'enseignement
Several informal studies investigating what teaching methods lead to developments in critical thinking skills among elementary and secondary students suggest that students themselves may be the best means for teaching students. A researcher and a second-grade teacher, reflecting on three years of collaborative research, found that students are intu...
Discusses puzzling statements by second graders in a classroom literature discussion. Argues that, by considering children's sociocultural backgrounds in examining their responses to stories, teachers can better understand and appreciate their students' critical thinking dispositions and abilities in the classroom setting. (SR)
Studying students' questions during literature discussions became the focus of a qualitative exploratory research project that a university teacher and second-grade teacher pursued over the course of one school year. Their research began as a study of the process of transferring responsibility from teacher to students in a literature discussion for...
This pamphlet describes a year-long project that began with the idea of inviting eighth graders to study the thoughts of second graders as shared during literature discussions. It then evolved into a more elaborate project bolstered by the students' enthusiasm and interest in each other. The pamphlet describes the students, establishment of the stu...
Discusses what the author learned about teaching the questioning process from a class of second graders when they elected to discuss a student-posed question that seemed nonsensical to the author. Shows that what adults think are good questions for discussion are not necessarily what children think will generate interesting and deep talk. (SR)
Because of plans for state-by-state reporting of 1992 reading data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), we investigated the adequacy of the process used to develop the assessment, the degree to which it represents a consensus among professionals in the reading field, and its content and curricular validity. To carry out this...
This study was an effort to establish the construct validity of measures designed to assess topical knowledge. Assuming that the best way to find out how much people know about a topic is to interview them, we first interviewed 44 elementary and 31 junior high school students about their knowledge of four topics. The interview results were used to...
In this paper the transcript of a critical-thinking reading lesson that was designed for sixth-grade students is analyzed. The analysis was conducted in order to illustrate the relationship between critical thinking and reading comprehension and to show that critical thinking can be infused into everyday classroom instruction using ordinary classro...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 26-28)