Michele KnobelMontclair State University · Department of Teaching & Learning
Michele Knobel
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Michele Knobel works in the Department of Teaching and Learning , Montclair State University (NJ, USA). Michele's research interests include new literacies and everyday practices.
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January 1999 - January 2001
January 1996 - January 1999
September 2003 - present
Publications (96)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18848/2470-9247/CGP/v04i04/43-57
Citation: Lankshear, Colin, and Michele Knobel. 2019. "Memes, Macros, Meaning, and Menace: Some Trends in Internet Memes." The Journal of Communication and Media Studies 4 (4): 43-57. doi:10.18848/2470-9247/CGP/v04i04/43-57.
This article maps some key patterns associated with how internet m...
Forthcoming edited collection that provides detailed "how-to" guides to a range of data analysis approaches used in Literacy Studies research, together with their supporting theories, and accounts of how the researchers interpret their results of data analysis.
This article describes a hands on, learning by doing, teams-based approach for introducing Masters level students to doing empirical qualitative research within a hybrid course that combined 3 intensive Saturday workshops with online writing at distance in Google Docs over a 12 week period. Participants acquired some qualitative research basics by...
En aquest article es presenten dos casos d'alguns efectes habilitants dels dispositius digitals en la vida quotidiana d'una dona d'edat confinada a casa en una ciutat dels Estats Units i d'una família de camperols a Mèxic.
This article presents two cases of some enabling effects of digital devices in the ordinary everyday lives of a housebound age...
This is the pre publication English language version of the Catalan language publication "Els efectes possibilitadors de la tecnologia en la vida diària: dos casosd’ús quotidià de dispositius digitals".
It presents two short cases of some enabling effects of digital devices in the everyday lives of a housebound aged woman in is city in the United...
This is the introductory chapter to an edited collection punished in April 2020 by Myers Education Press
Abstract: This article maps some key patterns associated with how internet memes are conceived and how online meme practices have evolved and morphed during the period from 2000 to the present. We document the rise of internet memes during their early years as a broadly communitarian cultural engagement, mostly characterized by goodwill, humor, and...
An encyclopedia entry subsequently published in the Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics.
Voktor Chagas asked us for permission to reprint our memes chapter from DIY Media (Knobel & Lankshear, 2007) and we took it as an opportunity to update the text and comment on memes in current times.
Lankshear, C. and Knobel, M. (2018). Education and “new literacies” in the middle years. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 26 (2): 7-16.
Loovust on hakatud pidama riikide majanduskasvu võtmeteguriks, mis tagab ühiskonnas toimetuleku ja mille abil tagatakse isiklik või ühiskondlik heaolu. Seda silmas pidades on mõistlik süveneda loovuse käsitusse ja praktilisse olemusse ning uurida nende seostamise võimalusi hariduse kontekstis. Olukord koolides on mahukate uurimistulemuste põhjal ko...
Creativity is often identified as a key factor contributing to national economic growth and as an important life skill for personal and group wellbeing. Therefore, it is worth taking a close look at "creativity" as a concept and a practice, and to examine what might be at stake when grouping them together, especially in relation to schooling. The s...
This circumscribed review analyzes recent sociocultural, qualitative
research in digital literacies within pre-service teacher education.
It focuses on what teacher educators are doing with respect to working
with pre-service teacher education students and digital literacies
conceived more in terms of social practices than as proficiency
in using e...
New Literacies and Teacher Learning examines the complexities of teacher professional development today in relation to new literacies and digital technologies, set within the wider context of strong demands for teachers to be innovative and to improve students’ learning outcomes. Contributors hail from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Finland, Mexico,...
Los autores conciben a la investigación como una práctica discursiva que tiene que ser sistemática y metódica en su enfoque y procedimientos. Bajo esa perspectiva analizan los presupuestos que deberán tomarse en cuenta en la recolección de datos durante la investigación. Contiene: Problemas, interrogaciones y propósitos; El análisis de los datos or...
«Digital literacy» is increasingly being identified as a formal educational goal. While mainstream definitions vary in detail, the scope and meaning of digital literacy are rarely seen as problematic. This paper argues that typical mainstream accounts of digital literacy are seriously flawed. Rather than conceiving digital literacy as some unitary...
This paper describes what a group of teacher researchers learned from conducting an action research project in an urban elementary school serving a multilingual community in the northeastern United States. A key goal of the project was to enhance parents’ and caregivers’ support of students’ literacy development in ways that built on home literacy...
New literacies research offers valuable insights into young people's everyday literacy practices. Teachers can use the kinds of research outcomes reported here to build on new literacies in appropriate ways for academic purposes.
Front Cover and Introduction to an edited collection
[Extract] References to "new literacies" have become increasingly common as use of digital technologies has grown within everyday routines, reflecting a growing sense that "literacy" can no longer be presumed to refer simply to interactions with conventional texts.
New Literacies as a General Concept
"New literacies" mostly functions as an umbrel...
It is too easy to make light of ‘new literacies’ by saying things like: “Well, there are always newer ones coming along”. Such remarks suggest new literacies have a similar kind of life trajectory to an automobile: new in 2009, semi-new in 2010, and old hat by 2011. Against this kind of “that’s so yesterday” perspective, we suggest in this article...
Pensar en las “nuevas alfabetizaciones” con afirmaciones del tipo “seguro que algo más nuevo está al caer” es un recurso fácil, que asimila la trayectoria de las nuevas alfabetizaciones a la de un coche: nuevo en 2009, seminuevo en 2010 y un usado en 2011. Frente a esta perspectiva de “eso ya pasó de moda”, en este artículo proponemos abordar las “...
Cover and Introduction to edited collection
This article discusses what seem to us to be some of the key features of Chris Searle’s approach to language and literacy education within school classroom settings in England, as portrayed in his own writings and reflected in work done by his students and published in numerous compilations from Stepney Words (1971) to School of the World (1994). W...
The Internet is becoming an interactive and collaborative experience. Popular social software used to interact with the Internet includes blogs and microblogs for keeping track of things that interest you or for letting others know what you're up to ( www.blogger.com , www.livejournal.com , twitter.com ) and sites like Facebook for bringing togethe...
Remix means to take cultural artifacts and combine and manipulate them into new kinds of creative blends. In this sense, remix is as old as human cultures, and human cultures are themselves products of remixing. Since the late 1980s, however—originating with highly contrived forms of music remix by dancehall DJs—remix practices have been greatly am...
This paper advocates an orientation toward new literacies research that privileges "insider" perspectives and current developments within social spaces of the internet. It advances a conceptual definition of new literacies based on a "practice"-oriented account of "literacies" and three key distinctions • A distinction between two mindsets that com...
Cover plus Introduction to an edited collection
This article focuses on the social practices of propagating and circulating memes within Internet environments as a significant dimension of cultural production and transmission. Memes (pronounced ‘meems’) are contagious patterns of cultural information that are passed from mind to mind and which directly shape and transmit key actions and mindsets...
Major revision of New Literacies: Changing Knowledge and Classroom Learning (2003)
This paper explores social practices of propagating 'memes' (pronounced, 'meems') as a dimension of cultural production and transmission within internet environments. Memes are contagious patterns of cultural information that are passed from mind to mind and that directly shape and generate key actions and mindsets of a social group. Memes include...
Introduction This paper is organized in four sections. The first section surveys typical examples of what we see as the prevailing approach to understanding 'digital literacy' – which we identify with what we call an 'It' perspective on digital literacy. We consider a range of 'conceptual definitions' and 'standardised operationalisations' of digit...
Incl. bibl., abstract This qualitative study compared the availability of, access to, and use of new technologies in a group of low - and high socioeconomic status (SES) California high schools. Although student-computer ratios in the schools were similar, the social contexts of computer use differed, with low-SES schools affected by uneven human s...
This article takes as its field of interest education-related research that is conducted online. It engages directly with issues concerning ethical research conduct when investigating online practices, with reference to studies whose data is drawn solely from cyberspaces, as well as to studies that include an Internet-based investigation component...
Against the background of Michael Kamil and Sam Intrator’s landmark reviews of research about new technologies and literacy development, this article maps recent research concerned specifically with the 0–8 years age group. Drawing on databases of research conducted in North America, Britain and Australasia, it affirms that the early childhood dime...
This article is based on aproject aimed at generating practicalsuggestions based on research findings abouthow new technologies might be used to enhanceL1 literacy attainment in disadvantagedsettings. The project involved designing,implementing and researching an innovativeapproach to curriculum and pedagogy using newdigital technologies in languag...
Este artículo describe la importancia potencial de la investigación docente para el estatus de los profesores como profesionales, dentro de contextos donde un ideal democrático de la educación es atacado por los estándares técnicos y un currículo estandarizado. Describe dos ¿conceptos fundacionales¿ de investigación docente de los años setenta. Lo...
This article presents a critical assessment from the standpoint of early childhood literacy of Britain’s ambitious and costly on-line learning resource, the National Grid for Learning. It provides an overview of the aims, scope and administration of the Grid, together with typical examples of content available for users in the early childhood age r...
Throughout the 1990s, successive Australian governments funded an extensive program of research projects focused on children’s literacy. The program began as a key initiative within the Australian Language and Literacy Policy that was framed at the end of the 1980s and legislated in 1991.This policy was based on recognition of the fact that the con...
As we enter the twenty-first century, the familiar spaces of formal education are increasingly being invaded and transformed by new information and communication technologies (ICTs). The formerly well-delimited social spaces of classrooms and schools are rapidly being incorporated into the cyber spaces associated with computer programs, word proces...
Britain’s National Grid for Learning (hereafter, “the Grid”) began as a government policy initiative in 1996 and “opened for business” in late 1999. Officially described as “a Government initiative to help learners and educators in the U.K. to benefit from information and communications technology” (BECTA 2001a, p. 1), the Grid is a “vital part of...
In this chapter, we focus on the introduction of computers into high school classrooms in Ontario, Canada. Many studies of computer introduction focus on issues of technical implementation: issues of how people learn the techniques and, indeed, the “language” of computers. This concentration reflects a certain definition of the problems surrounding...
The concept of “mindsets” was introduced briefly in chapter 1. This chapter will examine that concept in more detail and use it as a tool to explore a number of ICT innovations in Australian schools. One of the mindsets described earlier centered on using new technologies as tools to simply implement slightly modified versions of old, established c...
In previous chapters we have described, on the basis of our own research, some of the things that happen when a new social technology—in this case, the complex of new computing technologies—is imposed on the school. While the cases reported here by no means exhaust our collective research base, they are nonetheless typical of what we have seen in c...
Within the framework laid out in chapter 1, this chapter aims to assess some of the fruitful possibilities, and some of the dangers, that await the users of educational technology. The research reported here was conducted in southwestern Ontario, Canada, and centered primarily on the development and implementation of an integrated digital informati...
The tenuous relationship between school learning and one students everyday life is analyzed. Implications for teaching literacy are also included.
Reviews the book Electronic literacies: Language, Culture, and Power in Online Education , by Mark Warschauer (see record 1998-06671-000 ). Mark Warschauer's warts-and-all account of four very different university-level language learning classrooms in Hawai'i is not a one-eyed celebration of computers-in-classrooms but, rather, is a detailed and im...
This article presents and compares three analyses of qualitative data drawn from an ethnographic case study using distinctive theoretical approaches. The article shows the power of theoretical approaches to constitute the “subject” of a study and to constitute the character of the social world in which such a subject is situated. The three readings...
Researchers often adopt qualitative approaches to research because they reject positivist assumptions they believe are integral to quantitative research. However, quantitative research emphasizes research 'virtues' that are often absent or underdeveloped in qualitative research. This article describes five key features of research as systematic soc...
The clamor to integrate computer-based technologies into curriculum generally, and language and literacy education specifically, is a hallmark of current education policy in many countries. A perceived need for education to keep pace and in "sync" with labor market needs is obviously an important part of the story. Technology and progress have beco...
Resumen: Este artículo describe la importancia potencial de la investigación docente para el estatus de los profesores como profesionales, dentro de contextos donde un ideal democrático de la educación es atacado por los estándares técnicos y un currículo estandarizado. Describe dos "conceptos fundacionales" de investigación docente de los años set...
Resumen Para muchos jóvenes, escribir con textos es sólo una forma de expresar ideas. Poco a poco están descubriendo que escribir con una mezcla de imágenes digitales, sonido y video es mucho más interesante y atractivo. Este tipo de remezcla digital es un proceso que implica tomar artefactos culturales y manipularlos y combinarlos en nuevos tipos...
Traducción de: New Literacies Tr. de la 2a ed. en inglés Obra que aborda cómo aprovechar las más recientes aplicaciones de las tecnologías de la comunicación en el salón de clases. Parte del supuesto de que si los jóvenes estudiantes las utilizan cotidianamente para comunicarse entre sí, también se pueden usar para motivarlos a investigar temas aca...