Michael J. Schirripa

Michael J. Schirripa
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA · Southeast Fisheries Science Center


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January 1991 - January 2017
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • FIshery Research Biologist


Publications (63)
Technical Report
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The EU project SEAwise endeavours to enhance existing multi-stock multi-species Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) models so that they can be used to define and evaluate fisheries management strategies that address broad Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) objectives, including in particular identifying Harvest Control Rules (HCRs) that a...
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Integrated analysis has increasingly been the preferred approach for conducting stock assessments and providing the basis for management advice for fish and invertebrate stocks around the world. Many decisions are required when developing integrated stock assessments. For example, the analyst needs to decide whether the model fits the data, if the...
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As species distribution models, and similar techniques, have emerged in marine ecology, a vast array of predictor variables have been created and diverse methodologies have been applied. Marine fish are vital food resources worldwide, yet identifying the most suitable methodology and predictors to characterize spatial habitat associations, and the...
Many stock assessments heavily rely on indices of relative abundance derived from fisheries-dependent catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) data. Therefore, it is critical to evaluate different CPUE standardization methods under varying scenarios of data generating processes. Here, we evaluated nine CPUE standardization methods offering contrasting treatmen...
Environmental variability changes the distribution, migratory patterns, and susceptibility to various fishing gears for highly migratory marine fish. These changes become especially problematic when they affect the indices of abundance (such as those based on catch-per-unit-effort: CPUE) used to assess the status of fish stocks. The use of simulate...
Harmful algal Karenia brevis blooms, known as “red tide”, are responsible for major episodic fish kills in the Gulf of Mexico. In response to management concerns, we conducted management strategy evaluation (MSE) to examine whether decision‐making reactivity to event occurrence or precautionary catch limit reductions could aid in achieving fishery...
This study highlights the importance of interspecific interactions among marine organisms and the effect that these trophic interactions have on the development of effective, adaptive management strategies for reef fishes in the Gulf of Mexico. To represent the spatially and temporally constrained, interspecific interactions among reef fishes we em...
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This study highlights the importance of interspecific interactions among marine organisms and the effect that these trophic interactions have on the development of effective, adaptive management strategies for reef fishes in the Gulf of Mexico. To represent the spatially and temporally constrained, interspecific interactions among reef fishes we em...
The article examines factors related to the decline and rebuilding of billfish stocks in the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Longline effort has declined over the last 10–15 years in both oceans. This decline in fishing pressure has led to the recovery of some stocks, but some species that are caught incidentally in industrial longline fisheries remain...
Conference Paper
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Relative abundance of the largest fish in a given population can be monitored using the metric NZ50, which is the smallest number of observations that are likely to include a fish ≥ a defined large threshold length half the time. This metric is a function of the position of the threshold in the cumulative size distribution of the statistical popula...
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Conflicting trends in indices of abundance for North Atlantic swordfish starting in the mid-to late 1990 s, in the form of fleet specific catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE), suggest the possibility of a spatial shift in abundance to follow areas of preferred temperature. The observed changes in the direction of the CPUEs correspond with changes in trends...
Introduction: With many effective anti-aging solutions for the face, consumer focus is now turning to other parts of the body including the delicate skin on the neck. This study investigates the effect of a new neck cream on the appearance of texture, fine lines and wrinkles, laxity, and hydration. Methods: 85 adult females ages 35-65 with Fitzp...
The Gulf of Mexico is one of the most ecologically and economically valuable marine ecosystems in the world and is affected by a variety of natural and anthropogenic phenomena including climate, hurricanes, coastal development, agricultural runoff, oil spills, and fishing. These complex and interacting stressors, together with the highly dynamic na...
Vitamin C is commonly used to treat aged skin. It has shown regenerative effects on skin wrinkles, texture, strength, and evenness of tone through its roles as an antioxidant, tyrosinase inhibitor, and inducer of collagen synthesis. Available vitamin C formulations on the anti-aging skin care market vary by their pH, packaging, and vehicle, which m...
Conference Paper
A large Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) program has been initiated in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). One goal of the GOM IEA program is to incorporate ecosystem products into single-species stock assessments. In 2013-2014, ecosystem considerations were introduced in the Stock Synthesis (SS) assessment model of GOM gag grouper (Mycteroperca microle...
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Executive Summary The NMFS held a National Ecosystem Modeling Workshop (NEMoW) on August 25-27, 2009. The workshop was held at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Merrill Center, in Annapolis, MD. This 2nd NEMoW was held as a national workshop analogous to National Stock Assessment Workshops and National Economists Meetings for the purpose of engaging t...
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Hollowed, A. B., Barange, M., Beamish, R., Brander, K., Cochrane, K., Drinkwater, K., Foreman, M., Hare, J., Holt, J., Ito, S-I., Kim, S., King, J., Loeng, H., MacKenzie, B., Mueter, F., Okey, T., Peck, M. A., Radchenko, V., Rice, J., Schirripa, M., Yatsu, A., and Yamanaka, Y. 2013. Projected impacts of climate change on marine fish and fisheries....
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A presumed conservation benefit of circle hooks is that they reduce catchability (q) and therefore bycatch of non-target species. While these changes may benefit a fish stock, they are difficult to incorporate in a stock assessment context, particularly for models that rely on fishery-dependent data, because few experiments exist that quantify the...
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Dendrochronology (tree-ring analysis) techniques were applied to develop chronologies from the annual growth-increment widths of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) and gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) otoliths sampled from the northern Gulf of Mexico, USA. Growth increment widths showed considerable synchrony within and across species, indicating th...
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Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) below near-surface optimums in the eastern tropical seas are among the largest contiguous areas of naturally occurring hypoxia in the world oceans, and are predicted to expand and shoal with global warming. In the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP), the surface mixed layer is defined by a shallow thermocline above a barrier...
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The effects of targeting, where fishing effort is directed towards one species as opposed to another, can introduce bias into CPUE time series. In recognition of this fact, The ICCAT Working Group on Assessment Methods recommended testing alternative standardization methods. Simulation techniques offer an objective and scientifically sound means to...
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Schirripa, M. J., Goodyear, C. P., and Methot, R. M. 2009. Testing different methods of incorporating climate data into the assessment of US West Coast sablefish. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 1605–1613. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate different methods of including environmental variability directly into stock assessmen...
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Hollowed, A. B., Bond, N. A., Wilderbuer, T. K., Stockhausen, W. T., A'mar, Z. T., Beamish, R. J., Overland, J. E., and Schirripa, M. J. 2009. A framework for modelling fish and shellfish responses to future climate change. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 1584–1594. A framework is outlined for a unified approach to forecasting the implication...
Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) supports substantial fisheries in both the eastern and western Pacific Oceans. Juvenile recruitment along the west coast of the continental United States has been highly variable over the past three decades. Using a generalized additive model, we demonstrate that physical oceanographic variables within the California...
An average of 96 oil and gas structures are removed with explosives annually from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. These offshore structures function as artificial reefs attracting a wide variety of marine life, including the commercially and recreationally important red snapper. A multi-year study estimated the mortality of red snapper resulting from the...
I simulated somatic growth and accompanying otolith growth using an individual-based bioenergetics model in order to examine the performance of several back-calculation methods. Four shapes of otolith radius-total length relations (OR-TL) were simulated. Ten different back-calculation equations, two different regression models of radius length, and...
The effects of mortality and gear selectivity on the otolith radius–total length relation (OR–TL), an important component of the back-calculation of length-at-age process, were simulated using a somatic–otolith bioenergetics population model. Four gear selectivities were examined and used to produce fishery-dependent samples for statistical analysi...
In this paper we describe growth of three species of reef fish from the eastern Gulf of Mexico by estimating parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation from release-recapture observations. These estimates of growth were then compared to those previously estimated from various hard-part and back-calculation analyses. The three fish examined i...
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Three different assumptions of the otolith–somatic growth relation were simulated using an individual-based bioenergetics model. The LINEAR model assumed that otolith growth was directly related to somatic growth; the TEMP–WT assumed that otolith growth was a function of ambient temperature and the weight of the fish; and the O2CON model assumed th...
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A stock assessment was conducted on the spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) stock of Florida Bay in Everglades National Park including simulated outcomes of six possible regulatory options. Female ovarian weight (grams) was regressed on total length (inches) (ovarian weight = 9.62E-04·total length3.542661; r = 0.78). Annual estimates of fishing...
Technical Report
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Florida enacted an 18-inch (total length) minimum size for groupers in July 1985. This was increased to 20 inches in February 1990 after the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council (GFMFC) established conservation measures for groupers. These measures included a 20-inch minimum size and a 9.2-million pound (total weight) commercial quota for th...
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The mission statement of FATE states that the program is to produce ecological and oceanographic products for the purpose of improving fishery stock assessments (FATE Science Plan 2005). While significant progress has been made towards developing biological and leading indicators, very little work has been directed at determining exactly how best t...
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The effective communication of complex multidimensional data is challenging. Communicating the overall situation and/or condition surrounding a particular ICCAT stock to a general audience is one such example. An often overlooked method of conveying multidimensional data is through the use of "faces" plots. Each point in k-dimensional space, k<16,...


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