Michael N Romanov

Michael N Romanov
University of Kent | KENT · School of Biosciences

Cand. Biol. Sci. (PhD)


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September 2024 - present
Kasetsart University
  • Distinguished Scholar
October 2021 - present
L.K. Ernst Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry
  • Leading Research Scientist
January 2017 - December 2021
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after Skryabin
  • Principal Investigator/Head of the Poultry Molecular Genetics and Genomics Lab/Adjunct Lecturer


Publications (377)
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Background Genomic studies in non-domestic avian models, such as the California condor and white-throated sparrow, can lead to more comprehensive conservation plans and provide clues for understanding mechanisms affecting genetic variation, adaptation and evolution. Developing genomic tools and resources including genomic libraries and a genetic ma...
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We present here a draft genome sequence of the red jungle fowl, Gallus gallus. Because the chicken is a modern descendant of the dinosaurs and the first non-mammalian amniote to have its genome sequenced, the draft sequence of its genome--composed of approximately one billion base pairs of sequence and an estimated 20,000-23,000 genes--provides a n...
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The availability of multiple avian genome sequence assemblies greatly improves our ability to define overall genome organization and reconstruct evolutionary changes. In birds, this has previously been impeded by a near intractable karyotype and relied almost exclusively on comparative molecular cytogenetics of only the largest chromosomes. Here, n...
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Birds are the most species-rich class of tetrapod vertebrates and have wide relevance across many research fields. We explored bird macroevolution using full genomes from 48 avian species representing all major extant clades. The avian genome is principally characterized by its constrained size, which predominantly arose because of lineage-specific...
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Genomic organisation of extinct lineages can be inferred from extant chromosome-level genome assemblies. Here, we apply bioinformatic and molecular cytogenetic approaches to determine the genomic structure of the diapsid common ancestor. We then infer the events that likely occurred along this lineage from theropod dinosaurs through to modern birds...
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Background: Cryopreservation cannot be widely used for rooster sperm due to high incidences of cryoinjury, including damage to sperm membranes. Thus, cryopreserved rooster sperm has limited use due to low sperm motility and reduced fertilizing ability, which disrupts the mechanisms involved in sperm-egg interactions. Previously, we used an Illumina...
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Background: The microbiome composition in dairy cows (Bos taurus) directly impacts on health and reproductive performance. This study aimed to determine the metagenomic composition and predicted microbial community functions in the endometrium and rectal chyme of cows fed a complex feed additive (CFA). The latter included the Bacillus mucilaginosus...
Highlights: • Most quail egg variables are not practicable to identify a specific laying hen. • Egg surface area-to-volume ratio has the best reproducibility and lowest variation. • This ratio can be an intraclutch “signature” of eggs generated by any given female. • Mother quail seems to produce the yolk excessively, not providing its exact am...
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Avian eggs are products of consumer demand, with modern methodologies for their morphometric analysis used for improving quality, productivity and marketability. Such studies open up numerous prospects for the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL). We first consider the state of the art of DL in the poultry industry, e...
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Two species of wild sheep inhabit Iran: Asiatic mouflon (Ovis gmelini) and urial (O. vignei). Phylogenetic relationships between populations distributed in this country are complex and still remain unclear. This study aimed to clarify, by genetic assessment, the phylogenetic status of Kerman wild sheep, considered to be a hybrid of the two species....
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Worldwide museums hold collections of eggshells representing material for descriptive studies. However, an obstacle to this is the lack of information about the original contents and weight of the entire egg (W). This study aimed to fill this gap though development of a methodological mechanism for calculating the volume of the egg interior (Vi), i...
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Bird eggs can be spherical, ellipsoid, ovoid, or pear-shaped (pyriform), the latter being the most complex. There is however no unambiguous evolutionary/adaptive explanation for this final, exotic shape. We hypothesized that pyriform eggs have a larger surface area-to-volume ratio (S/V) that may be a criterion for increased embryo metabolism. By in...
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Background The Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) is a small migratory bird whose main habitats are located in East Asia, Russia, China, Japan, Korea, and India. The Japanese quail was first introduced into the Iraqi research sector in the early 1980s. This investigation aimed to identify the genetic divergence between the available genetic lines o...
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Highlights: • We assumed that cuckoo eggs have shorter incubation time (I) due to thicker shells. • To test this, we analyzed published data for 454 eggs from 447 bird species. • We found that I can be determined by shell thickness-to surface area ratio (T/S). • Mother cuckoo seems to be adapted to increasing the T/S ratio by increasing T. • We d...
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Highlights • Carter-Morley Jones and simplified Gielis equations describe avian eggs geometries. • Nonlinear least squares methods are used to fit egg-shape equations to actual data. • Relative curvature measures of nonlinearity reflect linear approximation efficacy. Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) egg-shape equations are potent mathematical t...
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Simple Summary: It has been established that exposure to trace amounts of the herbicide glyphosate, even in low quantities, may have serious negative consequences for the health of poultry. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in growth and in the expression of key genes in the cecum of broiler chickens after adding glyphosate (a herbi...
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Background/Objectives: A combination of increased human presence in the Arctic zone alongside climate change has led to a decrease in the number of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Studying the genetic potential of this species will aid in conservation efforts, while simultaneously promoting improved meat productivity in domestic reindeer. Alongs...
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The current Ukrainian native chicken gene pool is experiencing a decline in the number of breeds and maintained flocks. The major chicken breeds and lines of Ukrainian selection currently involve the Poltava Clay, Birkivska Barvysta, White Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red, representing different utility purpose types (i.e. layer and dual purpose)...
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Correction: Molecular Cytogenetics (2024) 17:24. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13039-024-00696-y. The original article contained numerous minor typesetting mistakes which were mistakenly carried forward by the production team which handled the manuscript. Each error has since been amended.
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In the last 100 years or so, much information has been accumulated on avian karyology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry and evolution. The chicken genome project generated genomic resources used in comparative studies, elucidating fundamental evolutionary processes, much of it funded by the economic importance of domestic fowl (which are also exc...
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Background/Objectives: Orenburg goats are renowned for their soft down that acts as a substrate for warm clothing, particularly shawls that have an international reputation. As with many local livestock breeds, however, the Orenburg is presently at risk of extinction, an issue that can be addressed by assessing population genetic diversity and, the...
Conference Paper
Here, samples to identify bacterial endotoxins were collected from two commercial dairy farms in Leningrad Oblast: farm A (samples of feces and milk were taken) and farm (where samples were taken from the feeding table, milk and rumen chyme). The study comprised four groups (A1, A2, B1, B2) where 1 was the control and 2 the test group. A1 were heal...
Conference Paper
In conditions of intensive poultry farming, significant amounts of xeno-biotics enter the bird’s body. To investigate this, four groups of Ross 308 broiler chickens were formed: (1) control group fed the basic diet (BD); (2) experi-mental group fed BD supplemented with glyphosate; (3) experimental group fed BD along with combination of glyphosate a...
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Background/Objectives: For genomic selection to enhance the efficiency of broiler production, finding SNPs and candidate genes that define the manifestation of main selected traits is essential. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for growth and meat productivity traits of roosters from a chicken F2 resource population (n = 152). Me...
The present investigation was aimed at predicting a still (i.e., dead) vs. live embryo within a hatching goose egg by measuring the eggshell cooling rate. For this, we daily measured the temperature (T) values on the shell surface of goose eggs after they were removed from the incubator and during further natural cooling. T was recorded every 0.5 h...
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The domestic goat (Capra hircus) is a versatile small ruminant species spread on all continents, whose genomic features are becoming the subject of study by research teams from all over the world (A.M.A.M. Zonaed Siddiki et al., 2020; M.I. Selionova et al., 2021). The goal of this review is to elucidate the results of recent genomic studies on dome...
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Домашняя коза (Capra hircus L.) — это универсальный вид мелкого рогатого скота, разводимый на всех континентах, геномные особенности которого становятся предметом исследования для научных коллективов во всем мире (A.M.A.M. Zonaed Siddiki с соавт., 2020; М.И. Селионова с соавт., 2021). Цель обзора — отразить результаты недавних исследований геномов...
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Репродуктивная способность — один из основных показателей, определяющих племенную ценность самцов. Он зависит прежде всего от функционального состояния клеток семенников. Фертильность самцов определяется сложными физиологическими процессами, затрагивающими образование зрелых половых клеток — спермиев в процессе сперматогенеза. Формирование и накопл...
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Reproductive ability is one of the main indicators of the male breeding value that depends primarily on the functional state of testes cells. Male fertility is defined by complex physiological processes affecting the formation of mature germ cells, i.e., spermatozoa in the process of spermatogenesis. The forming and accumulation of germ cells occur...
Egg-related research promises unique opportunities for food science and technology. There is an urgent need to develop non-destructive methodologies for defining key egg parameters, e.g., egg volume (V) and surface area (S), based only on egg images. Herewith, V can be measured using the Archimedes’ principle (i.e., dipping in water), while S can b...
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Quail eggs, the smallest ones among poultry species, require special methodological aspects for their non-destructive examination and quality analysis. Using eggs from a cross between the Japanese and Texas breeds, we devised a methodology for defining the main geometric parameters of quail eggs. Calculation formulae were proposed to estimate indir...
Conference Paper
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Here, samples to identify bacterial endotoxins were collected from two commercial dairy farms in Leningrad Oblast: farm A (samples of feces and milk were taken) and farm (where samples were taken from the feeding table, milk and rumen chyme). The study comprised four groups (A1, A2, B1, B2) where 1 was the control and 2 the test group. A1 were heal...
Conference Paper
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In conditions of intensive poultry farming, significant amounts of xeno-biotics enter the bird’s body. To investigate this, four groups of Ross 308 broiler chickens were formed: (1) control group fed the basic diet (BD); (2) experi-mental group fed BD supplemented with glyphosate; (3) experimental group fed BD along with combination of glyphosate a...
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In recent decades, a lot of research has been conducted to explore poultry feeding behavior. However, up to now, the processes behind poultry feeding behavior remain poorly understood. The review generalizes modern expertise about the hormonal regulation of feeding behavior in chickens, focusing on signaling pathways mediated by insulin, leptin, an...
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Breeding improvements and quantitative trait genetics are essential to the advancement of broiler production. The impact of artificial selection on genomic architecture and the genetic markers sought remains a key area of research. Here, we used whole-genome resequencing data to analyze the genomic architecture, diversity, and selective sweeps in C...
The worldwide chicken gene pool encompasses a remarkable, but shrinking, number of divergently selected breeds of diverse origin. This study was a large-scale genome-wide analysis of the landscape of the complex molecular architecture, genetic variability, and detailed structure among 49 populations. These populations represent a significant sample...
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Subjects: Evolutionary Biology. Contributors: Rebecca O'Connor, Rafael Kretschmer, Michael N. Romanov, Darren Griffin. Birds (Aves) are the most speciose of terrestrial vertebrates, displaying Class-specific characteristics yet incredible external phenotypic diversity. Critical to agriculture and as model organisms, birds have adapted to many ha...
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The search for SNPs and candidate genes that determine the manifestation of major selected traits is one crucial objective for genomic selection aimed at increasing poultry production efficiency. Here, we report a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for traits characterizing meat performance in the domestic quail. A total of 146 males from an F 2...
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Subjects: Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science. Triticale, a hybrid of wheat and rye, is one of the most promising grain crops. In terms of productivity, the level of metabolizable energy, and the composition of essential amino acids, triticale surpasses rye and is not inferior to wheat. It is resistant to the most dangerous diseases and pests. In...
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Triticale, a hybrid of wheat and rye, is one of the most promising grain crops. In terms of productivity, the level of metabolizable energy, and the composition of essential amino acids, triticale surpasses rye and is not inferior to wheat. It is resistant to the most dangerous diseases and pests. In terms of nutritional value, triticale can compet...
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Birds (Aves) are the most speciose of terrestrial vertebrates, displaying Class-specific characteristics yet incredible external phenotypic diversity. Critical to agriculture and as model organisms, birds have adapted to many habitats. The only extant examples of dinosaurs, birds emerged ~150 mya and >10% are currently threatened with extinction. T...
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Cryopreservation is a widely used method of semen conservation in animal breeding programs. This process, however, can have a detrimental effect on sperm quality, especially in terms of its morphology. The resultant sperm disorders raise the risk of reduced sperm fertilizing ability, which poses a serious threat to the long-term efficacy of livesto...
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The aim of the current study was to assess the female metabolic rate and test the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the egg productivity of Japanese quails from eight breeds and their morphometric, or growth, parameters. Parameters measured were body weight (B), volume (V), and surface area (S), as well as the metabolism level express...
In waterfowl farms used for producing meat and eggs, a problem of discerning double-yolked (DY) and single-yolked (SY) eggs is rather actual. While in some parts of the world DY eggs are popular as a food product, DY eggs are undesired for hatcheries due to their lower fertility and poorer hatchability. After examining the morphological parameters...
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We proposed here a non-destructive technology for pre-sorting eggs into subclasses characterized by a specifical acceptable shelf life and quality requirements. Egg characteristics were identified suiting a predictive model for controlling storage periods. Accordingly, the relationships of egg parameters were assessed, with weight loss (ΔW) during...
A bird's egg has a variety of distinct physical characteristics that assure its functionality as a naturally engineered ‘packaging’ for the growing embryo. It also contains essential nutrients for human food. Egg density (D) is one such crucial physical parameter frequently involved in studies pertaining to its interrelationship with the quality of...
The present study was aimed to seek algorithms for prior identification of goose eggs unsuitable for incubation that, otherwise, turn into to hatching waste. These included infertile eggs and those in which the embryo did not survive by the hatch time. The algorithm development was based on egg parameter measurements taken before and during incubat...
Интенсивность отложения жира, в том числе абдоминального, — один из важных показателей, характеризующих как мясную продуктивность и качество продукции, так и общее здоровье сельскохозяйственной птицы. Этот признак положительно коррелирует с быстрым ростом птицы и в значительной степени зависит не только от условий кормления и содержания, но и от ге...
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The rate of fat deposition, including abdominal fat, is one of the important indicators characterizing both meat performance and product quality, as well as the poultry welfare in general. This trait positively correlates with the bird’s rapid growth and largely depends not only on feeding and housing conditions, but also on genetic factors. Mostly...
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Simple Summary Artificial selection has been applied to domesticated birds for many decades. More recently, this selection has made use of so-called single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers—simple variants in a DNA sequence. These SNPs can be used for whole-genome screening to detect the unique traces of areas of the genome that are subject to...
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Exploration of avian gametologous genes, i.e., homologous genes located on both the Z and W chromosomes, provides a crucial information about the underlying mechanism pertaining to the evolution of these chromosomes. The domestic chicken (Gallus gallus (Linnaeus 1758); GGA) traditionally serves as the primary reference subject of these comparative...
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Biologia https://doi.org/10.1007/s11756-023-01395-6 The original article has been updated to reflect added changes in the list of references. The original article has been corrected.
Enhancing goose production for human consumption requires evaluating the quality of goose eggs based on their physical characteristics. Grounded on the theoretical and experimental studies, we developed two calculation formulae that enabled the computation of Egg Quality Index (EQI) as an alternative to the widely used Haugh unit (HU) score in asse...
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Of the variety of bird egg shapes, perhaps the most fascinating and unusual are pyriform (pear-shaped, or conical) eggs. Among oologists, there is still no consensus on what exactly caused this evolutionary and ecological adaptation. To address this, our research was aimed to develop a minimalistic mathematical model for an accurate description of...
Conference Paper
In cows, there is a drastic metabolic stress caused by violations of the rumen microbiome composition during lactation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the α-and β-diversity of the rumen microbiome of lactating cows using next-generation sequencing (NGS) and gene expression assessed by qPCR, as well as evaluation of the corrective p...
Conference Paper
In recent years, there have been more data that the nonselective herbicide glyphosate (GLY) can negatively impact gut bacterial communities. The aim of our study was to investigate the composition of broiler caecal microbiome under chronic exposure to GLY and the introduction of a probiotic microorganism strain into the diet. 120 broilers were divi...
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Aims Gut bacteria play an important role in poultry nutrition and the immune defense system. Changes in the intestinal microbiome affect the physiological state, metabolism and innate im-munity of poultry. The present study aimed to characterize age-related changes in the gastrointestinal tract microflora in broiler chickens, depending on supplemen...
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Developing a geometric formulation of any biological object has a number of justifications and applications. Recently, we developed a universal geometric figure for describing a bird's egg in any of the possible basic shapes: spherical, ellipsoidal, ovoid, and pyriform. The formulation proved widely applicable but had a number of drawbacks, includi...
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Although the herbicide glyphosate is widely used globally and considered safe, more evidence of its adverse effects on animals and humans is accumulating. The present investigation was aimed at evaluating the impact of different glyphosate concentrations on zootechnical characteristics and clinical, biochemical and immunological blood parameters in...
Introduction: Due to long-term domestication, breeding and divergent selection, a vast genetic diversity in poultry currently exists, with various breeds being characterized by unique phenotypic and genetic features. Assuming that differences between chicken breeds divergently selected for economically and culturally important traits manifest as ea...
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This review addresses the concept of genetic load from the point of view of molecular genetics, development and efforts in selective breeding. As typical examples, the assessment of animals in the Holstein breed and its high-blooded crossbreeds is considered for mutations that cause three inherited diseases: bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (CD...
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In meat-type poultry breeding, pectoral angle (PA) is a conventional anatomical indicator for changes in body conformation and meat traits; its correlation to egg performance is however deemed controversial. In this context, we revisited, assessed and put forward evidence for the usefulness of this classic phenotypic variable and its specific integ...
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Simple Summary: A collection of native farm animal breeds can be considered as a gene pool and a national heritage. Long-term artificial selection in domesticated animals has certain effects on their genomes, which can be investigated using genome-wide screens for DNA sequence variation, that is, so-called single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) scre...
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Simple Summary Dinosaurs have been in scientific and popular culture since early fossil discoveries, but increased interest, particularly in their genomes, is expanding. Birds are reptiles, specifically theropod dinosaurs, meaning that if we compare the genomes of related reptile relations, we can get an idea of what the extinct dinosaur genomes l...
Conference Paper
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In cows, there is a drastic metabolic stress caused by violations of the rumen microbiome composition during lactation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the α-and β-diversity of the rumen microbiome of lactating cows using next-generation sequencing (NGS) and gene expression assessed by qPCR, as well as evaluation of the corrective p...
Conference Paper
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In recent years, there have been more data that the nonselective herbicide glyphosate (GLY) can negatively impact gut bacterial communities. The aim of our study was to investigate the composition of broiler caecal microbiome under chronic exposure to GLY and the introduction of a probiotic microorganism strain into the diet. 120 broilers were divi...