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Interests: Fluvial & litoral & lacustrine sediments, volcanic & plutonic rocks, urban dust, geochemistry
Methods: Magnetic susceptibility, temperature-susceptibility measurements, geochemical data retrieval
Regions: Germany (Saale catchment, Eifel, Siebengebirge, Saar-Nahe Basin, North Sea & Baltic Sea coastline), France (Bretagne, Pays Cathare, Val de Loire), Switzerland (Engadina), Cyprus (Troodos)
Publications (72)
Lässt sich der Steinkohle-Bergbau an der Saar in der magnetischen Suszeptibilität fluviatiler Sedimente nachweisen?
Beziehungen zwischen Liefergesteinen und fluviatilem Transport, Überblick über fluviatile Ablagerungsmilieus und deren Ablagerungen, Materialeigenschaften in Abhängigkeit vom Ausgangsgestein
Summary of the main geological features in the Vosges Mountains, field impressions and magnetic susceptibility of source rocks and recent fluvial sediments.
Outline of the geology of Cyprus, outcrops in Troodos Massif, classification of mantle and magmatic ophiolite rocks based on a retrieval of geochemical data, magnetic susceptibility
Die magnetische Suszeptibilität von rezenten fluviatilen Sedimenten im Saale Einzugsgebiet wird mit derjenigen potentieller Liefergesteine verglichen. Liefergesteine mit hoher Suszeptibilität sind vor allem paläozoische Basaltoide und ihre metamorphen Produkte sowie stratiforme und gangförmige Vererzungen in Schiefergebirgsarealen. Dabei zeigt sich...
Summary on regional studies in central Europe within the project FluviMag (in German language).
Temporal evolution of element ratios in the catchment of the River Thuringian Saale
A literature retrieval was performed for a total of about 5491 datasets of whole rock geochemical analyses of sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic rocks in the catchment of River Thuringian Saale for the past 600 Ma. Considering availability and coincidence with p...
Generelle Aspekte von Flussablagerungen und deren fluviatilen Systemen, als Einführung zu den weiteren Berichten im FluviMag Projekt.
Die Zusammenhänge zwischen fluviatilem Regime und Magnetomineralen werden beleuchtet. Auf allgemeiner Kenntnis zu Transportprozessen in Flüssen basierende Hypothesen werden im Hinblick auf Magnetominerale und magnetische Suszeptibilität diskutiert, dabei wird auf weitere Berichte im Rahmen des FluviMag Projektes verwiesen.
Parameter magnetische Suszeptibilität, magnetisches Verhalten von Materie, magnetische Korngrößen, magnetische Suszeptibilität von Mineralen und Gesteinen, Anwendungen in der Forschung
This is version 7 of the report on magnetic susceptibility measurements for Frifluvial sediments and catchment rock in the area of the Middle und Lower Saar River.
Elevated levels of particulate matter (PM) in urban atmospheres are one of the major environmental challenges of the Anthropocene. To effectively lower those levels, identification and quantification of sources of PM is required. Biomonitoring methods are helpful tools to tackle this problem but have not been fully established yet. An example is th...
Flussedimente der Fränkischen Saale und ihrer Zuflüsse werden im Hinblick auf magnetische Suszeptibilität mit Daten zu potentiellen Liefergesteinen verglichen, um Hinweise auf anthropogene Einträge zu lokalisieren.
The seaward litoral of the Island of Usedom, German and Polish coast of the Baltic Sea, was investigated by magnetic susceptibility and binocular/microscope for anthropogenic metal fragments, selected heavy minerals, and inorganic geochemistry to gain information on coastal dynamics. By multiparameter statistics a tool for the interpretation of the...
Atmospheric particulate matter has become a major issue in urban areas from both a health and an environmental perspective. In this context, biomonitoring methods are a potential complement to classical monitoring methods like impactor samplers, being spatially limited due to higher costs. Monitoring using spider webs is compared with the more comm...
Im seewärtigen Litoral Usedoms geben magnetische Suszeptibilität, Curie-Temperaturen und eine Reihe von sedimentpetrographischen Kornparametern Informationen zu Herkunft und Dynamik der Sande.
Volcanic elevations and depressions pervade the landscape of the Quaternary Westeifel Volcanic Field (WEVF) and characterize the regional surface. Among other things, they influence the morphology of the typically narrow and deeply-cut valleys as well as the course of the river systems. Nowadays the progress of erosion by rivers and the processes o...
Der Vergleich der magnetischen Suszeptibilität von vulkanischen und sedimentären Liefergesteinen mit den daraus resultierenden fluviatilen Sedimenten erlaubt das Bestimmen geogener Hintergrundwerte. Die Suszeptibilität vulkanischer Gesteine wird mit geochemischen Daten verglichen um zu testen, ob sich der Grad der magmatischen Differentiation in de...
Differentiating between regularly seasonal, irregular and event-based clastic sedimentation is difficult if sedimentation structures resemble and dating methods are imprecise. In this study - clastic light and dark laminae from lava-dammed Paleolake Alf in the Late Pleistocene in the Quaternary West Eifel Volcanic Field are analyzed to clarify how...
Des résultats des investigations sédimentologiques, essentiellement des observations sur terrain, et magnétiques, avec l´etude de 72 sédiments du milieu littoral, éolien et fluviatile/estuarien, sont présentées de la Loire dans le Bassin de Paris, et des côtes du Vendée, de la Gironde/Garonne et des Causses dans le Bassin d´Aquitaine. L´origine de...
Des résultats des investigations sédimentologiques, essentiellement des observations sur terrain, et magnétiques, avec l´etude de 27 échantillons de la Bretagne et d´un de la Normandie sont présentées. Des valeurs de la susceptibilité magnétique de roches-mères recherchés d´après la littérature sont donnés pour la comparaison avec valeurs élevés qu...
Mit Messungen der magnetischen Suszeptibilität an sandigen und pelitischen Sedimenten der Saar und ihrer Zuflüsse sowie der Liefergesteine im Einzugsgebiet wird untersucht, ob der inzwischen beendete Steinkohlen-Bergbau im Saarland einen Einfluß auf die Magnetisierbarkeit fluviatiler Sedimente hat.
An litoralen Sedimenten der Insel Norderney wird mit Hilfe der magnetischen Suszeptibilität untersucht, welchen Einfluß der terrigene Eintrag der Ems auf die Inselsedimente hat.
Der vermutliche geogene Hintergrundwert massespezifischer Suszeptibilität rezenter limnischer und litoraler Sedimente mit quartären glaziofluviatilen Sedimenten im Einzugsgebiet wird im Bereich zwischen Lauenburg an der Elbe und der Ostseeküste um Lübeck und Boltenhagen vorgestellt. Die Werte liegen deutlich niedriger als in den meisten untersuchte...
Liefergesteine des Siebengebirges werden im Hinblick auf ihre geochemischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften untersucht und mit fluviatilen Sedimenten verglichen.
Die Auswirkung des Steinkohle-Bergbaus auf Gewässer wird mit Hilfe der magnetischen Suszeptibilität untersucht.
Die magnetische Suszeptibilität von Liefergesteinen im Einzugsgebiet der Saale wird untersucht und mit derjenigen von rezenten fluviatilen Sedimenten verglichen.
Der fluviatile Eintrag von Magnetomineralen ins Litoral wird anhand von Gesamtfraktions- und Kornfraktions-Messungen der magnetischen Suszeptibilität diskutiert.
Nach einer Einführung in den gesteinsphysikalischen Parameter magnetische Suszeptibilität werden Literaturdaten zu mineral- und gesteinsbezogenen Suszeptibilitäten aufgeführt und Anwendungsbeispiele vorgestellt.
Nach einer geologischen Übersicht wird die magnetische Suszeptibilität von Gesteinen im Unterengadiner Fenster beschrieben und mit der von rezenten fluviatilen Ablagerungen verglichen.
Two 6-m long sediment cores drilled in the two basins of Lake Caviahue give new evidence of the impact of natural hazards such as ash fallouts linked to nearby volcanic eruptions in the ecologically sensitive environment of the high-altitude region of the Argentinan Patagonian Andes. The two cores show distinct signals of changes in autochthonous p...
The detailed investigation of a shallow aquifer structure is the prerequisite for choosing a proper well location for groundwater exploration drilling for human drinking water supply and subsequent managing of the aquifer system. In the case of shallow aquifers of some 10 m in depth, this task is still a challenge for high-resolution geophysical me...
Barium in marine terrigenous surface sediments of the European Nordic Seas is analysed to evaluate its potential as palaeoproductivity proxy. Biogenic Ba is calculated from Ba and Al data using a conventional approach. For the determination of appropriate detrital Ba/Al ratios a compilation of Ba and Al analyses in rocks and soils of the catchments...
In the Hocheifel only three maars are known. The Eckfeld Maar, filled with Eocene lacustrine sediments, is located at the
southern boundary of the volcanic field, where the Tertiary peneplain has been eroded only slightly. The ages of the Jungferweiher
Maar in the southeast and the Döttingen Maar in the northeast of the Tertiary Hocheifel Volcanic...
Barium in marine terrigenous surface sediments of the European Nordic Seas is analysed to evaluate its potential as palaeoproductivity proxy. Biogenic Ba is calculated from Ba and Al data using a conventional approach. For the determination of appropriate detrital Ba/Al ratios a compilation of Ba and Al analyses in rocks and soils of the catchments...
Maar eruptions form small initially steep-walled basins that contain important archives for the climatic and palaeoenvironmental history in continental areas. The two Ukinrek Maars in south-western Alaska erupted between 30 March and 9 April 1977 and are the best-documented maars that have erupted in historical time. This study presents a prelimina...
In the Alf valley in the Quaternary Westeifel Volcanic Field the eruption of several scoria cones during the Weichsel Glacial resulted in the formation of a natural dam and an up to 51 m thick sequence of lava flows and sediments was formed upstream. In a drilling near Gillenfeld the valley fill consists of a basal 70 cm thick mafic tephra, a lower...
Ranu Klindungan is a 126 m deep maar lake near Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia. Profundal sediments down to 1.06 m sediment depth consist of calcareous diatom gyttja with frequent turbidites. Distinct seasonal climatic variations are reflected by high magnetic susceptibility of terrigenic layers deposited during the rain season (November–April) and...
In this paper, we summarize data on terrigenous sediment supply in the Kara Sea and its accumulation and spatial and temporal variability during Holocene times. Sedimentological, organic-geochemical, and micropaleontological proxies determined in surface sediments allow to characterize the modern (riverine) terrigenous sediment input. AMS-14C dated...
High-altitude lakes in the Andes tend to be unaffected by anthropogenic influence. However, some of these lakes have been influenced by humans in the recent past. In this paper we explore the impact of a hydroelectrical power station on the limnology and the ecosystem in the high-altitude lake Laja in the southern central Andes of Chile over the la...
In the volcanic arc of Java, Indonesia, maar lakes exist around the Lamongan-Tarub stratovolcano and north of Tengger Caldera in East Java. Geological, morphometrical, hydrological, limnological, sedimentological and geochemical data are presented from the maar lakes Ranu Agung, Ranu Lading, Ranu Segaran and Ranu Klindungan. Lake sediments are disc...
In this paper, we summarize data on terrigenous sediment supply in the Kara Sea and its accumulation and spatial and temporal variability during Holocene times. Sedimentological, organic-geochemical, and micropaleontological proxies determined in surface sediments allow to characterize the modern (riverine) terrigenous sediment input. AMS-14C dated...
ABSTRACT Maar craters often contain exceptionally preserved fossils and maar sediments may reflect detailed environmental changes. Volcanosedimentary processes in a Middle Eocene maar crater lake are illustrated by the deposits of Eckfeld Maar in the Tertiary Hocheifel Volcanic Field (Rhenish Massif, Germany). The maar origin of the basin is eviden...
Terrigenous sediment parameters in modem sea-bottom samples and sediment cores of the South Atlantic are used to infer variations in detrital sources and modes of terrigenous sediment supply in response to environmental changes through the late Quaternary climate cycles. Mass-accumulation rates of terrigenous sediment and fluxes of ice-rafted detri...
Spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility and the gravel fraction in surface sediments in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were investigated to reconstruct source areas and recent transport pathways of magnetominerals and ice-rafted debris. Maxima of magnetic susceptibility were observed offshore from areas where mafic source rocks o...
Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris of surface sediments in the Nordic Seas were investigated to reconstruct source areas and recent transport pathways of magnetic minerals. From the distribution of magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris and published data on petrographic tracers for iceberg drift, we reconstructed a counter-clockw...
Spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility and the gravel fraction in surface sediments in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were investigated to reconstruct source areas and recent transport pathways of magnetominerals and ice-rafted debris. Maxima of magnetic susceptibility were observed offshore from areas where mafic source rocks o...
Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris of surface sediments in the Nordic Seas were investigated to reconstruct source areas and recent transport pathways of magnetic minerals. From the distribution of magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris and published data on petrographic tracers for iceberg drift, we reconstructed a counter-clockw...
In East Java, one isolated maar lake, Ranu Klindungan, is located north of Tengger Caldera. Another 12 maar lakes and 26 dry maars surround the Lamongan Stratovolcanoe. The diameter resp. depth of the lakes is up to 1550 m resp. 145 m. Variations of the topographic and bathymetric relief of the individual craters indicate different episodes of the...
Ranu Klindungan (7.725° S, 113.02° E, 10 m a.s.l.) is a maar lake 1550 m in diameter in the coastal lowlands at the northern foot of the Tengger Caldera in East Java, Indonesia. The southern half of the lake is surrounded by a tephra wall up to 50 m high, whereas towards the north topography rises only some meters above lake level. Fresh maar tephr...
Ranu Klindungan is a lake at the northern lowlands of East Java close to the northern slope of the Tengger Caldera. Outcrops of phreatomagmatic base surge deposits at the inner southern crater slope indicate that the lake is situated in a maar crater. The lake has a surface of 2.1 km2 and a maximum depth of 126 m. Details to the morphometry are giv...