Michael JungmeierFachhochschule Kärnten · UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas
Michael Jungmeier
FH-Prof. PhD, Mag.
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UNESCO-Chair for Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas, Professor for Nature Conservation and Sustainability at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria); scientific director of different educational offers.
Main resaerch interest: concepts, methods and tools for planning, managing and governing conservation areas (particular focus on UNESCO designations).
Additional affiliations
January 2020 - present
June 1997 - December 2019
October 2019 - present
Publications (163)
Parks between yesterday and tomorrow; Development towards the parks of the future; Expert discussion on the hypothesis; Viewpoints of guest commentators (Roger Croft, IUCN/WCPA; Mario Broggi, private scholar; Engelbert Ruoss, former Head of UNESCO Venice regional office; Marta Mugica, EUROPARC Spain; Zoltan Kun; European Wilderness Society); Conclu...
The history of national parks in Austria, Germany and Switzerland reaches back to the late 19th century. Based on a historic content analysis (ATLAS.ti), this study investigates the different conservation concepts through the example of tourism in charismatic parks in the Alps, such as Swiss National Park, Berchtesgaden National Park and Hohe Tauer...
Protected areas are regarded as central instruments for the implementation of global nature conservation objectives and have been conceived to serve the purpose of conserving and safeguarding biodiversity. Most protected areas have been designated during the past decades and comply with strict territorial considerations: they have strong local root...
The biosphere reserve (BR), as conceived by UNESCO, is a permanent intervention towards sustainable development. With 727 BRs in 131 countries (Österreichisches MAB-Nationalkomitee 2021), this means interventions in highly diverse environmental, economic, socio-cultural and institutional contexts. With the MAB Strategy 2015–2025, the
Lima Declarati...
Biodiversity loss is one of the most serious global environmental problems caused by human activities. The intensification of agriculture and the increasing presence of monocultures is one of the main reasons for this. To study the long-term effects of maize monocultures compared to crop rotation systems on vegetation and biodiversity, two nearby s...
Protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) are important to stop the global decline in biodiversity. Systematic site-based monitoring of the state of biodiversity and conservation outcomes is necessary for evidence-based adaptive management in protected areas and OECMs. Biodiversity monitoring is also important to...
On 15th and 16th July 2022, a total of 71 naturalists came together at the St. Lorenzener Hochmoor in Auteral – located in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburg Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge to explore the plant, funghi and animal diversity. As stipulated by the GEO-day of nature a time frame of 24 hours was available for this project.
With o...
Maintaining and improving the state of biodiversity is a primary factor guiding management activities in conservation areas, including protected areas (PAs) and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs). Due to the complex nature of conservation programs, a common management approach cannot be prescribed. Robust monitoring programs s...
Water resources are becoming increasingly scarce in many parts of the world. The protection and the sustainable use of water resources is highly relevant to mitigate climate impacts. This article aims to investigate the activities of UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGps) in regard to ground and surface water resources. Using a mixed-methods approach, a qu...
In the 1970s, tourism projects met with resistance from conservationists
and citizens in the Carinthian Nockberge. The plans were rejected in a referendum. The establishment of a national park offered a development alternative.
Since a national park complying with international standards, in which alpine
farming would be abandoned, was not feasible...
Purpose: The management of cross-border natural resources has been the focus of research in different disciplines. Nonetheless, beyond theoretical insights, empirical evidence of successful cross-border management or governance of natural resources is still limited, even in the European Union (EU) where a range of instruments are provided to foster...
Summary: Biodiversity in the Biosphere Reserve Carinthian Nockberge. Results from the 6th GEO day of Nature 2021 – “At the foot of the Zunderwand”
Seventy-one biodiversity experts participated in the inventory of plant, fungi and animal species from the area beneath the Zunderwand on the 2nd and 3rd of July 2021. The study area is situated in the C...
UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (BRs) are internationally recognized model regions for sustainable development and used to conducting participation processes. This research explored the need and research design options for multi-channel participation approaches including digital systems for Austrian BRs. With the support of an online survey and a two-day...
Novel methods for species detection based on collection of environmental DNA (eDNA) are not only important in biodiversity assessment in a scientific context, but are also increasingly being applied in conservation practice. The eDNA-based biodiversity detection methods have significant potential for regular use in biodiversity status assessments a...
Vertrauen respektive Misstrauen sind entscheidende Faktoren, die bei einer Mensch-Maschinen-Interaktion für die Akzeptanz und Übernahme von nachhaltigen Mobilitätslösungen besonders wichtig erscheinen. Bislang gibt es widersprüchliche Ergebnisse über geschlechts- sowie altersbezogene Unterschiede im Vertrauen respektive Misstrauen gegenüber automat...
The vigorous and competitive knotweed species Fallopia japonica and Fallopia
sachalinensis as well as the hybrid Fallopia × bohemica have been able to spread
massively in Europe and have also gained a foothold in Carinthia in recent decades.
The management of the plants is becoming increasingly important in the context of
nature conservation, infra...
This paper describes the case of a university course addressing Sustainable Development (SD). This interdisciplinary and interfaculty elective course is meant to serve the purpose of teaching sustainability. At the same time, it is also intended to serve as an instrument for the implementation of sustainability at the University of Klagenfurt in Au...
State-of-the-art tools are revolutionizing protected area (PA) manager approaches to biodiversity monitoring. Effective strategies are available for test site establishment, data collection, archiving, analysis, and presentation. In PAs, use of new technologies will support a shift from primarily expert-based to automated monitoring procedures, all...
Protected areas are confronted with the inherent aporetic conflict (Jungmeier et al., 2016) of, on the one hand, enabling the guest to maximise nature appreciation and experience, and, on the other hand, protecting species and habitats from the negative impacts of visitor pressure (Leung et al., 2018). This has given rise to a number of scientific...
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die Artenvielfalt "Rund um die Grundalm" wurde am 17. und 18. Juli 2020 unter die Lupe genommen. Der 5. GEO-Tag der Natur im Kärntner Teil des UNESCO Biosphärenparks Salzburger Lungau und Kärntner Nockberge bildete den Rahmen dieses Forschungsevents, an dem innerhalb der vorgegebenenen 24 Stunden zahlreiche Expert*innen ehrenamtlic...
Die Karnischen Alpen sind ein auf-grund ihrer topografischen Gestaltung, der Jahrhunderte währenden Nutzungs-geschichte als alpine Kulturlandschaft und ihrer Lage als Grenzgebirgszug von besonderer Bedeutung. Die Nut-zungsansprüche an den Lebensraum sind vielfältig und beeinflussen sich in ihren komplexen Auswirkungen gegen-seitig. Land-, Forst-und...
Monitoring is thus an essential tool for the effective management of a biosphere reserve.
However, resources and capacities at local level are often limited. The authors outline the major conceptual challenges in developing a long-term monitoring system. In the Salzburger Lungau & Carinthian Nockberge UNESCO BR, a BRIM was elaborated between 2011 a...
Erratum zu: A. Borsdorf et al. (Hrsg.), Biosphäre 4.0
This paper looks at the relationship between nature conservation and tourism. This can be described as a variable relationship of tension. Natural space and nature conservation can play a central role in destination development and brand management.
Sustainability is not a single concept, but a bundle of concepts that has broadened significantly in recent decades. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) must therefore not only impart new knowledge but should also focus on supporting its students in acquiring new competences, both on a personal and an institutional level. Games and gamifica...
Fährt man auf der Südautobahn A2 von
Villach kommend Richtung Italien, so
passiert man ungefähr in Höhe der Raststation Arnoldstein eine Unterführung,
deren Portal ein eindrucksvoller Bär in
Beton ziert. Dasselbe gilt für die Fahrt in
umgekehrte Richtung. Was hat es damit
auf sich? Ist es ein Kunstwerk oder soll
es der großen Liebe der Kärntner zu...
Die in dieser Broschüre präsentierten Abschlussarbeiten zeugen von intensiver Auseinandersetzung mit sehr unterschiedlichen Themen. In allen Projekten sind naturkundlicher und technischer Sachverstand sowie Ingenieurs- und Erfndergeist deutlich erkennbar. Die Arbeiten illustrieren die Aufgabenfelder und Einsatzbereiche einer Naturschutzfachkraft un...
This paper describes the case of a university course addressing Sustainable Development (SD). This interdisciplinary and interfaculty elective course is meant to serve the purpose of teaching sustainability. At the same time, it is also intended to serve as an instrument for the implementation of sustainability at the University of Klagenfurt in Au...
This document is one of seven guidelines developed to provide standards and recommendations for management of the country’s natural assets. The Guidelines for Biodiversity Monitoring is intended for conservation scientists, managers and stakeholders involved in the management of ecosystems. It specifically provides support for natural resource mana...
In general, this rapid and recent growth in protected areas has not been accompanied by commensurate expansion in management capacity. The designation of protected status both on land and water has often failed to resolve (and in some cases has heightened) conflicts over access, use or control of the areas concerned. Economic recession and hardship...
This guidelines are based on international and national standards and
are divided into 15 steps for successful management. A fundamental
pre-condition for any form of management planning is clear definition of
the overall management objectives to be achieved. These management
objectives are linked to the IUCN protected area categories, which form
The Austrian Federal Forests (ÖBf) are a public enterprise owned by the Republic of Austria, and manage about 13% of Austrian forests and thereby about 10% of the national territory. For this reason, they do have an important impact on ecosystems and landscape, therefore on “Ecosystem Services“ (ESS). The centrepiece of this study, entitled „Values...
The book explains the conept of biosphere reserves and its development over time under the perspective of sustainable development. It focusses on biosphere reserves in the so-called DACH-state (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The authors are scientists and practitioners in these protected areas.
UNESCO Biosphere Reserves sind Modellregionen nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Die Bezeichnung greift auf einen Begriff zurück, der im 19. Jahrhundert forstwirtschaftlich geprägt und konnotiert wurde und mit der Veröffentlichung des Brundtland-Reports (1984) zu einem entwicklungstheoretischen Paradigma wurde. Auch wegen seiner Unschärfe war der Terminus N...
The diversified formats of citizen science
provide new possibilities for initiating heritage
communities. The authors understand the
conference theme in a broad sense and follow
the concept of citizen science as advocated by
Pettibone & Vohland (2016).
The focus is on three citizen science projects in
Austria that have had an impact on diverse
Zusammenfassung: Am 17. und 18. Mai 2019 stand die „Vielfalt an den Ufern und Berghängen des Millstätter Sees“ im Fokus des 4. GEO-Tages der Natur im Kärntner Teil des UNESCO Biosphärenparks Kärntner Nockberge und Salzburger Lungau. In einem Zeitfenster von 24 Stunden waren zahlreiche Expert_innen ehrenamtlich darum bemüht, die Pflanzen-, Pilz- und...
Umweltverfahren wie z. B. die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (UVP), das Naturschutzverfahren oder das im Mineralrohstoffgesetz vorgesehene Verfahren sollen die Auswirkungen eines Vorhabens auf die Umwelt beurteilen. So werden mögliche Einflüsse auf Menschen, Tiere, Pflanzen und deren Lebensräume, Boden, Wasser, Luft und
Klima, Landschaft, Sach- und Kul...
Im Forschungsprojekt „Game of Clones“ erforschte ein
Team von Wissenschafterinnen und Wissenschaftern
gemeinsam mit Schülerinnen und Schülern das
Ausbreitungsverhalten des Staudenknöterichs unter
verschiedenen Bedingungen. Die Ergebnisse flossen in
ein Simulationsmodell, ein Computer- und ein Brettspiel.
Within the framework of the LIFE project Green List for Natura 2000, the Lendspitz-Maiernigg site (AT2130000, Klagenfurt, Austria) was assessed against the indicators reflecting the four criteria Equitable and Effective Governance, Design and Plan-ning, Effective Management and Conservation Outcomes. Since 2012, graduates of the Management of Prote...
I assume that there is not only great economic potential in nature conservation. Fridays For Future, Extinction Rebellion and many other groups and activities worldwide show what modern societies want and need: intact rainforests, clean oceans, biodiversity and a healthy planet. Here is the demand and we make the technology. It makes sense to pursu...
The improvement or rehabilitation of ecological connectivity is considered a fundamental aspect in order
to reduce the loss of biodiversity and to preserve various ecosystem services for the benefit of humans in
the long term. Sectoral policies and a dynamic economic development of the Danube River Basin (DRB)
therefore represent a major challenge...
The malacofauna of the Natura 2000 site Lendspitz-Maiernigg (Klagenfurt, Austria)
was investigated in 2017 on two days in July. The investigated area is one of the last remaining silting zones on the Lake Wörthersee. In total 40 species of molluscs could be
recorded, 19 of them water molluscs and 21 land snail species. Six of the latter we...
Der Beitrag untersucht ex post ein inter- und transdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt zu Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten an regionalen Planungs- und Entscheidungsprozessen. Anhand von Kurzinterviews mit VertreterInnen des damaligen ForscherInnenteams und ausgewählten Projektbeteiligten wird untersucht, welche Eindrücke und Auswirkungen das Forschungsprojekt...
Am 17. Und 18. Mai 2019 stand die „Vielfalt an den Ufern und Berghängen des Millstätter Sees“ im Fokus des 4. GEO-Tags der Natur im Biosphärenpark Nockberge. In einem Zeitfenster von 24 Stunden waren zahlreiche ExpertInnen ehrenamtlich darum bemüht, die Pflanzen-, Pilz- und Tierwelt in einem klar umgrenzten Untersuchungsgebiet am Os...
Fallopia japonica as an invasive alien species to Europe and North America presents a significant problem to the existing flora as well as to infrastructures and agricultural land. That is why measures and attempts to control the plant are increasing rapidly. However, conservationists are not yet able to agree on the most suitable method. In the re...
The difference between Fallopia japonica and Fallopia sachalinensis is clear when comparing size and hairiness of the leaves. Due to the hybridization of both species and its product Fallopia x bohemica, a solid phenological identification has become considerably harder and sometimes impossible. For a serious discussion about the plant and the deve...
The difference between Fallopia japonica and Fallopia sachalinensis is clear when comparing size and hairiness of the leaves. Due to the hybridization of both species and its product Fallopia x bohemica, a solid phenological identification has become considerably harder and sometimes impossible. For a serious discussion about the plant and the deve...
Based on an analysis of the status quo and a qualitative training needs assessment
the Capacity Building and Training Programme Development for Protected
Areas in Ukraine has been developed in a process of discussion with Ministry
of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. The programme addresses
professionals in protected areas at all categories...
The patterns of wilderness – Preparing an inventory of natural processes in the National park Gesäuse (Ennstaler Alpen). - In this paper, the authors examine the composition,
patterns and succession of vegetation in four different ecosystems in Gesäuse National Park (Styria, Austria), that are characterised by certain disturbance regimes. The basic...
Am 21. Juli 2017 versammelten sich 49 ExpertInnen anlässlich des 19. GEO-Tages der Artenvielfalt in Innerkrems. Ziel dieser Veranstaltung war es, den Artenreichtum der Eisentalhöhe und ihrer Umgebung zu erforschen. Unter dem Motto „Hoch hinaus“ wurden in einem vorgegebenen Zeitfenster von 24 Stunden die aufgefundenen Tier-, Pilz-...
Das Buch fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt „Flora@Velden.eu — Bildung inklusive!” zusammen. Im Projekt erforschten Kindergarten- und Schulkinder der Gemeinde Velden die Pflanzen der Schulumgebung und ihre ursprünglichen Herkunftsgebiete. Sie lernten zusätzlich viel Interessantes über Ansprüche und Nutzung dieser Pflanzen und wie und...
Die aktive Gestaltung von Wissensprozessen gilt als
ein Schlüsselfaktor für eine nachhaltige regionale Entwicklung.
Schutzgebieten kommt in der Dynamik einer
„lernenden Region“ eine zentrale Rolle zu, da in der
Auseinandersetzung um ihre Implementierung und Weiterentwicklung
verschiedene Aspekte von „Entwicklung“
und „Wissen“ kondensieren und sich...
„Protected areas put nature on display, rather showing the idea, the concept of nature than nature itself“, sagt die Humangeographin und Philosophin Heike Egner. Schutzgebiete zeigen demnach eher eine Vorstellung von Natur als die Natur selbst. Was ist also die Natur, im Unterschied zu Kultur? Was ist ursprünglich, was ist natürlich und
wo sind die...
Carinthia II n 208./128. Jahrgang n Seiten 429-436 n Klagenfurt 2018 429 S c h l ü s s e l w ö r t e r Vegetationsdynamik, Vegetationsmuster, Naturschutz, UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), Drohne, Sukzession K e y w o r d s Vegetation dynamics , vegetation patterns, nature conservation, UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), drone, succession Z u s a m m e n...
In einem Rapid Assessment of Culinary Biodiversity wird die Speisekarte eines italienischen Restaurants in Klagenfurt im Hinblick auf die kulinarische Artenvielfalt untersucht. Dabei wurden im Speisenangebot Produkte von sieben Pilz-, 26 Tier-, und 49 Pflanzentaxa nachgewiesen. Die tatsächlichen Artenzahlen sind mit Sicherheit höher. Weiterführende...
Thanks to an innovative training offer from Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria), progressive differentiation of nature conservation professions is being made visible and discussed. The academic training required to become a nature conservation expert is linked to the requisite professionalization of nature conservation, as well as in...
Red lists of endangered species are meaningful instruments to prioritise efforts in nature conservation in general and in the management of protected areas in particular. By example of Desmoulins’s whorl snail (Vertigo moulinsiana) we investigate the complex societal and institutional processes that lead to the inclusion of the specimen into IUCN´s...
Biosphere reserves as recognised model regions for sustainable development are supposed to maintain permanent access to scientific findings, innovation, new technologies and scholarly discussions. Science_Link nockberge is an institutionalised cooperation between the biosphere reserve Kärntner Nockberge and Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. In th...
In this paper, the authors examine the composition, patterns and succession of vegetation in four different ecosystems in Gesäuse National Park (Styria, Austria), that are characterised by certain disturbance regimes. The basic methodology for compiling an overall inventory of the region's natural processes is to be established in an attempt to des...
Die AutorInnen untersuchen den Einsatz von UAVs („Drohnen“) bei vegetationsökologischen
Monitorings. Eine Studie im Ramsar-Gebiet Hörfeld Moor (A)macht sichtbar, dass der Einsatz von
Drohnen ein völlig neues Verständnis von Vegetationseinheiten und -strukturen sowie deren
Entwicklung ermöglicht.
Compensation measures according to nature conservation law: the example of Austria
The paper investigates and discusses the mitigation and compensation regulations of nature conservation legislation in the different Austrian provinces. By interpreting the respective legal regulations the study describes the individual compensation variants and the...
Protected areas comprise large areas and hence touch many different stakes, interest and notably rights. Participative planning processes take a lot of resources and time, but usually come up with better results, since existing knowledge it integrated into the solution and different perspectives are considered. The degree of potential stakeholders'...
Natur-, National-, und Biosphärenparks, Welterbestätten und andere Schutzgebiete haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu Eckpfeilern einer ökologischen Globalisierung entwickelt. Sie umfassen 14 % der Erdoberfläche und erheben zunehmend den Anspruch, Modellregionen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung zu sein. Dabei spielen Sicherung von Biodiversität...
Protected areas are a pivotal element of nature conservation. Large protected areas are meant to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity but do not always do so. The greater the degree of protection, the greater the probability that it is limited to a few high-elevation sites shaped by anthropogenic activity. There are shortcomings with rega...
Biosphere reserves as recognised model regions for sustainable development are supposed to maintain permanent access to scientific findings, innovation, new technologies and scholarly discussions. Science_Linknockberge is an institutionalised cooperation between the Carinthian part of the Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge on...
A new educational offer by the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences is presented and discussed, the curriculum for a nature conservation expert ("Naturschutzfachkraft").
The sustainable financing of marine protected areas is still an important issue on the conservation agenda even in European countries with strong governance and regulatory frameworks. With the example of the Lastovo Archipelago Marine Park in Croatia, this paper discusses options for funding based on visitors' willingness-to-pay to conserve marine...
Der Beitrag beschreibt die Geschichte des Naturschutzes im österreichischen Bundesland Kärnten, die eng mit den zeitgenössischen gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen und den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen der Zeit verknüpft ist. Am Beispiel des Dobratsch wird beginnend mit früher Forschungstätigkeit zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Verordnung a...
In order to understand the complexity of the concepts related to sustainable development it is necessary to develop the ability to look at an issue from different perspectives, to understand the logic of all subsystems and to develop a perspective by integrating different disciplines. Our team at the Alpen-Adria-UniversitätKlagenfurt strives to imp...
The Alpine Convention is an international territorial treaty
for the sustainable development of the Alps. Its application is
– though relevant – only sparsely implemented in the context of urban
development throughout the eight involved countries of the Alps. In the
frame of the basic study “Environmental objectives of the Alpine Convention
and its...
Interpretive trails are important educational and recreational offers in protection areas. The study investigated the quality of 159 interpretive trails in 71 protected areas in Austria. In a first step criteria for the systematic assessment of the quality are developed. The trails are documented comprehensively during field visits. The analysis re...
The quantification of ecosystem services (ESS) has become a very influential concept, and meanwhile it is in the core of a global discussion. The contribution puts the concept to the test in an accentuated way, and it discusses conceptual, empirical and methodological problems which (can) result from a systematic monetization of ecosystem services....