Michael CampanaOregon State University | OSU · College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Michael Campana
Doctor of Philosophy
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Publications (63)
Water is a political issue right now, and the Middle East is one of the major regions in the world in terms of water policies and conflicts. One of the countries that is struggling with many hydropolitical problems with its neighbors is Afghanistan, which is the source of many rivers. One of these rivers is the Helmand River, which is the most impo...
Upper Karabakh region has become a permanent point of conflict between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia with the weakening and collapse of the Russian Empire in the early twentieth century and the formation of new borders, especially during the Soviet era. With the appearance of signs of the collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, the...
Developing aquifers as underground water supply reservoirs is an advantageous approach applicable to meeting water management objectives. Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is a direct injection and subsequent withdrawal technology that is used to increase water supply storage through injection wells. Due to site-specific hydrogeological quantifica...
Conflicts between USA political jurisdictions over transboundary aquifers are rarer than conflicts over surface water bodies. The recent case involving the Memphis Sand aquifer in the south-central USA, a seeming anomaly, could indicate that more such cases are on the horizon. This presentation will discuss the case and its implications for transbo...
Groundwater Visibility: The Missing Link published within Column Theme: Groundwater Management Directions—Stewardship to Sustain Our Water Resources, edited by Vicki Kretsinger Grabert and Dawn Samara Kaback.
: After the Soviet Union's dissolution, the Kura-Araks Basin became an international river basin with respect to the South Caucasus states of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Despite differences among these countries, they depend greatly on the Kura-Araks Basin. They proposed to jointly monitor Kura-Araks Basin surface water quality and obtained f...
The chapters of this report represent the work of students who took Water Resources 573, Interdisciplinary Water Resources III, during summer 1999. This course is the required capstone seminar for Master of Water Resources (MWR) graduate students in the Water Resources Program at the University of New Mexico. Drs. Michael E. Campana (hydrology), Pa...
Increasing human appropriation of freshwater resources presents a tangible limit to the sustainability of cities, agriculture, and ecosystems in the western United States. Marc Reisner tackles this theme in his 1986 classic Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water. Reisner's analysis paints a portrait of region-wide hydrologic...
Two different and unrelated programs are described, one undergraduate and one graduate, that: 1) introduced students to water research and WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) issues in developing countries; 2) injected developing countries’ WASH issues into a university graduate water resources program; and 3) introduced hydrophilanthropy, define...
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Kura-Araks Basin became an international river basin with respect to the South Caucasus states of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. However, there are no agreements regarding water allocation, water quality, or ecosystem maintenance among the aforementioned riparians. The main water problems in the bas...
The Embera Indians of Panama’s remote southern Darin Province face daunting challenges with respect to safe drinking water. The isolation of their villages (near the Colombian border, with no roads to the outside world) exacerbates their plight. To assist the Embera in their efforts to acquire potable water and the knowledge to obtain it themselves...
The Kura—Araks River Basin is an international catchment with five countries — Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, and Turkey
— comprising its watershed. About 65% of the basin area (total area = about 188,200 km2) falls within the South Caucasus countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Both rivers head in Turkey, join in Azerbaijan,
and disc...
The countries of Central Asia have a legacy of environmental problems dating from the period of the Soviet Union. These countries are currently addressing the problems of the past and simultaneously planning to address future environmental challenges arising from economic development in the region. Recognizing the need for trained, environmental ma...
To deal with boundary and transboundary water issues along their border, the United States and Mexico established the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) in 1889. Initially dealing only with surface water flows, its flexibility permitted changes such that groundwater and water quality issues could be addressed. In 1994, the U.S., Mex...
1] A compartmental modeling approach is presented to route nitrate retention along a cascade of stream reach sections. A process transfer function is used for transient storage equations with first-order reaction terms to represent nitrate uptake in the free stream and denitrification in the storage regions. In the context of a short-term nitrate i...
Transboundary groundwater management in the North American countries of Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico is
truly dynamic. Institutions such as the International Boundary and Water Commission (US-Mexico) and the International Joint
Commission (US-Canada) were originally established to consider surface water. However, they have been...
Fifty-four water samples were collected from sites throughout the Roswell groundwater basin in southeastern New Mexico that were previously sampled in the 1970's. These data sets were used to evaluate the transience of δ18O values in the basin in hopes of simulating transient conditions with a numerical model. No long term transient trend in the da...
For the past two summers, faculty from the University of Notre Dame, the University of Nevada, Reno, and the University of New Mexico have directed a U.S.National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site focusing on issues in international water resources. (See REU Site on Water Resources in Developing Countries, w...
The Southwestern United States is a semi-arid region that has experienced rapid population growth in the past few decades. This growth shows little sign of abating, so much so that there is concern among water planners and managers as to where additional water supplies will be found. The few large existing perennial streams—such as the Colorado Riv...
Reallocating water is a politically sensitive issue in the western United States. Changes from agricultural uses to urban or environmental uses are occurring, but the process tends to polarize competing water users, thus creating barriers to reallocation. Other barriers are inherent in the appropriation doctrine, and some barriers exist because of...
Chemical fluxes between catchments and streams are influenced by biogeochemical processes in the groundwater–stream water (GW–SW) ecotone, the interface between stream surface water and groundwater. Terminal electron accepting processes (TEAPs) that are used in respiration of organic C in anoxic environments may have a strong effect on nutrient dyn...
We used two-dimensional unconfined transient groundwater flow models to investigate the interface between stream and groundwater flow systems, or hyporheic zone, of two first-order streams that drain catchments with distinctly different alluvial sediments and bedrock lithology. Particle tracking showed that lateral hyporheic area (planimetric area...
We present a general lumped parameter mathematical model for hydrologic tracer data interpretation and mean transit time calculation in hydrologic systems. The model takes the form of the three-parameter gamma distribution and accounts for different mixing types: perfect mixing; no mixing (piston flow); partial mixing (dispersive mixing, or the typ...
We present a general lumped parameter mathematical model for hydrologic tracer data interpretation and mean transit time calculation in hydrologic systems. The model takes the form of the three-parameter gamma distribution and accounts for different mixing types: perfect mixing; no mixing (piston flow); partial mixing (dispersive mixing, or the typ...
Conservative solute injections were conducted in three first-order montane streams of different geological composition to assess the influence of parent lithology and alluvial characteristics on the hydrological retention of nutrients. Three study sites were established: (1) Aspen Creek, in a sandstone–siltstone catchment with a fine-grained alluvi...
The groundwater-surface water (GW-SW) ecotone, or hyporheic zone, is an active component of stream ecosystems that influences whole-system metabolism and nutrient retention. Because hydrologic fluxes affect the supply of carbon, nutrients, and oxygen to the GW-SW ecotone, the biogeochemical structure of the ecotone (i.e., nutrient content) and the...
We use a mixing-cell model, calibrated with the spatial distribution of corrected 14C ages of the ground water, to simulate steady-state flow in the regional ground-water flow system underlying the Nevada Test
Site and environs in southern Nevada-California. Thirty-five cells covering 12,400 km2 are used. Total annual inflow to the system averages...
We address the ecological ramifications of variation in hydrologic interaction between streams and alluvial aquifers in catchments with alluvium derived from parent materials of contrasting geologic composition. We present a conceptual model in which solute retention in streams results from hydrologic retention (increased water residence time resul...
We used two-dimensional unconfined transient groundwater flow models to investigate the interface between stream and groundwater flow systems, or hyporheic zone, of two first-order streams that drain catchments with distinctly different alluvial sediments and bedrock lithology. Particle tracking showed that lateral hyporheic area (planimetric area...
The White River Flow System (WRFS), a regional carbonate-alluvial groundwater system in southeastern Nevada, U.S.A., contains large amounts of water in storage, especially in the underlying carbonate reservoir. As the population of Nevada grows, it may become necessary to tap the resources of this and other regional carbonate systems. Because of th...
A discrete-state compartment model, consisting of nine aquifer sub-regions, is calibrated with the stable isotope deuterium to delineate groundwater flow in the vicinity of western Nevada Test Site. Calibrated deuterium concentrations agree very closely with observed ones, except on eastern Pahute Mesa and Timber Mountain (which had no data on obse...
Discrete-state compartment (DSC) models and their associated age distribution functions permit the quantitative interpretation of environmental radioisotope data such as carbon-14 ground-water decay ages. These mixing-cell models offer a means for constructing ground-water flow models that can be used to relate decay ages to ground-water mean ages....
The Edwards aquifer of south-central Texas, U.S.A., a highly fractured and faulted group of limestone formations, is the major water supply for the San Antonio area. A discrete-state compartment (DSC) model or mixing-cell model, based upon the conservation of environmental tritium within the aquifer, was used to obtain estimates of groundwater mean...
In the absence of pure piston-flow, the 14C decay ages of groundwater can be related to groundwater residence times only in the context of a flow or mixing model. Discrete-state compartment models offer a means of constructing flow models that can simulate flow regimes ranging from pure piston-flow to perfect mixing and can thus be used to relate 1...
The general objective of this investigation is to use environmental isotope and major ion changes in Eagle Valley to determine recharge source areas and recharge rates and flow patterns and mixing in zones of essentially lateral flow and discharge areas. In addition, an assessment will be made of the uncertainties in the isotopic determination of a...
If the geothermal resources in Dixie Valley are exploited, a complete understanding of the hydrologic system is essential in managing the geothermal system. As a reconnaissance study in an area of minimal hydrologic research, it is necessary to examine many facets of the local hydrologic cycle in Dixie Valley. To this end, this paper will discuss t...
3.1 INTRODUCTION Les modèles à compartiments ou à cellules de mélange ont été appliqués aux systèmes aquifères par un certain nombre d'opérateurs. A noter que les expressions "compartiment", "cellule" et "cellule de mélange " sont synonymes et utilisées de manière interchangeable dans cette publication. Le modèle à compartiments identifie le systèm...
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Kura-Araks Basin became an international river basin with respect to the South Caucasus states of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. However, there are no agreements regarding water allocation, water quality, or ecosystem maintenance among the aforementioned riparians. The main water problems in the bas...
Transnational groundwater issues among Canada, the USA, and Mexico are being addressed using existing institutions and ad hoc approaches. The International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC; USA-Mexico) and the International Joint Commission (IJC; USA-Canada) were originally established to consider surface water but have been adapted to consider...
The strategic significance of the region has increased in recent years due to the Caspian Basin hydrocarbon resources that are essential to the West. A resurgent, wealthy Russia and the West, engaged in a new "Great Game", are jockeying for position in this all-important region; water resources play an increasing role in this geopolitical realm. Co...
The temperature of shallow holes (1 meter) in a portion of Dixie Valley, Nevada, were monitored for a period of almost two years. The data indicated that qualitative delineation of infiltration events from flash floods is possible, as certain alluvial fans showed marked depression of shallow temperatures in the wake of the floods, but it was imposs...
Although this document is intended to serve as input into Dialog IV, it can be put to other uses as well. Because the report is designed for use by those who are not economists, it can serve as a resource to sort out the confusion associated with the concepts of value, valuation, cost, and price. The report can also be used to show the benefits and...
This trip was in fulfillment of WR 573, a capstone class that is tailored to fuse all of the other classes in the program into a comprehensive, practical field experience. This report describes the 12-day trip to Miramar, Honduras, by students in the University of New Mexico’s Water Resources Program, during the summer semester of 2001. The trip be...
Water Resources 573, Field Methods course publication. Water Resources Program, University of New Mexico. On June 29, 2000, Bernalillo County released a draft wastewater ordinance, Bernalillo County Wastewater Ordinance for public comment; in the fall of 2000, this ordinance was adopted. The ordinance is intended to protect public health and safety...