M.H. Ruslan

M.H. Ruslan
National University of Malaysia | ukm · Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI)


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January 2007 - present
National University of Malaysia
  • Managing Director
  • Research Areas: Solar Drying, Solar thermal - water, air and pVt base


Publications (221)
A solar dryer hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) system has been designed, built and its performance has been studied. This research aims to develop a stand-alone solar dyer system, portable and less maintenance. This system consists of three main parts; PV/T system with configuration-Z thermal absorber plate, multi-direction solar collector with c...
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Solar energy is a renewable energy that can produce heat via a thermal system and generate electricity via a photovoltaic (PV) module. A photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) collector is a system that has a PV module combined with a thermal collector system. The PVT collector is a popular technology for harvesting solar energy. A PVT collector can generate b...
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Starch and cellulose have long been used in various industrial applications as gelating agents. In this work, the intrinsic adhesive properties of these biopolymers are exploited for application as electrolytes in DSSC. Firstly, potato starch was chemically modified into phthaloyl starch in a facile esterification process. Fabrication of polymer el...
Solar energy has long been utilised in crop conservation. The use of solar dryers as a drying method overcomes the drawbacks of the traditional approach to drying crops under the sun. Previous studies were coherently described and focused on the development and thermal convection of greenhouse dryers, structural analysis, crops cultivation for offe...
Fabrication of quasi-solid state polymer electrolytes are recently being endorsed by electrochemists due to its superior electrical and physical properties. With the aspiration to develop a sustainable electrolyte component, this study is a novel attempt to fabricate quasi-solid electrolyte based on esterified starch. Potato starch was chemically m...
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The two main components of a solar greenhouse drying system are the solar collector and drying chamber. Solar greenhouse utilized thermal energy to increase the temperature in the drying chamber at an optimum rate for drying purposes with the use of solar collectors. In this study the performance of a self-built portable solar greenhouse dryer usin...
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A starch-resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF)-lithium triflate (LiTf) based biodegradable polymer electrolyte membrane was synthesized via the solution casting technique. The formation of RF crosslinks in the starch matrix was found to repress the starch's crystallinity as indicated by the XRD data. Incorporation of the RF plasticizer improved the conducti...
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This work is a pioneer attempt to fabricate quasi-solid dye-sensitized solar cell (QSDDSC) based on organosoluble starch derivative. Rheological characterizations of the PhSt-HEC blend based gels exhibited viscoelastic properties favorable for electrolyte fabrication. From amplitude sweep and tack test analyses, it was evident that the inclusion of...
A novel blend of organosoluble phthaloyl starch (PhSt) and hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) was used as the polymer host to fabricate polymer gel electrolytes. Rheological analyses, such as amplitude sweep studies and tack tests, indicate that gels with good rigidity, strength and adhesiveness were attained upon inclusion of 20 wt% of HEC onwards. Howe...
Solar energy has been accepted as one of the sources of energy of today. One of the technologies is photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) hybrid solar technology. It is one of solar energy technologies which has the potential for future energy applications. New technology developments in solar energy utilization are expected to result in the improvement of b...
In this paper, a review of exergy and improvement potential (IP) of solar thermal systems is presented. The review includes exergy analysis of photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems, solar drying systems and solar collectors. Solar collectors, which are the most essential components of solar thermal systems, receive solar energy and convert it into the...
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Nanofluids as a new generation of cooling fluid has been found in recent years to improve the heat-transfer coefficient and enhance the system performance. This study presents investigation conducted on the performances of TiO 2 and MWCNT nanofluids-based PVT systems. The preparation of nanofluids using two step method and dispersing of surfactant...
Nanofluids, which are new generation cooling fluids, have been found to improve the heat transfer coefficient and enhance the system performance in recent years. In this observation, TiO2/water nanofluid (with 0.5 wt% and 1 wt% TiO2) is used as a coolant to investigate the photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collector under solar radiation intensities of 50...
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span lang="EN-US">Solar energy is secure, clean, and available on earth throughout the year. The PV/T system is a device designed to receive solar energy and convert it into electric/thermal energy. Nanofluid is a new generation of heat transfer fluid with promising higher thermal conductivity and improve heat transfer rate compared with convention...
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span lang="EN-US">Solar radiation can be converted to the electrical energy and thermal energy by photovoltaic panel and solar collector. In this experiment, PV/T collector was designed, fabricated and tested its performance. The experiment conducted on PV/T collector with water flow at mass flow rate 0.012 kg/s to 0.0255 kg/s. The water flow with...
Conference Paper
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High demand of kenaf or Hibiscus Cannabinus L motivates to enhance and secure the quality and consistency of producing premium grade of this natural fibre. Harvested kenaf will undergo several processes including decoating, retting, drying and storage. This research will be focusing on drying process by replacing the conventional method which is op...
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This paper presents the performance of solar collector with two type of glazing. Experimental results show that temperature output and thermal efficiency of solar collector using Fresnel lens as glazing is better than the use of glass. The temperature output is inversely proportional to mass flow rate, resulting in an increase of solar collector ef...
Photovoltaic–thermal (PVT) collectors can generate electrical and thermal energy simultaneously. The combination of these two technologies can reduce the required space, time installation and use of materials. PVT air collector present increased total efficiency by increasing solar radiation amount. This review presents the concepts and description...
Hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) collector has been developed by combining photovoltaic (PV) technology and solar thermal collector in one module. The combination of two technologies in the same module has the potential to reduce cost of materials and the required space also improves performance of collectors. The hybrid PVT collectors were design...
In this study, an experimental study has been conducted to determine the performance of the photovoltaic thermal-thermoelectric air collector (PVT-TE) hybrid system. Hybrid system consists of photovoltaic panel (PV) and thermoelectric modules (TEs) that can improve the energy efficiency of the system. The results of output temperature (To) and plat...
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In this study, an experimental study has been conducted to determine the performance of the photovoltaic thermal- thermoelectric air collector (PVT-TE) hybrid system. Hybrid system consists of photovoltaic panel (PV) and thermoelectric modules (TEs) that can improve the energy efficiency of the system. The results of output temperature (To) and pla...
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p class="AEuroAbstract">In photovoltaic thermal hybrid (PV/T) collectors, the electricity and thermal energy are produce simultaneously. PV/T technology has been proven in previous studies where it could give benefits for high energy demand supplementary. For example, in space heating, domestic water heating and also drying. The PVT collectors can...
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p class="AEuroAbstract">In photovoltaic thermal hybrid (PV/T) collectors, the electricity and thermal energy are produce simultaneously. PV/T technology has been proven in previous studies where it could give benefits for high energy demand supplementary. For example, in space heating, domestic water heating and also drying. The PVT collectors can...
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Numerical investigation of V-groove air-collector performance with changing cover in Bangi, Malaysia Air-based solar collectors are the simplest forms offlat plate solar collectors; without compli-cations of introducing water or nanofluids into the process. They are used to raise the enteringatmospheric air temperature to a level where it can be u...
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Air-based solar collectors are the simplest forms of flat plate solar collectors; without complications of introducing water or nanofluids into the process. They are used to raise the entering atmospheric air temperature to a level where it can be used for different low and medium temperature applications. The main components of their design are th...
Photovoltaic (PV) cell from solar energy is one of the most widely adopted renewable energy source and commercially available system that can be used in various applications. More appealing application of PV arrays used in thermoelectric (TE) device was it can convert solar thermal energy from temperature difference into electric energy to act as p...
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Photovoltaic (PV) cell from solar energy is one of the most widely adopted renewable energy source and commercially available system that can be used in various applications. More appealing application of PV arrays used in thermoelectric (TE) device was it can convert solar thermal energy from temperature difference into electric energy to act as p...
Drying is an important process in many industries to reduce moisture content inside the product to a safe limit to reduce losses or as a requirement for the downstream processes. It's also contribute in reducing the handling and storage cost. In convective drying, temperature and velocity of the drying air have been identified as the important fact...
Conference Paper
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Solar thermal collector is a system that converts solar radiation to heat. The heat will raise the temperature higher than the ambient temperature. Absorber and glazing are two important components in order to increase the temperature of the collector. The thermal absorber will release heat by convection and as radiation to the surrounding. These l...
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Flat plate solar air collector is the most common collector design, which is relatively simpler to fabricate and lower cost. In the present study, perforated plate solar collector was developed to improve the system thermal performance. A glazed perforated plate of 6mm holes diameter with square geometry was designed and installed as the absorber o...
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Computational fluid dynamics of variable nozzle ejector has been studied to determine the optimum nozzle exit position for reliable ejector cooling cycle operations. The flow rates of primary and secondary stream were varied to obtain the optimum entrainment ratio under different ranges of operating conditions. The refrigerant R134a was chosen base...
Solar energy technology has been evolving for the better part of the last decade. Worldwide innovation and support have created an alternative energy source that is helping to battle climate change. Photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) converters use various working fluids. Silicon carbide (SiC) nanofluid is employed in this study in the cooling application...
Steady-state energy analysis was performed on a photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collector with ∇-groove. Energy balance equation was obtained using the analytical and the matrix inversion methods. Theoretical results were consistent with the experiments results. Theoretical and experimental studies were conducted under solar radiations of 385 and 820 W/...
Conference Paper
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This report presents the early findings on kenaf fiber drying using evacuated tube, the same as other drying method but there are using solar assisted solid desiccant dryer. At this preliminary stage this report will observe on drying chamber data (temperature, relative humidity and weight) during drying process and then determine dried fiber condi...
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The palm oil industry is very important and affects other industries and markets around the world. The two most dominant countries in palm oil production are Malaysia and Indonesia. More solutions are proposed by researchers to increase the sustainability aspect of the palm oil process. This paper presents an idea of emerging the solar energy indus...
Idea of incorporating photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collectors. This system will encourage palm oil refineries and mills to invest in solar energy and make the process more sustainable. The incentive is that this system is cost-effective and can compete with net metering systems, over extended periods of time. The proposed PVT offer better energy gene...
The post-harvest handling of cultivated seaweed biomass is a crucial stage in the whole value-chain of the carrageenophyte industry. The quantity and quality of carrageenan derived from any given biomass depends largely on the post-handling treatment and management of the supply-chain for the harvested seaweeds. Since the successful farming of Kapp...
Conference Paper
The use of v-groove in solar collector has a higher thermal efficiency in references. Dropping the working heat of photovoltaic panel was able to raise the electrical efficiency performance. Electrical and thermal efficiency were produced by photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) system concurrently. Mathematical modeling based on steady-state thermal analysi...
An experimental investigation of solar drying of screw-pine leaf has been conducted in the open space of the solar research site, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Malaysia (4.385693° N, 100.979203° E). Screw-pine leaf has been used for handcraft in many villages in Asia and Africa. A transient state lumped element analysis was developed to determine t...
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A solar drying experiment of seaweed, Kappaphycus alvarezii var. tam-balang using v-groove hybrid solar drier (v-GHSD) was conducted in Semporna, Sabah, under the meteorological condition of Malaysia. Drying of the seaweed in the v-GHSD led to a reduction in its moisture content from 85.32% to 38% in 5 days with mean solar radiation of 650 W m −2 a...
This article presents a study on the performance of a forced convective multi-pass solar air heating collector (MPSAHC) system assisted with granite as a sensible energy storing matrix. Experimental drying of Roselle was carried out in August 2015 at Solar Energy Research Site of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia (4.385693° N and 100.979203 S...
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A solar drying experiment of seaweed, Kappaphycus alvarezii var. tam-balang using v-groove hybrid solar drier (v-GHSD) was conducted in Semporna, Sabah, under the meteorological condition of Malaysia. Drying of the seaweed in the v-GHSD led to a reduction in its moisture content from 85.32% to 38% in 5 days with mean solar radiation of 650 W m −2 a...
In this study, experimental of PVT based air collector system has been conducted. It can produce electricity and heat at the same time. Fans are used to cool the PV panel and the ∇-groove used to improve the efficiency of the cooling process. During the study carried out on PVT air collectors without ∇-groove, air mass flow rate varied in ranges of...
In this chapter, five different designs of hybrid photovoltaic–thermal (PV/T) solar collectors are fabricated and their performance are evaluated. All designs are based on the concept of single-pass collector. Designs of heat exchangers for the collectors include honeycomb, stainless steel wool, V-groove, ∇-groove, and rectangular groove. The advan...
The flat plate photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collectors can be classified into the type of working fluids used namely the water based PVT collectors, air based PVT collectors and combination of water/air PVT collectors. However, low thermal conductivity of the working fluids has always been the primary limitation in the development of energy-efficient...
Conference Paper
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During the last decade, there has been an increased interest to develop renewable energy technologies that could contribute to our ever-increasing energy needs. This concern was due mainly to the rising price of conventional energy sources and their limited supply. Renewable energy technologies were becoming, if not immediately at least for the clo...
Conference Paper
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During the last decade, there has been an increased interest to develop renewable energy technologies that could contribute to our ever-increasing energy needs. This concern was due mainly to the rising price of conventional energy sources and their limited supply. Renewable energy technologies were becoming, if not immediately at least for the clo...
A solar-assisted solid desiccant dryer was used to dry crushed oil palm fronds. Solar energy was used to heat water with a solar collector and heat was transferred to the air through two heat exchangers. The hot air is used for regeneration of desiccant wheel and increase temperature of drying air after dehumidification. Drying time for reducing th...
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Photovoltaic and thermal collectors are combined via a photo­voltaic/thermal (PV/T) collector system to increase collector efficiency. The efficiency of photovoltaic collectors is known to decrease when ambient temperature increases and vice versa. PV/T collector systems function by absorbing the heat gained from the sun via photovoltaic panels and...
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This study investigated the thin-layer drying kinetics of salted silver jewfish in a hybrid solar drying system and under open sun. Ten drying models were compared with experiments data salted silver jewfish drying. A new model was introduced, which is an offset linear logarithmic (offset modified Page model). The fit quality of the models was eval...
Third-generation solar cells are understood to be the pathway to overcoming the issues and drawbacks of the existing solar cell technologies. Since the introduction of graphene in solar cells, it has been providing attractive properties for the next generation of solar cells. Currently, there are more theoretical predictions rather than practical r...
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A greenhouse solar dryer with heat exchanger was tested for salted catfish in Perlis, Malaysia at average solar radiation of 626 W/m2. The dryer consists of the heat pipe evacuated tube collector, electric heaters, blower, pumps, water tank, and green-house drying chamber. The average temperature of the drying chamber is 44°C. The drying time is 18...
This study simulated active photovoltaic thermal solar collectors (PV/T) for hot water production using TRNSYS. The PV/T collectors consist of the amorphous, monocrystalline and polycrystalline. The long-term performances for the glazed and unglazed PV/T collectors were also evaluated. In this simulation, the design parameters used were collector a...
Conference Paper
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Thin films of ZnO were deposited on cleaned soda lime glass substrates by using RF magnetron sputtering technique for deposition time of 20mins, 40mins, 60mins, 80mins and 100mins at room temperature. The structural and electrical properties of ZnO thin films were obtained from X-ray diffraction (XRD), Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Hall Effect...
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An improved photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar collector combined with hexagonal honeycomb heat exchanger was studied. It is a combination of photovoltaic panel and solar thermal components in one integrated system. The honeycomb was installed horizontally into the channel located under the PV module. Air, as heat remover fluid is made to flow throu...