Meriç BalcıAkdeniz University · Food Processing
Meriç Balcı
Doctor of Philosophy
Meriç Balcı is an Asst. Prof. and serves as Head of Department in Food Technology Programme in Akdeniz University.
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Meriç Balcı is currently working on the effects of boron fertilizer on plant growth and their mobility on plants' organs. She is also currently interested in ecotourism, agro-tourism, rural tourism.
Additional affiliations
August 2019 - present
March 2019 - present
February 2012 - July 2017
February 2005 - March 2008
January 1996 - June 2001
Publications (31)
The study was conducted to determine the feasibility of using hazelnut shell waste as a growth medium for German primroses (Primula obconica Hance) under greenhouse conditions. Five different media combinations were prepared using sphagnum moss peat (SMP) and hazelnut husk waste (HHW). Some quality and growth parameters of P. obconica appeared to b...
Many individuals today think that the pandemic poses a threat not only to our health and lives but also to the social and economic order we are in, and they may not be wrong in this regard. The IMF says that the decline in the economy as the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The UN's Framework for the Immediate Socio-Economic Response...
Tourism is a phenomenon that occurs when people travel for different purposes. With the impact of globalization and modernization, previous value judgments have changed largely and this change is reflected in tourism movements. Alternative tourism and sustainable tourism differentiated from mass tourism have been emerged. Agro Tourism has taken its...
The tourism sector is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world and Turkey. This growth brings along the issue of sustainability. At this point, sustainable tourism practices are essential. Hotel businesses have an important place in the tourism sector. Today, when we look at the variety of services offered by hotel businesses, these servi...
Kitlesel turizm hareketi 1950’lerden sonra hızla artan turizm talebi üzerine
zamanla kontrolsüz olarak gelişmiş ve doğa, tarih ve kültür üzerine
olumsuz etkileri göz ardı edilemez duruma gelmiştir. Kitlesel turizmin
yaygınlaşmasında iki temel faktör zaman içerisinde ulaşımın ve iletişimin
kitleselleşmesidir. Bununla beraber orta sınıfın güçlenmesi...
Turizm sektörü dünyada ve Türkiye'de en hızlı büyüyen sektörlerdendir. Bu büyüme beraberinde sürdürülebilirlik konusunu gündeme getirmektedir. Bu noktada sürdürülebilir turizm uygulamaları önem arz etmektedir. Turizm sektörü içerisinde otel işletmeleri önemli bir yere sahiptir. Günümüzde otel işletmelerinin sunduğu hizmet çeşitliliğine baktığımızda...
4 Mevsim Turizm 4 Mevsim Manavgat
Manavgat, 2283 km²’lik yüzölçümü ile Antalya ilinin en büyük ilçesidir. Ma�navgat Irmağı’nın ikiye böldüğü verimli ova üzerinde kurulan güzel ilçe�mizin merkezi, Akdeniz kıyısına yaklaşık 3,5 km. uzaklıkta olup kuzeyi sık
ormanlarla kaplı Toros Dağları ile çevrilidir.
Tarihi ve arkeolojik zenginlikleri, kültürü,...
Tourism has become an industry with an increasingly significant impact on economic, social, cultural, and environmental aspects in the world and in Turkey. Sustainability is the primary criterion in all of these dimensions. In the continuation of tourism activities, sustainable tourism practices come to the forefront in increasing the positive effe...
Different types of tourism have emerged from people traveling for different purposes. In the modern world, people are interested in rural areas and farms. With this interest, farm tourism has emerged. Although farm tourism is not very common it is an emerging branch of tourism in Turkey. Belentepe Farm is an example of such applications. This farm...
Tourism is a phenomenon that occurs when people travel for different purposes. With the impact of globalization and modernization, previous value judgments have changed largely to an extent and this change is reflected in tourism movements. Alternative tourism and sustainable tourism differentiated from mass tourism have emerged. Agro Tourism has t...
Permaculture in the world and Turkey is increasing day by day the importance of implementation of economic, social, cultural, and environmental dimensions has an impact. Sustainability is the primary criterion in all of these dimensions. Sustainability is at the core of permaculture practices. Permaculture studies aim to create systems that support...
The tourism industry has economic, social, cultural, and environmental impacts on a local and global scale. These effects can be positive with good tourism planning and negative with unplanned tourism practices. In order to implement sustainable tourism activities, it is necessary to reduce the negative effects of tourism and to ensure that it beco...
The tourism sector is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world and in Turkey. This growth brings along the issue of sustainability. At this point, sustainable tourism practices are important. Hotel businesses have an important place in the tourism sector. Today, when we look at the variety of services offered by hotel businesses, these se...
Excessive use of chemical fertilizers for greater production of cereals resulted in higher production cost as well as environmental pollution. So, researchers considered an alternative called bio-fertilizers which are cost effective and environment friendly. In bio-fertilizer technology, Rhizobium-legume is most widely important in different countr...
Due to the world-scale investigations, the total Nitrogen amounts added to the soil through biological fixation are estimated at about 175 million tons annually. Using of chemical fertilizers has been increased obviously due to increasing population as well as demands for foods resulted in overproducing costs as well as unfavorable effects on soil...
A two-year fixed field experiment was designed in Artvin, Turkey, with the
aim of determining the effect of soil and foliar boron treatment on fresh leaf yield,
shoot length, and also the transport and distribution of boron in the shoots of
the tea plant. The experiment was conducted in a domestic producer’s tea garden
indicating boron deficiency i...
In this study; 100 soil, carrot leaf, and tuber samples were taken simultaneously in order to reveal the fertility conditions and potential nutrition problems of carrot farming soils in Beypazarı region of Ankara. The nutrition element concentrations of the carrot plant’s leaves and tubers were determined and their sufficiency levels through the ph...
Increasing yield and quality of tea plant that is the lifestyle of The East Black Sea Region people is related to aware of the importance of micronutrient elements that found tea farming soils as well as macronutrient. In this study, it is aimed to determine iron, copper, zinc, and manganese concentrations of tea plant and farming soils. For this p...
The aim of this study was to determine total ash and water extract values, caffeine, crude cellulose, and total polyphenol content of old leaves of tea plants grown in the East Black Sea Region. For this purpose532 old leaf samples of tea plant were taken from the first-year sprouts. East Black Sea Coastal Region considering the width of the tea cu...
Ülkemizde Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde çay tarımı yapılan alanlardan alınan toprak örneklerinin % 96,62’sinde, yaprak örneklerinin ise % 97,56’sında borun noksan olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kaliteli çay üretebilmek için çayın dengeli gübrelenmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma, doğal bor minerali olan kolemanitin asit karakterli topraklarda yetiştirilen çay bit...
Orta Anadolu bölgesinde havuç üretimin yapıldığı önemli merkezlerden biri Ankara ilinin Beypazarı ilçesidir. Ankara ili Beypazarı ilçesi 20000 da üretim alanıyla ülkemizin toplam havuç yetiştiriciliği yapılan alanlarının %19,16’sını, 120000 ton ürün verimiyle ise ülkemizin toplam havuç üretiminin %21,51’ini oluşturmaktadır. Havuç tarımı yapılan top...
Orta Anadolu bölgesinde havuç üretimin yapıldığı önemli merkezlerden biri Ankara ilinin Beypazarı ilçesidir. Ankara ili Beypazarı ilçesi 20000 da üretim alanıyla ülkemizin toplam havuç yetiştiriciliği yapılan alanlarının %19,16’sını, 120000 ton ürün verimiyle ise ülkemizin toplam havuç üretiminin %21,51’ini oluşturmaktadır. Havuç tarımı yapılan top...
To determine the effect of fertilizing with boron on the tea yield and the transport and the distribution of the boron applied to the soil and the leaves of the tea plant, a 2-year field experiment -designed with randomized block design- was conducted in Artvin-Arhavi. 400 g B da-1 to the soil and 400 mg B L-1 to the tea plant leaves were applied h...
Çay tarımı yapılan toprakların % 96,62’sinde ve çay bitkisinin % 97,56’sında borun noksan olması üzerinde ciddi olarak durulmasını ve acil önlem alınmasını gerektiren sorun olarak ortaya çıktığı ve bu sorunun giderilmesi amacıyla gübreleme programına borun dahil edilmesinin yararlı olacağı kanaatine varılmıştır.
With the aim of determining the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur concentration of tea-farming soils and tea plants, 532 soil samples, and 532 tea plant leave samples were taken simultaneously along the East Black Sea Coastal Region considering the width of the tea cultivated areas (Artvin: 58 samples (10.90% of total), Ri...
E-learning was acknowledged by most educators and researchers as a savior, even an only alternative in education field, especially in the following years of its emergence. However, with the rise of its limitations, the idea of bringing face-to-face learning and e-learning together to complete each other has occured. Blended learning is a method eme...