Meltem Ince Yenilmezİzmir Democracy University · Economics
Meltem Ince Yenilmez
Doctor of Philosophy
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September 2015 - present
September 2011 - June 2012
April 2011 - March 2014
Publications (54)
The contemporary world is characterized by accelerating innovations in a dense knowledge pool which is a byproduct of networked relationships in a complex ecosystem. In this manner, open innovation has become a revolutionary paradigm in the quickly changing innovation landscape by encouraging cooperation, cross-disciplinary information exchange, an...
Savuma harcamaları ile ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki literatürde uzun zamandır tartışılan bir konudur. Savunma harcamalarının ekonomik büyüme üzerinde hem olumlu hem de olumsuz etkilerinin olduğunu savunan birçok görüşün mevcut olması literatürde bu ilişki üzerinde bir uzlaşı sağlanamadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Günümüzde birçok ülkenin bütçesin...
Climate change is becoming more severe by the day and poses a serious threat to our planet. Climate change issues have virtually called the global economic system into question. This is also a critical issue for China, India, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, Mexico, and Turkey, all of whom are classified as E7 (developing) countries. Many nations' climat...
Social isolation and loneliness are posing more problems than ever. There are concerns that the long-term effects of loneliness will be felt when the COVID-19 outbreak reaches its third year. This study examines the prevalence and components of social isolation and loneliness across Europe. This study seeks to understand the effects of loneliness w...
Sanayi devrimi, ülke ekonomilerini olumlu yönde etkilemiş olsa da sosyal sorunların oluşmasına neden olmuştur. Kötü çalışma koşulları ile emek ve sermaye arasındaki artan uçurum sosyal politika kavramını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Öte yandan sanayileşmenin çevre üzerinde yıkıcı etkiler yaratması küresel olarak çözüm arayışına girilmesine yol açmış ve beli...
The purpose of the study was to ascertain whether the export-import coverage ratio (EXIM), the income of natural resources (NATR), labour force participation rate (LFPR), and foreign direct investment (FDI) had a positive or negative impact on economic growth for 34 Sub-Saharan African countries using data from 1990 to 2019. The change in Gross Dom...
Energy is the most critical input for production and consumption. The inputs of energy cause irreversible damage to the environment. The studies carried out to reduce the environmental impact of the methods used in energy production are extremely valuable. This study aims to reveal the effects of technological development, nuclear energy consumptio...
Küreselleşmenin ticaret ve doğrudan yabancı yatırım yoluyla ekonomik büyüme üzerinde doğrudan bir etkisi bilinen bir gerçektir. Ancak küreselleşmenin çevre üzerindeki etkisine dair literatürde fikir birliği oluşmamıştır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada 1970-2018 dönem aralığında Meksika, Endonezya, Güney Kore, Türkiye ve Avustralya ülkelerinden oluşan MIKTA...
There is no doubt that coronavirus has succeeded in crippling businesses and people worldwide. It has led to unprecedented economic crisis in countries around the world. The tourism sector isn’t an exception to its devastating impacts. The virus has succeeded in affecting not just the economy. In addition to such, job opportunities, and regional de...
Medyanın kadın sporculara yer verme biçimi ile ilgili, farklı boyutlarda yapılmış çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmaların büyük bir çoğunluğunda, kadın sporcuların medyada erkek sporculara oranla sayıca daha az temsil edildiği ve temsillerin toplumsal cinsiyet içeriğine sahip olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Birçok araştırmada, erkek sporlarının medyad...
There is a relationship between the trade flows of the countries and their economic growth potential and development. One way to analyze the trade flows of countries with each other is the use of network analysis techniques. Network analysis uses a visual, mathematical and statistical approach to identify and quantify the structural properties of n...
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This article addresses the circular economy as a response to Covid-19. The discussion provides a literature-based examination of the Covid-19 pandemic focusing on two areas: Human health and the environment and highlights the impact of the pandemic on pollution, waste, and environmental resiliency.
There is no doubt that modern technologies have greatly influenced the business world in
recent years. All technological applications brought by Industry 4.0 have provided more
mechanization and started processes that do not involve people. This revolution is at the initial
stage of changing the world order. People can now imagine a world domina...
There is a relationship between the trade flows of the countries and their economic growth potential and development. One way to analyze the trade flows of countries with each other is the use of network analysis techniques. Network analysis uses a visual, mathematical and statistical approach to identify and quantify the structural properties of n...
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but it is also necessary for a peaceful society, the attainment of full human potential, and long-term progress. It can also play a significant role in the growth of any modern economy. Therefore, it is critical to realize that men and women may both contribute to societal growth. A holistic ap...
In this study, it is aimed to determine that 554 students, studying at Yasar University, whether they have a predisposition to eating behavior disorder or not. Gender, age, weight, and height information have been asked and applied the 26-item Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) adapted to the analysis. According to the EAT-26 evaluation scale, who scor...
Gender inequality can be traced back to social and legal conventions. It could manifest itself in the form of unequal economic opportunity, educational access, and decision-making processes. When roles are divided based on gender, men and women will have different access to resources within them. Fisheries, water, and agriculture are examples of su...
The issue of academic mobbing is growing at an alarming rate in Turkish universities. This is a negative practice whereby outspoken and ethical scholars are attacked. These scholars are always kicking against bad practices in society. They possess knowledge that most people consider intimidating. These actions are usually initiated by their lesser...
Culture's importance is becoming a critical issue in our society. This is because such positions must be clearly defined for sustainable development to become a reality. The society appears to be having some difficulties right now. These factors include urbanization and climate change. The way these issues are solved will have a significant impact...
Everywhere, women are forced into combative positions in a struggle for recognition not just as mothers but their willingness, resilience, and determination to be successful entrepreneurs. There have been different women’s economic empowerment interventions, but these programs are not enough to overcome the barriers in place. Still, gender and entr...
The level of academic studies into orthorexic characters and actions has increased within the past five years. However, the studies are still founded on descriptive information, which produced various inconsistent results and prevalent data. The connection between orthorexia and socio-cultural context has been investigated poorly and is still yet t...
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) individuals constitute a large group of minority groups in Turkey. Because of the scarcity of non-existent systematic reviews on the sexual orientation discrimination of LGBTIQ individuals in Turkey, the present study aims to outline the major discriminatory practices against these i...
COVID-19 resulted in school closures on a global scale. However, the most significant closures appear to be in North America. Educational disruption is anticipated to impact educational attainment in terms of drop-out rates but more significantly with respect to exacerbating pre-pandemic educational inequity and corresponding poverty. This discussi...
The economic crisis that happened in the US in 2008 has affected the labor markets in Europe badly. Employment opportunities have plummeted around Europe as a whole. The recession that occasioned the crisis had a lesser effect on female employment unlike their male counterparts. The second phase of the crisis was notable with stimulus package imple...
This book considers the extent to which innovation and entrepreneurship are engines of economic prosperity. It brings together theorists and empiricists from diverse backgrounds to provides a comprehensive overview of the field of entrepreneurship, focusing specifically on entrepreneurial developments within Turkey and the surrounding regions and E...
The COVID-19 pandemic has been the highlights of the year 2020, creating ripples of strife and tribulation across sectors and society. It is not just a global health challenge. However, it has since caused nations to go into recession, thereby disrupting lives across the globe. Although everyone, big and small, feels the adverse impacts of the COVI...
The fight for gender equality in Turkey extends as far as the sports sector of the economy. Although Turkey has recently seen a fast rise in the participation of women in sports, female athletes are still being marginalized for many reasons. The alarming levels of discrimination discourage females from entering into professional sports in Turkey an...
The purpose of this study is to look at the policies for the protection of women during pandemics while taking gender and feminist interests into crucial consideration. In perilous times like this, where many humans are living in fear and struggling to survive a world filled with diverse traumatizing events such as wars, universal pandemic,...
The most important thing learned about intimate partner violence (IPV) over the last 20 years is that violence is gendered and can be learned after faced and can only be understood in the context of gender inequality. To promote gender equality, a number of legal reforms and policies have been put in place over the last decade. The main problem is...
The female athlete triad (FAT) is a serious health-related problem that threatens women who exercise. This condition is an interrelated multifactorial syndrome that includes low energy availability, menstrual cycle disturbances and decreased bone mineral density. The study was aimed to outline the biological import of exercise in female athletes, i...
The fight for gender equality throughout the world should be acknowledged and properly represented in society. This is all the more important in the sporting world with a further emphasis on the everyday Turkish woman. The rapid rise in female participation in sport in Turkey over the last ten years indicates a rise in the status of women in sport...
Purpose/Rationle: It is important for sport marketers and academicians to understand spectators' motivation for attending football games. Although football is the most popular sport in Turkey, there is not enough study for understanding their behavior. The aim of this study is to examine the validity and reliability of the Sport Interest Inventory...
The year 2020 met us with the COVID-19 pandemic. The covid-19 pandemic has gone past a mere health challenge. Its effect can be felt in the economy and society in general. Women form a large chunk of the response efforts geared at flattening the curve of the COVID-19 scourge. As the first point of contact, caregivers, medical personnel, volunteers,...
Toplumun diğer yönlerinde olduğu gibi, kadınların da spordaki mevcut durumu uzun ve zorlu bir tarihin sonucudur. Akademik çalışmalarda, kadınların ve kız çocuklarının spora katılımı ve eğitim başarısı arasında güçlü bir bağlantı kurulmaktadır. Spor, ayrıca, cinsiyet ayrımcılığı olmadan katılımcıların fiziksel, zihinsel, duygusal, sosyal ve psikoloj...
The roles and status of women have been discovered to be lagging behind in developing countries, especially when it comes to distribution of resources. Why? You may ask. The answer is not far-fetched. The cultural and demographic values developed overtime, as well as the practice of having a social system that is run by males rather than females, a...
This paper examines gender employment impact of expanding the early childhood care and preschool education (ECCPE) sector in Turkey. Underinvestment in social care thus takes its toll on the country’s long-term economic potential through weakened labour force attachment, and diminished childhood development. This neglect of care economy projects re...
Romaphobia: The Last Acceptable Form of Racism. Edited by Aidan McGarry. London: Zed Books. Distributed in the U.S. by University of Chicago Press. 2017. 224 pp., $29.95 Paper. - Meltem Ince Yenilmez
Ücret düzeyi, işgücü piyasasında yapılmış bir işin değerini objektif olarak ölçmek için kullanılan bir göstergedir. Ücret düzeyi ve davranışın her ülke ekonomisinde rolü tartışılmazdır. Bu makalede, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Avrupa İstatistik Ofisi, Ekonomik Kalkınma ve İşbirliği Örgütünün sınıflandırmasına göre belirlenmiş en çok ve en az kazandı...
This article explores issues of discrimination involving lesbians in Turkey. It analyzes and brings into focus fundamental human rights issues being faced by lesbians in Turkey with the aim of ascertaining why such discrimination still persist in the twenty-first century. The finding of this study reveals that the lesbian identity, or simply queer...
Birbirine bagli olan kuresel olcekte gocu etkileyen birkac farkli konu bulunmaktadir. Bunlar arasinda is gocu, yasam tarzi gocu, ekolojik goc, yurtdisinda calisanlarin ucretleri, transit goc, kuraldisi kuresel goc, zorla calistirilan ve zorla insani yardim gocu, insan kacakciligi, multeciler ve yerinden edilmis nufuslarin guvenligi sayilabilir. Bu...
Throughout the years, women have suffered from oppression delivered by the male chauvinism. This maltreatment was present in every aspect of life, and surf was no exception. Since surfing has existed, it has been thought to be a sport just for men. Has this misconception driven women to avoid the sport at all costs for several years or dedicate the...
ZET Hem spor hem iş koçluğunun psikoloji uygulamaları ile ilgili kişisel bakış açısı, her iki ortamda uygulayıcıları tarafından kullanılan kuram ve modelleri incelemektedir. Bu çalışmada spor ile iş çevrelerinin birlikte gerçekleştirdiği ortak araştırma projeleri, performans talepleri, araştırma örnekleri ve önerileri incelenmektedir. Ayrıca bu çal...
Labor market gender segregation can be defined as an occurring which takes place when group of workers with similar abilities, training, education and experience are faced with inferior treatment in hiring, occupational access, promotion or wage rates compared to the other gender with no relation to their productivity. The paper aims to find out th...
This paper is a review article that highlights some key differences between male and female entrepreneurs in the Turkish labour market. A critical evaluation of the literature revealed that female entrepreneurs often have similar reasons for starting their own businesses.