Melanie FleischhackerAlpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt · Department of English and American Studies
Melanie Fleischhacker
Bakk.phil., BA MA
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Melanie Fleischhacker is currently finishing her cumulative PhD in Applied Linguistics at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. In her PhD, she focusses on solution-oriented questioning sequences including their prior actions in coaching, using Conversation Analysis. Melanie also does research in Gender- and Sociolinguistics, particularly on the identity construction of women in masculine / male contexts such as football. She is currently working on a project proposal for her Post-Doc position
Additional affiliations
November 2019 - present
Coaching | Theorie & Praxis
- Head of Department
March 2020 - present
Unversity of Klagenfurt
- Consultant
March 2014 - September 2018
February 2017 - May 2019
January 2014 - January 2017
January 2010 - January 2014
Publications (22)
According to coaching literature, coaches’ questions serve as a central intervention to support clients’ learning and development, i. e., solution-generation and change. To date, there is very little empirical research regarding coaching-specific questions and how they function as agents of change in this professional helping format. The few availa...
This manual serves to describe and evaluate a coaching-specific typology of questions and, building on this, of questioning sequences. Based on an interdisciplinary, psychological and linguistic/conversation analytical approach, a rating instrument has been developed in order to qualitatively and quantitatively capture questions and questioning seq...
This study investigates clients’ resisting practices when reacting to business coaches’ wh-questions. Neither the sequential organization of questions nor client resistance to questions have yet been (thoroughly) investigated for this helping professional format. Client resistance is understood as a sequentially structured, locally eme...
This paper, located in the paradigm of Linguistic Coaching ProcessResearch, theoretically introduces Conversation Analysis (CA) as ameans to explore the‘black box’of coaching, i.e., the concreteconversation, and to address pressing research gaps in thisfield. CA,developed to describe, analyse,and understand practices andpatternsoftalk-in-interactio...
In this review, we give a systematic overview of linguistic coachingprocess research. This research represents a relatively recentinductive, descriptive-phenomenological approach allowing tolinguistically document and analyse the in-situ co-construction ofthe coaching conversation by coach and client. Applyingqualitative, linguistic methods and wor...
Agenda-setting is a central communicative task for professionals and a joint activity of all participants particularly at the onset of helping interactions such as coaching. Agreeing on goal(s) and assigning tasks alongside establishing a trustful bond prepare the ground for the success of the interaction. The professional agent initia...
Das vorliegende Manual dient der Beschreibung und Bewertung einer coachingspezifischen Typologie von Fragen und, darauf aufbauend, der durch diese Fragen kontextualisierten Fragesequenzen. Mittels eines interdisziplinären psychologischen und linguistisch-gesprächsanalytischen Ansatzes wird ein Rating-Instrument zur qualitativen und quantitativen Er...
Dieser Beitrag erörtert die transformative Kraft von Fragetechniken im helfenden Beruf Coaching. Folgende Aspekte werden diskutiert: Wie tragen fragende Praktiken zur Veränderung der Klient*innen bei, d. h. zum Lernen und zur persönlichen (Weiter-)Entwicklung, die das eigentliche Ziel von Coaching darstellen? Und wie lässt sich dieses Potenzial – i...
This contribution discusses the transformational power of questioning practices in the helping profession ‘coaching’ and addresses the following two aspects: How do questioning practices contribute to clients’ change, i.e., learning and development, as the underlying goal of coaching? And how can such power – in the sense of questioning practices’...
This study has a dual focus. On the one hand it explores the effect of feedback type and error type on the revision process of student writers; on the other hand, the perceived helpfulness of two feedback types, the correlation between the perceived helpfulness and the actual effect of the feedback and reasons for the rejection of feedback were exa...
Diese Fallstudie fokussiert die Individualisierung struktureller, d. h. organisationaler und sozialer, Probleme im Rahmen einer Coaching-Erstsitzung zwischen einer weiblichen Führungskraft und einer weiblichen Coach. Die Gesprächsdaten werden mit Hilfe der Kritischen Diskursiven Psychologie und ihren Konzepten interpretative reperto...
Ein Blick in die Suchmaschinen zeigt, dass Schreibcoaching von einer Vielzahl an Agenturen, Universitäten, Hochschulen und Einzelpersonen angeboten wird. Verstärkt nehmen beruflich, wissenschaftlich und literarisch Schreibende diese Form der prozess- und rollenorientierten Beratung in Anspruch. Dieser gelebten Praxis stehen jedoch eine geringe Stan...
The aim of this pilot study is to examine how feedback type and error type influence the revision process of undergraduate writers. For the purpose of this study, text feedback was provided for eight essays, which were produced in a writing class for students who study...
Gender and sexuality are socially constructed and continuously (re-)produced and performed in interaction with others. Both concepts intersect to such an extent that they can be seen as co-articulated or mutually constitutive. While people’s various identities emerge in discursive practices, their performances are based on and limited by the sets o...
This pilot study investigates the effect of directive and non-directive feedback on student writers' text revision. The focus is on feedback at text and paragraph level and the effects will be categorised as 'no change', 'change but faulty' and 'successful'. Reasons for failure to react to the feedback are investigated by means of qualitative inter...