Melanie Arntz

Melanie Arntz
Institute for Employment Research | IAB · Department of Economics

Prof. Dr.


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Publications (80)
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Introduction Teleworking is one of the most significant legacies of the pandemic. Great attention is now being paid to its effects on workers’ health. One of the arguments that emerged on this issue is that ‘working away from the office’ affects the time we spend with significant others. This calls into question all those processes that make relati...
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By investing in urban amenities, city-level policies often aim to attract highly skilled workers. However, studies relying on revealed preferences struggle to provide causal evidence that skilled workers value urban amenities more than less skilled workers. Therefore, we use a stated-preference experiment with hypothetical job choices between two c...
Working from home (WfH) has been widely adopted since the Covid-19 pandemic. Pre-pandemic evidence on how hybrid work arrangements relate to labour market outcomes is a scarce and valuable benchmark. We exploit the German Socio-Economic Panel between 1997 and 2014 to investigate how such a work arrangement relates to working hours, wages and job sa...
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As the COVID-19 pandemic causes a record number of people to work from home, this disruptive event will likely have a long-lasting impact on work arrangements. Given existing research on the effects of working from home on hours worked and wages, an increased availability of working from home may provide a chance for women to catch up with their ma...
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As the Covid-19 pandemic causes an all-time high share of people to work from home, this disruptive event is likely to have a long-lasting effect on work arrangements. Given existing research on the effects of working from home (WfH) on hours worked and wages, an increased availability of WfH may provide a chance for women to catch up with their ma...
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Zusammenfassung Durch eine rasant wachsende Rechenleistung können immer mehr Tätigkeiten, die bislang dem Menschen vorbehalten schienen, mittels Maschinen und Algorithmen automatisiert werden. Dieser technologische Wandel hat eine öffentliche Debatte über mögliche Arbeitsplatzverluste und eine drohende Massenarbeitslosigkeit entfacht. Solche Hiobsb...
Technical Report
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New digital technologies more and more diffuse into the economy. Due to this digitisation, machines become increasingly able to perform tasks that previously only humans could to. Production processes and organizations are changing, new products, services and business models emerge. These trends have important implications for European labour marke...
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Working from home (WfH) has become much more common since the early 2000s. We exploit the German Socio-Economic Panel between 1997 and 2014 to investigate how such a work arrangement affects labour market outcomes, job and life satisfaction. We find that childless employees work an extra hour of unpaid overtime per week and report higher job satisf...
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Computing power continues to grow at an enormous rate. Simultaneously, more and better data is increasingly available and Machine Learning methods have seen significant breakthroughs in the recent past. All this pushes further the boundary of what machines can do. Nowadays increasingly complex tasks are automatable at a precision which seemed infea...
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In light of rapid advances in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics, many scientists discuss the potentials of new technologies to substitute for human labour. Fuelling the economic debate, various empirical assessments suggest that up to half of all jobs in western industrialized countries are at risk of automation in the next 10...
A number of contributions have found evidence that motherhood is a critical life event for women's employment careers. This study presents a detailed analysis for the duration of maternity leave in which young mothers can make a transition into different types of employment, unemployment as well as the next birth. We provide a comprehensive picture...
Technical Report
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A number of contributions have found evidence for motherhood being a critical life event for women's employment careers. This study presents a detailed model for the du- ration of maternity leave in which young mothers can make a transition into a number of states related to employment and unemployment among others. The model incorporates a large n...
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This paper examines the forces driving skill selectivity of regional migration in a context where modelling the migration decision as a wage-maximising process may be insufficient due to persistent employment disparities. The paper thus extends a Borjas type framework on the selectivity of internal migrants to allow migrants to move to regions that...
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This study contributes to the sparse literature on employment spillovers on minimum wages. We exploit the minimum wage introduction and subsequent increases in the German roofing sector that gave rise to an internationally unprecedented hard bite of a minimum wage. We look at the chances of remaining employed in the roofing sector for workers with...
Technical Report
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Die wirtschaftliche Prosperität von Regio­nen hängt unter anderem davon ab, ob sie ein attraktiver Standort für (Hoch-)Qualifizierte sind. Für die Gestaltung politischer Maßnahmen, die Brain-Drain-Phänomenen entgegenwirken sollen, ist es wichtig zu wissen, was die Wanderung von Arbeitskräften bestimmt. In diesem Beitrag wird deshalb untersucht, wie...
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Der seit 1997 im Dachdeckerhandwerk eingeführte und seit 2003 bundeseinheitlich geregelte, allgemeinverbindliche Mindestlohn führt vor allem in Ostdeutschland auch im internationalen Vergleich zu einer starken Betroffenheit der Branche vom Mindestlohn. Die damit einhergehende effektive Kostenbelastung fällt dennoch begrenzt aus. Auf der Basis von D...
Many European countries try to reduce seasonal unemployment by subsidizing short‐time employment during the winter period. Despite such costly efforts, pronounced seasonal unemployment patterns continue to exist. This puts doubts on the effectiveness of such policy interventions. This paper provides a first empirical assessment of the effectiveness...
In a long-run social experiment, personal budgets have been tested as an alternative home care program of the German long-term care insurance (LTCI). By granting the monetary value of in kind services in cash, personal budgets are considered to enable customized home care arrangements, thereby avoiding costly nursing home care and thus saving LTCI...
Working Paper
This paper examines the determinants of gross labour flows in a context where modeling the migration decision as a wage-maximizing process may be inadequate due to regional wage rigidities that result from central wage bargaining. In such a context, the framework that has been developed by Borjas et al. (1992) on the selectivity of internal migrant...
Die Binnenmigration fällt im internationalen Vergleich in Deutschland relativ schwach aus. Die räumliche Mobilität der Arbeitskräfte kann jedoch einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Wirtschaftswachstum und zum Ausgleich interregionaler Disparitäten leisten, so dass die Identifikation von Mobilitätshemmnissen von hoher wirtschaftspolitischer Relevanz ist. Zi...
This article evaluates the effects of a consumer-directed home care programme (Personal Budgets) compared with the standard home care programmes of the German long-term care insurance (LTCI). The evaluation makes use of a random assignment into a treatment group receiving personal budgets and a control group receiving either in-kind benefits (agenc...
This paper examines the determinants of internal migration in a context where wages tend to be rather inflexible at a regional scale so that regional labor demand shocks have a prolonged impact on employment rates. Regional income differentials, then, reflect both regional pay and employment differentials. In such a context, migrants tend to move t...
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The paper uses the natural experiment of German unification to study the role of labor supply behavior in explaining occupational segregation by sex. Analyzing a panel of regional labor market data constructed from administrative records, we observe that inflows of East German migrants with distinct labor market attitudes significantly reduced gend...
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Both the US and Germany have a pronounced pattern of seasonal winter unemploy-ment. In order to confine inefficient high levels of temporary layoffs, US firms are taxed -albeit incompletely -according to the unemployment insurance benefits claimed by their laid off workers. In contrast, German construction firms are not charged according to their l...
We present a consistent microsimulation-AGE model combining the labour market AGE model PACE-L, data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and a discrete choice labour supply estimation. The model is used to analyse a reform that cuts the social assistance minimum income and lowers the transfer withdrawal rate in order to encourage labour force part...
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This paper evaluates the incidence and extent of support as well as the remuneration of formal and informal caregivers for recipients of a professionally assisted consumer-directed program, a personal budget, compared to recipients of standard types of home care benefits of the German long-term care insurance, i.e. agency services and cash payments...
Pigovian taxation of externalities has limited appeal if the tortfeaser has insufficient resources to pay the damage when it occurs. To defend Pigovian taxation in the presence of judgement-proof agents, its proponents point at the many institutions extending liability to third parties. Yet little is known about the validity of Pigou's analysis in...
This paper evaluates the effects of a professionally assisted consumer-directed program (Personal Budgets) compared to the standard home care programs of the German long-term care insurance. The evaluation makes use of a long-run social experiment at seven different sites with a random assignment into a treatment group receiving personal budgets an...
In a long-run social experiment, personal budgets have been tested as an alternative to the home care programs of the German long-term care insurance (LTCI). Due to extending the coverage beyond LTCI approved services and agencies, personal budgets may improve care outcomes compared to the provision of agency care at a constant benefit level, a hig...
"This paper suggests an approach for analyzing a dependent competing risks model in presence of partly identified interval data. We apply our nonparametric bounds framework to empirically evaluate the effect of unemployment benefits on the cumulative incidence of local job finding and inter-regional migration of unemployed workers in Germany. Our f...
"In this paper we derive nonparametric bounds for the cumulative incidence curve within a competing risks model with partly identified interval data. As an advantage over earlier attempts our approach also gives valid results in case of dependent competing risks. We apply our framework to empirically evaluate the effect of unemployment benefits on...
In many situations the applied researcher wishes to combine different data sources without knowing the exact link and merging rule. This paper considers different cartographic interpolation methods for interpolating attributes from German employment office districts to German counties and vice versa. In particular, we apply dasymetric weighting as...
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Regarding social needs in Germany long-term care is an important issue due to an ageing population. Shrinking social networks are leading to a greater need for a public long-term care system. In 1995 the social long-term care insurance was introduced in Germany. In recent years some drawbacks of the social long-term care insurance structure turned...
Das Hartz-IV-Gesetz führte zu einer weit reichenden Reform der sozialen Sicherung in Deutschland. Neben den erwarteten Einkommensverlusten bei Arbeitslosenhilfeempfängern führt diese Reform aber auch zu weit weniger beachteten Ausweitungen von Transfers, denn neben ehemaligen Empfängern von Sozialhilfe erhalten auch zahlreiche Neufälle eine Unterst...
We compare two options of integrating discrete working time choice of heterogenous households into a general equilibrium model. The first, known from the literature, produces household heterogeneity through a working time preference parameter. We contrast this with a model that directly incorporates a logit discrete-choice approach into an AGE fram...
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We present a fully integrated microsimulation-AGE model that uses the labour market model PACE-L and data from the German Socio-Economic Panel. We use the model to analyse reform proposals designed to encourage labour force participation at the lower end of the wage distribution. A special focus of this paper is on comparing the fully disaggregated...
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Wir führen ein Regionenmatching durch, welches für alle Kreise in Deutschland die nächsten Nachbarn bestimmt, die ähnliche regionale Rahmenbedingungen für die Länge individueller Arbeitslosigkeitsphasen der SGB II Zielgruppe aufweisen. Die Analysen basieren auf umfangreichen Individualdatenbest änden des Institutes für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforsc...
Arntz M. What attracts human capital? Understanding the skill composition of interregional job matches in Germany, Regional Studies. By examining pecuniary and non-pecuniary factors in the destination choices of heterogeneous job movers, this paper tries to explain the skill composition of interregional job matches in Germany. It thus provides insi...
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Abstract Given projections regarding the number ,of benefit recipients in the ,long-term care social insurance (LTC-SI) in Germany, cost pressures are expected to rise continuously. Thus, reforming the LTC-SI appears to be ,the only possible route in order to ensure ,current care levels for future generations of the ,frail elderly without ,strongly...
Arntz M. and Wilke R. A. Unemployment duration in Germany: individual and regional determinants of local job finding, migration and subsidized employment, Regional Studies. Recent labour market reforms in Germany aim, among other things, at reducing unemployment by restricting passive unemployment measures, emphasizing local labour market policies...
This article introduces the evaluation design for the ongoing social experiments with the so called personal budget for nursing care. This personal budget is a cash benefit which can be used by long term care patients and their relatives for buying individually tailored care services. In the future, the budget for nursing care could amend the exist...
We present a combined, consistent microsimulation-AGE model that uses the labour market model PACE-L, data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and a discrete choice labour supply estimation. The model is used to analyse a reform that cuts the social assistance minimum income and lowers the transfer withdrawal rate in order to encourage labour forc...
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"In many situations the applied researcher wants to combine different data sources without knowing the exact link and merging rule. This paper considers different interpolation methods for interpolating attributes from German labor office districts to German counties and vice versa. In particular, we apply dasymetric weighting as an alternative to...
Private tutoring is being practiced at an alarming scale in Egypt and in many other developing countries. Nonetheless, the literature on tutoring is still scant. The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding of the nature and determinants of tutoring in Egypt, using micro-level data, in order to investigate whether gender bias exists in tut...
In many situations the applied researcher wants to combine different data sources without knowing the exact link and merging rule. This paper introduces a theoretical framework how two different regional administrative data sources can be merged. It presents different merging schemes based on the area size of intersections between both regional ent...
Using a competing-risk framework of exiting unemployment to jobs in a local or a distant labor market area, this paper investigates whether unemployed individuals in West Germany choose search strategies that favor migrating out of declining regions. Moreover, the paper investigates how such search strategies are affected by the local accommodation...
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Why are similar workers paid differently? I review and compare two lines of research that have recently witnessed great progress in addressing “unexplained” wage inequality: (i) worker unobserved heterogeneity in, and sorting by, human capital; (ii) firms’ monopsony power in labor markets characterized by job search frictions. Both lines share a vi...
Sample selection models are important for correcting the effects of non-random sampling. This paper is about semiparametric estimation using a series approximation to the correction term. Regression spline and power series approximations are considered. Asymptotic normality and consistency of an asymptotic variance estimator are shown. Copyright ©...
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[eng] Transportation costs and monopoly location in presence of regional disparities. . This article aims at analysing the impact of the level of transportation costs on the location choice of a monopolist. We consider two asymmetric regions. The heterogeneity of space lies in both regional incomes and population sizes: the first region is endowed...
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"The legal provisions regarding marginal part-time employment relationships were fundamentally altered for the second time in four years on 1 April 2003. Key components of the 2003 reform are the increase in the limit of what constitutes a marginal part-time job from EURO 325 to EURO 400 (mini-jobs) and the introduction of a flexible zone between E...
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In diesem Beitrag wird das Evaluationskonzept zu den geplanten sozialen Experimenten mit dem so genannten personengebundenen Budget (Pflegebudget) vorgestellt. Das Pflegebudget ist eine Geldleistung, die vom Pflegebed�rftigen bzw. Pflegeangeh�rigen zum bedarfsgerechten Einkauf von Pflegedienstleistungen verwendet werden darf. Das Pflegebudget k�nnt...
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[eng] Transportation costs and monopoly location in presence of regional disparities. . This article aims at analysing the impact of the level of transportation costs on the location choice of a monopolist. We consider two asymmetric regions. The heterogeneity of space lies in both regional incomes and population sizes: the first region is endowed...
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In diesem Beitrag wird auf der Basis des Steuer-Transfer-Mikrosimulationsmodells STSM in Verbindung mit einem diskreten Arbeitsangebotsmodell nach van Soest (1995) der Frage nachgegangen, welche maximalen Arbeitsangebotseffekte von der Reform der geringfügigen Beschäftigung zu erwarten sind. Im zweiten Kapitel wird nach einer kurzen Darstellung der...
"Internal migration rates in Germany are relatively low in international comparison. Identifying obstacles to interregional mobility is thus of major policy concern because the geographic mobility of labour may contribute to higher overall economic growth as well as a reduction of interregional employment disparities. This article presents a number...
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By examining destination choice patterns of heterogenous labor, this paper tries to explain the skill composition of internal migration flows in Germany. Using a nested logit model of destination choice, this study only finds weak evidence in favor of the Roy selection model according to which high-skilled migrants prefer regions with higher return...
This paper evaluates the extent of support of formal and informal caregivers for recipients of a professionally assisted consumer-directed program compared (Personal Budgets) to recipients of standard types of home care benets of the German long-term care insurance, i.e. agency services and cash payments. The evaluation makes use of a long-run soci...
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The paper contributes to the discussion whether demand or supply for labour drives occupational segregation by sex. It exploits a demographic phenomenon unique among industrialized nations: massive imbalance in local sex ratios developing through female- dominated regional migration flows in post-unification Germany. Estimates are on the basis of a...
Abstract We consider a model with competing risks failure times and partially identifled interval data. The data problems imply that efiects on risk-speciflc failure distributions can only be bounded. We develop a non-parametric bounds analysis of risk-speciflc cumulative in- cidence curves (CIC) to bound a difierence-in-difierences treatment efiec...
Against the background of increasing cost pressures and a deficit of the legal long term care insurance of 400 Mio. Euro in 2002, the Rürup-Commission considers personal nursing care budgets as one possible avenue amongst others to reform the legal long term care insurance. Unlike non-cash benefits, personal budgets enable long term care patients t...


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