Mehran Misaghi

Mehran Misaghi
Mehran verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Mehran verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Catarinense (IFC) | IFC



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I am currently working with LGPD gap analysis methodologies with related standards (27001, 27002 and 27701). Also, I am working with data anonymization and pseudo anonymity. I was working with Lean IT (software dev, Life cycle project and infrasctructure).
Additional affiliations
Instituto Federal Catarinense
  • Professor (Full)
January 2011 - present
Universidade Sociedade Educacional de Santa Catarina
  • Professor/Researcher
March 2003 - March 2008
University of São Paulo
Field of study
  • Cryptography


Publications (97)
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This article discusses the use of school assessments and the Item Response Theory (IRT) as tools to enhance teaching and learning, within the context of the course "Public Education Policies: Assessment, Curriculum, and Mathematics Teacher Training," promoted by the Federal University of Ceará. The study explores the implications of assessment poli...
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The early diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is vital for effective intervention that enhances child development and mitigates difficulties related to the disorder. Innovative technologies are increasingly at the heart of this process. This Systematic Literature Review (SLR) evaluated technological advances in the diagnosis of ASD in artic...
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Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a necessidade um Programa de Conscientização em Segurança da Informação como complemento às estratégias de defesa corporativa contra ameaças em segurança da informação. No caso da Intuit Mailchimp, o ataque envolveu a manipulação de colaboradores e contratados por parte do hacker para obter informações confi...
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O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a utilização de DMARC para propor melhorias no processo de implementação do mecanismo de proteção de e-mails por meio de um relato de caso. Para o estudo em questão foi adotada uma pesquisa bibliográfica, exploratória, descritiva de natureza pura e um relato de caso da empresa desenvolvedora de softwares. Os res...
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Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o uso de uma ferramenta de gestão de eventos de segurança da informação para detectar ataques cibernéticos, mostrando a importância do monitoramento contínuo para a detecção, análise e resposta de incidentes. A metodologia de pesquisa bibliográfica, exploratória, descritiva com a aplicação prática da ferrame...
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Objetivo desta apresentação/debate é mostrar o que aconteceu no tempo de pandemia e home office com relação de segurança da informação, bem como o que exatamente é LGPD e quais são as boas práticas para amenizar as brechas de segurança da informação
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This article was based on a Distance Education project in the Pedagogy course which, for a semester, through active methodology, reviewed the contents of the course to increase the knowledge of these students as well as to carry out a pilot test of Hybrid Teaching. The research aimed to contribute to studies on the use of WhatsApp as a tool that fa...
A falta de sinalização sonora em semáforos dificulta a autonomia de pessoas com Deficiência Visual no seu direito de ir e vir, deslocando-se seguramente pelas ruas. Diante deste contexto, com o intuito de auxiliar na resolução deste problema, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo propor o desenvolvimento de um protótipo de tecnologia assistiva que realiz...
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Este artigo define a gestão por resultados e os indicadores chave de desempenho (KPI) como técnicas gerenciais importantes para o setor de obras públicas das autarquias federais. A problemática identificada na pesquisa são os aditivos de custo e prazo às obras. A pesquisa classifica-se como pesquisa de natureza aplicada, com objetivos exploratórios...
Conference Paper
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This research aimed to identify and characterize the use of Agile Project Management base on organizational culture analysis. It began with an analysis of the main articles to point out the best practices. In the second part, a case study was performed to analyze the processes through the application of Design Thinking in a Company of excellennce i...
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O cenário da Educação a Distância no Brasil indica um aumento no número de instituições que oferecem cursos a distância, bem como no número de contratações feitas a médio prazo nesta modalidade. Este crescimento, no entanto, tem sido acompanhado por uma alta taxa de evasão, fato que preocupa as instituições de ensino. A evasão pode estar relacionad...
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Goal: Lean thinking has been influencing and making transformations in the field of software engineering. The objective of this systematic review is to assess the state of the art on studies of software development proposed by researchers in the last 5 years and the studies that were influenced by the application of lean thinking as well. Design: I...
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Alcançar a otimização dos processos requer uma visão abrangente. Tal abordagem deve ser tomada para garantir a sobrevivência e perenidade das organizações. O Pensamento Enxuto (PE) é uma metodologia que busca a identificação do valor e dos desperdícios nos ambientes empresarias. Muitas iniciativas são frustradas por não apresentarem resultados espe...
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Redução de custos, aproveitar o máximo possível dos recursos, sejam eles matéria-prima, maquinas e mão-de-obra, são um grande desafio das organizações e seus gestores, o que ocasionalmente no dia-a-dia nem sempre têm seu aproveitamento por total. Além desses existem os esforços para a busca de processos e produtos cada vez mais ecologicamente corre...
Conference Paper
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Alcançar a otimização dos processos requer uma visão abrangente. Tal abordagem deve ser tomada para garantir a sobrevivência e perenidade das organizações. O Pensamento Enxuto (PE) é uma metodologia que busca a identificação do valor e dos desperdícios nos ambientes empresarias. Muitas iniciativas são frustradas por não apresentarem resultados espe...
Conference Paper
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Redução de custos, aproveitar o máximo possível dos recursos, sejam eles matéria-prima, maquinas e mão-de-obra, são um grande desafio das organizações e seus gestores, o que ocasionalmente no dia-a-dia nem sempre têm seu aproveitamento por total. Além desses existem os esforços para a busca de processos e produtos cada vez mais ecologicamente corre...
Conference Paper
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The scenario of Distance Education in Brazil indicates an increase in the number of institutions that offer distance courses, as well in the number of students at this modality. This growth, however, has been accompanied by high dropout rate, fact that has concerned educational institutions. The evasion can be related to personal issues, but also t...
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Este artigo consiste num estudo sobre a computação em nuvem sob perspectiva da análise da disponibilidade dos serviços ofertados em ambiente de nuvem. Manter os serviços ofertados em nuvem pelas organizações disponível é um desafio nos dias de hoje, isto porque, as pessoas estão cada vez mais conectadas e dependentes das informações que na maioria...
Conference Paper
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar os principais fatores, problemas e situações que motivam as organizações de um modo geral, a adotarem frameworks, ou modelos de referência, de governança de TI, possibilitando assim o exercício das melhores práticas de controle de seus processos internos. O procedimento técnico utilizado na elaboração des...
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A Educação a Distância (EaD) vem crescendo na grande maioria das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) e junto vem a preocupação, por parte dos gestores educacionais, de oferecer ensino de qualidade e um controle sobre a evasão escolar que, segundo censos oficiais, atinge patamares preocupantes. Como forma de evitar a evasão, é importante que as IE...
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A mudança organizacional tornou-se vital para organizações em todo as esferas desde o privado até o público, devido a crescente necessidade de oferecer serviços com melhores resultados econômicos, eficiência e de utilidade funcional para o atendimento das expectativas do público em geral. O artigo referencia teoricamente uma abordagem da estrutura...
Conference Paper
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A redução dos índices de evasão nos cursos de graduação em engenharia tem sido um desafio para as instituições de ensino superior (IES). Nesse contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar os fatores inovadores que contribuíram para o controle da evasão nos cursos de engenharia de uma IES do norte catarinense. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bib...
Conference Paper
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This article describes the analysis of accounting indicators of a textile company, located in the city of Gaspar/SC, and started to adopt lean production in the year 2013. The result of the analysis, made from the years of 2010 to 2015 identified accounting indicators that demonstrated the reflection that the adoption of lean tools brought to the f...
Conference Paper
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This article presents a comparison of the models and methods of software evaluation, in order to understand if any of these models and methods would be ideal in the evaluation of models oriented to Corporate Education, in order to support the organizations in the evaluation of the software used, ensuring that the Software is aligned with the object...
Conference Paper
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This article presents the use of social networks as an instrument of relationship between institution and academics, aiming at reducing dropout in higher education, through the project 'Professores Padrinhos'. This is a case study carried out in a private higher education institution in the state of Santa Catarina, applied to a group of freshmen ac...
Conference Paper
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Eduardo Concepción Batiz (UNISOCIESC) Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um estudo sobre a utilização das mídias sociais como ferramenta de divulgação de ações que visam engajar e educar stakeholders para que haja uma cadeia de valores mais sustentáveis. Desta forma o objetivo deste artigo foi de identificar as principais va...
Conference Paper
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Esta pesquisa descreve o processo de desenvolvimento e implantação de um software de gestão para laboratórios educacionais. A ideia deste estudo partiu da necessidade de aperfeiçoar os procedimentos relativos à organização do ambiente e controle do acesso a fim de, estabelecer indicadores e relatórios diários online com auxílio de um sistema inform...
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This study aims to present the satisfaction survey, the students of a vocational technical education institution in the northern region of the state of Santa Catarina, on an application geared to the student area. The application aims to improve the means of evaluation competence model used by the educational institution, and to enable the student...
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This study presents the development of integration between two industrial software, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). The main idea is to create a method capable of displaying production data in real time, as today in many companies ERP has as one of its main functions, issue daily reports of p...
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This study presents the development of integration between two industrial software, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). The main idea is to create a method capable of displaying production data in real time, as today in many companies ERP has as one of its main functions, issue daily reports of p...
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This study aims to present the satisfaction survey, the students of a vocational technical education institution in the northern region of the state of Santa Catarina, on an application geared to the student area. The application aims to improve the means of evaluation competence model used by the educational institution, and to enable the student...
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This tutorial aims to present alternative models to traditional Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and how they can be used to provide dependable computing. In general, traditional PKI presents some drawbacks and high management cost. Then, alternative models of cryptography are being proposed, including identity-based cryptosystems, self-certified pu...
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The study aims to propose actions for the growth of the e-commerce of a company in the textile sector, and industrial production. We conducted a qualitative and quantitative research using the procedure of case study conducted in a textile and manufacturing company located in southern Brazil. The results revealed that e-commerce in often a source o...
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Public management tends to evolve into an organization excellence of its processes, due to the increasing need to offer services with better results and efficiency of functional utility to meet the expectations of the server/citizen. The article references theoretically an approach of collaborative knowledge management in engineering projects of th...
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This study aimed to map the use of the social network Facebook by restaurants of the Vale do Itajaí, in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina and its relationship with the customer. For this purpose, two questionnaires were applied: one for the restaurants, and another for the customers, collecting the data needed for the research. The result provi...
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Purpose: This paper demonstrate a step-by-step implementation of a corporate social network involving employees, partners and customers considering cultural changes. It also demonstrates the Corporate SNS evolution to a Daily Collaborative Work Platform incorporating Corporate SNS and other tools as Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Business Pro...
Conference Paper
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An organizational structure in projects: proposal the organizational structure of the engineering sector in a federal public institution of teaching. ABSTRACT The organizational change has become vital for organizations in all spheres from the private to the public, because of the increasing need to offer services with better economic results, effi...
Conference Paper
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Social Network Sites (SNS) revolutionized human relationship in personal, academic and professional ways, extending the range of connections dramatically bringing new forms of communication. New technologies bring new opportunities but also bring new challenges. The first companies that faster learn about SNS usage will take great advantage of it,...
Conference Paper
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Social networking sites (SNS) have become a significant component of daily life and have revolutionized the ways people and organizations relate. This article is based concepts and definitions of social networks, and describes the benefits of the use of SNS in the corporate world. Collaborative social networks and business networks, are a way to co...
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Due to the crisis of Brazilian economic scenario, higher education institutions should have some differentiation in the market and use new relationship methodologies in order to retain their students. Advanced technologies are being gradually incorporated into the Brazilian education supporting the teaching-learning process as well the relationship...
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Tecnologias e Informações são vitais para o sucesso das empresas. Para potencializar os sucessos em projetos de TI, as empresas têm à sua disposição, referências mundialmente aceitas, como boas práticas (COBIT, ITIL, PMBOK, ISO, TOGAF, etc.). Apesar disso, ainda é grande a magnitude dos gastos em projetos de TI mal concebidos ou erroneamente implem...
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O alto índice de aumento de matrículas nos cursos a distância tem apresentado a EaD como a modalidade de ensino que mais cresce na atualidade. Com este avanço, as instituições de ensino superior precisam apresentar um diferencial que as torne competitivas neste mercado cada vez mais promissor. A gestão de processos tem por objetivo organizar as ati...
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Cloud computing is considered a paradigm both technology and business. Its widespread adoption is an increasingly effective trend. However, the lack of quality metrics and audit of services offered in the cloud slows its use, and it stimulates the increase in focused discussions with the adaptation of existing standards in management services for c...
Conference Paper
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Cloud computing is considered a paradigm both technology and business. Its widespread adoption is an increasingly effective trend. However, the lack of quality metrics and audit of services offered in the cloud slows its use, and it stimulates the increase in focused discussions with the adaptation of existing standards in management services for c...
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Resumo: As instituições de ensino superior buscam conhecer melhor seu público-alvo com o objetivo de diminuir a evasão dos alunos e proporcionar maior qualidade de seus serviços educacionais. Essa atividade torna-se mais difícil quando se trata de Educação à Distância uma vez que seu público se encontra distante fisicamente e/ou temporalmente. Uma...
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Resumo: Empresas de software procuram evolução a cada dia, porém, muitas delas esquecem de efetuar avaliação de desempenho em seu produto. Não há que se questionar, a disponibilidade e qualidade dos serviços oferecidos na web, precisam estar de acordo com a necessidade do usuário final, portanto, é de suma importância que esse quesito seja avaliado...
Conference Paper
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The pursuit of knowledge and of economic improvement and constant technological drive organizations to seek ways and means to meet theconsumer's need. Therefore, knowledge is treated as the main factor for the development and generation of quality in carrying out productive tasks. To manage all the advancement, different management strategies are c...
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Because of the advances of this century and changes in organizations and people, topics such as Distance Education - DE and Lean Production became relevant. The DE is currently the fastest growing which contributed to an increase in competition among institutions that operate in this market mode of education. Lean thinking has been part listed in d...
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Since the late 1960s, softwarehouses have been invested in methods and processes to minimize quality and efficiency problems. These investments had brought great results, like cost reductions and quality improvements. But they had left bureaucratic procedures, a process organizational structure and some collateral effects like: complex structures,...
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Since the late 1960s, softwarehouses have been invested in methods and processes to minimize quality and efficiency problems. These investments had brought great results, like cost reductions and quality improvements. But they had left bureaucratic procedures, a process organizational structure and some collateral effects like: complex structures,...
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Because of the advances of this century and changes in organizations and people, topics such as Distance Education - DE and Lean Production became relevant. The DE is currently the fastest growing which contributed to an increase in competition among institutions that operate in this market mode of education. Lean thinking has been part listed in d...
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The daily increase in the diversity of services offered in the cloud, as the number of its suppliers, draws the attention of the marketing sector these suppliers who use the attractions of cloud computing, such as reducing infrastructure costs and software licenses, supply computational resources like services, availability, resiliency and scalabil...
Conference Paper
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Technology and Information are vital to the success of companies. To leverage the successes in IT projects, companies have at their disposal, references globally accepted as good practices (COBIT, ITIL, PMBOK, ISO, TOGAF, etc.). In spite of this, it is still great the magnitude of spending on IT projects poorly designed or improperly implemented. T...
Conference Paper
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Technology and Information are vital to the success of companies. To leverage the successes in IT projects, companies have at their disposal, references globally accepted as good practices (COBIT, ITIL, PMBOK, ISO, TOGAF, etc.). In spite of this, it is still great the magnitude of spending on IT projects poorly designed or improperly implemented. T...
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This paper presents a proposal for semi-automatic items generation of low risk educational assessment. The aim of the study is to present a way for automatic generation of items (AIG) from the base of open data DBpedia, so that the items generated can be incorporated to an Item Bank enables to expand the number of opportunities for using Computeriz...
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This article presents an analysis if Project Management Office (PMO) inside of software industries could be the Production Planning and Control (PPC) in other kinds of industries. This paper has been structured to present PPC activities and objectives inside different production systems, some information has been collected to fit software industry...
Conference Paper
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This article presents a literature review whose purpose is to identify the key characteristics of lean software development and its similarities and dif-ferences with agile methodologies. For concept proof, a case study conducted in a team of software developers is presented, where lean concepts were applied within the current process, previously b...
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This article presents an analysis if Project Management Office (PMO) inside of software industries could be the Production Planning and Control (PPC) in other kinds of industries. This paper has been structured to present PPC activities and objectives inside different production systems, some information has been collected to fit software industry...
Conference Paper
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Cloud computing is increasingly present in the daily lives of people and organizations, their appeal is with the promises of reduced spending on infrastructure and software licenses, offering computing resources and services, availability, scalability and elasticity as demand. However growing use walk at a slower pace, some organizations have not y...
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This paper presents a report on our initial research to design, construction, implementation and evaluation of the use of a software application for comprehensive and continuous Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) in Distance Education (DE) courses. Just recently the study and use of CAT has aroused the interest of Brazilian researchers. This paper...
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The Information Technology (IT) areas, generally speaking, have functional organizational structures, but, the references models, recognized by the market as good practices, are organized by processes, as in the cases of ITIL and, COBIT. The ideal would be that IT areas also recognize, in their organizations, structures by processes, but, will the...
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Due to the large increase in the use of the Internet, the lack of information is no longer a concern, as a few decades ago. Currently, excessive information has become one of the Internet problems. A large amount of information allows you to collect, sort and separate this information in various forms, according to the interest of every layer of so...
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Computer systems currently are responsible for automation of complex processes, and help the entrepreneurship to take decisions. This search addresses an information technology company with national and international expertise. In view of constant evolution of computational world it is necessary to employ people with the ability of learning and...
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RESUMO A dinâmica das redes sociais corporativas ajuda a entender o compartilhamento das habilidades empresariais entre os profissionais da mesma empresa e também na relação organizacional com os clientes, quando estes possuem permissão para interagir diretamente com o grupo através da rede social corporativa. A proposta deste artigo é analisar, at...
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A globalização do mercado impulsiona as organizações na busca pela excelência de seus produtos e serviços. Diante disso, o conhecimento é tratado como fator primordial para a qualidade da execução das tarefas produtivas. Para controlar esse avanço, diferentes estratégias de gestão foram criadas e diferentes tecnologias computacionais foram desenvol...
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Organizations increasingly awaken to the need of using information technology to foster the development of a scenario that lets you manage and create new knowledge. Among these technologies, we highlight the Groupware Workflow and allowing correlate the areas of knowledge management (KM) and information technology (IT). In this context, this pap...
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This article presents a literature review whose purpose is to identify the key characteristics of lean software development and its similarities and differences with agile methodologies. The most common software development methodologies are explained, where greater attention was devoted to the lean software development. A case study conducted in a...