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Maycon Sedrez is an architect and urban designer teaching at Deakin University researching Architecture, Urbanism, Complexity, Computational Design and Sustainability.
Additional affiliations
May 2020 - May 2021
University of Nottingham
Field of study
- Post-graduate Certificate in Higher Education
March 2012 - February 2016
August 2007 - August 2009
Publications (62)
The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced many movements of rapid digitization in several sectors/areas used by the public. The three primary sectors/areas affected by such digitization process are identified as healthcare, transportation, and public domain registration. There are only a few studies investigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on...
Effective stormwater management is crucial for sustainable urban development, particularly in the face of increasing urbanisation and climate change impacts. While traditional stormwater management approaches often focus on engineered solutions, there is growing recognition of the importance of integrating water-based planning and design principles...
Stormwater management poses significant challenges for urban and community settings, demanding innovative solutions to mitigate its adverse impacts and capitalise on opportunities for sustainable development. This chapter explores the multifaceted landscape of stormwater management, investigating its issues, opportunities, and associated challenges...
This book provides a different narrative and approach to rethinking stormwater management through sustainable urban design. It delves into design interventions and innovative strategies that lead to solving context-specific issues of flooding, water scarcity, etc. Starting with an overarching introduction and discussion on stormwater management res...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been diffused into architectural applications for several decades. However, in 2022, a new set of fast developing AI generative tools became widely accessible to designers. ‘AI-Aided Design for Sustainability’ aims at disseminating new knowledge on the fast-emerging applications of AI in the fields of architecture,...
With the ongoing development of increasingly complex and uncertain urban contexts, imagining and envisioning future scenarios have become essential competences in the education of urban planners. We applied scenario planning in a postgraduate studio titled Sustainable Urbanism Project that aimed at facilitating students' learning and improving thei...
This concluding chapter synthesises resilience within public places and building through lessons presented in this book. In fact, human interactions take place on small scales of the built environment, therefore the importance of investigating such conditions. At this level, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have also manifested, prompting a rei...
Despite the World Health Organization no longer classifying the COVID-19 pandemic as an ongoing public health emergency, its enduring impacts on people's lives remain significant. The importance of social distancing and minimizing physical contact has never been more emphasized in society, demanding new approaches to public places and architectural...
About the Book:
The COVID-19 pandemic and other highly transmissible diseases outbreaks have given a new significance to the concept of “resilience”, placing it in the spotlight of built environment-related studies. New directions have emerged from expanding on adaptive planning, urban layouts, urban morphologies, spatial planning, healthy cities,...
The Coronavirus pandemic primarily affected urban populations due to its high transmissibility, constant mutations, and the unavailability of effective medication by far. As such condition continues, prevention and control interventions are still required in urban spaces worldwide. In China, the national Zero-COVID policy and stringent protocols ha...
This chapter summarises the valuable insights in the field of resilience-related innovations for cities and neighbourhoods to pandemics presented in the chapters of this book. There has never been a comprehensive and multi-scale book that shares scientific experiences, reviews, analyses, discussions, recommendations, and solutions with scholars, pr...
The COVID-19 pandemic is undoubtedly the most severe public event in recent years, revealing how vulnerable our cities and neighbourhoods are. Although the concept of resilience has already emerged for responding to multi-disasters in existing research, the highly transmissible diseases have given a new significance to “resilience” and placed it in...
Open call for Chapter Contributions on "Rethinking Stormwater Management through Sustainable Urban Design"
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 Oct 2023
The spread of COVID-19 at a large scale and at a rapid pace indicates the lack of social distancing measures at multiple levels. The individuals are not to be blamed, nor should we assume the early measures were ineffective or not implemented. It is all down to the multiplicity of transmission factors that made the situation more complicated than i...
Throughout history, major pandemics have impacted cities and shaped or re-shaping the urban environments. The COVID-19 pandemic is no exception as it offers opportunities for future paradigm shifts or adjustments, considering various factors of density, urban block layout, spatial layout, mobility, accessibility, etc. Hence, typology of urban forms...
This research studies the data on air quality and construction activities from 29 January 2020 to 30 April 2020. The analysis focuses on three sample districts of Hangzhou’s Xiacheng, Gongshu, and Xiaoshan districts. The samples, respectively, represent low-level, mid-level, and high-level districts in the scale of construction projects. The correl...
With the global COVID-19 gradually under control and the post-pandemic era arriving, architects and planners have had to reflect on the shortcomings and problems of existing urban planning and begin to explore more appropriate urban planning strategies to deal with possible future threats. Besides, urban public space, as the most important componen...
The COVID-19 outbreak and ensuing pandemic has revealed the vulnerabilities of cities and communities from different aspects, such as public health, economies, social systems, urban fabric, and city services. Due to the urgent need of accurate information, timely response and effective solutions, data-driven methods are widely used for decision-mak...
As part of this study, we aim to focus on three key aspects that suggest eco-urbanism transition in Chinese cities, including (1) ‘Eco Society’, 2) Eco Living, and 3) Eco Governance. In this approach, we look in to stakeholder constellations and multiplicity of eco development directions. By doing so, we highlight the importance of eco from a varie...
With evidence-based measures, COVID-19 can be effectively controlled by advanced data analysis and prediction. However, while valuable insights are available, there is a shortage of robust and rigorous research on what factors shape COVID-19 transmissions at the city cluster level. Therefore, to bridge the research gap, we adopted a data-driven hie...
Many years, urbanisation research has largely focused the development of urban agglomerations and megacity regions, whereas less attention was paid on the development of medium-sized cities, small towns, villages, or rural areas. Yet many interrelations and spatial linkages between urban and rural areas exist. In this paper, we present a novel meth...
Supplemental material to:
Carlow, V., Mumm, O., Neumann, D., Schneider, A.-K., Schröder, B., Sedrez, M., & Zeringue, R. (2022). TOPOI – A method for analysing settlement units and their linkages in an urban–rural fabric. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/23998083211043882
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From an historical point of view, cities display recognizable LGBTQ+ interactions with urban spaces. Nowadays, these interactions represent physical (visible) and virtual (invisible) boundaries or territories for the community; a place where they feel safe or can freely enjoy urban life. This study explores the mapping of socio-spatial interactions...
Advances in computational design developed by architectural researchers are being widely integrated to practice in recent years. This idea is also called Research by Design, which constitutes one of many contemporary innovative methods. Although the term and methods are not clearly defined, as suggests Roggema (2017), it adapts on the combination o...
Traditional Chinese architecture has certain millenary definitions in terms of orientation, positioning, scale, and elements usually inspired by natural forms or animals, furthermore, it is also generated by ruled-base geometric configurations, for instance, proportion of rooms or geometric ornamented screens. A collection of architectural drawings...
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread rapidly all over the world, affecting many countries to varying degrees. In this study, an in-depth analysis of the factors influencing the spread of COVID-19 is offered mainly through big data in the European Union (EU) context. In doing so, the data of the first wave of the pandemic are assessed. Afterward, we eva...
Urban areas around the world are increasingly facing environmental challenges such as water scarcity, water pollution and water-related disasters, demanding sustainable design solutions. Efforts to introduce sustainable methods in architectural education are noteworthy since the early 1990’s. However, Water Sensitive Design (WSD) has not been fully...
Evidence presenting the pros and cons of gated communities is ubiquitous in urbanism literature. These types of settlements are generally known as suburban residential compounds that are gated (or have heavily controlled access), offer higher level surveillance and provide a series of services and facilities to the residents. In general, dwellers h...
This research paper maps two cases of waterfront zones in the City of Ningbo with risks of urban flooding. The study explores required transformations associated to national-level sponge city programme (SCP) of China and stormwater management measure. It will include addressing the followings: (1) flood risk attributes; (2) site management; (3) gre...
Based on eleven indicators, thirteen TOPOI, here understood as settlement types of similar characteristics, were found in two exemplary study regions in Lower Saxony, Germany revea-ling new insights into the interrelation of settlement units in an urban-rural context. The data is provided as a file geodata-base (.gdb) including two components, a fi...
In the last decades, the quantity of information produced and distributed due to digital resources has been growing; big data is contributing to a better perception of our cities. The aim of this paper is to understand spatial segregation in the city of São Paulo (a city known by its social inequality and urban poverty) by scraping social media tag...
Impervious surface is an important factor for the ecological performance of the built environment, in particular for the water balance. Therefore, the rainwater drainage infrastructure of new housing developments is planned according to the expected amount of impervious surface and the resulting surface runoff. Drainage infrastructure could be over...
This article presents a methodological approach of the ongoing collaborative research project “METAPOLIS—an inter- and transdisciplinary platform for sustainable development of urban-rural relations in Lower Saxony” funded by the program “Science for Sustainable Development” of the “Niedersächsisches Vorab” by the “Volkswagen Stiftung” and the “Min...
Conference Abstract Book
Dr. Antoine Picon kindly met with Maycon Sedrez for a talk about future and smart cities at the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Université Paris-Est), where he is a researcher. Prof. Picon is the G Ware Travelstead Professor of the History of Architecture and Technology at Harvard Grad...
The EUKN conducted an interview with Maycon Sedrez focusing on sustainable urban development in Europe, the linkages between urban researchers and urban policy-makers, and the role local/regional/national governments play in tackling t...
This paper was motivated by Frey and Osborne’s [1] work about the probability of different occupations being computerised in the near future, titled “The Future of Employment”. In their study, the architect’s profession had a very low probability of being automated, which does not do justice to the past fifty years of research in the field of archi...
A adoção de novas tecnologias no processo de projeto tem desempenhado um papel fundamental na Arquitetura contemporânea. Isso tem instigado os professores a buscar conhecer os processos cognitivos envolvidos na aprendizagem de projeto. Este artigo é um estudo de caso da disciplina Responsive Architecture, lecionada pela arquiteta Anne Save de Beaur...
Parametric design and digital fabrication are becoming an ubiquitous tool to contemporary architecture and implies a different method of detailing. With this new perception of the contemporary detail we have developed a façade sun shade using fractal geometry as a generative system. Fractals are complex shapes generated with simple rules, so is rel...
This present paper deals with the fractal geometry applied in architecture. The generative rules
for fractals can be used to develop the students’ knowledge about shape grammar. Students use that
knowledge to increase their own shape vocabulary in the early stages of architectural design.
A geometria fractal e uma área da matemática que estuda objetos complexos. Os fractais são objetos que surgiram com o intuito de descrever formas naturais. Logo apos a criação dos conceitos de fractais, alguns arquitetos começaram a utilizar esses parâmetros no desenvolvimento de formas. Em uma experiencia unica sobre o tema, procurou‑se abordar o...
Esta pesquisa resulta da experiência realizada com alunos de Arquitetura a partir da introdução de conceitos da geometria fractal na composição arquitetônica. Os autores elaboraram um conteúdo didático para o Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem em Arquitetura e Design, que aborda o potencial dos fractais como sistema generativo de formas no projeto ar...