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Maximilian Werling

Maximilian Werling

Master of Science


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Publications (17)
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Zusammenfassung Das Internet of Things (IoT) und kooperative Datenräume bereiten den Weg für neue datengetriebene Services, die oftmals auch die Grundlage für neue digitale Geschäftsmodelle bilden. Damit einher gehen vielfältige Herausforderungen, insbesondere für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU). Diese kommen zunehmend in digitalen Ök...
Conference Paper
Sharing and collaborating on data across organizational boundaries is increasingly important for building a comprehensive data foundation for a variety of relevant analytical models and reports. We argue that a formalized set of rules and responsibilities - data governance - is needed to guide such data sharing ac-tivities and thus provide the foun...
Conference Paper
Data Sharing-also der Austausch von Daten über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg-erlaubt Unternehmen die Auswertung und Analyse organisationsübergreifender Fragestellungen. Mit Data Sharing gehen jedoch erhebliche technische und insbesondere organisatorische Herausforderungen einher. In der aktuellen Literatur werden Datentreuhänder als ein Ansatz diskuti...
The sharing of data across organizational boundaries is becoming increasingly important. In the context of mobility, data sharing is the foundation for enabling multimodal travel and real-time schedules. However, in practice, the design and implementation of cross-organizational data-driven use cases often proves difficult and subsequently fails. I...
Conference Paper
The sharing of data across organizational boundaries is becoming increasingly important. In the context of mobility, data sharing is the foundation for enabling multimodal travel and real-time schedules. However, in practice, the design and implementation of cross-organizational data-driven use cases often proves difficult and subsequently fails. I...
As companies increasingly develop data products and follow data-driven strategies for competitive advantage, the decisions about sharing data become important. In practice, however, organizations are hesitant to participate in data sharing. To address this problem, this paper presents a taxonomy to characterize data assets and improve structured as...
Conference Paper
As companies increasingly develop data products and follow data-driven strategies for competitive advantage, the decisions about sharing data become important. In practice, however, organizations are hesitant to participate in data sharing. To address this problem, this paper presents a taxonomy to characterize data assets and improve structured as...
This whitepaper provides an overview of the #digitalfirst approach to business success. It forms the starting point for the work on the new Digital Playbook 2.0, which will over time replace the current version 1.0, available on www.digitalplaybook.org. The principles outlined in this whitepaper apply to different domains, including digital.indust...
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In past years, Everything- or X-as-a-Service applications have left their mark on the consumer market, changing the landscape of on-demand delivery of goods and services. In recent years, these applications have also gained traction in an industrial context. However, companies are often unable to provide such a service on their own because they lac...
Conference Paper
Artificial intelligence (AI) has extensive potential in changing businesses. Various applications have been identified that are either already implemented, or under development. However, many-especially small and medium-sized-enterprises struggle with the potential problems that AI might cause. Leaders and managers are often willing to implement AI...
Conference Paper
The Internet of Things enables increasingly decentralized generation of digital data and thus forms the basis for new data-driven value creation. The collection, storage and utilization of data is not limited to individual companies; rather, different players gathering in IoT ecosystems to jointly shape digital value creation. Methods like the e3-v...
Conference Paper
Im Rahmen der digitalen Transformation schließen sich Unternehmen in neuen Ökosystemen zusammen und tauschen vermehrt Daten und Informationen über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg aus. Dieser Austausch soll, soweit möglich, souverän und vertrauenswürdig erfolgen, d.h. Unternehmen möchten bestimmen, wie ihre Daten verwendet werden. Wertvolle Geschäftsinfo...
Conference Paper
Das Internet der Dinge ermöglicht eine zunehmend dezentrale Erhebung digitaler Daten und bildet damit die Grundlage für neue Wertschöpfung mittels datengetriebener Services. Dabei erfolgt die Er-hebung, Speicherung und Verwertung der Daten zunehmend weniger nur bei einem einzelnen Un-ternehmen; stattdessen finden sich unterschiedliche Akteure in Io...
Wirtschaft, Unternehmen und Technologien sind geprägt von der Digitalen Transformation und keine Organisation kann sich dieser Veränderung gänzlich entziehen. Die fünfte Steinbeis Consulting Studie widmet sich daher der Untersuchung aufkommender Herausforderungen sowie relevanter Unternehmenskompetenzen im Kontext der Digitalen Transformation. Ma...
Conference Paper
Distributed Ledger (DL) has gained huge attention in the last years and will shift the conduction of business in the future. Until today, because of the great dynamics in the field a systematic approach to structure and define the field of DL does not exist. This led to a heterogeneous landscape of DL definitions and thus, misleading discussions. T...


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