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Publications (67)
The results of structural-density modeling along the profile crossing structures in the southern part of the South Tatar basin located in the Tatar Strait in the north of the Sea of Japan are presented. The purpose of the modeling was to study the deep structure of the area and compare it with the structure of the previously studied central part of...
The paper presents a brief overview of the results of integrated geological, geophysical and oceanographic studies for the period 2017–2023, for which interregional generalizations were made on some promising areas of study of underwater mineral resources and the environment. The data on geological underwater objects, in particular, manganese ores...
The paper presents brief results of comprehensive studies of the waters of the Tatar Strait and the Sea of Japan, obtained on the 79th cruise of the R/V “Professor Gagarinsky” in May–June 2022. The distribution of geophysical fields was obtained, the block’s divisibility of the bottom of the water area was confirmed and the new data on the distribu...
A comprehensive analysis of the field data and findings from previous studies made it possible to refine the bottom morphology of the Academy Bay. Environmental conditions of the Shantar region were considered. Natural factors that determine differences in morphodynamics of individual parts of the Academy Bay were revealed. The relief and relief-fo...
Deep structural features of the structures in the southern part of the Tatar trough were determined based on structural, density and petromagnetic modeling. It was revealed that the morphostructure has a riftogenic nature. The distribution of anomalous methane concentrations in water and the upper part of the sedimentary cover above these objects w...
This work presents the results of GPS observations (2003–2020) carried out in Primorsky Krai (aka the Primorie) and Khabarovsk Krai in southeastern Russia. The objectives of our study were to obtain displacement velocities, to test the relation of current velocities with seismicity, with the specific features of the geological structure of the Prim...
The paper presents brief results of comprehensive studies of the water area of the Tatar Strait and Sea of Japan obtained on cruise 61 of the R/V "Akademik Oparin" in November-December 2020. The bottom relief and geophysical and gas-geochemical fields were refined, and new features of the geochemistry and mineralogy of bottom sediments were reveale...
Gravity measurements with different kind of absolute gravimeters and spring gravimeters were started at the Marine Experimental Observatory Shults Cape of Il'ichev Oceanological Institute, Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences from 2010 year. Simultaneously, on the polygone, located in the South of Primorie, started the geodetic measuremen...
The monograph presents the results of joint scientifi c Russian-Vietnamese integrated expedition onboard RV “Akademik M.A. Lavrentiev” (cruise 88), carried out 5.10–08.12.2019. The primary results of the geological structure and geophysical fi elds of the Vietnam continental shelf and slope and deep basins, the study of oceanographic, gasgeochemica...
We describe the history of studying the current crustal movements by various methods and discuss technogenic effects recorded at large water-reservoir zones and mineral deposits in Siberia. Initially, classical surveying techniques aimed to obtain high-accuracy ground-based measurements of height, tilt and direction. Modern geodesy techniques and m...
В настоящее время прогноз землетрясений, как наиболее опасных геодинамических событий, развивается в различных направлениях наук о Земле, используя, в том числе, и геофизические методы. Традиционно для этих целей используется изучение сейсмического режима [8, 9], геодезические наблюдения, в том числе с использованием спутниковой геодезии [7] электр...
The paper gives brief results of comprehensive studies in the South China Sea obtained from a joint Russian-Vietnamese expedition in November 2019 (cruise 88 of the R/V "Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev"). The set of methods included acoustics, geophysics, geology, mineralogy,geochemistry, paleogeography, geomicrobiology, hydrooptics and hydrology. The sea...
В статье приведены результаты комплексных исследований пространственного распределения потоков метана в районе северного замыкания Центральной котловины Японского моря и в южной части Татарского трога. Установлено, что на изученной акватории происходит эмиссия метана, при этом значения потоков отличаются неравномерным распределением по площади от 1...
We present results of an integrated research into the spatial distribution of methane in the area of the northern closure of the Central Basin of the Sea of Japan and in the southern part of the Tatar Trough. Methane emissions have been revealed in the study area. The methane fluxes are distributed unevenly within the area (1 to 23 mol/(km 2 ·day))...
The authors revealed an effect of gravitational field variations for the principal lunar wave O1, which preceded nearby earthquakes, using for the first time the approach based on the method of calculating tidal parameters in a sliding window with various window width (from 30 to 120 days). Since the observed data were free from the oceanic load, t...
The results of a comprehensive interpretation of geophysical fields (magnetic, gravity and radioactivity) of the South-Western Primorye (Khasansky district) are presented. The authors give schemes reflecting the relationship of geophysical fields with various surface and deep geological structures, and discontinuous disturbances of various orders....
Marine gravimetric studies were carry out in the waters of the Sea of Japan and the Tatar Strait. Maps of the gravitational field of the earth were completed, structural density modeling was executed, the depth of the Mohorovičić discontinuity was determined.
В ноябре 2019 г. в Южно-Китайском море (исключительная экономическая зона СРВ) впервые за последние 30 лет была проведена крупная комплексная геолого-геофизическая совместная экспедиция ТОИ ДВО РАН и Вьетнамской академии наук и технологий (88-й рейс НИС «Академик М.А. Лаврентьев»). Области изучения – геофизика, геология, гидроакустика, газогеохимия...
The gravitational stresses caused by the density inhomogeneity of the Earth's crust in the Central Kuriles area are calculated. The general trend of the spatial variation of the stress field and its local perturbations due to the structural and density differentiation of the Earth’s crust were revealed. It is concluded that there are areas...
The paper presents the effects of gasgeochemical survey in the upper layer and water column, as well as in bottom sediments in the Tatar Strait (the North of the Sea of Japan) in 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2017. The features of methane, hydrogen, and helium distribution in the water column and sediments of the Tatar Strait were identified. The elevated m...
The bottom topography of the studied area of the South China Sea is characterized by an uneven distribution of depths, their sharp variations and the presence of a large number of seamounts. As a result of the research conducted, bathymetric profiles, a bathymetric map and a scheme of Faye anomalies were compiled. Geomorphological zoning was conduc...
An analysis of the regional gravitational field of the north-east of China, Korea and Western Primorye was carried out. The distribution of gold deposits was compared with the development of Mesozoic magmatism and negative anomalies of the gravitational field. Based on the analysis of geological, mineragenic, petrophysical and geophysical materials...
The article analyzes the regional gravitational field of northeastern China, Korea, and Western Primorye. The distribution of gold deposits is compared with the development of Mesozoic magmatism and negative gravitational field anomalies. Based on an analysis of geological, minerogenic, petrophysical, and geophysical materials, geological and geoph...
В ТОИ ДВО РАН возрождается система
комплексных геолого-геофизических
экспедиций, направленных на решение проблемы условий и механизмов формирования зоны перехода от континента к Тихому океану. Необходимость проведенных работ обусловлена государственной задачей изучения
геологического строения зон сочленения
разных типов земной коры для выявления за...
The authors analyzed the geological and geophysical data obtained in numerous expeditions during the investigation of the Sea of Japan. The paper shows that the formation of the Central basin was caused by destructive processes within the continent margin. The formation of the basin occurred in three stages. I — The Paleocene — the Middle Eocene: f...
The petrophysical data on the granitoids of the Gamow Peninsula are presented and compared with those of the granitoid complexes distributed on the adjacent territory. The physical properties of the Late Permian and Early Jurassic granitoid complexes are considered. Granitoids of different age sharply differ in petrophysical properties. The Late Pe...
The modern gravimetry methods are capable of measuring gravity with an accuracy of up to 10–10 of the normal value, which is commensurate with the accuracy of the up-to-date methods of displacement measurements by satellite geodesy. Significant changes, e.g., in the coseismic displacements of the Earth’s surface are recorded in the zones of large e...
The article presents the results of geological works performed on the islands of the central part of the Peter the Great Bay in the period from 2003 to 2016. It is established that these islands have a similar geological structure. They are composed of typical complexes of sedimentary and magmatic rocks of different ages - from the Late Paleozoic (...
The results of reinterpretation of the geophysical data obtained during the study of the central sector of the Kuril Island Arc (2005–2010) are reported. The new boundaries of the shallow bedding of the basement and its block uplifts of varied composition are defined within the previously discovered zone of tectonic stretching and destruction of th...
The paper is focused on different kinds of gravity results obtained in Shults Cape Observatory for 2010–2015. Gravity observation is interpreted together with GPS observation data which was obtained from 2012 to 2015 at the same station. The station is situated on Gamov peninsular (42.58° N, 131.15° E, Russia) at the coast of Japan Sea. This region...
ISSN 1819_7140, Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 2015, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 439–450. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2015.
Original Russian Text © R.G. Kulinich, M.G. Valitov, Z.N. Proshkina, 2015, published in Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya, 2015, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 45–56.
A Comparative Analysis of the Seismic and Density Models for the Earth’s Cru...
This work presents the results of the measurements of absolute gravity value g obtained over four field seasons in 2010–2013 at marine expeditionary station of Pacific Oceanological Institute at Shults Cape of Gamov peninsular (42.58° N, 131.15° E, Russia). The measurements revealed that during the first year the absolute g at the measurement point...
Аномальное магнитное поле (АМП) отражает сложное геологическое строение дна акватории зал. Петра Великого. Основным источником положительных аномалий являются магматические породы базитового состава. Общий отрицательный уровень АМП обусловлен наличием мощной толщи мезозой-кайнозойских осадочных пород, заполняющих депрессии кристаллического фундамен...
GPS observation and tidal measurement were developed at Far East Russian during last ten years. This work presents the results of complex gravity observation performed at Shults Cape, Gamov peninsula (42.58°N, 131.15°E), Russia. Absolute laser gravimeter GABL type and LCR type relative gravimeter used for measurement. To investigate the accuracy of...
The joint geological–geophysical expedition of the Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Vladivostok) and the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow) carried out during Cruise 37 of the R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrent'ev in 2005 revealed a destructive riftogenic zo...
На основе анализа фактического материала, полученного в экспедициях, обобщения литературных и картографических источников выявлены некоторые особенности морфологии дна Восточно-Корейского залива, выделены и охарактеризованы геоморфологические зоны.
Ключевые слова: рельеф дна, геоморфологические зоны, Восточно-Корейский залив.
This paper presents the results of geological and petrophysical research carried out on Popov Island by the Pacific Oceanological Institute of the Far East Branch of the Russian academy of Sciences during 2003–2009. As a result, 7 types of rocks were identified. Their density and magnetic susceptibility have been determined. It was established that...
New data on the fluid lithospheric regime in the junction zone of the continent and the marginal seas are presented. For the first time, this problem was solved by the comprehensive interpretation of the geophysical methods, including magnetotelluric and geomagnetic-variation sounding, unique investigations of the variations of the electric field a...
This work presents the results of complex gravity observation performed at Shults Cape, Gamov peninsula (42.58˚N, 131.15˚E), Russia. Absolute laser gravimeter GABL type and Scintrex type relative gravimeter were used for measurement. To investigate the accuracy of tidal corrections we compared the observed tidal parameters of the main tidal waves O...
Based on the combined analysis of the seismologic and other geophysical data (the gravity and magnetic fields and the acoustic basement topography), it was revealed that the largest earthquakes that occurred in the region of the Central Kuril Islands in 2006, 2007, and 2009 were related to the block structure of the Earth’s crust. The aftershocks o...
The combined gravimetric, altimetric, and seismic data used for calculating the crust thickness beneath the Sea of Japan revealed its different types in this region: oceanic and continental with different degrees of destruction. It is shown that the crust thickness derived from satellite altimetry is well consistent with that calculated from the da...
The results of the cruise of R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrentiev conducted by the Pacific Institute of Oceanology, Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Shirshov Institute
of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences in August to September 2005 are considered. The aim of the works was to specify
the tectonic structure, seismogenic pot...
Question (1)
Someone processes the Earth tides in the program VAV (by Venedikov)? I can not process the data obtained after 2005.
The program also does not work if to set the origin of time in 2008 and later (>D-ORIG: 2008 01 01 00). This is a problem of the program or am I doing something wrong?