Matvey Kraposhin
Matvey Kraposhin
Today two things occupy me:
1) software define networks (90% of time);
2) non-ideal supersonic free jets.
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Publications (48)
In this paper, we present the extension of the pressure-based solver designed for the simulation of compressible and/or incompressible two-phase flows of viscous fluids. The core of the numerical scheme is based on the hybrid Kurganov — Noele — Petrova/PIMPLE algorithm. The governing equations are discretized in the conservative form and solved for...
Flow mechanisms around two cylinders in tandem near a scour bed have been investigated using the three-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations with the Spalart-Allmaras improved delayed detached-eddy simulation model (SA-IDDES). A turbulent inlet boundary layer generation method is adopted to obtain more realistic inlet boundary conditions. Fi...
In this paper, we present the extension of the pressure-based solver designed for the simulation of compressible and/or incompressible two-phase flows of viscous fluids. The core of the numerical scheme is based on the hybrid Kurganov-Noele-Petrova/PIMPLE algorithm. The governing equations are discretized in the conservative form and solved for vel...
Various aspects of incompressible viscous flow modeling using regularized equations are considered: from the formulation of quasi hydrodynamic (QHD) equations for fluid motion to the demonstration of the capabilities of the associated OpenFOAM solver QHDFoam.
The numerical algorithm for fluid flow simulations is devised using the QHD approach. Unli...
This paper presents a new method for the numerical simulation of two-phase incompressible immiscible flows. The methodology is based on the hydrodynamic equations regularization method using the quasi-hydrodynamic approach. Two systems of regularized equations are developed, which differ in terms of velocity regularization. The comparison of the de...
This paper presents the Eulerian–Lagrangian approach for numerical modeling of high-speed gas-droplet flows and aeroacoustics. The proposed hybrid approach is implemented using the OpenFOAM library and two different methods. The first method is based on a hybrid convective terms approximation method employing a Kurganov–Tadmor and PIMPLE scheme. Th...
This training track discusses the implementation of the QGDFoam numerical algorithm for a supersonic transient inviscid perfect gas flow in a plane two-dimensional geometry. As a tutorial example a curved L-shaped channel is considered with shock-wave reflection from the L-boundaries
This training track is aimed at introducing you to the OpenFOAM solver for incompressible flows simulation - QHDFoam.
The presentation covers results of joint ISP RAS - KIAM RAS project dedicated to the development of open-source implementation for QGD/QHD numerical algorithm framework on the top of OpenFOAM platform
This work is devoted to the creation of the flagmanFoam software package developed on the basis of the OpenFOAM v2012 package. A solver has been developed to simulate icing in conditions of small droplet in-flow, with a characteristic droplet size of up to 40 microns, which corresponds to Appendix C of the Aviation Regulations AP-25. Computational...
Creating an effective pump that is able to maintain blood circulation in a heart
with appropriate medical indications is undoubtedly a crucial task. This work is
devoted to a pump numerical simulations in order to optimize parameters.
Equations of viscous incompressible fluid flow are used for this purpose.
Implemented numerical algorithm is based...
The lecture is dedicated to the application of particlesQHDFoam OpenFOAM solver to a numerical simulation of incompressible flows with particles using regularized hydrodynamics equations (QHD equations). The presentation is divided into 2 parts: 1) short theoretical introduction about QHD equations with Lagrangian particles tracking and 2) solution...
The lecture is dedicated to the application of QHDFoam OpenFOAM solver to a numerical simulation of incompressible flows using regularized hydrodynamics equations (QHD equations). The presentation is divided into 2 parts: 1) short theoretical introduction about QHD equations and 2) solution of simple test case (cavity flow at different Reynolds num...
The paper is focused on the numerical simulation of acoustic properties of the free jets from circle nozzle at low and moderate Reynolds numbers. The near-field of compressible jet flow is calculated using developed regularized (quasi-gas dynamic) algorithms solver QGDFoam. Acoustic noise is computed for jets with M = 0.9, Re = 3600 and M = 2.1, Re...
Open-source software is considered as a construction set for the development of complex models of technical systems. A brief review of open source packages for numerical simulations is presented. The software is grouped according to the different numerical techniques, such as finite-difference with adaptive meshes, finite volume, finite element, op...
In this work, we develop software based on porousMultiphaseFoam library in OpenFOAM package to study enhanced oil recovery methods, and to study the influence of these methods on the oil recovery factor. New models of relative phase permeability and capillary pressure were implemented, and their comparative analysis was performed. The code was veri...
The paper presents an analysis of various approaches for calculation gas-dynamic parameters and acoustic perturbations generated by a compressible jet at low Reynolds number (M = 0.9, Re = 3600). The jet flow parameters at selected conditions are well studied and can be used for validation of the numerical methods and schemes. The OpenFOAM software...
In this paper application of the OpenFOAM solver QGDFoam for numerical simulation of transonic viscous flows is considered. The developed solver, which implements regularized or quasi- gas dynamics (QGD) algorithms, is validated using the transonic low-Re jet flow case (Ma=0.9, Re=3600). The conducted numerical simulations allow the assessing appli...
The paper focuses on creation of a software component designed for the automated calculation of the stress-strain state of radar structure. The relevance of the work is shown, the statement of the problem, methods for its solution and the main development results are given
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the RAS NRC Kurchatov institute Index Terms-Regularized gas dynamic equations, Quasi hydrodynamic equations, incompressible flows, Finite Volume Method, QHDFoam, mulesQHDFoam, MULES, FCT technique, attractor of internal gravity waves Abstract-Paper presents some results of the implementation of a quasi-hydrodynam...
In the present research, the well-known test FSI problem of wind resonance phenomenon simulation for a circular cylinder is considered. It is well-investigated, both experimentally and numerically (Chen et al. in Phys Fluids 2011, [3]), for a wide range of parameters: Reynolds number, airfoil surface roughness, incident flow turbulence, etc. In thi...
The work presents results of the application of a new OpenFOAM® solver QGDFoam for the numerical simulation of viscous compressible flows in a wide range of Mach numbers. The new solver is based on the explicit approximation of regularized, or quasi-gas dynamic (QGD) equations. The mixed finite-volume and finite-difference approximation is construc...
This paper describes the implementation of a numerical solver which is capable of simulating compressible flows of non‐ideal single‐phase fluids. The proposed method can be applied to arbitrary equations of state and is suitable for all Mach numbers. The pressure‐based solver uses the operator‐splitting technique and is based on the PISO/SIMPLE alg...
The objective of this work is to compare the performance efficiency and accuracy of commercial STAR-CCM+ and
open-source OpenFOAM computational fluid dynamics codes in
simulating compressible supersonic jet flows. For this purpose
two cases were considered. The first case is the well-known
Ladenburg supersonic jet with Mach reflection and the secon...
The paper introduces the development of a new OpenFOAM solver QGDFoam for the numerical simulation of viscous compressible flows within a wide range of Mach numbers in the framework of the OpenFOAM formalism. The new solver is based on the implementation of regularized, or quasi-gas dynamic (QGD) equations. The mixed finite-volume and finite-differ...
High-power shock, heat, mechanical and – especially – acoustic loads present a serious problem as their impact on the rocket and the launch pad can be too strong. Turbulent supersonic jets ejected from
the vehicle nozzles are the main source of these loads. One way to reduce the intensity of acoustic loads is to supply a special system of water jet...
The paper presents a multiscale approach for simulation of the two-phase flows processes in complex technical systems. The multiscale approach is based both on the division of the computational domain into subdomains with their own system of equations, as well as on the splitting of the initial system of equations into several subsystems each is va...
The article discusses the possibilities of the open source library SOWFA. The problem-oriented library, operating as part of the open source package OpenFOAM v.2.4.0, is intended for solving wind energy’s problems. In connection with the construction of new wind farms in the Russian Federation (Ulyanovsk region, The Republic of Adygea), the issues...
A droplet impact on a deep pool can induce macro-scale or micro-scale effects like a crown splash, a high-speed jet, formation of secondary droplets or thin liquid films, etc. It depends on the diameter and velocity of the droplet, liquid properties, effects of external forces and other factors that a ratio of dimensionless criteria can account for...
Results of QGD (quasi-gas dynamics) equations approximation using OpenFOAM Finite Volume Method library are presented. The new developed solver QGDFoam compared to
standard OpenFOAM solver rhoCentralFoam. Two approaches for the approximation of QGD terms are considered and compared - (1) least square method and (2) face normal derivative.
It is known that high-level acoustic loads can damage the vehicle payloads. This problem makes the noise level reduction during the lift-off highly relevant. It leads to the necessity of the accurate prediction of acoustic loads. This goal can be achieved by using both experimental and numerical methods. The experimental investigation is very expen...
The noise level reduction is an actual task in aerospace, aviation, marine and automobile industries. There are a lot of different numerical approaches which can be used for noise prediction, for example, direct noise computation using finite difference method; finite volume method with hybrid RANS/LES techniques; discontinuous Galerkin method; sol...
The existing chtMultiRegionFoam / chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solvers make it possible to solve coupled heat transfer problems in flow and solid but only at low Mach number for deep subsonic flows. In practice, it is important to consider the same problem for a wide range of the Mach number, both for subsonic and supersonic flows. Moreover, for real g...
Supplementary presentation during Hands-On session
Module begins with short introduction to fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems, overview and classification of cases which arises in real world. One of the most simple and common case of FSI is selected for demonstrations of OpenFOAM’s capability to create complex numerical models - weakly coupled motion of solid body with limited number of de...
The presentation for the Workshop is reflecting current development status of the libAcoustics project of the UNICFD lab ISP RAS
The hybrid method for approximation of advective terms is proposed in order to resolve flows in the wide Mach numbers region. This hybrid method is based on the Kurganov-Tadmor (KT) scheme and projection method PISO (Pressure Implicit with Splitting Operators). To construct this method Kurganov-Tadmor scheme for convective fluxes was formulated in...
In this work a hybrid scheme based on the PISO-algorithm and Kurganov-Tadmor's numerical scheme is proposed. This scheme utilizes compressible PISO method for coupling between velocity and pressure and Kurganov-Tadmor scheme for formulation of non-oscillating convective fluxes. Compressible and incompressible regimes of developed model are switched...
A large number of available computational fluid dynamics codes include tools for analysis of computational aeroacoustics problems. Such tools are proprietary as well as the codes themselves. Actually, the level of development of such codes as OpenFOAM makes it possible to implement enough opportunities for complication of physical models and increa...
Direct numerical simulation of internal gravity waves focusing and developement of a wave attractor was performed with the help of two different numerical approaches. Mathematical formulation corresponds to experiments on exitations of inner waves in a trapezoidal container with salt solutions through forced oscillations of the left boundary. It wa...