Matthieu Le BaillyUniversity of Franche-Comté | UFC · UMR 6249 Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement
Matthieu Le Bailly
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February 2006 - August 2007
February 2006 - August 2007
November 2009 - present
Publications (114)
This article focuses on paleoparasitological analysis using microscopy and paleogenetics from 59 archaeological structures, comprising 51 latrines from the Hellenistic city of Delos, located in the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea. Among the analysed structures, 35 tested positive for one or more gastrointestinal helminth eggs, including Ascarididae, Tri...
Faecal markers (pollen-free microfossils and parasite eggs) in natural and archaeological archives (middens) are used to study the presence of fauna and the interactions between society and environement. In Arctic area, where wildlife is an essential resource for the survival of the population, these analyses reveal the complex history of the ecocu...
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of gastro-intestinal parasites in human remains from Late Antiquity (5th-7th c.) Granada (Spain). Materials: The study included pelvic and cranial control samples from 17 skeletons from the archaeological sites of Los Mondragones (n = 13) and Rafael Guillén (n = 4). Methods: In the paleoparasitological study, s...
Recent efforts have been made to review the state of the art on a variety of questions and targets in paleoparasitology, including protozoan taxa. Meanwhile, these efforts seemed to let aside Cryptosporidium, and we then intended to review its paleoparasitological record to assess its past distribution and favored detection methods, and eventually...
Coprolites are sources of ancient human gut microbiota and parasites. Paleomicrobiological investigation of a 14th-century coprolite revealed amoeba cysts that when cultured were identified as Acanthamoeba castellanii strain Namur. Genomic DNA sequencing indicated a 69-Mb, 57.9% GC content genome encoding 40,545 proteins, including 266 amoeba seque...
El hallazgo de parásitos procedentes de contextos arqueológicos nos permite conocer las condiciones socio-económicas y los hábitos alimentarios de las poblaciones pasadas, aportando una visión novedosa en el estudio de dichas sociedades. Pese a su probado interés en la contribución al conocimiento de los estudios arqueológicos, antropológicos y bio...
RESUMEN El hallazgo de parásitos recuperados de material antiguo procedente de contextos arqueológicos permite efectuar un acercamiento innovador a la Antropología Física. Debido a su carácter cosmopolita, se ha evidenciado la presencia parasitológica en todas las culturas estudiadas. Desde los inicios de esta disciplina, el análisis de material hu...
Paleoparasitological analysis was performed on a set of ten coprolites recovered during excavations of the Neolithic site Serteya II (NW Russia). Eggs of four gastrointestinal parasite taxa were identified, namely the fish tapeworm genus Diphyllobothrium, the giant kidney worm Dioctophyma renale, and two trematode taxa, including the liver lancet f...
Paleoparasitology is a discipline of bioarchaeology that studies human and animal parasites and their evolution through time. It is at the frontier between biological sciences and the humanities, and aims to provide valuable clues about the lifestyles of former populations. Through examples chosen among recent case studies, we show in this review h...
The study of ancient parasites, named paleoparasitology, traditionally focused on microscopic eggs disseminated in past environments and archaeological structures by humans and other animals infested by gastrointestinal parasites. Since the development of paleogenetics in the early 1980s, few paleoparasitological studies have been based on the anci...
Multi-proxy analysis of the coprolites which were found during excavations at two Late Neolithic (fourth millennium bc) pile-dwelling sites (Črnelnik and Stare gmajne) in Slovenia yielded some new insights into human-dog relations and behaviour. The digested content is presented in a multidisciplinary approach, in which palynological, palaeoparasit...
Ce nouveau numéro d’Archéo.doct retranscrit les échanges qui se sont tenus lors de la 15e Journée Doctorale de l’ED 112 de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Cette journée thématique avait pour intitulé : « À Table ! De l’approvisionnement au dernier repas. Regards croisés sur l’archéologie de l’alimentation. » Au centre du paysage scientifiqu...
Résumé La formation interne de l'Inrap « Archéologie environnementale » vise à présenter les apports des différentes disciplines bioarchéologiques et géoarchéologiques mises en oeuvre pour une meilleure compréhension des activités humaines au cours du temps. Des exemples croisés sont présentés par thématique, comme la restitution du paysage, l'expl...
Paleomicrobiological investigations of a 14 th-century coprolite found inside a barrel in Namur, Belgium were done using microscopy, a culture-dependent approach and metagenomics. Results were confirmed by ad hoc PCR-sequencing. Investigations yielded evidence for flora from ancient environment preserved inside the coprolite, indicated by microscop...
This paper presents an original palaeoparasitological study performed on samples from a sedimentary core in a peat bog (Asi Gonia, White Mountains, Crete, Greece). The aim of the study is to test the preservation and concentration of parasitic remains in peat sediments, to discuss animal presence around the site throughout the record, and to compar...
Background: The archaeological incidence of ancient human faecal material provides a rare opportunity to explore the taxonomic composition and metabolic capacity of the ancestral human intestinal microbiome (IM). Here, we report the results of the shotgun metagenomic analyses of an ancient South African palaeo-faecal specimen.
Methods: Following...
Excavation (2008-2014) carried out under the Uffizi Gallery (Florence, Italy) led to the discovery of 75 individuals, mostly buried in multiple graves. Based on Roman minted coins, the graves were preliminarily dated between the second half of the 4th and the beginning of the 5th centuries CE. Taphonomy showed that this was an emergency burial site...
Paleoparasitological analysis was carried on 4 Merovingian skeletons, dated from the late-5th to the late-9th centuries, and recovered in the church of Saint-Martin-au-Val in Chartres (Center region, France). The corpses were buried in stone sarcophagi, which were still sealed at the time of excavation. Parasite marker extraction was conducted on s...
A rescue excavation undertaken in 2011-2012 in Jaunay-Clan (Vienne) revealed a Late Antique funerary area consisting of a pyre, a mausoleum and a large masonry building. The pyre yielded significant accompanying goods, and is associated with a large deposit of broken vases. The surrounding enclosure and the stone pedestal undoubtedly correspond to...
Paleoparasitology has traditionally focused its interest on the recovery of microscopic eggs laid in the environ- ment by oviparous gastrointestinal helminths. The chitinous part of the eggshells allows a good preservation despite various taphonomical conditions. They can therefore be extracted from soils, coprolites or various sediment samples in...
The expansion of Neolithic stable isotope studies in France now allows distinct regional population-scale food patterns to be linked to both local environment influences and specific economic choices. Carbon and nitrogen isotope values of more than 500 humans and of animal samples also permit hypotheses on sex-biased human provenance. To advance po...
Paleoparasitology, the study of parasites in the past, brings the knowledge of where and when they occurred in preterit populations. Some groups of parasites, as capillariids, have a complex and controversial systematic, hindering the paleoparasitological diagnosis. In this article, we synthesized the occurrence of capillariids in both...
cox1 gene.
K2P Distance Matrix with estimates of evolutionary divergence over sequence pairs between groups. Bold numbers are those of evolutionary divergence within groups.
18S rDNA– Dataset I.
K2P Distance Matrix with estimates of evolutionary divergence over sequence pairs between groups. Bold numbers are those of evolutionary divergence within groups.
18S rDNA– Dataset II.
K2P Distance Matrix with estimates of evolutionary divergence over sequence pairs between groups. Bold numbers are those of evolutionary divergence within groups.
Paleoparasitological investigations were carried out on 124 sediment samples from the Swiss Neolithic lakeside settlement of Zürich-Parkhaus-Opéra
(layer 13, 3176–3153 years BCE). Analyses revealed the presence of several taxa of human and/or animal gastrointestinal parasites, including whipworm
(genus Trichuris), capillariids, tapeworms (Taenia/Ec...
Palaeoparasitological investigation was conducted on a first set of samples from 13 sacrificed domestic camelids recovered from the pre-Hispanic Chimú culture site of Huanchaquito-Las Llamas, Peru. The aim was to establish the animals’ gastrointestinal parasite diversity and enlighten on their health status at the time of their death. To this end,...
We conducted the first known systematic study of a peat bog core in paleoparasitology. We show that our results are consistent with other environmental proxies (namely pollens, NPPs, sediments and charcoals) about paleoecological reconstructions. In this case, our data tend to highlight the anthropogenic impact in the making of the landscape from t...
We presented the currently known paleoparasitological literature regarding the Mediterranean shores from the Neolithic period to the present days. We introduced more particularly our work in the Asi Gonia peat bog, Crete, Greece.
We presented an overview of paleoparasitological data concerning the Mediterranean surrounding. We focused on helminthiasis in past societies of the Iron Age.
A number of parasites have been detected in micromorphological thin sections. In this chapter, the most frequently encountered and characteristic types of helminth eggs found in thin sections of archaeological sediments from Central Europe are presented: whipworm (Trichuris sp.), hairworm (Capillaria sp.) and roundworm (Ascaris sp.). The colour of...
While some species of parasites can be identified to species level from archaeological remains using microscopy (i.e. Enterobius vermicularis , Clonorchis sinensis ), others can only be identified to family or genus level as different species produce eggs with similar morphology (i.e. Tænia sp. and Echinococcus sp.). Molecular and immunological app...
La paléoparasitologie étudie les parasites anciens dont les marqueurs préservés sont retrouvés dans les sites archéologiques et paléontologiques. Située à l’interface entre l’archéologie et la parasitologie, cette discipline fait aussi appel à des notions issues de l’anthropologie, de l’écologie et des sciences de la santé. De par
cette pluridiscip...
Several taphonomic factors influence the composition of the palynological record especially in archaeological deposits, where human activities alter the representation of taxa. Spatial analysis by a taphonomic approach to the distribution of pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs (NPP) provides useful information about intra-site spaces and environment...
Paleoparasitological analyses were conducted on samples from the Neolithic lakeside settlement of La Draga in Spain (5320–4980 BC). Conventional microscopic analysis revealed the presence of tapeworms (genus Taenia/Echinoccocus and Diphyllobothrium), roundworms (genus Trichuris, Capillaria, and Ascaris), rumen fluke (genus Paramphistomum), and Acan...
The first part of the book contains chapters on
Botanical remains (the largest dataset on plant remains from a waterlogged settlement ever collected)
Animal bones
Small animal remains such as fish, molluscs, mice...
Human bones
Find distribution mechanisms
The second part contains six syntheses on
A paleoparasitological study was carried out on 2 lead coffins recovered from the Roman site of Jaunay-Clan (near Poitiers, France). For the first time, this particular type of burial gave positive parasitological results, and eggs of the whipworm Trichuris trichiura were identified in 1 individual. In the present case, thanatomorphose associated w...
Several micro-archaeological methods are suggested in this study in order to identify cess deposits. These methods were deployed at a Near Eastern mound (Megiddo, Israel), yet are applicable to any archaeological site anywhere in the world. The study presented here, was performed on a 2–3 mm thick yellowish fibrous material, ca. 40 × 15 cm in size,...
Human Coprolites as a Source for Paleomicrobiology, Page 1 of 2
Paleomicrobiology—the search for ancient microbes—is based on the analysis of human bones, teeth, and mummified soft tissues ( 1 – 3 ). In addition, ancient fecal remains preserved by mineralization or desiccation in the form of organic or permineralized coprolites, as well...
Past Intestinal Parasites, Page 1 of 2
The study of ancient parasites, paleoparasitology, is an area of parasitology that evolved as a research field combining archaeology, anthropology, biology, and health sciences ( 1 ). It aims to detect parasite traces in ancient samples and to study parasitism evolution over time and space ( 2 ). Th...
Understanding parasite history and the evolution of host/parasite relationships is one of the most important aspects of paleoparasitology. Within the framework of this research topic, this paper focuses on the human pathogenic amoeba, Entamoeba histolytica. The compilation of all the available archaeological data concerning this parasite leads to a...
Human gastrointestinal parasites are good indicators for hygienic conditions and health status of past and present individuals and communities. While microscopic analysis of eggs in sediments of archeological sites often allows their taxonomic identification, this method is rarely effective at the species level, and requires both the survival of in...
A l’occasion des récentes fouilles archéologiques réalisées dans la plaine de la Tille, au sud-est de Dijon (Bourgogne), une approche pluridisciplinaire, croisant micromorphologie, palynologie et paléoparasitologie, a été mise en œuvre. Son objet était d’exploiter au mieux les informations piégées dans le remplissage de structures creusées entre le...
Oxyuris equi, l’oxyure du cheval, est un vers parasite spécifique des équidés régulièrement mis en évidence lors des études paléoparasitologiques. Nous proposons ici une synthèse originale entre les mentions de ce parasite connues dans la bibliographie et les textes anciens, avec des données inédites issues de nos recherches en paléoparasitologie....
This paper focuses on the horse pinworm, Oxyuris equi, in archaeology during the Holocene period, and presents an overview of past published occurrences, early mentions in texts, and new data from our paleoparasitology research. This original compilation shows that the most ancient record of the horse pinworm dates to ca. 2,500 years before present...
This paper focuses on the horse pinworm, Oxyuris equi, in archaeology during the Holocene period, and presents an overview of past published occurrences, early mentions in texts, and new data from our paleoparasitology research. This original compilation shows that the most ancient record of the horse pinworm dates to ca. 2500 years before present...
Paleoparasitological investigations revealed the presence of intestinal helminths in samples taken from the abdominal cavities of two German soldiers, recovered in the First World War site named "Kilianstollen" in Carspach, France. Eggs from roundworm, whipworm, tapeworm and capillariids were identified. The morphological and morphometrical compari...
Abstract ELISA was used to test the presence of the human pathogenic amoeba Entamoeba histolytica in archaeological samples from 2 cemeteries in Guadeloupe, in the Caribbean. Results show that 15.9% of the population was infected during the colonial period, a value comparable to the current rates observed in humans in adjacent countries. This study...
Paleomicrobiological investigations of a 14(th)-century coprolite found inside a barrel in Namur, Belgium were done using microscopy, a culture-dependent approach and metagenomics. Results were confirmed by ad hoc PCR - sequencing. Investigations yielded evidence for flora from ancient environment preserved inside the coprolite, indicated by micros...
Coprolites are fossilized fecal material that can reveal information about ancient intestinal and environmental microbiota.
Viral metagenomics has allowed systematic characterization of viral diversity in environmental and human-associated specimens,
but little is known about the viral diversity in fossil remains. Here, we analyzed the viral commun...
Paleoparasitological analyses were performed on soil samples recovered from an ancient salt mine in Chehrabad, northwestern Iran (2500 and 1500 years BP). Parasite extraction led to the recovery of a large variety of human and animal parasites, including whipworm (Trichuris sp.), roundworm (Ascaris sp.), tapeworm (Taenia sp. or Echinococcus sp.), l...
In order to improve paleoparasitological analyses, we tested different acid (hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids) and base (sodium hydroxide) combinations for parasite egg extraction in archaeological sediments. We used a method of egg counting to compare these results to those obtained with the standard paleo-parasitological RHM extraction protoco...
This paper presents a paleoparasitological review of the fish tapeworm genus Diphyllobothrium. Comprehensive data from published articles and original results from the Reims paleoparasitology laboratory show that the fish tapeworm has co-evolved with humans for several thousand years, influenced by human dietary habits, cultural differences, and so...
Pathoecology provides unique frameworks for understanding disease transmission in ancient populations.Analyses of Old and New World archaeological samples contribute empirically to our understanding
of parasite infections.Combining archaeological and anthropological data,we gain insights about health,
disease, and the way ancient people lived and i...
There has been evidence of dung in lakeside and moorland settlements since the beginning of wetland archaeology in the 19th century. While evidence has been found for the easily discernible faecal pellets of sheep and goats, recognition of cattle dung has proven to be considerably more difficult. In this study, we give an overview of evidence for d...
There has been evidence of dung in lakeside and moorland settlements since the beginning of wetland archaeology in the 19th century. While evidence has been found for the easily discernible faecal pellets of sheep and goats, recognition of cattle dung has proven to be considerably more difficult. In this study, we give an overview of evidence for d...
باستانانگلشناسی، تخصصی میانرشتهای با سابقهی بیش از یک قرن است که با گسترش روزافزون خود همپای باستانشناسی، به دانش ما از شیوه ی زندگی مردم گذشته میافزاید. شناخت تاریخچهی بیماریهای عفونی انگلی و همچنین مطالعه ی سیر تکاملی در رابطه ی میان انگل و میزبان آن، جنبه ای مهم از مطالعات باستانانگلشناسی است. با این حال یافته های مهم این گونه پژوهش...
Abstract Tapeworm eggs from the genus Taenia sp. were identified during the study of mummy remains dated to 2,286±28 BP from the Chehrabad salt mine in northwestern Iran. The presence of tapeworm in this salt mine provides paleopathological information. Moreover, it brings new information on ancient diet, indicating the consumption of raw or underc...
Abstract For the first time in the study of ancient parasites, analyses were carried out on samples taken from a First World War settlement in France (Geispolsheim, region of Alsace). Microscopic examination of sediment samples revealed the presence of 3 common human parasites, i.e., Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, and Taenia sp. A revie...