Matthias Weber

Matthias Weber
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology & Université Gustave Eiffel LISIS


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January 2017 - August 2017
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Head of Department


Publications (168)
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Just like a playbook in sports or business that outlines winning strategies, the TRAMI Missions Playbook equips policy actors at all levels of government with practical lessons for implementing missions. Unlike many academic or abstract treatments of the mission-oriented approach, the Missions Playbook prioritizes storytelling. We learn best from...
Technical Report
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This Policy Brief stemming from the TRAMI (Transnational Cooperation on Missions) project, summarizes some of the main findings of the project with regrad to the current state of implementation of missions in EU countries (both member states and associate countries). It points to the fact that the process is uneven, but some countries are making su...
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The important role of social innovation (SI) for the development and successful implementation of system innovations to address societal challenges has been increasingly recognised in research and innovation policies since the first social innovation policy initiatives of the European Commission in the late 2000s and, subsequently, the explicit con...
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A report on a foresight exercise that took place between 2014 and 2016 addressin the bi-lateral cooperation between Latin America and the Europen Union.
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Zusammenfassung Neue technologische und nichttechnologische Entwicklungen und damit zusammenhängende soziotechnische Innovationen spielen eine wichtige Rolle, um Transformationen hin zu einer klimafreundlicheren Gesellschaft zu erreichen. Gerade in hoch klimarelevanten Bereichen wie Mobilität, Energieerzeugung, -versorgung und -nutzung oder Nahrung...
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Zusammenfassung The technical summary is aimed at a professional audience and summarizes the most important findings of the report, but without going into all the details. Each chapter is summarized on approximately two pages. For the relevant statements, an evaluation with regard to agreement and literature basis is given. In contrast to the summa...
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Zusammenfassung The Summary for Policy Makers presents the main results in condensed form. The summary is the result of an internal coordination process and is therefore supported by all coordinating lead authors. For each statement, the relevant chapters and the correspondence and scope of the literature are indicated. Details on the statements ca...
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Zusammenfassung Ziel des Teils ist die umfassende Diskussion von Strukturen in Österreich, die ein klimafreundliches Leben fördern oder behindern bzw. für den Aufbau klimafreundlicher Strukturen als relevant erachtet werden. Strukturen, die beispielsweise im Recht, im politischen System, in der Wirtschaft oder der Raumordnung verankert sind, wirken...
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Zusammenfassung Die Zusammenfassung für Entscheidungstragende gibt die wesentlichen Ergebnisse in verdichteter Form wieder. Die Zusammenfassung ist das Ergebnis eines internen Abstimmungsprozess und wird daher von allen koordinierenden Leitautor_innen mitgetragen. Bei jeder Aussage sind die relevanten Kapiteln und die Übereinstimmung und der Umfang...
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Zusammenfassung Die technische Zusammenfassung richtet sich an das Fachpublikum und fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des Berichtes zusammen, ohne aber alle Details auszuführen. Jedes Kapitel wird auf ungefähr zwei Seiten zusammengefasst. Hierbei wird bei den relevanten Aussagen eine Bewertung mit Hinblick auf Übereinstimmung und Literaturbasis ange...
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This article is a first attempt towards building an integrative analytical framework to study goal-orientated transformative change (GOTC) processes, defined as system-transforming processes that are guided by the ambition to resolve current or expected future societal challenges. GOTC can only start once a broad range of possible goals are conside...
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Increasingly the innovation system becomes a core concern in the way society governs change and continuity, conservation and progress, knowledge and ignorance, conformity and disruption. The breadth of influences of the innovation system form a challenge for research and innovation (R&I) policies, which could address diverse objectives and societal...
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Several recent developments strongly suggest that a new ‘world order’ is evolving, replacing the relatively short period characterised by US dominance, which, in turn, followed the bipolar world (the cold war between the blocs led by the US and the USSR) that existed for several decades after WW2. This new world order will be a multipolar one, but...
Technical Report
Governments are increasingly utilising research and innovation (R&I) policy to foster economic and societal change. Yet, the empirical correlation between these policies and socio-technical transformations remains under-explored. The report investigates this relationship by comparing the Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) of Austria, Finland and...
This file is composed of two parts: - Four comparative tables on business, social, ST, and hybrid innovations (their principal aims and main actors; objects, types and levels of change; sources, types, and forms of knowledge (co-)produced, utilised, and diffused; and definitions and measurement of success); - A figure on "Goal-oriented transformati...
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Recent times have seen the rediscovery and adaptation of mission-oriented innovation policies (MIPs) for driving transformative change. While such policies seek to mobilise and align stakeholders, little is known about how missions feature in policy coordination processes. We argue that to facilitate the still troublesome operationalisation of MIPs...
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Die strukturellen- und die politisch-institutionellen Bedingungen für Innovation bilden den Rahmen für die Fähigkeit unserer Gesellschaft, technologische, organisatorische und soziale Innovationen hervorzubringen, sich an diesen auszurichten und ihre Verbreitung zu ermöglichen. Sie sind somit von zentraler Bedeutung für den Wandel unserer Gesellsch...
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Die Zusammenfassung für Entscheidungstragende gibt die wesentlichen Ergebnisse in verdichteter Form wieder. Die Zusammenfassung ist das Ergebnis eines internen Abstimmungsprozess und wird daher von allen koordinierenden Leitautor_innen mitgetragen. Bei jeder Aussage sind die relevanten Kapiteln und die Übereinstimmung und der Umfang der Literatur a...
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In der vorliegenden technischen Zusammenfassung werden die wesentlichen Aussagen der Kapitel des APCC SR Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben zusammengefasst. Der Bericht bewertet auf Basis wissenschaftlicher Literatur unterschiedliche Ansätze zur Transformation von Strukturen, damit klimafreundliches Leben in Österreich dauerhaft möglich und...
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Thus far, living in a climate-friendly way in Austria is difficult. In most areas of life, from work and housing to nutrition, mobility and leisure activities, existing structures promote climate-harmful behaviour and make climate-friendly living difficult (high agreement, strong literature base). {chap 3-9} The present report confirms the relevanc...
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This technical summary provides an overview of the main statements of the APCC SR Structures for Climate-Friendly Living chapters. Based on scientific literature, the report assesses different approaches for transforming structures in order to make climate-friendly living in Austria possible and make it permanently and quickly the new status quo.
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Democracy is under pressure. Not only populist and authoritarian movements contribute to this, but also digitalisation, the internet and social media. This volume presents answers to questions that move us all: How should we meet the challenges posed by hate and deepfakes, by polarisation and platform giants? The authors come from very different di...
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Stories are not made to give us clear and straightforward solutions but rather take us on a journey beyond our immediate context. They draw us into worlds of imagination that broaden our thinking and open our mindsets so that we can find new solutions in the present. They help us imagine different, sometimes frightening, but also promising futures,...
The intensively discussed term transformation refers to the comprehensive restructuring of processes and behaviour in order to address societal challenges posed by far-reaching changes in energy, transport, production and agricultural systems. Since such complex transformations are always accompanied by uncertainties about their effects and consequ...
Technical Report
Konzept, Definition, Operationalisierung Mit der Beschleunigung des technologischen Wandels und der verstärkten Ausrichtung auf gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen ist die F&I-Politik gefordert agiler zu handeln. Das betrifft sowohl die strategische Ebene der F&I-politischen Begründung und Prioritätensetzung als auch die operativen Ebene der Politi...
Technical Report
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Ein kontinuierliches Monitoring aktueller oder sich für die Zukunft abzeichnender internationaler wissenschaftlicher und technologischer Entwicklungen im gesellschaftlichen Kontext (sozio-technische Trends) ist die Grundlage, um zentrale Zukunftsthemen für die österreichische Politik zu identifizieren. In so einem Verfahren werden zudem wichtige wi...
Leading the world towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an ambition of the European Union (EU) and an important objective of the European Commission's proposal for Horizon Europe: the EU framework programme for Research and Innovation (R&I) 2021–2027. The new orientation of the framework programme requires a new sustainability-oriente...
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We aim for a better conceptualization of mission-oriented innovation policy (MIP). Our starting point is an analytical decomposition of societal problems and innovative solutions based on three dimensions of wickedness: (1) contestation; (2) complexity; and (3) uncertainty. We argue that both problems and solutions can be divergent (contested, comp...
Conference Paper
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First we present a tentative taxonomy of transformation processes, STI governance modes to address these processes, as well as FLAs that can underpin STI strategy setting processes, relying on Havas and Weber (2019). Then we illustrate our argument by considering different types of mobility provision, in which fast disruptive and slow disruptive ch...
Technical Report
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Ein kontinuierliches Monitoring aktueller oder sich für die Zukunft abzeichnender internationaler wissenschaftlicher und technologischer Entwicklungen im gesellschaftlichen Kontext (sozio-technische Trends) ist die Grundlage, um zentrale Zukunftsthemen für die österreichische Politik zu identifizieren. In so einem Verfahren werden zudem wichtige wi...
It is the ambition of many social innovation initiatives to develop new solutions – often in the form of services – to environmental issues by locally framing often global environmental problems. These green social innovations are very diverse in nature. In order to better systematize this diversity, we first address the questions, what particular...
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The presentation describes the development and the definition of Mission-Oriented Policies, the current status of our knowledge and the next steps in policy oriented research. it is meant to be part of the conceptual base of the OECD CSTP project on mission-oriented policy
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The chapter discusses the development of Mission-oriented Policies (MOPs) in the past decades both in terms of the development of the concepts of MOPs as well as by looking into empirical case studies drawn from 2 large projects on behalf of the European Comission (JIIP et al. 2018) which brought together examples of almost 200 cases from OECD coun...
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This paper summarizes the main findings from a survey carried out at the occasion of the conference ‘RTI Policy in Service of Society: Impact at the Crossroads of Policy Design, Implementation and Evaluation’. The conference was devoted to the challenge of generating, understanding and assessing impact, in particular societal impact, through R&I po...
While new ways of doing research and innovation such as open science, Science 2.0, open innovation, user innovation or crowdsourcing have been intensively discussed in the past few years, little systematic analysis and exploration of their wider positive, but also negative effects for economy, society and environment has been conducted. Based on th...
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Presentation at the EU-SPRI conference 2019 in Rome, reporting on research from 2 large EU-funded projects which tries to relate the types of Mission-oriented polices that were identified in these projects with specific configurtations of governance and the challenges for the develoment of appropriate governacne structures for Mission-oriented poli...
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We aim for a better conceptualization of Mission-oriented Innovation Policy (MIP). Our starting point is an analytical decomposition of societal problems and innovative solutions based on the degrees of wickedness regarding three aspects: i) contestation, ii) complexity and iii) uncertainty. We argue that both problems and solutions can be divergin...
Conference Paper
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The next production revolution (NPR; also called Industry 4.0 elsewhere) is likely to trigger complex changes via the interactions of new technologies, materials, processes, and business models. These changes would affect R&D and innovation activities; the labour market; income distribution and well-being; skill requirements; as well as several fie...
Technical Report
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Im Jahr 2013 wurde die FFG, und dort konkret der Bereich für Europäische und Internationale Programme (FFG-EIP), von Seiten der österreichischen Bundesregierung sowie der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich mit der Unterstützung der Umsetzung von H2020 und ERA beauftragt. Im Jahr 2014 wurde die FFG überdies mit dem Monitoring der österreichischen Beteilig...
Technical Report
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BOHEMIA aims to support ongoing debates about future European R&I policy by providing a view of needs and opportunities for R&I in Europe from a future perspective, with a time horizon to 2035-2040, and highlighting their implications for EU R&I priorities in the 9th framework programme. This is the end report of BOHEMIA.
The widespread use of information and communication technologies to interconnect manufacturing systems at the shop floor level and along the value chain, also known as Industry 4.0, Advanced Manufacturing or Industrial Internet, has evolved into a topic of heated public debate due to its potential social and economic repercussions. Together with ot...
The definition of an effective innovation policy is a major challenge in developing countries, a task that has become more complex as increasing attention is being paid in policy issues to inclusive development, raising quite different requirements for what an innovation system should deliver, and how it should therefore be organised.It is argued t...
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Foresight can be a highly useful tool to address the opportunities and challenges triggered by the next production revolution. As shown by the various country cases considered in this chapter, foresight facilitates debate and systemic thinking about multiple futures and helps to shape the future through processes of participation and engagement. Gi...
Technical Report
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"Fostering Impact and Sustainable Collaboration in FP9 within a new Common Research, Technology and Innovation Policy" is the second paper published by the Austrian FP9 Think Tank. The Think Tank was created in May 2016 in order to develop ideas for a future European Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI) policy, and specifically a more effectiv...
The concept of innovation systems has been a guiding paradigm of innovation research and strongly influenced research and innovation policy since the early 1990s. In spite of this success, criticisms have been raised in recent years about whether it is still a suitable framework for addressing the innovation-related challenges of the future. In the...
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Forward-looking activities (FLAs) can influence innovation systems in various ways to a significant extent. This paper focuses on changes induced by FLAs in the innovation policy governance sub-system (IPGSs) of a given national innovation system. Our knowledge is surprisingly limited even on this subset of FLA impacts, despite several decades of p...
The research presented in this paper pursues two main goals. Empirically, it aims to explore sectoral futures at European level in a range of different sectors (automotive, construction, textile, KIBS, wholesale & retail), to identify cross-cutting patterns of sectoral change, and to highlight implications that these may raise for European innovati...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of research and innovation futures, sketch the landscape of recent findings in this field with a focus on new ways of doing and organizing knowledge creation and position the contributions to this special issue within that landscape. Design/methodology/approach This paper includes a revie...
Working Paper
Forward-looking activities (FLAs) can influence innovation systems in various ways to a significant extent. This paper focuses on changes induced by FLAs in the innovation policy governance sub-systems (IPGSs) of the national innovation system. Our knowledge is surprisingly limited even on this subset of FLA impacts, despite several decades of prac...
Technical Report
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Der Bericht fasst die Ergebnisse des im Auftrag der Österreichischen Parlamentsdirektion durchgeführten Pilotprojekts „Industrie 4.0. Foresight & Technikfolgenabschätzung zur gesellschaftlichen Dimension der nächsten industriellen Revolution“ zusammen. Es diente als Versuch, Methoden des Foresight und Technology Assessment für das österreichische P...
Technical Report
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Industry 4.0 – Great Hopes and High Uncertainties The term Industry 4.0 is used to describe an emerging fourth industrial revolution (related notions in the international discourse are Industrial Internet, Internet of Things or Smart Production). After the mechanisation of production through the emergence of steam and hydroelectric power (Industry...
Conference Paper
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Several developing countries have achieved high economic growth in recent years and, although many have been able to reduce poverty conditions, inequality subsists to a great extent. After a failed economic liberalization process in the 80's and 90's, at least as measured in social terms, it has become clear that poverty and exclusion remain as per...
Conference Paper
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In the past years there have been several proposals put forward for the use of foresight as an instrument for improving the performance of innovation systems. Martin and Johnston (1999) have argued that foresight is a powerful tool for strengthening the systems in terms of their capacity to learn and innovate. Central to their argument was the reco...
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Annual Austrian Report on Research and Technology. Produced on behalf of the Austrian Government by JOANNEUM RESEARCH, AIT, WIFO, ZEW with support from STATISTICS Austria
The paper presents a signalling exercise with a view to trace emerging dynamics in the development of the service economy in Europe. These dynamics have a direct influence and will trigger off service innovation. Firstly, the drivers of the service economy are presented, many of them fostering service innovation as a way to face new societal and bu...
Public transport is confronted with major challenges such as climate change and congestion. This paper discusses how these major challenges are addressed by means of ICT-enabled system innovations in public services. Recent developments in ICT enable the realisation of novel solutions for public transport that can be subsumed under the headline of...
Technical Report
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This country case study was compiled within the OECD TIP project on ‘System innovation’ as part of the TIP’s contribution to the CSTP Intermediate Outputs 1.3 and 1.4. [See DSTI/STP (2012)1/REV1 and DSTI/STP/TIP (2012)3]. Aims of the TIP project are the clarification of the concept of system innovation and the identification of common good governan...
Technical Report
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This country case study was compiled within the OECD TIP project on ‘System innovation’ as part of the TIP’s contribution to the CSTP Intermediate Outputs 1.3 and 1.4. [See DSTI/STP (2012)1/REV1 and DSTI/STP/TIP (2012)3]. Aims of the TIP project are the clarification of the concept of system innovation and the identification of common good governan...
Stewart Russell's research work on combined heat and power/district heating (CHP/DH) in the UK was among the first empirical contributions to demonstrate that technological change is not just determined by seemingly objective technical and economic performance characteristics, but rather the result of social choices. His rich conceptual thinking is...
Technical Report
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Ex-post Evaluation of the Austrian Competence Center Programme
This paper is concerned with the reconfiguration of national research and innovation (R&I) systems towards a European Research Area (ERA). We conceptualise R&I activities as either: integrated at European level, coordinated with other European partners or nationally juxtaposed. Such a conceptualisation can be usefully applied to the measurement of...
Public–private innovation networks in services (ServPPINs) are regarded as a promising approach for realizing system innovations in the field of transport. We argue that ServPPINs can actually be instrumental for realizing system innovations, but to realize this potential a major reconfiguration of ServPPINs is needed in the course of their life cy...
Vorausschau in nachhaltigkeitsorientierten PolitikprozessenForesight for Sustainability-Oriented Policy-Making
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Purpose With the purpose of supporting the definition of the Science and Technology Strategy 2011 – 2020 by the Ministry of Sci-ence and Technology of Vietnam, a novel approach to policy and strategy development was introduced, combining fore-sight techniques alongside traditional strategy programming tools. This novel approach is considered useful...
Technical Report
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The aim of work package 2 (WP2) of the Innosec project was to provide structured information on various new and promising innovation concepts and practices as a basis for the development of the Innosec innovation model within work package 3. Therefore, within WP2 innovation models and specific innovation methods were identified through reviews of s...