Matthias ThielenSaarland University | UKS · Department of Materials Science and Materials Engineering
Matthias Thielen
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October 2006 - December 2012
Saarland University
Field of study
- Materials Science and Engineering
Publications (11)
The dominant retardation mechanism of fatigue cracks after an overload is still under discussion for modeling variable amplitude loading. Is it plasticity induced crack closure in the wake of the crack or the residual stress field in the K-dominated region in front of the crack? Over the thickness, fracture mechanics changes from plane stress to pl...
Conducting fracture mechanics at small scales and extrapolating the behavior to larger length scales is a powerful tool to analyze materials and components with limited volumes of investigation. A critical requirement for this technique is the validity of the test methods at these scales on one hand, but also that the measured fracture mechanical q...
Stage-I-fatigue-cracks are used as highly localized dislocation sources with well-known Burger’s vectors to study the interaction between dislocations and grain boundaries. This interaction in the plastic zone is of particular interest to understand the fluctuating crack growth in the very short crack regime. In the case of a blocked slip band the...
Lightweight construction is one of the most demanded technologies in many engineering systems. In order to guarantee the safety of the whole system, it is mandatory to improve models that describe and predict its behavior under load. Fatigue, the damaging of materials under cyclic loading, is the main phenomenon leading to failure in e.g. automobil...
Fatigue-crack propagation is, by far, the most crucial failure mechanism of technical systems. The key to understanding microscopic processes that lead to failure lies in the knowledge of local stresses, the driving force of cracks. We present the mapping of stress and strain fields induced by a single overload on a fatigue crack and their influenc...
Kurzfassung. Eigenspannungen in metallischen Werkstoffen werden konventionell röntgenografisch und im Fall von Makroeigenspannungen (Eigenspannungen I. Art) auch über sog. Bohrlochverfahren ermittelt. Diese Verfahren sind in ihrer Durchführung vielfach mit großem Aufwand verbunden und zeigen auch oft nicht die geforderte Auflösung, die für ein Vers...
Crack tip strain field measurements contribute eminently to the evaluation of analytical crack models and simulations to predict crack growth. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) in combination with scanning electron microscopy using carefully adjusted acquisition parameters is a useful tool for the investigation of local strain fields. The usual assum...
Das Wachstumsverhalten kurzer Ermüdungsrisse bestimmt maßgeblich die Lebensdauer von Bauteilen im HCF- und VHCF-Regime. Kurze Ermüdungsrisse wachsen zunächst im Stadium-I durch die Emission von Versetzungen auf einem Gleitsystem. Die Wechselwirkung der Versetzungen in der sich ausbildenden plastischen Zone mit der lokalen Mikrostruktur ist wachstum...
We propose a Landau theory for phase change materials (PCMs), which describes stress-induced amorphization in vacancy-free, ordered PCMs as a condensation of defects in analogy to equilibrium gas-liquid transitions. Three dimensionless parameters suffice to deduce a highly-accurate equation of state for both phases from it. The reference data for o...