Matthias M. Müller

Matthias M. Müller
Forschungszentrum Jülich · Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI)

Dr. rer. nat.


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Publications (60)
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We investigate for optimal photon absorption a quantum electrodynamical model of an inhomogeneously-broadened spin ensemble coupled to a single-mode cavity. Solutions to this problem under experimental assumptions are developed in the Schrödinger picture without using perturbation theory concerning the cavity-spin interactions. Furthermore, we expl...
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The effort to generate matrix exponentials and associated differentials, required to determine the time evolution of quantum systems, frequently constrains the evaluation of problems in quantum control theory, variational circuit compilation, or Monte Carlo sampling. We introduce two ideas for the time-efficient approximation of matrix exponentials...
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A recurring challenge in quantum science and technology is the precise control of their underlying dynamics that lead to the desired quantum operations, often described by a set of quantum gates. These gates can be subject to application-specific errors, leading to a dependence of their controls on the chosen circuit, the quality measure and the ga...
The ability to process and store information on surrounding nuclear spins is a major requirement for group-IV color center-based repeater nodes. We demonstrate coherent control of a ${}^{13}$C nuclear spin strongly coupled to a negatively charged germanium-vacancy center in diamond with coherence times beyond 2.5s at mK temperatures, which is the l...
Diamond is a promising platform for quantum information processing as it can host highly coherent qubits that might allow for the construction of large quantum registers. A prerequisite for such devices is a coherent interaction between electron nitrogen vacancy (NV) spins. Entanglement between dipolar-coupled NV spin pairs has been demonstrated, b...
Quantum Optimal Control (QOC) supports the advance of quantum technologies by tackling its problems at the pulse level: Numerical approaches iteratively work towards a given target by parametrising the applied time-dependent fields with a finite set of variables. The effectiveness of the resulting optimisation depends on the complexity of the probl...
An ensemble of rubidium atoms can be excited with lasers such that it evolves into an entangled state with just one collective excitation within the Rydberg-blockade radius. The decay of this state leads to the emission of a single antibunched photon. For a hot vapor of rubidium atoms in a microcell, we numerically study the feasibility of such a s...
An ensemble of Rydberg atoms can be excited with lasers such that it evolves into an entangled state with just one collective excitation within the Rydberg blockade radius. The decay of this state leads to the emission of a single, antibunched photon. For a hot vapor of Rubidium atoms in a micro cell we numerically study the feasibility of such a s...
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Quantum optimal control includes the family of pulse-shaping algorithms that aim to unlock the full potential of a variety of quantum technologies. Our Quantum Optimal Control Suite (QuOCS) unites experimental focus and model-based approaches in a unified framework. The easy usage and installation of QuOCS and the availability of various combinable...
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Hyperpolarization of nuclear spins enhances nuclear magnetic resonance signals, which play a key role for imaging and spectroscopy in the natural and life sciences. This signal amplification unlocks previously inaccessible techniques, such as metabolic imaging of cancer cells. In this paper, electron spins from the photoexcited triplet state of pen...
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Accurate manipulations of an open quantum system require a deep knowledge of its controllability properties and the information content of the implemented control fields. By using tools of information and quantum optimal control theory, we provide analytical bounds (information-time bounds) to characterize our capability to control the system when...
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Shallow nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers are promising candidates for high-precision sensing applications; these defects, when positioned a few nanometers below the surface, provide an atomic-scale resolution along with substantial sensitivity. However, the dangling bonds and impurities on the diamond surface result in a complex environment which redu...
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The Chopped RAndom Basis (CRAB) ansatz for quantum optimal control has been proven to be a versatile tool to enable quantum technology applications such as quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum sensing, and quantum communication. Its capability to encompass experimental constraints – while maintaining an access to the usually trap-free con...
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The optimally designed control of quantum systems is playing an increasingly important role to engineer novel and more efficient quantum technologies. Here, in the scenario represented by controlling an arbitrary quantum system via the interaction with an another optimally initialized auxiliary quantum system, we show that the quantum channel capac...
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Hyperpolarization of nuclear spins enhances nuclear magnetic resonance signals, which play a key role for imaging and spectroscopy in the natural and life sciences. This signal amplification unlocks previously inaccessible techniques, such as metabolic imaging of cancer cells. In this work, electron spins from the photoexcited triplet state of pent...
The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond is a widely-used platform in the rapidly growing field of quantum technologies. In particular, NV centers near the surface of the diamond can offer nanoscale resolution as they can be brought into proximity of the sample. However, these shallow single NV centers experience considerable...
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The Chopped RAndom Basis (CRAB) ansatz for quantum optimal control has been proven to be a versatile tool to enable quantum technology applications, quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum sensing, and quantum communication. Its capability to encompass experimental constraints -- while maintaining an access to the usually trap-free control l...
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The optimally designed control of quantum systems is playing an increasingly important role to engineer novel and more efficient quantum technologies. Here, in the scenario represented by controlling an arbitrary quantum system via the interaction with an another optimally initialized auxiliary quantum system, we show that the quantum channel capac...
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Accurate manipulations of an open quantum system require a deep knowledge of its controllability properties and the information content of the implemented control fields. By using tools of information and quantum optimal control theory, we provide analytical bounds (information-time bounds) to characterize our capability to control the system when...
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Diamond based quantum technology is a fast emerging field with both scientific and technological importance. With the growing knowledge and experience concerning diamond based quantum systems comes an increased demand for performance. Quantum optimal control (QOC) provides a direct solution to a number of existing challenges as well as a basis for...
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The dynamics of any quantum system is unavoidably influenced by the external environment. Thus, the observation of a quantum system (probe) can allow the measure of the environmental features. Here, to spectrally resolve a noise field coupled to the quantum probe, we employ dissipative manipulations of the probe, leading to so-called Stochastic Qua...
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Diamond based quantum technology is a fast emerging field with both scientific and technological importance. With the growing knowledge and experience concerning diamond based quantum systems, comes an increased demand for performance. Quantum optimal control (QOC) provides a direct solution to a number of existing challenges as well as a basis for...
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The success of quantum noise sensing methods depends on the optimal interplay between properly designed control pulses and statistically informative measurement data on a specific quantum-probe observable. To enhance the information content of the data and reduce as much as possible the number of measurements on the probe, the filter orthogonalizat...
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The success of quantum noise sensing methods depends on the optimal interplay between properly designed control pulses and statistically informative measurement data on a specific quantum-probe observable. To enhance the information content of the data and reduce as much as possible the number of measurements on the probe, the filter orthogonalizat...
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In the ideal quantum Zeno (QZ) effect, repeated quantum projective measurements can freeze the coherent dynamics of a quantum system. However, in the weak QZ regime, measurement back-actions can allow the sensing of semi-classical field fluctuations. In this regard, we theoretically show how to combine the controlled manipulation of a quantum two-l...
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The dynamics of any quantum system is unavoidably influenced by the external environment. Thus, the observation of a quantum system (probe) can allow the measure of the environmental features. Here, to spectrally resolve a noise field coupled to the quantum probe, we employ dissipative manipulations of the probe, leading to so-called Stochastic Qua...
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In the ideal quantum Zeno effect, repeated quantum projective measurements can protect the coherent dynamics of a quantum system. However, in the weak quantum Zeno regime, measurement back-actions can allow the sensing of semi-classical field fluctuations. In this regard, we theoretically show how to combine the controlled manipulation of a quantum...
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Novel concepts, perspectives and challenges in measuring and controlling an open quantum system via sequential schemes are shown. We discuss how similar protocols, relying both on repeated quantum measurements and dynamical decoupling control pulses, can allow to: (i) Confine and protect quantum dynamics from decoherence in accordance with the Zeno...
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Novel concepts, perspectives and challenges in measuring and controlling an open quantum system via sequential schemes are shown. In particular, we discuss how protocols, relying both on repeated quantum measurements and dynamical decoupling control pulses, can allow to: (i) Confine and protect quantum dynamics from decoherence in accordance with t...
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The dynamics of quantum systems are unavoidably influenced by their environment and in turn observing a quantum system (probe) can allow one to measure its environment: Measurements and controlled manipulation of the probe such as dynamical decoupling sequences as an extension of the Ramsey interference measurement allow to spectrally resolve a noi...
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In this paper we aim at characterizing the effect of stochastic fluctuations on the distribution of the energy exchanged by a quantum system with the external environment under sequences of quantum measurements performed at random times. Both quenched and annealed averages are considered. The information about fluctuations is encoded in the quantum...
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One of the major goals of quantum thermodynamics is the characterization of irreversibility and its consequences in quantum processes. Here, we discuss how entropy production provides a quantification of the irreversibility of the quantum dynamics through the quantum fluctuation theorem. We start by introducing a two-time quantum measurement scheme...
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In this paper we aim at characterizing the effect of stochastic fluctuations on the distribution of the energy exchanged by a quantum system with an external environment under sequences of quantum measurements performed at random times. Both quenched and annealed averages are considered. The information about fluctuations is encoded in the quantum-...
The dynamics of quantum systems are unavoidably influenced by their environment and in turn observing a quantum system (probe) can allow one to measure its environment: Measurements and controlled manipulation of the probe such as dynamical decoupling sequences as an extension of the Ramsey interference measurement allow to spectrally resolve a noi...
One of the major goals of quantum thermodynamics is the characterization of irreversibility and its consequences in quantum processes. Here, we discuss how entropy production provides a quantification of the irreversibility in open quantum systems through the quantum fluctuation theorem. We start by introducing a two-time quantum measurement scheme...
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The theoretical cornerstone of statistical mechanics is the ergodic assumption that all accessible configurations of a physical system are equally likely. Here we show how such property arises when an open quantum system is continuously perturbed by an external environment effectively observing the system at random times while the system dynamics a...
Supplementary information of the paper "Stochastic quantum Zeno-based detection of noise correlations", published on Scientific Reports 6 (38650).
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A system under constant observation is practically freezed to the measurement subspace. If the system driving is a random classical field, the survival probability of the system in the subspace becomes a random variable described by the Stochastic Quantum Zeno Dynamics (SQZD) formalism. Here, we study the time and ensemble average of this random su...
A system under constant observation is practically freezed to the measurement subspace. If the system driving is a random classical field, the survival probability of the system in the subspace becomes a random variable described by the Stochastic Quantum Zeno Dynamics (SQZD) formalism. Here, we study the time and ensemble average of this random su...
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Quantum Zeno Dynamics is the phenomenon that the observation or strong driving of a quantum system can freeze its dynamics to a subspace, effectively truncating the Hilbert space of the system. It represents the quantum version of the famous flying arrow Zeno paradox. Here, we study how temporal stochasticity in the system observation (or driving)...
Quantum Zeno Dynamics is the phenomenon that the observation or strong driving of a quantum system can freeze its dynamics to a subspace, effectively truncating the Hilbert space of the system. It represents the quantum version of the famous flying arrow Zeno paradox. Here, we study how temporal stochasticity in the system observation (or driving)...
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The unavoidable interaction between a quantum system and the external noisy environment can be mimicked by a sequence of stochastic measurements whose outcomes are neglected. Here we investigate how this stochasticity is reflected in the survival probability to find the system in a given Hilbert subspace at the end of the dynamical evolution. In pa...
The unavoidable interaction between a quantum system and the external noisy environment can be mimicked by a sequence of stochastic measurements whose outcomes are neglected. Here we investigate how this stochasticity is reflected in the survival probability to find the system in a given Hilbert subspace at the end of the dynamical evolution. In pa...
The theoretical cornerstone of statistical mechanics is the ergodic assumption that all accessible configurations of a physical system are equally likely. Here we show how such property arises when an open quantum system is continuously perturbed by an external environment effectively observing the system at random times while the system dynamics a...
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We consider a platform for quantum technology based on Rydberg atoms in optical lattices where each atom encodes one qubit of information and external lasers can manipulate their state. We demonstrate how optimal control theory enables the functioning of two specific building blocks on this platform: We engineer an optimal protocol to perform a two...
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In quantum optimal control theory the success of an optimization algorithm is highly influenced by how the figure of merit to be optimized behaves as a function of the control field, i.e., by the control landscape. Constraints on the control field introduce local minima in the landscape - false traps - which might prevent an efficient solution of t...
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In quantum optimal control theory the success of an optimization algorithm is highly influenced by how the figure of merit to be optimized behaves as a function of the control field, i.e. by the control landscape. Constraints on the control field introduce local minima in the landscape --traps-- which might prevent an efficient solution of the opti...
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We propose a protocol for measurement of the phonon number distribution of a harmonic oscillator based on selective mapping to a discrete spin-1/2 degree of freedom. We consider a system of a harmonically trapped ion, where a transition between two long lived states can be driven with resolved motional sidebands. The required unitary transforms are...
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We study the interplay between rotating wave approximation and optimal control. In particular, we show that for a wide class of optimal control problems one can choose the control field such that the Hamiltonian becomes time-independent under the rotating wave approximation. Thus, we show how to recast the functional minimization defined by the opt...
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The difficulty of an optimization task in quantum information science depends on the proper mathematical expression of the physical target. Here we demonstrate the power of optimization functionals targeting an arbitrary perfect two-qubit entangler, creating a maximally-entangled state out of some initial product state. For two quantum information...
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Optimal control theory is a powerful tool for improving figures of merit in quantum information tasks. Finding the solution to any optimal control problem via numerical optimization depends crucially on the choice of the optimization functional. Here, we derive a functional that targets the full set of two-qubit perfect entanglers, gates capable of...
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We present an optimal protocol to implement a room-temperature Rydberg single-photon source within an experimental setup based on micro cells filled with thermal vapor. The optimization of a pulsed four wave mixing scheme allows us to double the effective Rydberg blockade radius as compared to a simple Gaussian pulse scheme, releasing some of the c...
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We investigate the implementation of a controlled-Z gate on a pair of Rydberg atoms in spatially separated dipole traps where the joint excitation of both atoms into the Rydberg level is strongly suppressed (the Rydberg blockade). We follow the adiabatic gate scheme of Jaksch et al. [1], where the pair of atoms are coherently excited using lasers,...
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Atom chips are a promising candidate for a scalable architecture for quantum information processing provided a universal set of gates can be implemented with high fidelity. The difficult part in achieving universality is the entangling two-qubit gate. We consider a Rydberg phase gate for two atoms trapped on a chip and employ optimal control theory...
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Optimal control theory is a versatile tool that presents a route to significantly improving figures of merit for quantum information tasks. We combine it here with the geometric theory for local equivalence classes of two-qubit operations to derive an optimization algorithm that determines the best entangling two-qubit gate for a given physical set...


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