Matthias BolligerArchaeological Service Canton of Bern / University of Bern
Matthias Bolliger
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Publications (27)
In the past few decades, a number of prehistoric wetland archaeological sites have been detected in the south-central part of the BalkanPeninsula. However, only a few of them have been excavated. In this study, we discuss the characteristics of the wooden remains and selected tree-ring width chronologies from the archaeological sites of Sovjan, Plo...
Abrupt radiocarbon (¹⁴C) excursions, or Miyake events, in sequences of radiocarbon measurements from calendar-dated tree-rings provide opportunities to assign absolute calendar dates to undated wood samples from contexts across history and prehistory. Here, we report a tree-ring and ¹⁴C-dating study of the Neolithic site of Dispilio, Northern Greec...
The discovery of abrupt radiocarbon ( ¹⁴ C) excursions (Solar Energetic Particle events, or Miyake events) in sequences of radiocarbon measurements from calendar dated tree-rings, has yielded new opportunities to assign absolute, calendar dates to undated wood samples from widely ranging contexts in history and prehistory. We report on an important...
Zahlreiche dendrotypologische Betrachtungen haben bereits wertvolle Hinweise auf prähistorische Waldnutzungsweisen geliefert. Am Bielersee jedoch weist dieser Forschungszweig noch erhebliches Potenzial auf und wird in den nächsten Jahren weiterverfolgt. Die Untersuchung des Bauholzinventares der endneolithischen Siedlungskammer Vinelz knüpft an die...
Specialized and systematic underwater fieldwork at the prehistoric site of Ploča Mičov Grad at Gradište (North Macedonia) on the eastern shore of Lake Ohrid was undertaken in 2018 and 2019. It has substantiated the archeological site’s outstanding preservation condition, and furthermore proven the numerous construction timbers’ suitability for dend...
The locality of the crystal cave at Zinggenstock, Switzerland, discovered in 1719, was unknown since about 150 years. By using historic sources and an intense field work, we were able to re-discover it in 2019. This article focus on age determinations of wood (Dendrochronologie) that confirm the age of that historically important site. Published in...
The archaeological site of Sovjan is situated on the edge of the Korçë Basin, southeastern Albania. Its remarkably long and well investigated stratigraphic sequence, spanning from the Neolithic till the Iron Age, makes it an important type- and reference-site for the whole region. At different periods of prehistory it was located on the shores of t...
We present a new predictor for the estimation of the number of missing sapwood rings in oak. It circumvents a number of problems with predictors used in traditional sapwood estimation procedures such as mean ring width or tree age. Instead, we use the mean ring width of the last 9 heartwood rings and the first sapwood ring, which mirrors the growth...
The locality of the crystal cave at Zinggenstock, Switzerland, discovered in 1719, was unknown since about 150 years. By using historic text and picture sources (e.g. from Caspar Wolf) and an intense field work, we were able to re-discover it in summer 2019. Age determinations of wood (Dendrochronologie) confirm the age of that historically importa...
Two-wheeled horse-drawn chariot depictions in the Eurasian steppe have long been stylistically dated to the Bronze Age. Here we present an example of a petroglyph embedded in the architecture of an early Scythian royal tomb in the Tuva Republic, Siberia. The construction of the tomb is dated through wiggle-matching to between 833 and 800 BCE (95.4%...
Локалитетот Плоча-Миќов Град кај Градиште на Охридското Езеро претставу-ва една од најдобро истражените наколни на-селби во балканскиот регион, што овозможува потемелен увид во нејзиниот карактер, но и во заедниците што ја основале и користеле. Покрај придонесот на претходните истражувања на овој локалитет, голем удел во тоа има теков-ниот меѓунаро...
Археолошката кампања во 2018 година на локалитетот Плоча-Миќов Град кај Градиште на Охридското Езеро даде нови созна-нија за оваа наколна населба. При овие меѓуна-родни истражувања за првпат во Македонија се применија дендрохронолошката и генетската анализа, како и подводното фотограметриско снимање, а исто така и проучувањето на гео-лошките процес...
Reconstructing the colonization and demographic dynamics that gave rise to extant forests is essential to forecasts of forest responses to environmental changes. Classical approaches to map how population of trees changed through space and time largely rely on pollen distribution patterns, with only a limited number of studies exploiting DNA molecu...
Der Basler Zirkel für Ur- und Frühgeschichte feiert 2008 seln 65-jähriges Bestehen. Es drängt sich deshalb dle Frage auf, ob der "Zirkel" nun penslonlert wird und sich zurückzIeht, oder ob er noch fit genug Ist um auch In den kommenden Jahren aktiv zu bleiben.