Matt HogancampNortheastern University | NEU · Department of Mathematics
Matt Hogancamp
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July 2016 - present
August 2013 - June 2016
Publications (38)
The Drinfeld centralizer of a monoidal category $\mathcal{A}$ in a bimodule category $\mathcal{M}$ is the category $\mathcal{Z}(\mathcal{A},\mathcal{M})$ of objects in $\mathcal{M}$ for which the left and right actions by objects of $\mathcal{A}$ coincide, naturally. In this paper we study the interplay between Drinfeld centralizers of $\mathcal{A}...
We introduce a multiparameter deformation of the triply‐graded Khovanov–Rozansky homology of links colored by one‐column Young diagrams, generalizing the “‐ified” link homology of Gorsky–Hogancamp and work of Cautis–Lauda–Sussan. For each link component, the natural set of deformation parameters corresponds to interpolation coordinates on the Hilbe...
We introduce a family of generalized Schr\"oder polynomials $S_\tau(q,t,a)$, indexed by triangular partitions $\tau$ and prove that $S_\tau(q,t,a)$ agrees with the Poincar\'e series of the triply graded Khovanov-Rozansky homology of the Coxeter knot $K_\tau$ associated to $\tau$. For all integers $m,n,d\geq 1$ with $m,n$ relatively prime, the $(d,m...
We show that the Khovanov and Cooper-Krushkal models for colored sl(2) homology are equivalent in the case of the unknot, when formulated in the quantum annular Bar-Natan category. Again for the unknot, these two theories are shown to be equivalent to a third colored homology theory, defined using the action of Jones-Wenzl projectors on the quantum...
We construct a Kirby color in the setting of Khovanov homology: an ind-object of the annular Bar-Natan category that is equipped with a natural handle slide isomorphism. Via functoriality/cabling properties of Khovanov homology, we define a Kirby-colored Khovanov homology that is invariant under the handle slide Kirby move, up to isomorphism. The c...
We introduce a multi-parameter deformation of the triply-graded Khovanov--Rozansky homology of links colored by one-column Young diagrams, generalizing the "$y$-ified" link homology of Gorsky--Hogancamp and work of Cautis--Lauda--Sussan. For each link component, the natural set of deformation parameters corresponds to interpolation coordinates on t...
We study the skein relation that governs the HOMFLYPT invariant of links colored by one-column Young diagrams. Our main result is a categorification of this colored skein relation. This takes the form of a homotopy equivalence between two one-sided twisted complexes constructed from Rickard complexes of singular Soergel bimodules associated to brai...
We study two kinds of categorical traces of (monoidal) dg categories, with particular interest in categories of Soergel bimodules. First, we explicitly compute the usual Hochschild homology, or derived vertical trace, of the category of Soergel bimodules in arbitrary types. Secondly, we introduce the notion of derived horizontal trace of a monoidal...
We define a new family of commuting operators $F_k$ in Khovanov-Rozansky link homology, similar to the action of tautological classes in cohomology of character varieties. We prove that $F_2$ satisfies ``hard Lefshetz property" and hence exhibits the symmetry in Khovanov-Rozansky homology conjectured by Dunfield, Gukov and Rasmussen.
We give a general construction of categorical idempotents which recovers the categorified Jones-Wenzl projectors, categorified Young symmetrizers, and other constructions as special cases. The construction is intimately tied to cell theory in the sense of additive monoidal categories.
We study two kinds of categorical traces of (monoidal) dg categories, with particular interest in categories of Soergel bimodules. First, we explicitly compute the usual Hochschild homology, or derived vertical trace, of the category of Soergel bimodules in arbitrary types. We show that this dg algebra is formal, and calculate its homology explicit...
We prove a general version of the homological perturbation lemma which works in the presence of curvature, and without the restriction to strong deformation retracts, building on work of Markl. A key observation is that the notion of strong homotopy equivalence of complexes (or objects in an abstract dg category) has a natural expression in the lan...
We prove that the full twist is a Serre functor in the homotopy category of type A Soergel bimodules. As a consequence, we relate the top and bottom Hochschild degrees in Khovanov–Rozansky homology, categorifying a theorem of Kálmán.
We compute the triply graded Khovanov-Rozansky homology of a family of links, including positive torus links and $\operatorname{Sym}^l$-colored torus knots.
The Hecke category participates in an equivalence called monoidal Koszul duality, which exchanges it with the category of (Langlands-dual) "free-monodromic tilting sheaves." Motivated by a recent conjecture of Gorsky and the first-named author on HOMFLYPT link homology, we propose to enhance this duality with an additional grading. We provide evide...
We prove that the full twist is a Serre functor in the homotopy category of type A Soergel bimodules. As a consequence, we relate the top and bottom Hochschild degrees in Khovanov-Rozansky homology, categorifying a theorem of K\'alm\'an.
We construct an explicit equivalence between the (bi)category of gl(2) webs and foams and the Bar-Natan (bi)category of Temperley-Lieb diagrams and cobordisms. With this equivalence we can fix functoriality of every link homology theory that factors through the Bar-Natan category. To achieve this, we define web versions of arc algebras and their qu...
For a diagram of a 2-stranded tangle in the 3-ball we define a twisted complex of compact Lagrangians in the triangulated envelope of the Fukaya category of the smooth locus of the pillowcase. We show that this twisted complex is a functorial invariant of the isotopy class of the tangle, and that it provides a factorization of Bar-Natan's functor f...
We show that the triply graded Khovanov–Rozansky homology of the torus link Tn,k stabilizes as k →∞. We explicitly compute the stable homology, as a ring, which proves a conjecture of Gorsky, Oblomkov, Rasmussen and Shende. To accomplish this, we construct complexes Pn of Soergel bimodules which categorify the Young symmetrizers corresponding to on...
We conjecture that the complex of Soergel bimodules associated with the full twist braid is categorically diagonalizable, for any finite Coxeter group. This utilizes the theory of categorical diagonalization introduced earlier by the authors. We prove our conjecture in type $A$, and as a result we obtain a categorification of the Young idempotents.
We define a deformation of the triply graded Khovanov-Rozansky homology of a link $L$ depending on a choice of parameters $y_c$ for each component of $L$, which satisfies link-splitting properties similar to the Batson-Seed invariant. Keeping the $y_c$ as formal variables yields a link homology valued in triply graded modules over $\mathbb{Q}[x_c,y...
We define a deformation of the triply graded Khovanov-Rozansky homology of a link $L$ depending on a choice of parameters $y_c$ for each component of $L$, which satisfies link-splitting properties similar to the Batson-Seed invariant. Keeping the $y_c$ as formal variables yields a link homology valued in triply graded modules over $\mathbb{Q}[x_c,y...
Using the theory of involutive Heegaard Floer knot theory developed by Hendricks-Manolescu, we define two involutive analogs of the Upsilon knot concordance invariant of Ozsvath-Stipsicz-Szabo. These involutive invariants are piecewise linear functions defined on the interval [0,2]. Each is a concordance invariant and provides bounds on the three-g...
This paper lays the groundwork for the theory of categorical diagonalization. Given a diagonalizable operator, tools in linear algebra (such as Lagrange interpolation) allow one to construct a collection of idempotents which project to each eigenspace. These idempotents are mutually orthogonal and sum to the identity. We categorify these tools. At...
We construct complexes (Formula presented.) of Soergel bimodules which categorify the Young idempotents corresponding to one-column partitions. A beautiful recent conjecture (Flag Hilbert schemes, colored projectors and Khovanov–Rozansky homology. arXiv:1608.07308, 2016) of Gorsky–Neguț–Rasmussen relates the Hochschild homology of categorified Youn...
We give a simple recursion which computes the triply graded Khovanov-Rozansky homology of several infinite families of knots and links, including the $(n,nm\pm 1)$ and $(n,nm)$ torus links for $n,m\geq 1$. We interpret our results in terms of Catalan combinatorics, proving a conjecture of Gorsky's. Our computations agree with predictions coming fro...
We investigate analogs of symmetric functions arising from an extension of the nilHecke algebra defined by Naisse and Vaz. These extended symmetric functions form a subalgebra of the polynomial ring tensored with an exterior algebra. We define families of bases for this algebra and show that it admits a family of differentials making it a sub-DG-al...
We investigate analogs of symmetric functions arising from an extension of the nilHecke algebra defined by Naisse and Vaz. These extended symmetric functions form a subalgebra of the polynomial ring tensored with an exterior algebra. We define families of bases for this algebra and show that it admits a family of differentials making it a sub-DG-al...
In these notes we develop some basic theory of idempotents in monoidal categories. We introduce and study the notion of a pair of complementary idempotents in a triangulated monoidal category, as well as more general idempotent decompositions of identity. If $\mathbf{E}$ is a categorical idempotent then $\operatorname{End}(\mathbf{E})$ is a graded...
We introduce a new method for computing triply graded link homology, which is particularly well-adapted to torus links. Our main application is to the (n,n)-torus links, for which we give an exact answer for all n. In several cases, our computations verify conjectures of Gorsky et al relating homology of torus links with Hilbert schemes.
We introduce a new method for computing triply graded link homology, which is particularly well-adapted to torus links. Our main application is to the (n,n)-torus links, for which we give an exact answer for all n. In several cases, our computations verify conjectures of Gorsky et al relating homology of torus links with Hilbert schemes.
We show that the triply graded Khovanov-Rozansky homology of the torus link
$T_{n,k}$ stablizes as $k\to \infty$. We explicitly compute the stable homology
(as a ring), which proves a conjecture of Gorsky-Oblomkov-Rasmussen-Shende. To
accomplish this, we construct complexes $P_n$ of Soergel bimodules which
categorify the Young symmetrizers correspo...
We construct an action of a polynomial ring on the colored sl(2) link
homology of Cooper-Krushkal, over which this homology is finitely generated. We
define a new, related link homology which is finite dimensional, extends to
tangles, and categorifies a scalar-multiple of the sl(2) Reshetikhin-Turaev
invariant. We expect this homology to be functor...
We introduce a graphical calculus for computing morphism spaces between the
categorified spin networks of Cooper and Krushkal. The calculus, phrased in
terms of planar compositions of categorified Jones-Wenzl projectors and their
duals, is then used to study the module structure of spin networks over the
colored unknots.
Refinements of Jones-Wenzl projectors are introduced and studied. Analogues
of these new projectors are constructed within Khovanov's framework for the
categorification of the Jones polynomial. Together they form exceptional
collections which control the categories underlying Khovanov homology. As a
consequence we obtain Postnikov decompositions of...
The SO(3) Kauffman polynomial and the chromatic polynomial of planar graphs
are categorified by a unique extension of the Khovanov homology framework. Many
structural observations and computations of homologies of knots and spin
networks are included.