Matjaz Nahtigal

Matjaz Nahtigal
Matjaz verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Matjaz verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Ljubljana · International Relations

Doctor of Law, University of Ljubljana Law Faculty (1999), LL.M. (1994) and SJD (2001), Harvard Law School


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My research focuses on the analysis of normative, conceptual, and practical constraints imposed by the existing institutional framework to achieve more inclusive, decentralized, and sustainable social and economic development at the local, national, and international levels. These are the topics that I am addressing in the texts on my ResearchGate and on my website:
Additional affiliations
October 2020 - present
Faculty of Social Sciences University of Ljubljana
  • Professor (Associate)
October 2020 - March 2023
University of Primorska
  • Professor (Associate)
September 1997 - June 2001
Harvard Law School
Field of study
  • Law


Publications (44)
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This paper briefly explores the legal, political, economic, and social challenges associated with the global transition away from coal as part of the broader energy transformation needed to combat climate change. While there is increasing international consensus on the necessity of addressing climate change, the phase-out or phase-down of coal rema...
There is a glaring gap between the declared UN Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of these goals in different parts of the world. Of the many missed goals, targets, and indicators, it is necessary to point out the lack of progress in SDG 4 (quality education). Lack of progress in quality education will affect not only the current...
BACKGROUND Many studies are focused on traditional (old) or modern (new) industrial policy. There are insufficient studies linking the emergence of the knowledge economy and the institutional requirements to underpin inclusive social and economic development in developed or developing countries. OBJECTIVE This study aims to analyze the characteris...
This paper briefly explores the legal, political, economic, and social challenges associated with the global transition away from coal as part of the broader energy transformation needed to combat climate change. While there is increasing international consensus on the necessity of addressing climate change, the phase-out or phase-down of coal rema...
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The past four decades of international economic, social, legal, cultural and political developments can tentatively be captured in the headline “the international liberal order” or the international “rules-based” order. ‘Tentatively’, because there is no single, universally valid model of the institutional arrangements of the market economy and soc...
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Since the Second World War, and especially since the 1980s, the world has undergone great changes. Never in the history of mankind have countries been so economically open, trade-connected, and interdependent. With few exceptions, such as North Korea, the basics of the capitalist mode of production have taken hold throughout the world, including th...
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In the current international and domestic context, imagining a more complex bilateral trade agreement is more accessible than between the European Union (E.U.) and Mercosur (the South American International Trading Bloc). The tensions between these major trading blocs only aggravate international trade and economic relations. Consequently, the Worl...
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The modern development dilemma of how to achieve an inclusive knowledge economy is a challenge that faces both the most developed and the least developing economies in the world. As the current crisis demonstrates, this is not a theoretical problem: partial global access to vaccines (namely, as a result of current intellectual property frameworks,...
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The EU has adopted the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) as the key instrument help to ensure that the EU, its member states, regions and local communities emerge stronger and more resilient from the pandemic crisis. The EU recovery plans should be seen as an opportunity not merely to address the post-pandemic health, social, economic and fin...
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The challenge of ensuring the space environment’s long-term sustainability in the context of the exploration and commercialisation of outer space raises several important issues and dimensions with respect to both international environmental law and sustainable development. The research question analyses the extent to which such exploration benefit...
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The European Union is standing at a crossroads. Behind it is a turbulent decade of multiple crises, austerity, and uneven recovery. Brexit, which preoccupied the European Union over the last few years, is only the external expression of its conceptual, institutional, and policy weaknesses. Other external expressions can be seen in the slide toward...
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The purpose of this research is to provide an institutional framework – economic, legal, regulatory, educational – for the Central and East European countries aspiring to reach the levels of inclusive knowledge of economy and society known in some of the most developed regions in the world. The challenge to reach such a level of development is twof...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this research is to provide an institutional framework-economic, legal, regulatory, educational-for the Central and East European countries aspiring to reach the levels of inclusive knowledge of economy and society known in some of the most developed regions in the world. The challenge to reach such a level of development is twofold....
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The difference between the postwar development of international legal trade regimes and the context of the latest free-trade initiatives is that the disparate effects of trade liberalisation have also become visible in the most advanced economies in the world, including the United States and the European Union, not only in developing countries. Thi...
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The purpose of this article is to analyze the concept of structural reforms, as defined by the European Commission and other European institutions. The article critically examines the content of structural reforms, which is not neutral and often leads to the deepening of economic and social inequalities. Structural reforms in the form of labor mark...
Conference Paper
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The ownership structure and governance of banks in the European Union (EU), and in the Eurozone in particular, is far from homogenous. A variety of banking models existed before the global and financial crisis and a variety of banking models remains in place after the crisis. What remains particularly interesting in the context of the EU is the ban...
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Firms are driving forces of economic and social development; therefore it is important to understand what is their primary goal or purpose. The aim of the paper is twofold. First, the paper presents baseline theoretical concepts on the firms’ purposes. Secondly, the paper presents the results of the empirical study in Slovenia with which we tried t...
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A growing number of scholars, academics and policy-makers advocate substantial reforms of the existing European institutional architecture. Advocates of deepening the European integration recommend that the optimal development of the European Union (EU) would be to establish a fully developed banking union, an advanced form of fiscal union and to u...
Conference Paper
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Despite slow return to growth in the Eurozone, there are many imbalances and obstacles to achieve socially inclusive and sustainable development in the Eurozone and in the European Union (EU) as a whole. In the aftermath of the crisis, large parts of European population at the local, regional and national levels lack sufficient resources, skills an...
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The purpose of this article is to show that the current European Union (EU) legal framework is unnecessarily restrictive and unduly suppresses economic and developmental initiatives in many stagnating regions across Europe. More innovative industrial policies, instruments and measures should be adopted in a highly decentralized manner across the EU...
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This article investigates some possible models of integration with different outcomes for the European Union (EU). Many experts have tried to adjust Dani Rodrik's world economy trilemma to explore future EU integration options. However, his three governance models have limited explanatory power in illustrating the dilemmas of EU integration. Instea...
The ongoing European crisis has revealed many deficiencies in the existing European institutional architecture. One of the crucial deficiencies is the unsustainable European regional disparity between the most developed European regions and those regions that are falling behind—a gap that is growing. This pattern of development creates an unsustain...
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The ongoing European crisis has revealed many deficiencies in the existing European institutional architecture. One of the crucial deficiencies is the unsustainable European regional disparity between the most developed European regions and those regions that are falling behind — a gap that is growing. This pattern of development creates an unsusta...
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Povzetek. Najpomembnejša značilnost spopadanja z veliko finančno, gospodarsko in socialno krizo od leta 2008 naprej je, da se poskuša na globalni, evropski in nacionalni ravni rešiti v okviru obstoječega omejevalnega niza institucij repre-zentativne demokracije, tržnega gospodarstva in svobodne civilne družbe. Razprave o alternativnih institucional...
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The current EU context does not serve the real needs of large parts of the European population at the local, regional, and national levels. The growing gap between the privileged segment of society on the one hand – with its access to high-quality education, advanced parts of the economy, new technologies, and capital – and large portions of the ex...
The purpose of this article is to show that the current European Union (EU) legal framework is unnecessarily restrictive and unduly suppresses economic and developmental initiatives in many stagnating regions across Europe. More innovative industrial policies, instruments and measures should be adopted in a highly decentralized manner across the E...
The key characteristic of dealing with the financial, economic and social crisis since 2008 is that efforts are being made to solve the crisis on global, European and national levels within the existing limited set of institutions of a representative democracy, market economy and free civil society. A discussion of the alternative institutional pos...
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The key lessons of mass privatization implemented in Central and Eastern Europe are analyzed and presented in this paper What are the necessary regulatory, institutional and social ingredients which provide incentives for successful restructuring of the firms in transition and what are the essential impediments which may burden the efforts of restr...
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The purpose of this article is to reflect upon the importance and the role of financial institutions before, during and after the financial crisis and to outline proposals for alternative approaches to the financial crisis. Without an understanding of the historic development, nature and scope, and important limitations of modern financial institut...
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In the article on the EU Fiscal Compact we are trying to show that the Fiscal Compact as adopted in its current form does not necessarily lead to the improved quality of fiscal policy in the Eurozone. At the same time it disproportionally interfers with the autonomous fiscal policies of the member states and with their constitutional arrangements....
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The key lessons of mass privatization implemented in Central and Eastern Europe are analyzed and presented in this paper. What are the necessary regulatory, institutional and social ingredients which provide incentive for successful restructuring of the firms in transition and what are the essential impediments which may burden the efforts of restr...
Conference Paper
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Nothing in the contemporary world matters more than achieving more inclusive, more diverse, pluralistic and balanced growth and development. The present international institutional framework is insufficient in achieving such goals. New ideas about how to institutionally reshape the contemporary trade, finance and other international legal rules mus...
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Možne poti izhoda iz finančne krize Povzetek. Finančna kriza, ki izhaja iz ZDA ter se je razširila v med­ narodno finančno in gospodarsko krizo, je v ospredje pripeljala potrebo po temeljitem konceptualnem razmisleku o preoblikovanju procesov finančne, gospodarske in trgovinske globalizacije, kakr­ šna je delovala zadnja desetletja. Ta postbrettonw...
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The thema probandi of this contribution is the reception of the ancient Roman virtue of fides in applicable Slovenian administrative law. With the use of the historical method and a teleological explanation of the existing law (de lege lata), the authors of this contribution examine how the virtue of fides developed throughout history and in what w...
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Nahtigal, M. (2009). Introductory Remarks by Matjaz Nahtigal. Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting, 103, 421-423. doi:10.1017/S0272503700034753 The panel was convened on March 28, 2009 with the following panelists: Uche Ewelukwa, University of Arkansas: Robert Howse, New York University School of Law; Sanjay Reddy, Columbia University and modera...
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International Institutions, International Legal Norms, and the Millennium Development Goals - Volume 100 - Matjaz Nahtigal
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The assessment of large scale institutional transformation of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe is not a goal in itself. It should serve as a medium for reflexive thinking about the missed opportunities during the transition and future possibilities in the context of European integration. Institutional transformation is not a one-time his...
The network of international economic, political, and social organizations established at the initiative of the first world constitute a nascent global state whose function is to realize the interests of the powerful states to the disadvantage of third world states and peoples. The evolving global state formation may therefore be described as havin...
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Temeljna teza knjige je, da postaja tradicionalni konflikt med javnim in zasebnim pravom vse bolj presežen. Postopoma ga nadomešča konflikt med vzdrževanjem obstoječe institucionalne ureditve in iskanjem novih institucionalnih rešitev. Medtem ko poskuša dominantni stil pravnega racionaliziranja vzdrževati obstoječo institucionalno ureditev kot najb...
Typescript (photocopy). "Supervisor: Professor Roberto Mangabeira Unger." Thesis (LL. M.)--Harvard Law School, 1994. Includes bibliographical references.


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