Matjaž Geršič

Matjaž Geršič
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts | ZRC SAZU · Anton Melik Geographical Institute

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (49)
Slovenia began to regulate geographical names after its independence in 1991. In 1995, it established the Commission for the Standardization of Geographical Names of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which, among other tasks, gradually began to standardize Slovenian geographical names based on databases of country names, settlement names,...
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Prispevek naslavlja rabo dvojezičnih zemljepisnih imen na območjih zunaj Slovenije, kjer živi avtohtona slovenska manjšina. Ker ta imena še niso standardizirana skladno s priporočili Organizacije združenih narodov, je njihova raba zelo otežena. Za njihovo standardizacijo so odgovorni standardizacijski organi sosednjih držav Slovenije. Prispevek na...
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Članek prikazuje rezultate raziskave, s katero smo želeli ugotoviti, katere so tiste turistične prakse, ki jih turisti kot trajnostne dojemajo na slovenskih turističnih destinacijah s trajnostnim certifikatom Slovenia Green. Izbrali smo osem destinacij. Poglavitna metoda dela je bilo anketiranje, kateremu je sledila analiza rezultatov. Analizirali...
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Geographic information systems are also a useful tool in the standardization of geographical names, i.e.,their unified use. Digital data in the form of gazetteers and registers of geographical names, as well as digi-tal maps, play an important role in this process. At the global level, geographical names are managed bythe United Nations and in Slov...
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The book Preteklost in prihodnost ('The past and the future') is the sixteenth volume in the GIS v Sloveniji (GIS in Slovenia) book series and commemorates its 30th anniversary. The goal of the volume is to present the wide variety of research findings on geographical information systems in Slovenia in recent years. Powerful geoinformatic tools and...
Endonyms, together with exonyms, form toponyms or geographical names, which are the proper names of geographical features and part of the world's cultural heritage. An endonym is the native name of a geographical feature and is used by the local community, whereas an exonym is a foreign name for the same feature and is used by an external community...
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This paper compares the beginnings of exonym standardization and some characteristics of the oldest exonyms in two similar Slavic languages, Croatian and Slovenian. It uses the comparative and exemplar methods. It is found that these processes were influenced by the sociopolitical environment of the time, especially language policies. It is shown t...
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This paper focuses on five culinary events on Slovenia’s Karst Plateau (Kras). It presents visitors’ motives for attending these events, their satisfaction with them, and their views on sustainability. These traditional culinary events, which take place in the same gastronomic region, differ in their scale, theme, character, and history. A survey w...
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Settlement names are the type of geographical names or toponyms that people come across most often. In Slovenia, their unification or standardization is handled by the Commission for Standardization of Geographical Names of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which is based at the Anton Melik Geographical Institute of the Research Centre of...
Članek z vidika eksonimov analizira prvi slovenski pravopis v slovenskem jeziku, ki ga je leta 1899 izdal Fran Levec. Analiza je pokazala, da se je Levec eksonimov zelo dobro zavedal, čeprav zanje še ni uporabil terminologije, ki jo poznamo danes. Osredinil se je predvsem na eksonime v okolici slovenskega jezikovnega območja, predvsem na matično dr...
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This work discusses Slovenian geographical names: endonyms in Slovenia and in border areas inhabited by Slovenians in neighboring countries, and Slovenian exonyms used in Slovenian to describe geographical features outside the Slovenian settlement area. First, it gives a historical overview of dealing with geographical names in Slovenia and especia...
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Geography divides the Earth’s surface to units by the most diverse individual and group natural and social criteria. Regional identity may be formed in a specific regional unit on the basis of specific spatial (geographical), time (historical), administrative and other circumstances. Regional identity of Slovenians has been examined by means of cog...
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Načrtovanje in izvedba anketne raziskave sta zelo kompleksna procesa. Spremljajo ju številni izzivi, ki pomembno vplivajo na uspešnost anketne raziskave. To velja tudi za samoanketiranje, kjer proces odgovarjanja poteka brez prisotnosti anketarja. Namen prispevka je osvetliti izbrane, doslej slabše raziskane metodološke vidike samoanketiranja: izbo...
Slovenia’s position relative to other countries is shown based on 147 indicators grouped into 22 categories. Data were collected from a variety of sources and systematically processed, and Slovenia was compared with 197 countries of the world, 47 European countries, and 27 European Union countries. Although Slovenia is a small central European coun...
Slovenia may be one of the smallest countries in the world, but it nonetheless possesses an above-average number of special features, or true geographical and similar records, at both the European and global levels. Some of them are completely coincidental, and others are connected with Slovenia’s landscape diversity, turbulent history, and locatio...
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This article presents the findings of a study on long-term land-use changes in eight areas of various Slovenian landscapes. The emphasis is on comparing changes on terraced and non-terraced land from the early nineteenth century to the present and on a typological classification of land-use change, whereby a fifth type (i.e., extensification) is ad...
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The authors tried to investigate the possibility of creating a comprehensive, easily applicable and readable system for transcribing Slovene geographical names into Arabic. They prepared a list of around 200 important geographical names in Slovenia and a map which includes some of those names in Arabic manuscript form. In the first chapter they out...
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This article analyses the Hraše Leaf Litter Forests (Hraški Listneki) at the bottom of the Ljubljana Basin, where, unlike the surrounding area, the cultural landscape has preserved many elements that facilitated �farming in the past (hedges between fields and rough terrain), but today their conservation represents a special challenge. This challeng...
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Abstract: This article presents the use of geographical names in the ethnically mixed Slovenian-Italian bilingual areas of Slovenian Istria in southwest Slovenia and the Slovenian-Hungarian bilingual areas of Prekmurje in northeast Slovenia. It also briefly reflects upon the smaller and more dispersed Roma and German minorities. Attention is drawn...
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Terraced landscapes with agricultural terraces are cultural landscapes with a special value. This volume presents them in pictures and words in all their diversity and attractiveness. After discussing the global and European dimensions of terraced landscapes and their agricultural terraces, the volume focuses on Slovenian terraced landscapes; they...
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Cultivated terraces distinctively mark the landscape and are a result of human adaptation to steep areas. Terraces were studied with regard to their morphometric qualities, ownership structure, and land use at eight pilot sites in various landscape types in Slovenia. Twenty-six detailed interviews were carried out with local residents and experts....
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This article presents the current state of protection of terraced landscapes as an important type of cultural landscape, both globally and in Slovenia. The UNESCO World Heritage List, the Satoyama Initiative list, and the Slovenian Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage are analyzed. The findings show that terraces rarely appear as a factor justif...
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Croatian and Slovenian are very closely related South Slavic languages, but during their historical development they came under the influence of various other languages and various language policies determined by the broader framework of Hungary and Austria. This fact makes the comparative study of exonymization in both languages very interesting....
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V clanku predstavljamo analizo ledinskih imen na terasiranih obmocjih izbranih katastrskih obcin v jugozahodni Sloveniji. Ledinska imena smo na vnaprej zamejenih terasiranih obmocjih identificirali v razlicnih virih in jih s pomocjo postopka georeferenciranja v geografskih informacijskih sistemih umestili v enoten koordinatni sistem. Z etimoloskimi...
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This article examines house names and field names as part of the intangible cultural heritage of Slovenian rural areas. As a case study of collecting these types of geographical names, we present the results of the FLU-LED cross-border project within the Leše cadastral district in Upper Carniola in northwest Slovenia. House names are geographical n...
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This article discusses changes in the territory identified by individual choronyms, or regional toponyms. The most frequent choronyms listed by respondents include the names of Austria-Hungarian lands and their parts, which in the past referred to precisely delineated administrative units. Today their borders are largely impossible to define, but t...
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Geographical names are the proper names of settlements, parts of the Earth's surface and objects on it. Their characteristic is to uniquely identify and individualise the named object. They are part of intangible cultural heritage, which communities, groups as well as individuals pass on from one generation to another and perpetually reproduce in r...
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This article presents the diversity of Slovenian terraced landscapes which is illustrated mainly at the level of Slovenian landscape types, focusing on a comparison of terraced landscapes in selected pilot settlements. In addition to basic GIS analyses based on LIDAR data, the diversity of metric parameters of characteristic terraced areas are also...
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Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries of the world. The reasons for this can be found in historical circumstances, natural conditions, political instability, etc. Although the country is in an unfavourable economic situation, its natural and cultural heritage is extremely rich. Some of its cultural monuments have already been included on the UNE...
This article examines house names and field names as part of the intangible cultural heritage of Slovenian rural areas. As a case study of collecting these types of geographical names, we present the results of the FLU-LED cross-border project within the Leše cadastral district in Upper Carniola in northwest Slovenia. House names are geographical n...
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The article gives an overview of Rudolf Badjura's work in the broader area of geography. His guidebooks in particular are well known, as is, to a lesser extent, his book Terenska geografija (Field Geography), a collection of numerous geographical terms which is also important from a geonomastic perspective. In addition, he produced a significant vo...
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This article discusses how the concept of geography as a science and its logical structure are treated in primary schools in Slovenia. The analysis included sixth grade geography textbooks and the geography syllabus. The treatment of the logical structure of an individual science has an important impact on students' conception of the subject conten...
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Traditional house names are a part of intangible cultural heritage. In the past, they were an important factor in identifying houses, people, and other structures, but modern social processes are decreasing their use. House names preserve the local dialect with its special features, and their motivational interpretation reflects the historical, geo...
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This article presents a biogeographic analysis of vegetation on point bars. The results are based primarily on an analysis of off-road mapping, which was conducted in nine selected point bars of the upper stream of the Sava River. Human interference and functional significance of point bars have been researched, too. As a result of our research a g...
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V članku je predstavljena biogeografska analiza rastlinstva na prodiščih. Rezultati temeljijo predvsem na analizi rezultatov terenskega kartiranja, ki je bilo opravljeno na devetih izbranih prodiščih v povirnih krakih reke Save. Obravnavani so bili človekovi posegi v prodišča ter funkcijski pomen prodišč. Na podlagi rezultatov je bil izdelan grafič...
The point bars are an example of the environment where the initial stages of primary succession can be researched. The species which have overgrown such an environment are called pioneer plant species. Their characteristics, the way of overgrowing such environments, functional significance and human interference on point bars are presented in this...
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This article presents a biogeographic analysis of vegetation on point bars. The results are based primarily on an analysis of off-road mapping, which was conducted in nine selected point bars of the upper stream of the Sava River. Human interference and functional significance of point bars have been researched, too. As a result of our research a g...


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