Matjaž Duh

Matjaž Duh
University of Maribor | UM · Department of Elementary Education



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Matjaž Duh currently works at the Department of Elementary Education, University of Maribor. Matjaž does research in Teaching Methods, Teacher Education and Science Education. Their current project is 'This was a project with Art Galery in Maribor (Slovenia).'.


Publications (70)
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Učitelji razrednega pouka imajo pri odkrivanju nadarjenosti učencev pomembno vlogo, saj jih prepoznajo kot potencialno nadarjene in jih spodbujajo k razvijanju talentiranosti na posameznih področjih. Z likovno umetnostjo se učenci pretežno srečujejo v predšolskih ustanovah in osnovni šoli, zato je zgodnje odkrivanje ter razvijanje likovnih potencia...
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Playing with light and shadow is an inexhaustible stimulus for preschool children to develop divergent thinking and artistic expression. Creativity develops through artistic expression, and the experience enriches and matures thematically through the more conscious use of artistic language. The aim of the experimental study was to measure the level...
The scientific monograph entitled "Perspectives on teacher education and development" is the work of authors from different professional and scientific backgrounds, coming from a broader international area. The publication consists of 38 original scientific contributions addressing different aspects of teacher education and training and highlightin...
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Previous research has shown that the method of aesthetic transfer works successfully in preschool as well as in primary and secondary education when it comes to regular forms of teaching. In this study, we were interested in how this principle can be implemented in museum education in an authentic gallery space. To this end, a case study was conduc...
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In the study, we monitored ways of interpreting space in drawings by children at the age of 4 to 6 years. We sought to determine the strategies of space interpretation in the target group. The research aimed to deepen our understanding of development in the depiction of space and thereby influence the development of the artistic didactics for those...
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Contemporary visual arts teaching is based on the development of productive and receptive visual skills. Thus, direct creative work is also linked to learning about and internalizing artwork. In an empirical qualitative study, we systematically developed a receptive part of artistic ability, namely art appreciation, with first- year high school pup...
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In the contemporary process of teaching fine arts, the students' own creative expression and art appreciation are used to encourage learners towards both perception and reception; consequently, the evaluation and internalisation of works of art play an equally important role. In art education practice, we manage to provide adequate incentives and a...
Znanstvena monografija obsega šest glavnih poglavij. V Uvodu sta predstavljeni ustvarjalnost in apreciacija kot dva temeljna vidika pouka likovne umetnosti. V nadaljevanju, Terminološka opredelitev likovne apreciacije, je razvoj termina likovna apreciacija opredeljen na osnovi poznanih strokovnih razprav. V poglavju Osnovne značilnosti likovne apre...
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Abstract The article presents the implementation of fine arts lessons in the ninth grade of elementary school (14 - 15 years old pupils), which was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of contemporary fine arts pedagogical practice, with emphasis on contemporary fine arts. The study compared pupils' attitudes to contemporary fine arts before...
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In the field of didactics of fine arts in modern higher education aims to develop among the student's creative art abilities and understanding of visual art. (Understanding the visual arts ls closely related to its perception and reception, and thus with the development of art appreciation. In a qualitative empirical research study, we examined the...
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Self-reflection is an integral and necessary part of the teachers teaching work. It is even more important for students of pedagogical studies who are trained for the teaching professon. Activity days that take place in elementary schools, can be a good opportunity for deep self-reflection, since the imeplementation of such content reguires more ex...
Prethodna znanstvena istraživanja s učenicima i učenicama osnovnih škola ukazale su na razlike između djevojčica i dječaka u mnogim aspektima dječjeg crteža, uključujući i čimbenike kreativnosti. Donekle ove razlike u spolu nastaju kao posljedica specifičnosti pojedinoga spola u likovnom razvitku djece. Međutim, utjecaj spola na kreativnost nije do...
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The article presents a case involving implementation of contemporary visual arts in the teaching of arts in the eighth grade of primary school. In the research process we were primarily interested in a range of approaches (in three steps) that prepared students for learning and understanding contemporary visual arts. The last step involved the cros...
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The article is based on research of fine arts creativity carried out among elementary school fifth-grade students. The introductory theoretical section addresses children’s fine arts development and analyses the very complex notion of fine arts creativity by defining its factors. The second part is an empirical study of fifth-grade students’ fine a...
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Modern visual arts education enables student’s permanent creative expression, while art appreciation plays an equally important role. This article presents the results of a study that monitored the level of art appreciation abilities of 10-year-old primary school students from north-eastern Slovenia utilizing a sample of 1,429 students (n=1,429). T...
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In the present article the significance and the role of art appreciation are dealt with. The ways and procedures of developing art appreciation of pupils in primary school are presented. With the support of the procedure of gradual uncovering of an artwork, in which two different methods were employed, namely increasing the sharpness and fragmentar...
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In the framework of special didactics, students in study programmes in the field of education develop a range of skills and abilities needed for teaching the content prescribed by the curriculum. Art is one of these subjects. In a qualitative empirical research study we examined the efficacy of a method for developing art appreciation. The sample i...
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For students, the process of modern higher education didactics does not feature only conventional lectures, seminars and practical classes but also other types of formal and non-formal learning. The content that students get to know is usually related to their study programme and they learn it in the safe environment of lecture halls and laboratori...
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In the contemporary process of teaching fine arts, children’s own creative expression and art appreciation are used to encourage learners towards both perception and reception; consequently, the evaluation and internalization of works of art play an equally important role. In a qualitative empirical research study that takes the form of a case stud...
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The article presents the results of an empirical study, whose purpose was to identify preferences for art motifs among fourth-grade primary school students in Slovenia and Croatia. From the viewpoint of the total sample (n=1,467), the study results have shown statistically significant gender-related differences in four out of five cases. No differe...
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Contemporary museum pedagogy is located spatially in museums and galleries, which represent an authentic space for art. Artistic artefacts on display constitute an excellent basis for the development of art appreciation among children and young people. This means that the role of museum educators is not limited merely to classification, managing an...
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Die zeitgenössische kunstpädagogische Praxis gründet auf der Entwicklung der pro­ duktiven und rezeptiven Fertigkeiten der Schüler. Die gleichzeitige Entwicklung bei­ der Fertigkeiten ist die T 'oraussetzung um überhaupt über eine Entwicklung der künst­ lerischen Fähigkeiten sprechen z !t können. Museen und Galerien sind authentische Räiwie der bil...
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An overview of the literature on gifted students suggests that students can be gifted by showing intelligence and/or creative abilities. Whether teachers are able to recognize intelligent and/or creative students is a matter of being skilled and can have a tremendous impact on students' course of education. In out study, we included students of Slo...
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This article discusses the integration of pupils of the first educational period of the primary school in the gallery-pedagogical activities within the regular classes. In a qualitative study, we examined the extent to which these students are involved in the activities of the gallery, how the planning and the execution of visiting the curators-edu...
Perception of colours is connected with many dimensions. Different authors describe that colours (with their physical characteristics and physiological effects) psychically influence on our life, a place, in which we work and our expressed emotions. Individual colour has its own characteristics, symbolic values and influence on the human soul and b...
Conference Paper
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Modern visual arts education enables student’s permanent creative expression, while art appreciation plays an equally important role. This article presents the results of a study that monitored the level of art appreciation abilities of 10-year-old primary school students from northeastern Slovenia utilizing a sample of 1,429 students (n = 1,429)....
Conference Paper
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Modern visual arts education enables student’s permanent creative expression, while art appreciation plays an equally important role. This article presents the results of a study that monitored the level of art appreciation abilities of 10-year-old primary school students from northeastern Slovenia utilizing a sample of 1,429 students (n = 1,429)....
Conference Paper
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Perception of colours is connected with many dimensions. Different authors describe that colours (with their physical characteristics and physiological effects) psychically influence on our life, a place, in which we work and our expressed emotions. Individual colour has its own characteristics, symbolic values and influence on the human soul and b...
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Eine angemessene Funstellung zjt den Mitmenschen und dem Eebensumfeld kann nur durch Bildung ein Teil unserer kulturellen und ideologischen Keife werden. Kunst­ erziehung bietet als Schulfach in der Grundschule in mehreren Segmenten diverse Mög­ lichkeiten für die Bildung eines multikulturellen Bewusstseins von Kindern und Jugend­ lichen. Die Förde...
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In Slovenian schools pupils have few opportunities to observe, understand and enjoy works of art. Contemporary art education in Slovenia should aim to combine the development of productive and receptive artistic abilities. This would make more comprehensive artistic development of pupils possible. In this study we monitored the development of the a...
Modern art curricula derive from the assumption that visual arts education can be of a high quality only if productive and receptive artistic activities are implemented. In art education practice, we are able to follow incentives for artistic expression but pay less attention to developing art appreciation that is based on developing as subtle perc...
We face colours in thousands of shades every day, but we sometimes easily ignore them. If we really want to understand the relationship between “humans and colours”, we must remember that colours have got physical characteristics as well as strong physiological and psychological impact on us. In the present study the investigation was focused on th...
Conference Paper
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E-learning materials were first introduced at the university level education in last years of previous century in Slovenia. From the initial steps and pilot projects we learned the trade and participate in many e-learning material developments for primary and secondary schools. But in the recent years we regretful discovered that the university's e...
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The article presents the results of a study that investigated the level of artistic and intellectual development of students in different primary school education programmes. The differences were monitored in the groups of sixth-grade students of regular basic schools and of students of basic schools with an adapted programme and a lower educationa...
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We face colours in thousands of shades every day, but we sometimes easily ignore them. If we really want to understand the relationship between " humans and colours " , we must remember that colours have got physical characteristics as well as strong physiological and psychological impact on us. In the present study the investigation was focused on...
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Getting to know the multilayered nature of a work of art is subject to planning and evaluation in visual arts education and the basis for developing art appreciation. In art appreciation, students are introduced to perception and reception, i.e. evaluation and internalisation of artwork We conducted a qualitative empirical study to verify the manne...
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Advancement of computer hardware and software authoring tools has enabled wider use of multimedia learning materials in elementary education. Elementary education (lower level primary school) teachers should consider the advantages of multimedia learning materials. They are not just users of readymade multimedia learning materials, but also produce...
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A visual motif is an important component of an art project and is the thing initially detected in the visual art. A suitable introduction into visual motifs is provided by art education classes. A teacher can enable a successful execution of an art project to a pupil, only with a detailed introduction into visual motifs. These are not defined with...
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The experience of practitioners has confirmed that primary and secondary schools in Slovenia do not pay enough attention to contemporary art practices. Teachers do not sufficiently (or not at all) include contemporary artists in art education. Consequently, students are not informed about experiencing and receiving contemporary art. They are often...
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Die Wahrnehmung der Komplexität des Kunstwerks, einschließlich der Kommunika­ tionsebene, ist Gegenstand der Planung und Evaluation in der Kunsterziehung und eine Grundlage für die Entwicklung der Kunstbetrachtung. In der empirischen Vorsehung prüften wir die Art der Entwicklung der Kunstbetrach­ tung durch sieben spezifische Schritte. Die Schüler...
Conference Paper
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In last few years we witnessed huge growth in e-learning materials production. Hardware development and its availability managed to shatter the computer world. Last year more tablet computers were sold than all others computers combined. Smart phones are in the reach of children. Huge market was created for software application and e-learning mater...
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The study presented was implemented on a sample of Þ rst to third grade students (N=140) of Slovenian primary schools, i.e. students aged six to nine. The study monitored the level of art appreciation abilities of these students.Analysis of the results in terms of students' gender and age has shown that in the Þ rst and the second grade there were...
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Im theoretischen Beitrag wird die I Verwendung der modernen Information!-und Kom­ munikationstechnologie in pädagogischen Prozessen kritisch behandelt. Dabei stehen die E-Eernmaterialien und deren T Verwendung auf verschiedenen Stufen des Bildungs-Prozesses im Kontext ihrer technischen, didaktischen, kommunikativen und ästheti­ schen Qualität im I...
In order to achieve a comprehensive artistic development of students, contemporary visual arts education should combine and at the same time develop productive and receptive art activities. Nevertheless, greater emphasis is still placed on artistic expression than on developing art appreciation. Students have fewer opportunities for observing artwo...
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The article discusses research that monitored the process of drawing the human figure in nine-year-olds. A case study was used to examine artwork produced by three girls. Qualitative research was conducted to establish the process of drawing the human figure on the basis of video recordings, photographs, and answers provided in worksheets. The obta...
Conference Paper
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In the past years we have discovered that aesthetic principles need to be one of priority topics for successful e-learning material design projects. Aesthetic items can be identified but since it is a subjective term no absolute measure can be applied to produce undisputable values that would grade e-learning materials. Aesthetic is influenced by u...
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In order to achieve a comprehensive artistic development of students, contemporary visual arts education should combine and at the same time develop productive and receptive art activities. Nevertheless, greater emphasis is still placed on artistic expression than on developing art appreciation. Students have fewer opportunities for observing artwo...
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From the motivational point of view, choosing motifs in visual arts education is exceptionally important, as the motif represents the affective part of visual arts education. The emotional response of pupils, both in the perception of artwork and in their own creations, represents an important factor in understanding art and responding to it. The a...
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The authors of this article present the method of aesthetic transfer as a novelty and a requirement in contemporary visual arts pedagogy and didactics. In Introduction, the authors establish the meaning of teaching methods and present historical development of specific visual arts methods as a requirement in visual arts education. The central part...
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The article presents a comparison of artistic and creative achievements of Slovenian fifth grade primary school students using a sample of 321 fifth graders (11 and 12 year olds) from 12 primary schools (4 urban and 8 suburban schools). The previously verified LV1 test was used as the research instrument that was employed to establish the existing...
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The authors of this article present the method of aesthetic transfer as a novelty and a requirement in contemporary visual arts pedagogy and didactics. In Introduction, the authors establish the meaning of teaching methods and present historical development of specific visual arts methods as a requirement in visual arts education. The central part...
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Distance learning and e-learning material application rapidly increases in few years. Ministry of Education and Sport and European Social Fund have fi nanced many projects for e-learning material production in Slovenia lately. As a result we have many more or less quality e-learning materials. Authors analyzed diff erent types of communication in t...
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Distance learning and e-learning material application rapidly increases in few years. Ministry of Education and Sport and European Social Fund have financed many projects for e-learning material production in Slovenia lately. As a result we have many more or less quality e-learning materials. Authors analyzed different types of communication in the...
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We do know that new learning material must be interactive and actively involve students in the learning process. The idea is generally good but the implementation sometimes falls behind. During the analysis of e-learning materials that are publicly available, we discovered some noticeable and subtle flaws in the materials. The contemporary design p...
Conference Paper
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During last decade the advances in the computer science and web technology have changed the perception of the ideal e-learning material. New learning material must be interactive and actively involve students into the learning process. The idea is generally good but the implementation sometimes falls behind. During the analysis of the e-learning ma...
Conference Paper
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Heutzutage müssen Mentoren in der Fage sein, durch Veränderungen der eigenen pädagogi­ schen Praxis effizient auf die entsprechenden Veränderungen %u reagieren. Sie müssen den Stu­ dierenden ein Vorbild sein, sie müssen bei ihnen Interesse für den 'Lehrerberuf wecken kön­ nen. Eine moderne Herangehensweise an Planung Durchführung und Auswertung der...
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This article introduces the communicative possibilities that contemporary art offers within art education. The introduction deals with the relevant theoretical starting points and goes on to develop and explain the term "communicational paradox of contemporary art". The continuation of the article presents some possibilities for transcending this p...
Conference Paper
Music and visual art works have an impact on the same elements, such as rhythm, patterns, colour, and texture. These elements influence the whole work as well as the personal reactions and connections to this art form. Our research focused on music appreciation and visual art to find out how pupils experience and react to both artistic fields. For...
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This article introduces the communicative possibilities that contemporary art offers within art education. The introduction deals with the relevant theoretical starting points and goes on to develop and explain the term “communicational paradox of contemporary art”. The continuation of the article presents some possibilities for transcending this p...
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The article presents some possibilities of connections between artistic music and art information’s experiences by pupils at the elementary level of education. The emphasis was on active reception of chosen art and music works from the art treasury and experienced creative reactions to them. In the music field there, are set out emotions, which ari...
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The article presents some possibilities of connections between artistic music and art information's experiences by pupils at the elementary level of education. The emphasis was on active reception of chosen art and music works from the art treasury and experienced creative reactions to them. In the music field there, are set out emotions, which ari...
Evaluation is an important phase in the process of fine arts education and represents a set Of mutually interwoven activities, which constantly depend on and at the same time condition one another. The innovative approach to summative evaluation in the process of fine arts education being experimentally verified by our research was developed on the...
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Computer generated artistic production in Slovenian primary schools leads to new qualities in spite of a less frequent use of the computers. The teachers of Fine Arts together with their pupils, research computer tools and use them in a creative way. The quality is displayed in their understanding of the specifics of artistic expressiveness of the...
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Computer generated artistic production in Slovenian primary schools leads to new qualities in spite of a less frequent use of the computers. The teachers of Fine Arts together with their pupils, research computer tools and use them in a creative way. The quality is displayed in their understanding of the specifics of artistic expressiveness of the...
The development of information technology resulted in extremely realistic images in contemporary computer games. Some of these games have obviously violent contents and their total interactivity brings into question the transfer of violence from the virtual into the real world. The present article does not intend to prove the connection between vio...
The author analyses the findings of the research carried out in the school years 1998/99 and 1999/2000. The survey researched the use of modern teaching technology in the subject of Fine Arts in Slovene secondary schools: grammar schools, economic and technical schools, as well as in secondary professional and vocational schools . It is a general c...
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A b s t r a c t This article introduces the communicative possibilities that contemporary art offers within art education. The introduction deals with the relevant theoretical starting points and goes on to develop and explain the term "communicational paradox of contemporary art". The continuation of the article presents some possibilities for tra...


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