Matías Membiela-Pollán

Matías Membiela-Pollán
Universidade da Coruña | UDC · Department of Business

Ph.D. in Economics and Business


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Matías Membiela-Pollán currently works at the Department of Business, University of A Coruña. Matías does research in Marketing, Social Capital and Socioeconomics. Their current project is 'Grupo de Investigación iMARKA.'
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January 2017 - present
Universidade da Coruña
  • Professor


Publications (65)
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The aim of this research is to investigate tourist marketing within the embryonic context of the metaverse in order to comprehend the building blocks and the primary technologies employed in the sector. A systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted on 386 articles, with an overall qualitative approach that included 86 references, all of which...
Within the framework of sustainable development and the reduction of the use of passenger cars as a mechanism for the preservation of the environment and the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals, this paper analyses the purchase intention of electric vehicles according to the postulates of the Theory of Reasoned Action and the advances o...
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The 'contactless' culture established after COVID-19 and the development of metaverse technologies, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain and artificial intelligence, serve as vectors of change in museum tourism. Contactless behaviours have forced European museums to reconfigure and strengthen their digital communication and market...
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The metaverse is the conjunction and optimization of the possibilities of the Internet and technology at their best. It is a consequence of the development and evolution of digital society. Technological innovation, fundamentally oriented toward virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed realities, contributes significantly to the creation of a...
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La falta de empleo juvenil y su escasa calidad no concuerdan con el desarrollo sostenible,ni con la agenda 2030. Se precisa corregirestas debilidades. Este trabajo revisa la conceptualización y medición de la calidad del empleo y,en base al Índice de Calidad del Trabajo de la OCDE,presentando un indicador sintético, con diferentes componentes, medi...
El presente artículo realiza un estado del arte sobre las estrategias de comunicación y marketing que las marcas de moda han llevado a cabo durante el período de confinamiento por la pandemia del COVID-19. Para dicho objetivo se ha revisado la bibliografía de artículos que cumplen con el criterio temático mencionado y con un criterio metodológico (...
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Retromarketing, also known as nostalgia marketing, is a strategy/activity that "uses the past to sell in the present". Its growth has been exponential in recent years, both in academia and in business praxis. The objective of this paper is to carry out a theoretical review on this topic, and for this it extends in its essential terminology, in the...
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Este libro recoge aportes actuales al ámbito de confluencia del turismo, el marketing digital, la comunicación y la tecnología que ponen sobre la mesa las oportunidades y desafíos actuales a los que se enfrenta el sector turístico en el año 2021
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In the last decades, neuroscience has provided an excellent comprehension of the impact of marketing outputs on cognitive and emotional processing. Understanding what constitutes the neurobiology of consumer decision-making has been the aim of neuromarketing since the beginning. New notions regarding the value of emotions in consumer preferences ha...
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En una sociedad marcada por la cuestión digital y la pandemia mundial por COVID-19, los museos han experimentado la necesidad de incorporarse a nuevas plataformas sociales, donde se encuentran los públicos más jóvenes. Este contexto ha propiciado una intensificación del uso de estos canales así como una reconfiguración de las estrategias comunicati...
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Social and individual awareness of aspects related to sustainability has given rise to the appearance of a new style of consumption that is more conscious and focused on the quality and quality of products beyond quantity. In addition, there is a growing trend towards the demand for goods linked to memories or feelings of rootedness. Academic liter...
This research focuses on determining how, at present, the European Public Radio Televisions of Spain, France and Portugal use the model of performance indicators, with special emphasis on the Society category and within it, specifically on social actions. The methodology used is based on the content analysis of reports and balances on Corporate Soc...
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The aim of this article is to examine the relationship marketing model and the concept of brand community based on a case study of the content platform and production company, Netflix. Relationship marketing places a strong focus on the strategic management of collaborative relationships with customers and other stakeholders as a way of creating an...
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The aim of this article is to carry out an exploratory analysis and literature review about the influence of the traditional and digital media on social capital. The concept-variable social capital refers to the set of attributes of the social dimension that promote cooperative behaviors and favor the functioning of the economy and society in gener...
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Hyperconnected in a personalized world. This could be one of the definitions of the contemporary social context that technology and its different uses have been drawing from the hand of today’s society. All the social and economic sectors, structurally, and the agents that participate in them, in particular, live a constant challenge where changes...
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The adaptation to the new scenario that the Social media project has revolutionized the way of communicating, which is why tourist destinations must take advantage of the advantages they offer as a communication tool. For this reason, the communities where El Camino de Santiago, a millennial pilgrimage route that has gone from a purely religious fa...
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En los últimos años, el auge de las TIC ha desembocado en la dimensión que en la actualidad tiene el marketing digital, entendido como la utilización de recursos tecnológicos en la elaboración de la estrategia de mercado, así como en la comercialización y en la comunicación de la organización. El objetivo del presente artículo es llevar a cabo una...
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This exploratory and descriptive article aims to link the theory of Social Capital and Marketing. With this purpose it starts from a criticism of the traditional approach of economic science (neoclassical paradigm), which led years ago towards a self-contained and very transactional marketing approach. Next, through 17 ideas, it is presented the re...
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The recent literature developed in the field of happiness economics highlights the overvaluation of income and material prosperity as determinants of happiness, and calls into question many of the assumptions of traditional economic theory linked to "rationality" and the "non-satiety" of the consumer. This article aimed to study which factors expla...
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El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar el vínculo bidireccional existente entre dos variables claves en el desarrollo económico y la sostenibilidad social: el capital humano y el capital social. Tras introducir ambos conceptos, se aborda desde el plano teórico la influencia bidireccional entre el capital humano (educación, conocimientos téc...
Conference Paper
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The current market environment is extremely competitive. In recent years, the increase in competition and competitiveness among companies has grown exponentially increasing the variety of products in the market, so the development of business strategies to ensure their long-term survival is increasingly complicated. In addition, the changes produc...
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Aim: The aim of this study is to highlight the role of individual social capital as a personal marketing asset with specific weight in the job search process. The marketing mix instruments are transferred to the analysis of the individual. In this approach, the social network and the attributes of the subject play a specific role in his characteris...
Conference Paper
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Abstract — The aim of this paper is to study the role played by social capital as an “asset” for community tourism. This type of tourism, in the growth phase, seeks local development managed from a community base. The methodology used consists of an exploratory analysis. Its purpose is to establish a state of the art that allows understanding the i...
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1. CAPITAL SOCIAL: CONCEPTO E IMPORTANCIA En los últimos tiempos, ha crecido de modo notable el estudio y la po-pularidad de la variable capital social; lo que no es de extrañar pues a la postre este concepto de naturaleza multidimensional aglutina aspectos tan relevantes para el funcionamiento socioeconómico como son: las normas y los valores, la...
Cuando en 1994 la revista de actualidad El Temps, editada en Valencia, se convierte en la primera publicación periódica española en contar con una edición digital (Gómez y Paniagua, 2005), las denominadas en aquel mo-mento nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC's) eran concebidas por los editores fundamentalmente como un med...
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Cuando en 1994 la revista de actualidad El Temps, editada en Valencia, se convierte en la primera publicación periódica española en contar con una edición digital (Gómez y Paniagua, 2005), las denominadas en aquel mo-mento nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC's) eran concebidas por los editores fundamentalmente como un med...
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Resumen: La inversión publicitaria, en el mercado mediático español, muestra preocupantes síntomas de una desaceleración. En el caso de la televisión, el hecho de que desde 1993 no haya dejado de ostentar el liderazgo la convierte en un medio referente para poder identificar tendencias. Este trabajo efectúa un análisis descriptivo de la inversión p...
The singularities of the pilgrimage to the Virgin of El Cisne in the South of Ecuador identify it as a unique religious event. It was decreed by Simón Bolívar. It has a circular route spacing in time, and since its origin, it has a tourist focus while at the same time performing the Loja Fair Trade also created by the Liberator for boosting the inf...
Conference Paper
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Resumen-En la actual sociedad globalizada, donde todo fluye de manera líquida a través de la red digital y el ruido se hace ostensible, la atención se ha erigido en el bien más buscado por el emisor del mensaje. Ya no consiste en "Ser" y proyectarse para "Estar", tampoco llega con alcanzar la visibilidad; lo capital, lo esencial se sitúa en el ámbi...
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RESUMEN El presente artículo tiene como objetivo revisar las diferentes aproximaciones que pretenden integrar lo económico en lo sociocultural, esto es, abordar la embeddeness o imbricación de lo social y lo económico. Nuestro punto de partida es una caracterización de la evidente falta de realismo y de sustento antropológico del mainstream neoclá...
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This article aims to highlight eight implications presented by the demographic environment in the economic, social and cultural fields. More specifically, we will deal with how the ageing of the population, evident in the advanced countries, infers a set of threats related to: 1) The sustainability of the social protection system, 2) The maintenanc...
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El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar el rol que desempeña el capital social como un "activo" del turismo comunitario. Esta tipología de turismo, en fase de crecimiento en Ecuador, procura el desarrollo local gestionado desde una base comunitaria. La metodología empleada se basa en una revisión de fuentes secundarias, y tiene como fin establ...
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The concept of social capital has received increasing attention in recent years. The complexity and multidimensionality that accompany the variable of social capital have caused confusion and ambiguity. This article presents a synthesis of social capital in three perspectives. From the individualistic or micro-social perspective, social capital is...
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The concept of social capital has received increasing attention in recent years. The complexity and multidimensionality that accompany the variable of social capital have caused confusion and ambiguity. This article presents a synthesis of social capital in three perspectives. From the individualistic or micro-social perspective, social capital is...
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In this paper we analyze the non-instrumental dimension of social capital and its effects on subjective well-being. In the first part, we define the characteristics of production and consumption of relational goods. The second section analyses the influence of the different expressions of relational goods and social capital on individual subjective...
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En la ciencia de la economía es común la alusión a los términos capital físico, capital natural, capital financiero o capital humano como factores clave del desarrollo. En estos últimos años se presta una creciente atención al "olvidado" papel que desempeña el componente social (normas y valores, confianza generalizada, redes de relaciones interper...
La ciencia y el pensamiento tienden a despreciar la imbricación que existe entre «lo moral-social» y «lo económico». Las normas, los valores, la confianza y las redes de relaciones interpersonales apenas se encuentran referenciadas como inputs-causa (determinantes) de la situación concreta de la economía y tan siquiera como coadyuvantes para su mej...
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Este libro-cómic, riguroso, que ha sido escrito por don Matías Membiela Pollán e ilustrado por el conocido grabador y dibujante francés Horacio Vernet, relata la vida –a lo largo de 430 viñetas- del emperador Napoleón Bonaparte desde su nacimiento en Córcega hasta el fallecimiento en Santa Elena y el posterior traslado de sus restos a Los Inválidos...


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