Mathieu LandriaultÉcole Nationale d'Administration Publique | ENAP
Mathieu Landriault
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Mathieu Landriault obtained his PhD from the University of Ottawa in 2013. He currently teaches at the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa as well as at the School of Conflict Studies at Saint Paul University. He is also the director of the Observatory on Politics and Security in the Arctic (OPSA and an associate researcher at the Center for Interuniversity Research on the International Relations of Canada and Quebec (CIRRICQ). He is researching media and public opinion on Arctic security, sovereignty and governance matters as well as Canadian foreign policy.
Publications (51)
(Egalement disponible à ce lien : https://www.opsaquebec.ca/publications) //// La revue annuelle « L’année arctique » de l’Observatoire de la politique et la sécurité de l’Arctique (OPSA) propose une analyse des développements significatifs qui sont survenus au cours de la dernière année dans la région arctique. Au-delà des discours alarmistes et d...
(Also available at this link : https://www.opsaquebec.ca/publications) ///
For the first time, enjoy an English translation of the yearly publication "L'Année Arctique", published since 2019 by the Observatoire de la Politique et la Sécurité de l’Arctique ///
The Arctic Review 2024 presents analyses of the most salient developments that occured...
Social media use has grown in popularity in recent years, becoming a primary source of information for many. Several scholarly inquiries have analyzed how the Arctic region has been portrayed in traditional media. However, no study has comprehensively detailed how the region has been presented on social media. The objective of this article is to sk...
An advance online version of this introduction was first published September 2024.AcknowledgementsThe guest editor would like to thank the MINDS program (Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security) of the Department of National Defence of Canada and the Association of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa for their financial support.
Advance Online Article first published September 2024. Page numbers not final.This article documents who speaks about Inuit issues on social media and how these issues are portrayed on social media. By drawing on data from the Twitter (now X) platform, we analyzed the most relayed messages posted about Inuit issues from 1 January 2020 to 31 Decembe...
L’Arctique est souvent perçu comme une région isolée du reste du monde, entre autres en raison des conditions difficiles, des populations clairsemées et des infrastructures limitées. D’ailleurs, bon nombre des phénomènes qui affectent et façonnent l’Arctique ont une source extrinsèque à la région, que ce soit
le réchauffement climatique, les confli...
The governments of Canada and Denmark signed a historic agreement on Hans Island on 14 June 2022. Although most of the agreement was devoted to the resolution of the Hans Island dispute, it also settled other issues. We argue that provisions on mobility and the continental shelf in the Labrador Sea give rise to interesting precedents that could hav...
Cooperation in the Arctic region has been fruitful in the past few decades, generating several multilateral organizations and forums covering the entire circumpolar North. In many cases, forums were created to serve as catalysts, bringing together decision-makers from different backgrounds in a conference setting to promote dialogue and the exchang...
This article explores how Inuit issues were addressed and portrayed in parliamentary committees. More specifically, we investigated if parliamentary committees allowed Inuit to present their perspectives and priorities, given that they play an important role in all stages of the public policy cycle, including policy development, implementation, and...
English version available at the following link :
Multiple diplomatic and cooperative endeavours have recently emerged to strengthen governance structures and mechanisms in the Arctic region. At the same time, new actors such as companies, non-governmental organizations, and sub-national governments were incorporated in new forums such as the Arctic Economic Council and the Arctic Circle Assembly....
Arctic economic development has long been plagued with systemic problems, including lack of quality infrastructure, overreliance on the exploitation of natural resources with important price fluctuations and high prices for basic necessities (including food and housing). Governments with territory north of the 60 th parallel have deployed strategie...
Assessing the impact of policy and environmental changes on human well-being requires reliable data. In many regions of the world, data on citizen incomes or consumption are absent, incomplete or unreliable. These data shortcomings may result from lack of capacity in government statistical departments, incentives of government officials to manipula...
The Association of Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO) is an industry association that has implemented environmental management on a voluntary basis to ensure safe tourism in what we refer as the Euro-Russian Arctic. AECO members must operate in accordance with national, international laws and regulations and agreed, in addition, to follow an extens...
This policy brief focuses on the opening of the Central Arctic Ocean and the subsequent questions this poses to regional governance. This change has the potential to radically alter the nature of Arctic governance as non-Arctic states will have to play a significant role in the rules that will apply in the Arctic high seas. Talks about a regional f...
The transition from exploratory to formal talks on a possible free trade agreement with China has the potential to represent a greater challenge for the Trudeau government than the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Canadian public opinion has displayed great resistance in recent years to expanded trade with China. Re...
The material aspects and impacts of globalization has often been studied by scholars. The discursive power of globalization has not been scrutinized to the same extent. The following article wants to address this gap by conceptualizing globalization as a discursive resource used by political actors especially states, to justify actions and legitimi...
The media have been presented as influential actors shaping how Canadians relate to their Arctic and formulating policy recommendations to federal decision-makers. However, media coverage of Canadian Arctic sovereignty (CAS) has not been studied over a long period of time, and anecdotal evidence and specific case studies constitute the bulk of our...
Previous research on Canadian Arctic sovereignty and security has focused on governmental actions and policy recommendations. While these studies have produced some fine scholarship on those matters, Canadian public opinion on Arctic issues has been mostly assumed or analyzed on an anecdotal basis. This paper aims to correct this shortcoming by dra...
Public attitudes on Canadian foreign policy matters have received growing attention in recent years, both to understand the nature of public opinion and the effects of public preferences on decision-makers. This article offers a contribution on both fronts, focusing on the study of specific events (policies and political messaging) rather than gran...
Le Canada et l'Arctique, Franklyn Griffiths , Rob Huebert et P. Whitney Lackenbauer , Presses de l'Université de Montréal, Montréal, 2015, 424 pages (traduit par Michel Buttiens). - Volume 48 Issue 4 - Mathieu Landriault
The defence of Arctic sovereignty has gathered high levels of support from the Canadian population in the past 40 years. However, the relationship between public opinion and decision makers is more ambiguous, in particular that between decisions taken by the governing party and an effect in the general population. This is especially true for foreig...