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Publications (35)
Membrane processes are well established in the industry for reducing effluent volumes while producing a high-quality permeate, though the generate a highly concentrated secondary effluent. This study, where they are associated with wet air oxidation to degrade membrane concentrates’ pollutants, focused on four strategic effluents: bilge wastewater,...
Les procédés membranaires sont largement déployés dans l'industrie pour réduire les volumes d'effluents et produire un perméat de qualité, mais ils génèrent un effluent secondaire très concentré. Cette étude, où ils sont couplés à l'oxydation en voie humide pour dégrader les polluants des concentrés, a ciblé quatre effluents stratégiques : eaux de...
Stabilized landfill leachates are characterized by a high chemical oxygen demand and limited biodegradability. This study investigates the removal of the organic fraction (chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon) using a treatment approach that couples membrane processes and wet air oxidation (operating at 200–300 °C and 18 MPa). The aim is...
In the field of chemical engineering and water treatment, the study of viruses, included surrogates, is well documented. Often, surrogates are used to study viruses and their behavior because they can be produced in larger quantities in safer conditions and are easier to handle. In fact, surrogates allow studying microorganisms which are non-infect...
Human enteric viruses are important etiological agents of waterborne diseases. Environmental waters are usually contaminated with low virus concentration requiring large concentration factors for effective detection by (RT)-qPCR. Low-pressure reverse osmosis is often used to remove water contaminants, but very few studies focused on the effective v...
Les performances de l'ultra filtration (UF) ont déjà été présentées pour l'élimination de certains agents pathogènes de l'huître creuse, la culture de microalgues, la gestion d'un bloom algal et la production d'une eau traitée adaptée à la fécondation en écloserie. Dans la suite de ces résultats, cet article présente trois nouvelles applications. I...
The distribution and fate of microplastics in different water sources and their treatment plants (seawater, three municipal wastewaters, a pharmaceutical factory wastewater, and three drinking waters) in France were studied. Currently, research in this field is still under exploration since almost no relevant standards or policies have been introdu...
Dans un contexte de raréfaction de la ressource en eau, la réutilisation de l'eau est nécessaire. Dans cette étude, une unité d'ultrafiltration semi-industrielle placée en sortie d’une station d’épuration urbaine a été étudiée pour évaluer sa faisabilité et sa durabilité. L’optimisation des conditions opératoires a permis de donner pour la première...
Microplastics of millimeter dimensions have been widely investigated in environmental compartments and today, studies are mainly focused on particles of smaller
dimensions (< 500 μm). However, as there are no relevant standards or policies for the preparation and analysis of complex water samples containing such particles,
the results may be questi...
L’élevage d’esturgeon nécessite une attention particulière. Outre le fait que la durée d’élevage est relativement longue, le changement climatique a pour conséquence des températures de plus en plus élevées favorables à l’émergence d’agents pathogènes. Le contrôle de la qualité de l’eau d’élevage est important surtout les premières années de vie du...
Women are increasingly present in the field of engineering, and despite a significant female presence, it has been found that the programmes continue to make no reference to women scientists. In chemical engineering, for example, all the names of scientists mentioned in the programmes belong to men only. To test this hypothesis of the over-represen...
Sanitary landfilling is one of the most common ways to eliminate solid municipal/urban wastes. Despite many advantages, this method leads to the generation of contaminated leachates that remains an unavoidable consequence of the waste disposal. Membrane technologies, such as reverse osmosis, are frequently used for leachate treatment as they genera...
Shellfish as a foodstuff must meet sanitary quality objectives for the protection of consumers and this quality is closely linked to the water. The oyster industry considered this challenge related to contaminations and currently, the major risk of disease is due to the presence of norovirus (NoV) since all oyster-consuming countries report outbrea...
To improve membrane fouling management, the NaClO-assisted backwash has been developed to improve permeability maintenance and reduce the need for intensive chemical cleanings. This study is aimed to focus on the efficiency of NaClO-assisted backwash in real UF pilot scale and with periodic classic backwash (CB) and air backwash (AB). The impacts o...
Water reuse is an enduring topic that benefits the society and future generations of mankind. Ultrafiltration (UF) is one of the most cost-effective treatment technologies for improving water quality. In this study, a semi-industrial UF pilot plant with periodical classic backwash (CB) and air backwash (AB) was operated automatically to evaluate it...
La réutilisation de l'eau profiterait à la société dans son ensemble, aux entreprises et plus généralement aux générations futures dans le contexte actuel de pollution et de raréfaction de la ressource en eau dans le monde. L'ultrafiltration (UF) est l'une des technologies de traitement les plus efficaces et les plus rentables dans le domaine de l’...
Wastewater reuse as a sustainable, reliable and energy recovery concept is a promising approach to alleviate worldwide water scarcity. However, the water reuse market needs to be developed with long-term efforts because only less than 4% of the total wastewater worldwide has been treated for water reuse at present. In addition, the reclaimed water...
Gamification is a widespread phenomenon that relies on using game mechanics in other areas, such as the learning situation. One of the most exciting types of games in the late 2010s is escape games, where the principle is for the players to manage to escape from a room in which they are locked by finding hidden items and following a sequence of puz...
Dynamic simulation of ultrafiltration process is applied to the treatment of chemical mechanical polishing wastewater from microelectronic industry. The ultrafiltration of nanoparticles (NPs) contained in chemical mechanical polishing wastewater is modelled by using different mathematical equations, which are derived from the literature and optimiz...
This work aims to analyse the performances of a new hybrid process: membrane filtration to concentrate biorefractory wastewater before being treated by a hydrothermal process such as wet air oxidation. The aim is to obtain a complete discharge of the effluent in the environment. The three different synthetic wastewaters under study were pharmaceuti...
Bio‐refractory wastewater treatment is compulsory for a safe discharge into the environment. This paper aims to study the use of membrane processes to concentrate wastewater to be then treated by a hydrothermal process such as wet air oxidation for advanced and intensified wastewater treatment. The work focused on three different synthetic wastewat...
Breweries release significant amounts of wastewater loaded with various organic and mineral materials. Prior studies of membrane bioreactor (MBR) wastewater treatment have been conducted with very little interest granted to the conditions of biomass acclimation. This study displays biomass behavior during brewery wastewater treatment by an aerobic...
A lab-scale membrane bioreactor was fed with fresh urine collected from source-separated public toilets to perform full nitrification, urinary nitrogen stabilization and effluent sanitation. After acclimation, a nitrogen loading rate (NLR) of 1.2 kgTN/m3/d was reached with an average nitrification rate of 98.3%. Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) trans...
In the context of wastewater treatment and reuse, separating urine from domestic wastewater promotes a more flexible and sustainable municipal treatment system and has attracted considerable attention in the scientific community. This study investigated the feasibility of applying nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) as a complementary trea...
Reverse osmosis (RO) plants powered by photovoltaic (PV) panels at community scale for remote places are increasing in importance. However, RO recovery rates in these seawater desalination plants are usually below 40% because of non-optimized plant configurations. Low recovery rates increase both the global costs of the plant and the volume of conc...
Among desalination processes, the use of seawater reverse osmosis (RO) increased in the last few years. Among desalination processes, the use of seawater reverse osmosis (RO) increased in the last few years. Pretreatment before RO is an essential step to guarantee the success of the whole process. Indeed, biofouling of RO membranes usually occurs w...
Preventing biofouling of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes is the major issue in seawater (SW) RO desalination. Ultrafiltration (UF) has shown its efficiency when used as a pretreatment step but it is not sufficiently effective in removing dissolved organic carbon (DOC), which is a source of nutrients responsible for biofouling. This study focuses on...
Adsorption on granular activated carbon (GAC) and fractionation of marine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was investigated with the objective of mitigating RO membrane bio-fouling in the context of a reverse osmosis process for seawater pretreated by ultrafiltration. The behaviours of six commercial GAC compounds were compared. Batch kinetics experi...
Seawater reverse osmosis (RO) desalination appears to be one of the solutions to fresh water scarcity in coastal regions. In order to make the process more efficient, more reliable and more sustainable, the reduction of RO membrane biofouling remains a major scientific issue. The interest to solve this issue is especially important for small-scale...