Matheus Marcos Rotundo

Matheus Marcos Rotundo
Universidade Santa Cecília · Acervo Zoológico da Universidade Santa Cecília (AZUSC - UNISANTA)

Professor & Curador do Acervo Zoológico da Universidade Santa Cecília (AZUSC - UNISANTA)


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February 2010 - June 2022
Universidade Santa Cecília
  • collaborator researcher


Publications (97)
The genus Rhonciscus Jordan & Evermann, 1896 (Haemulidae) was recently revalidated, and it brought together four species allocated along with Pomadasys Lacepède, 1802, two from the Western Atlantic and two from the Eastern Pacific. However, the status of some of the species in the western South Atlantic was still doubtful. This study aims to review...
Conference Paper
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This study aimed to document and describe the morphology of a non-fused pectoral fin to the head in a female H. guttatus(Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) captured from the Amazonian coast in Pará, Brazil. The observed anomaly is linked to mutations in the orbital cartilage, nasal capsule, propterygium and its segments, but the exact causes remain undet...
The genus Neoconger (family Moringuidae) is reviewed and our knowledge of it brought up to date. Six species are recognized, based on genetic and morphological information. Neoconger mucronatus Girard, 1858 occurs in the western Gulf of Mexico. Neoconger torrei (Howell Rivero, 1932) occurs in the Caribbean and along the coast of the Guianas. Neocon...
The Brazilian North Coast (BNC) encompasses the intersection of multiple oceanographic features such as strong currents, a large continental shelf under the influence of the Amazon River freshwater and sediment outflow, extensive muddy and sand bottom, as well as a mesophotic reef system. As a result, the BNC hosts a diverse fish fauna, consisting...
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Three sardine species of Harengula and one of Opisthonema (Clupeiformes, Clupeidae) are known in the Western Atlantic, where the Amazon-Orinoco plume has been recognized as a major biogeographic barrier, albeit permeable to larger and generalist species. Here we used mitochondrial cox1 gene DNA sequences to check the lineage delimitation of both ge...
Molecular analysis is a powerful tool for assessing and developing conservation strategies for endangered species. Elasmobranchs comprise one of the most threatened groups of vertebrates, with about one‐third of the species subject to some degree of threat. This is the case for Pseudobatos horkelii , the Brazilian guitarfish, which has suffered sev...
Gymnurid rays are found in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions around the world, where they are associated with sandy or muddy bottoms in coastal areas, being easily distinguished from other rays by the width of the disc. In recent years, the systematics of this family have been revised extensively. However, there has been no comprehensive...
Trypauchen vagina (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) is a goby that lives burrowed into the substrata feeding on small invertebrates. It is native to the Indo-pacific region, ranging from Kuwait to China. Recently, this fish has been reported outside the original range of distribution, being found in the Mediterranean Sea, and more recently in the northeast...
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Otólitos são estruturas ósseas formadas de carbonato de cálcio presente nos ouvidos interno dos peixes ósseos. Para os peixes as principais funções são audição e equilíbrio na coluna d’agua. Para nós, eles representam valiosas pedras preciosas por nos fornecer importantes informações. Nesse e-book trazemos inicialmente 35 espécies de peixes captura...
Tetraodontidae is the most speciose family of Tetraodontiformes and is represented by fish popularly known as pufferfishes. They are characterized by modified jaws with four dental plates and the ability to inflate their bodies. Tetraodontids are distributed throughout the world and have a wide range of habitat use. One of its genera, Sphoeroides,...
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Recreational fishing is one of the most popular leisure activities in the world and, in Brazil, it is a relevant socioeconomic activity in several coastal populations. The management of this practice must conciliate traditional knowledge, scientific research, and the demands involved in using space and fishing resources to generate employment and i...
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The shark Squalus albicaudus, categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature red list as Data Deficient due to lack of minimal information for classification, is distributed throughout the Brazilian coast. High pressures such as overfishing and anthropic activities, as well as certain biological characteristics, including k strat...
This study integrates morphological and molecular data to redefine the taxonomic limits of Ophidion holbrookii, as well as its geographic ranges, with the description of a new species from the eastern and southeastern coast of Brazil, South America. Ophidion zavalai n. sp. is described based on variations related to ontogeny and sexual development...
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An adult specimen of Euleptorhamphus velox (Hemiramphidae) was captured in March 2021 from southern Brazil (26ºS). This record altogether with vouchers deposited in museum collections (MZUSP and MCZ), extends the published known distribution area of the species in about 3700 km in the southwestern Atlantic.
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The piramutaba, Brachyplatystoma vaillantii is a freshwater catfish that is the most abundant fishery resource in the Amazon estuary. Piramutaba trawling is done on industrial fishing scale and is characterized by the presence of many freshwater and marine bycatch species, with and without commercial value. Here we describe the bycatch of the indus...
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Vast distances and permeable phylogeographic barriers characterize the open ocean, boosting gene flow and decreasing population structure and speciation of widely distributed and migratory species. However, many widely distributed species are formed by different populations throughout their distribution, evidencing our understanding of how the mari...
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Anthropogenic actions have affected marine species for a long time, through overexploitation of natural stocks and habitat degradation, influencing the life strategies of several taxa, especially rays and sharks, which have suffered significant population declines in recent years. Therefore, conservation actions and stock management have become par...
This chapter summarizes the composition of fish species found in estuaries, mangroves, and salt marshes along the Brazilian coast regarding species richness, latitudinal and environmental occurrence, and artisanal fisheries. Literature surveys and scientific records on 37 sites evidenced the presence of 604 fish species distributed in 123 families;...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: The present study purpose to record and describe the morphology of the first record of pectoral fin non-adherence to the skull in a male specimen of Dasyatis hypostigma (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) captured in the region of São Francisco do Sul, SC-Brazil. Along with the abnormal specimen, another of the same species, with similar size a...
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The presence of two specimens of Omobranchus punctatus (Blenniidae), on the central coast of São Paulo state, was reported for the first time inside the Bay of Santos. It is another important record related to the distribution of this alien species along the Southeastern/Southern coast of Brazil.
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The burrowing goby Trypauchen vagina has been reported from Brazil for the first time. This goby occurs naturally in the Indo‐Pacific region, where it is typically found burrowed in the bottom substrata of marine or brackish waters. Given its rapid development, extended longevity and multiple spawning cycles, the species is represented by large pop...
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Riparian zones are fragile, dynamic, and complex habitats, especially insular ones. We developed an approach relating 71 environmental variables from the rivers of Ilhabela (Brazil) through a rapid assessment protocol adapted to the rivers and their adjacent environments. The prominent disturbances were related to changes in the physical structure...
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Artisanal fishing on Fernando de Noronha is directly related to fishing for bait, since commercial fishing depends on these baits. This work aimed to analyze the local ecological knowledge of fishermen about the biology and ecology of the fish species used as bait on Fernando de Noronha (state of Pernambuco - PE) to support the planning of the loca...
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: The Squalus genus comprises a group of small demersal sharks occurring circumglobally, popularly known as dogfish sharks. This genus exhibits a conserved morphology, thus making correct morphological identification difficult. Considering these taxonomic problems and the scarcity of molecular data, the present study aimed to identify Squalus genus...
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The largehead hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus, is an opportunistic, voracious, and piscivorous predator. Studies of fish feeding behavior based on the analysis of stomach contents are limited by the potential for the visual identification of the ingesta. However, molecular tools, in particular DNA barcoding, have been used successfully to identify st...
Pomatomus saltatrix is a high-value marine pelagic coastal fish, that is fished throughout subtropical and temperate coastal waters around the world. Despite its large economic potential, there are no global data on its genetic diversity, which could compromise the conservation of the species. The aim of this study was to analyse the genetic-evolut...
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The angular angelshark (Squatina guggenheim) is a coastal endangered angel shark from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean and one of the major bycatch victims. Despite major concerns about this species, little is known about its evolutionary connectivity across its whole geographic distribution. Here, genetic connectivity and phylogeographic patterns of S...
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A pesca artesanal em Fernando de Noronha está diretamente relacionada com a pesca de iscas, pelo fato de os pescadores serem dependentes da mesma para realizar suas capturas de peixes maiores. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar a pesca de iscas no arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha em relação às espécies de peixes utilizadas como iscas, modo de c...
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A pesca esportiva na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Barra do Una (RDSBU) têm por alvo principal os robalos. Este trabalho objetivou realizar um levantamento etnoictiológico com pescadores esportivos sobre nomenclatura, hábitat, dieta e sazonalidade dos robalos na RDSBU (Peruíbe/SP), através de entrevistas com questionários semiestruturad...
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O desenvolvimento da pesca esportiva pode proporcionar benefícios sociais e econômicos às populações locais, contudo gera impactos negativos ao meio ambiente se não houver gestão efetiva. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as contribuições do conhecimento ecológico local para o ordenamento da pesca esportiva e conservação de robalos na...
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Rhinoptera bonasus is a bento-pelagic and highly migratory species occurring from southern United States to northern Argentina. Due to overfishing effects, R. bonasus is currently at risk, classified by the IUCN Red List as vulnerable. Considering the lack of molecular data available for R. bonasus, this study aimed to describe the genetic variabil...
Conference Paper
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This study aimed to describe the skeletal morphology and identify the degree of severity of the first record of pughead in Centropomus parallelus (Perciformes: Centropomidae). In 2017, a specimen was caught in artisanal fishing into an estuary of the Una do Prelado River, in the Sustainable Development Reserve of Barra do Una, Peruíbe, São Paulo -...
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Quando se fala em ictiologia no Brasil, a primeira coisa que nos vem mente a bacia do rio Amazonas que, sem d vida, cont m a ictiofauna mais diversificada do mundo. Essa simples lembran a geralmente leva a maioria dos jovens icti logos brasileiros a estudar peixes de gua doce, enquanto a fauna de peixes marinhos recebe aten o relativamente menor. I...
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The North Coast of Brazil is a biogeographical area of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Brazil that share environmental features with region under influence of the Plume of the rio Amazon and Orinoco. Despite the relevance of the region's fish fauna, in biogeo-graphic, ecologic, and commercial terms, this area is poorly known. This study presents the...
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Landing data are the most basic information used to manage fisheries, although they are often unavailable or incomplete. The objective of this work was to reconstruct the national database of marine commercial landings for the Brazilian industrial and artisanal fisheries, from 1950 to 2015. Total landings increased strongly from 1950 to mid-1980s a...
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The guitarfishes Pseudobatos horkelii and Pseudobatos percellens meet the criteria for threatened status as Critically Endangered (CR) and Endangered (EN), respectively. Both species occur in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. Considering the lack of data on the genetic structure of these species, the present study evaluated the genetic variability and p...
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The fishes of the Haemulidae family are currently allocated to 19 genera with a worldwide distribution in the tropical and subtropical waters of the world’s oceans. Brachygenys and Haemulon are important genera of reef fish in Brazil, as they occur in large shoals, which are both ecologically and commercially valuable. This study identified the Bra...
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A externalização de órgãos internos em peixes tem sido registrada ao longo do tempo na literatura científica. Grande parte dos registros está relacionada à eversão ou protrusão do estômago e/ou intestino, devido principalmente ao barotrauma. Porém uma pequena parcela dos registros é referente a diversas causas naturais. O presente estudo teve como...
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Since the Miocene profound climatic changes have influenced the biology and ecology of species worldwide, such as their connectivity, genetic population structure, and biogeography. The goal herein is to evaluate the phylogeography of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus between the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans. Our results evidenced a high gen...
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We checked the spatial pattern of debris stranding at Praia de Santos (Brazil) in the first hour after the peak of high and low tide in summer and winter. We recorded and counted 20 types of debris (natural and anthropogenic) in 6 transects arranged in 3 zones along the beach (deposition, transport, and erosion). Canonical Correspondence Analysis (...
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Studies accounting the ichthyofauna composition of the Santos-São Vincente estuary-bay and Bertioga channel complex (SSEBBC) are scarce, even with its high ecological and economical importance. In this sense, the present study performed a checklist of the ichthyofauna from the SSEBBC aiming to report the distribution, diet, habitat, economic import...
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Data on the deep sea fishes found off the northern Brazilian coast are restricted to the results of the surveys of the RV Oregon, a research vessel of the North American National Marine Fisheries Service, and the REVIZEE Program. The REVIZEE Score-Norte Program focused on commercial fish species and natural resources with potential for exploitation...
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O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a pesca e os aspectos socioeconômicos dos pescadores esportivos na Plataforma Marítima de Pesca Amadora de Mongaguá (São Paulo, Brasil), Sudoeste do Atlântico Sul. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas e exemplares capturados foram identificados, pesados e medidos. Foram entrevistados 114...
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The genus Menticirrhus is widely distributed in the Neotropical region, where its species are common and abundant in shallow coastal waters and estuaries. The diversity, biogeography, and evolutionary relationships of the Menticirrhus species are still poorly known, due primarily to the difficulty of differentiating the species, given the broad sim...
The present study aimed to evaluate the biometric and hematological indices in Mugil curema collected in two Neotropical estuaries in the south coast of Brazil, and to investigate if such variables can be influenced by seasonality and degree of anthropogenic influence. Differences between seasons and estuarine systems were observed, where the disso...
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The majority of batoids are listed as Threatened (20.4%) or Data Deficient (41%) by the IUCN Red List. A key challenge to assessing Data‐Deficient species is obtaining estimates of key life‐history characteristics. Here, a Bayesian approach was used to estimate derived life‐history characteristics from a growth model applied to the Data‐Deficient B...
This study provides the first record of external morphological deformities in Chondrichthyes of the family Narcinidae. We report here abnormalities in two individuals of Narcine brasiliensis, in which one of them had its pectoral fins not fused with the head and the other presented anophthalmia, with the left eye absent. Possible causes, including...
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The present study reports the occurrence of the Brazilian guitarfish, Pseudobatos horkelii (Müller & Henle, 1841), off the state of Sergipe (Northeastern Brazil) for the first time, based on an immature female measuring 467.14 mm of total length and 785.62 g of total weight.
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The Brazilian North coastline comprises a total area of approximately 223,000 km2, representing one of the world’s most essential fishing grounds. Availability of data on the diversity of fishes caught in the industrial fishery trawlers in the region are usually limited to the commercially important and targeted species. Knowledge gaps on the relat...
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O aumento da prática da pesca, ao longo das últimas décadas, resultou numa diminuição dos estoques pesqueiros pela sobrepesca, levando os pescadores artesanais a buscar outras fontes de renda como os serviços provenientes da pesca esportiva, muito praticada em todo o mundo. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a mudança temporal dos...
The angel sharks of the Squatina genus comprise 22 valid coastal benthic shark species, which inhabiting tropical and subtropical waters in continental shelves worlwide. Among these species, the angular angelshark, Squatina guggenheim, is an endangered endemic species from Southwest Atlantic with a limited range distribution between Espírito Santo...
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Despite its importance in biogeographical, ecological, and commercial terms, the fish fauna of the northern Brazilian coast is still poorly known, representing the least sampled portion of the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone. We collected Tonkin weakfish, Cynoscion similis specimens during extensive surveys of the northern Brazilian coast and con...
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The biogeography and conservation of elasmobranch species was increasingly addressed in the recent past, but the southwestern Atlantic Ocean fauna is still one of the least studied. Reliable delimitation of the distribution range of species is fundamental to conservation and development of fisheries management strategies. A recent molecular study o...
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As they spend most of their time buried in the substrate and are not a fishery resource, heterenchelyids are seldom seen. These eels are characterized by their greatly reduced eyes, which are covered by semi-transparent skin, the absence of a pectoral fin or lateral line, and no pores on the head or body. Pythonichthys sanguineus is a particularly...
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The sciaenid genus Bairdiella comprises a group of relatively small fishes found in inshore waters and estuaries of the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific. Despite recent analyses of the phylogenetic relationships of Bairdiella, there has been no comprehensive revision of the alpha taxonomy of the species of the genus. Bairdiella ronchus from the...
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Today, elasmobranchs are one the most threatened vertebrate groups worldwide. In fact, at least 90% of elasmobranch species are listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, while more than 40% are data-deficient. Although these vertebrates are mainly affected by unsustainable fishery activities, bycatch is also one...
The biogeography and conservation of elasmobranch species was increasingly addressed in the recent past, but the southwestern Atlantic Ocean fauna is still one of the least studied. Reliable delimitation of the distribution range of species is fundamental to conservation and development of fisheries management strategies. A recent molecular study o...
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Demersal fishery resources are abundant on continental shelves, on the tropical and subtropical coasts, making up a significant part of the marine environment. Marine demersal fishery resources are captured by various fishing methods, often unsustainably, which has led to the depletion of their stocks. In order to inventory the marine demersal icht...
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The Brazilian North coast is one of the world’s most important shrimp fishery grounds, with a total area of approximately 223,000 km2. However, the available data on the diversity of fish caught by the region’s industrial trawler fleet are limited to the commercially-valuable species. This lacuna in the data on the region’s marine fish fauna is wor...
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The Brazilian North coastline comprises a total area of approximately 223,000 km2, representing one of the world's most essential fishing grounds. Availability of data on the diversity of fishes caught in the industrial fishery trawlers in the region areusually limited to the commercially important and targeted species. Knowledge gaps on the relate...
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The objective of this study was to report all fish species caught by shrimp trawlers based in Pirambu, in the state of Sergipe, Brazil and estimate the length-weight relation (LWR) for the most abundant species in the samples. Four samples were collected monthly from four shrimp trawlers. A total of 8522 fishes were caught (89 species; 38 families)...
Morphological identification in the field can be extremely difficult considering fragmentation of species for trade or high similarity between congeneric species. In this context, the shark group belonging to the genus Squatina is composed of three species distributed in the southern part of the western Atlantic. These three species are classified...
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Faunal inventories are a direct strategy for assessing biodiversity and evaluating a region's potential for scientific and commercial purposes. However, marine fish have been adequately inventoried in few regions of the world. Despite their biogeographic, ecological and commercial importance, the fish fauna of the northeastern Brazilian coast is th...
This study provides information on the reproductive biology of Narcine brasiliensis based on 105 individuals (72 females and 33 males) sampled in São Paulo State, Brazil. The total length at maturity for females was 318·9 mm and for males was 279·8 mm; pregnant females were observed only during summer and autumn. The peak of the gonado-somatic inde...