Mateusz Grygoruk

Mateusz Grygoruk
Warsaw University of Life Sciences | SGGW · Department of Hydrology Meteorology and Water Management

Associate Professor
Director of the Centre for Climate Research - Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW


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Additional affiliations
October 2013 - present
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
  • Course supervisor and tutor
  • Environmental Policy - M.Sc. level; Course
October 2012 - present
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
  • Course supervisor and tutor
  • Groundwater Flow Modelling - M.Sc. and B.Sc. level for ERASMUS students
October 2007 - present
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
  • Tutor
  • Hydrology - B.Sc. level; Course
September 2010 - April 2013
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Field of study
  • Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering
October 2007 - April 2013
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Field of study
  • Environmental Protection and Engineering
October 2002 - July 2007
University of Warsaw
Field of study
  • Geography


Publications (87)
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The purpose of the present research was to analyze the available data on river restoration projects in Europe. As the framework of our study, we conducted a structured international survey. We asked selected entities and experts from among those responsible for river restoration in European countries about the details and costs of European Union ri...
Siberian mires, especially the world’s largest coherent bogs of the Great Vasyugan Mire (Tomsk Region, West Siberian Plain, Russia), play an important role in the regional hydrological cycle, global carbon balance and influence flow formation of the region’s rivers. We revealed the role of natural mires in supplying water to a mire-dominated (80% o...
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We studied distributions and abundances of macroinvertebrates in relation to hyporheic water exchange (HWE) patterns of the upper Biebrza − a small, lowland, low dynamic European river located in Northeast Poland. On a 6-km stretch of the river; we determined the variability of water exchange in the hyporheic zone by using direct field measurements...
Agriculture continues to place unwanted pressure on peatland functionality, despite international recognition calling for their conservation and restoration. Rewetting of peatlands is often the first step of restoration that aims towards improving the delivery of ecosystem services and their benefits for human well-being. Ongoing debates on peatlan...
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While traditional forest management systems aim at maximizing timber production, sustainable forest management focuses on the multiple benefits of entire forest landscapes. The latter is now at the top of policy agendas. This calls for learning through evaluation to support the implementation of policies aiming towards multi-functional forest lands...
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The proper functioning of peatlands depends on maintaining an adequate groundwater table, which is essential for ecosystem services beyond water retention. Most degraded peatlands have been drained for agriculture or forestry primarily through ditch construction. Rewetting through ditch blocking is the most common initial step in peatland restorati...
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This publication presents data on geophysical measurements performed in the Rospuda wetlands located in North-Eastern Poland. The measurements were carried out by means of the the Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) method, which so far was to our best knowledge never used in the River Rospuda wetland valley. The ERI data were collected in single...
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Large-scale management, protection, and restoration of wetlands require knowledge of their hydrology, i.e., the status and dynamics of the groundwater table, which determine the evolution of the wetland ecosystem, its conservation value, and possible economic use. Unfortunately, in many cases, hydrological monitoring data are unavailable, resulting...
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Water balance quantifies the inflows and outflows in a river basin, crucial for assessing the water resources of a given area. Quantified water balance should therefore be the key step in environmental quality assessment. However, due to the lack of data on reasonable spatiotemporal scales and quality, water balance studies are scarce. The aim of t...
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The ice phenomena are an inherent component of rivers in temperate, continental, and polar climate zones. Evident progress in global warming leads to a decrease in snow cover on land and ice phenomena in water bodies, disrupting the stability of the hydrological cycle and aquatic ecosystems. Although common observations indicate the disappearance o...
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Peatlands play a crucial role in carbon storage, but drainage and climate change-induced hydrological changes drivers degrade peat soils, followed by negative vertical displacement of the soil surface, referred to in the literature as peat subsidence. Assessing peatland subsidence is an important indicator of peatland status that allows the develop...
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This publication contains data on geophysical measurements taken in the Szuszalewo wetlands located in northern Poland. The measurements were made using the electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) method. The ERI data was collected during two survey expeditions – March 30th, 31st (two ERI profiles), April 1st (one ERI profile), and May 12th (two pr...
Conference Paper
Abrupt global warming poses threats to hydrological cycles and peatland ecosystem development. Northern peatlands, such as palsa mires, experience prompt degradation due to disappearing ice cores caused by increasing air temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns that induce the development of thicker snow covers insulating existing ice cor...
Conference Paper
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Peatlands are vital ecosystems that provide essential ecological services, especially in carbon storage. Nevertheless, the decomposition of surface peat and subsequent carbon emission threaten to accelerate the pace of climate change. This study presents a framework designed to facilitate the estimation of peat subsidence and relevant CO 2 emission...
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Hyporheic water exchange driven by groundwater-surface water interactions constitutes habitat conditions for aquatic biota. In our study, we conducted a field-research-based analysis of hyporheic water exchange to reveal whether the hyporheic water exchange differentiates particular Ranunculus sp. habitats. We measured the density of the stream of...
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Nitrogen load is crucial for its application in various fields such as agriculture and improving water quality control for authorities responsible for establishing agricultural policies in the area. The calculation of nitrogen load using existing equations is not applicable for all types of rivers, thus requiring the development of a new equation t...
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This study presents an analysis of peatland surface height changes in the Biebrza Valley, Poland, using the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) on-demand cloud computing via Small Baseline Set (SBAS) technique and seasonal-annual search approach. The dataset covers the period from April 2015 to April 2022...
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The change in the flow of plain rivers in Kazakhstan in recent decades is done due to the influence of both climatic factors and anthropogenic impacts. Revealing their role is extremely important for understanding the genesis of hydrological changes that have already occurred and possible in the future, as well as for taking measures to reduce thei...
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The study attempted to assess the influence of the filtration stream and hydraulic gradient in the hyporheic zone on the distribution of water crowfoot (Ranunculus sect. Batrachium) in common temperate lowland river type in two European ecoregions: (14) Central Plains and (16) Eastern Plains. A novel filtrometer and a gradient meter were employed f...
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Hyporheic water exchange driven by groundwater-surface water interactions constitutes habitat conditions for aquatic biota. In our study we conducted field-research-based analysis of hyporheic water exchange to reveal whether the hyporheic water exchange differentiates particular Ranunculus sp. habitats. We measured the density of stream filtration...
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The characteristics of peat's are crucial for understanding natural processes and their suitable shaping through the management of water relations. This study focused on the results of one of the first hydraulic conductivity (k) laboratory tests of exemplary peat samples from the Biebrza Valley (a peatland of very high environmental importance) in...
W opracowaniu podjęto próbę diagnozy aktualnego stanu Zbiornika Siemianówka, oceny jego oddziaływania na reżim odpływu Narwi oraz ilościowej oceny oddziaływania zbiornika na stan uwilgotnienia siedlisk dubelta. Wykazano, że gospodarka wodna prowadzona na Zbiorniku Siemianówka powoduje ograniczenie czasów trwania wiosennych wezbrań zalewowych oraz w...
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Integrated water resource management requires consideration of the needs of multiple users. Among these, conservation needs usually remain considered in last place, if at all. Thus, under conditions of strong transformation of river flow regimes by human activities, there is a risk of significant deterioration of natural conditions if their water n...
Technical Report
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Robust demonstration case-studies are needed to evaluate whether improvements in ecosystem condition are translated into improvements in ecosystem services. This research is essential for effectively scaling-up nature-based solutions across Europe and providing the evidence to support transformation agendas in society and industries, and ultimately...
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A massive shift in agricultural practices over the past decades, to support exceptionally high yields and productivities involving intensive agriculture, have led to unsustainable agriculture practices across the globe. Sustenance of such high yields and productivities demand high use of organic and industrial fertilizers. This acts as a negative p...
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Study region. The area of interest is the Upper Biebrza Valley, located in NE Poland. Study focus. We examined water exchange at the river-fen interface in a near-natural wetland system using the combined field research-modeling approach. The authors chose the Biebrza River as the research object: it is a specific case of fen marginal valley rivers...
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Environmental flows have primarily a practical purpose, being an important part of water management. Despite the widespread use of environmental flows, current studies rarely describe practical insights of the methods or consider environmental flows based on ecological traits, especially regarding macroinvertebrates. In addition to hydraulic parame...
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One of the most commonly used methods of environmental flows assessment is the approach based on Habitat Suitability Modeling (HSM) and habitat preferences curves (HPCs). Relationships between organisms and physical parameters describing the habitat remain strongly nonlinear and vary depending on several factors. The most common comparisons concern...
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Study region Northeast Poland, Biebrza Basin. Study focus Studying reference ecosystems and their specific features provides information to be used as background principles for ecosystem management. In the case of riparian wetlands, these are hydrological indicators (such as average water levels, flooding extents and flood duration) that are eithe...
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Peatlands are the "kidneys" of river basins. However, intensification of agriculture and forestry in Europe has resulted in the degradation of peatlands and their biodiversity (i.e., species, habitats and processes in ecosystems), thus impairing water retention, nutrient filtration, and carbon capture. Restoration of peatlands requires assessment o...
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The advances and retreats of ice sheets during Pleistocene significantly changed high- and mid-latitude landscapes and hydrological systems, albeit differently, in North America and Europe. On the southern margin of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the Baltic Sea basin, a specific type of valley has developed between glacial margins and upland or...
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Mesotrophic rich fens, that is, groundwater-fed mires, may be long-lasting, as well as transient ecosystems, displaced in time by poor fens, bogs, forests or eutrophic reeds. We hypothesized that fen stability is controlled by plant stress caused by waterlogging with calcium-rich and nutrient-poor groundwater, which limits expansion of hummock moss...
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Despite many years of experience in the river restoration field, which has become one of the most promising areas of water resources management, significant challenges and problems remain. These include the scope and scale of restoration measures, developing the reference model, assessment of restoration success, and the engagement of local stakeho...
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Kompendium wiedzy na temat renaturyzacji wód powierzchniowych (rzeki, jeziora, wody przejściowe i przybrzeżne, w tym brzeg morski), w adaptacji do warunków Polski. Teoretyczne aspekty renaturyzacji – definicje i problemy praktyczne. Potrzeby renaturyzacji. Ogólne zasady dobrej renaturyzacji. Doświadczenia renaturyzacji wód w Polsce. Cele renaturyza...
Wetland buffer zones (WBZs) are riparian areas that form a transition between terrestrial and aquatic environments and are well-known to remove agricultural water pollutants such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). This review attempts to merge and compare data on the nutrient load, nutrient loss and nutrient removal and/or retention from multiple...
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Large-scale re-establishment of wetland buffer zones (WBZ) along rivers is regarded as an effective measure in order to reduce non-point source nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pollution in agricultural catchments. We estimated efficiency and costs of a hypothetical establishment of WBZs along all watercourses in an agricultural landscape of the low...
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Abstract Peatlands are poorly represented in global Earth system modeling frameworks. Here we add a peatland‐specific land surface hydrology module (PEAT‐CLSM) to the Catchment Land Surface Model (CLSM) of the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) framework. The amended TOPMODEL approach of the original CLSM that uses topography characteristic...
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Low-frequency mowing has been proposed to be an effective strategy for the restoration and management of boreal fens after abandonment of traditional haymaking. This study investigates how mowing affects long-term vegetation change in both oceanic and continental boreal rich-fen vegetation. This will allow evaluation of the effectiveness of mowing...
Environmental variables at the continental and oceanic sites. The “Difference” column shows difference in mean value between the continental and oceanic sites for that variable. P values that show significant differences between sites (P<0.05) are shown in bold. (PDF)
Characteristics of the study sites [20, 25]. Tågdalen climate data 1973–2008, Sølendet climate data 1974–2008. (PDF)
Percentage cover of fen specialist species and succession indicating species at both sites from both surveys. Initial survey (1960s-1980s; ci = continental initial, oi = oceanic initial); unmown plots (2012–2015; cu = continental unmown, om = oceanic unmown); mown plots (2012–2015; cm = continental mown, om = oceanic mown). Br = bryophyte, Fo = for...
Technical Report
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Expertise on good practices of river maintenance works and hydrotechnic projects. Environmental impact was presented. Mitigation measures in a planning and implementation phase were proposed. Ekspertyza w zakresie minimalizacji oddziaływania na środowisko typowych prac utrzymaniowych oraz inwestycji hydrotechnicznych na rzekach. Zawiera m. in. omó...
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Peatlands store substantial amounts of carbon and are vulnerable to climate change. We present a modified version of the Organising Carbon and Hydrology In Dynamic Ecosystems (ORCHIDEE) land surface model for simulating the hydrology, surface energy, and CO2 fluxes of peatlands on daily to annual timescales. The model includes a separate soil tile...
Intensification of agriculture and ongoing urban sprawl exacerbate pressures on rivers. Small rivers in agricultural landscapes are especially exposed to excessive technical actions implemented in order to allow for harvesting river water for irrigation, draining agricultural water and receiving sewage. Regular dredging and macrophyte removal stron...
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The purpose of the present research was to analyze the available data on river restoration projects. As the framework of our study, we conducted a structured international survey. We asked selected entities and experts from among those responsible for river restoration in European countries about the details and costs of European Union river restor...
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Most European riverine ecosystems suffer from the negative influence of impoundments on flow regime. Downstream effects of dams lead to a number of environmental and socioeconomic risks and, therefore, should be thoroughly examined in specific contexts. Our study aims to quantify the downstream effects of the Siemianówka Reservoir (Upper Narew, Pol...
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Modelling groundwater depths in floodplains and peatlands remains a basic approach to assessing hydrological conditions of habitats. Groundwater flow models used to compute groundwater heads are known for their uncertainties, and the calibration of these models and the uncertainty assessments of parameters remain fundamental steps in providing reli...
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Peatlands store substantial amount of carbon, are vulnerable to climate change. To predict the fate of carbon stored in peatlands, the complex interactions between water, peat and vegetations need more attention. This study describes a modified version of the ORCHIDEE land surface model for simulating the hydrology, surface energy and CO2 fluxes of...
Observational data on greenhouse gases exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere are crucial in understanding the global climate mechanisms. Among different methods of estimation of this exchange, the eddy-covariance (EC) technique provides a direct measure of the net flux density across the atmosphere-ecosystem interface. Still, such data are...
Conference Paper
In our survey we point out the most relevant features of water level monitoring methods applicable in Flood Warning Systems with respect to the framework of C2-SENSE project. We discuss the most common approaches to water level measurements regarding their spatial and temporal distribution and continuity of data recording and transfer. In detail we...
Effective stakeholder involvement is crucial for the management of protected areas, especially when new challenges like adaptation to climate change need to be addressed. Under these circumstances, science-based stakeholder involvement is required. However, there is often a gap between the information produced by science and the need for informatio...
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In our study, we analyzed the combined standard uncertainty of water table slope assessment done using differential global positioning system (DGPS)-based measurements of water table elevation and distances between measurement locations. We compared and discussed uncertainties in water table slope assessments done in various hypothetical environmen...
Airborne laser scanning survey data were conducted with a scanning density of 4 points∕m2 to accurately map the surface of a unique central European complex of wetlands: the lower Biebrza River valley (Poland). A method to correct a degrading effect of vegetation (so-called “vegetation effect”) on digital terrain models (DTMs) was applied utilizing...
Conference Paper
Structure of the floodplain, especially its topography and vegetation, influences the overland flow and dynamics of floods which are key factors shaping ecosystems in surface water-fed wetlands. Therefore elaboration of the digital terrain model (DTM) of a high spatial accuracy is crucial in hydrodynamic flow modelling in river valleys. In this stu...
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Ecosystem deterioration in small lowland agricultural rivers that results from river dredging entails a significant threat to the appropriate ecohydrological conditions of these water bodies, expressed as homogenization of habitats and loss of biodiversity. Our study was aimed at a comparison of abundance and taxonomic structure of bottom-dwelling...
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In this chapter the general context of protection and management of wetlands in legal frameworks of water management is discussed. We present the background of the book, referring to its main conclusions and achievements. The main finding is that the existing regulations of the European environmental policy are sufficiently accurate and provide ade...
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In this chapter the authors deal with the implementation of Water Framework Directive in the catchment of the Biebrza River (north-east Poland) that covers 7,120 km2. Special attention was paid to the context of conservation of riverine and wetland ecosystems facing pressures driven by the climatic change. Measures foreseen by the National Water-En...