Masoud IrannezhadAustralian College of Kuwait · Department of Civil Engineering
Masoud Irannezhad
Ph.D. (Tech.), Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
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Publications (64)
This study investigated the variability and trends in 115 years (1909–2023) of daily precipitation observed at three hydrometeorological stations in southern (Kaisaniemi), central (Kajaani), and northern (Sodankylä) Finland. We also identified the most significant climate teleconnections influencing daily precipitation variability at these three st...
Snow cover days (SCDs), the number of days with snow water equivalent (SWE) greater than a given threshold, play a vital role in the climate system, hydrological cycle, and sustainable development in cold regions. This study used long-term (1951–2022) simulated daily SWE time series based on a temperature-index snowmelt model at Kaisaniemi, Kajaani...
This study aimed to investigate long-term (1969–2023) variability and trends in annual mean daily discharge (AMDD) and seasonal mean daily discharge (SMDD) in 10 rivers throughout Northern Finland in connection to climate teleconnections. The lowest AMDDs were mostly recorded during the first 12 years (1969–1980) of our study period, while the high...
This study aimed to look for efficient development strategies towards achieving sustainable precipitation management in the Madurai Town Planning Area (MTPA) in India. In the MTPA, precipitation is the predominant source of freshwater for agricultural and domestic uses in addition to water received through conventional systems. The average annual p...
In Iran, the mountain snow cover generally feeds major rivers and thereby largely provides water resources required for improving human lives and protecting nature. Hence, understanding historical variability and trends in mountainous snowpack water resources in Iran in response to global warming and climate change can play a critical role in the s...
This study evaluated the effects of water stress on rice yield over Punjab and Haryana across North India by integrating Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) and Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) models. Indian Remote Sensing Satellite datasets were used to define land use/land cover in WRF. The accuracy of simulated rainfal...
In a warming world, more intense and frequent compound climate extreme events pose serious challenges to biodiversity and conservation on Earth as one of the 2030 United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs): “Life On Land” (SDG 15). In summer 2020, concurrent swelling wildfires and a sudden cold snap in the western U.S. killed a massive nu...
Both northern (Arctic) and southern (Antarctic) polar regions on earth have similar terrestrial and marine landscapes (e.g., ice, snow, darkness through half of the year, and organisms adapted to such very extreme climate conditions), but are fundamentally different in their geography, ice formation history, and conquest by humankind. With a very l...
This commentary sheds light on the integration of cascading environmental, economic, and social risks into conscious sustainable development strategies. For this, we investigated the Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA), which was established in 1991 to simultaneously fight against the production, processing, and trafficking of illegal drugs while al...
In northern regions, like Finland, peak river discharge is principally controlled by maximum snowmelt runoff during spring (March–May). Global warming and climate change extensively influence both the quantity and temporal characteristics of peak discharge in northern rivers by altering snowpack accumulation and melt processes. This study analyzed...
This chapter assesses observed and projected climate-induced changes in the water cycle, their current impacts and future risks on human and natural systems and the benefits and effectiveness of water-related adaptation efforts now and in the future.
Regional climate variability is generally controlled by atmospheric water vapor (WV), which sources and transport pathways are primarily driven by different large-scale teleconnection processes, particularly the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Hence, this study investigated spatial, temporal, and vertical variations in atmospheric WV during co...
Freshwater plays a vital role in global sustainability by improving human lives and protecting nature. In the Lancang-Mekong River Basin (LMRB), sustainable development is principally dependent upon precipitation that predominantly controls freshwater resources availability required for both life and livelihood of ∼70 million people. Hence, this st...
The COVID-19 pandemic has already triggered global health, economic, and social crises, clouding the sky of achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 to improve human lives while protecting nature. Water, vital for all forms of life, is essential to public health and human wellbeing as well as...
The Lancang‐Mekong River Basin (LMRB) is home to ~70 million people whose life and livelihood are mostly dependent upon precipitation as the primary freshwater source. Hence, identifying potential oceanic–atmospheric drivers of regional precipitation variability is becoming increasingly important for the sustainable development of the LMRB. This st...
The Lancang–Mekong River (LMR) is an important transboundary river that originates from the Tibetan plateau, China and flows through six nations in Southeast Asia. Knowledge about the past and future changes in climate and water for this basin is critical in order to support regional sustainable development. This paper presents a comprehensive revi...
Although drought is a normal feature of climate, there is confusion about its characteristics in both arid and semi-arid regions. This study investigated the effects of changes in precipitation and temperature on spatio-temporal drought and humidity variations throughout the diverse (principally arid-and semi-arid) climates of Iran during recent de...
The Lancang‐Mekong River Basin (LMRB) in Mainland Southeast Asia is home to ~70 million people, mostly living in poverty and typically working in primary freshwater‐related sectors, particularly agriculture and fishery. Understanding the mechanisms of the historical variability in precipitation (as the crucial water source) plays a key role in regi...
This study analyses the first and last days of snowmelt events and the number of days (duration) between those throughout a water year (September-August). The snowmelt duration (SD) as well as its first (SFD) and last (SLD) days were estimated using daily precipitation and temperature measurements at the Kaisaniemi meteorological station in souther...
The front cover image is based on the Overview Nature‐based solutions for urban pluvial flood risk management, Zhan Tian et al., https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1421
The front cover image is based on the Advanced Review Nature‐based solutions for urban pluvial flood risk management by Zhan Tian et al., https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1421
Urban pluvial flooding now occurs more frequently than it has in past decades, mainly due to an increasing number of extreme precipitation events occurring in the context of a changing climate. To limit the evolving risks of urban pluvial flooding in a more environmentally friendly manner, the research community has recently paid increasing attenti...
Fifteen temperature indices recommended by the ETCCDI (Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices) were applied to evaluate spatiotemporal variability and trends in annual intensity, frequency, and duration of extreme temperature statistics in Finland during 1961–2011. Statistically significant relationships between these high-resolution (...
Texts: The reindeer management area in Finland; Data collection and uncertainty analysis; Collecting raw data for the study; Reconstructing final data for the study; Uncertainties related to the data and analyses. Tables: Occurrences of basal ice reported by herding districts in Finland during winters 1948/1949 – 2015/2016; Occurrences of mold repo...
Basal ice formation in the terrestrial snow cover is a common phenomenon in northern circumpolar areas, one having significant impacts on ecosystems, vegetation, animals and human activities. There is limited knowledge on the spatial and temporal occurrence of basal ice formation because of the sparse observation network and challenges involved in...
There is an urgent need to understand and predict how extreme precipitation events (EPEs) will change at high latitudes, both for local climate change adaptation plans and risk mitigation and as a potential proxy “anticipating” the impact of climate change elsewhere in the world. This paper illustrates that a combination of non‐stationary modelling...
This study evaluated the effects of changes in climate and land cover-land use (LCLU) on flood intensity and frequency in the Gorganrood Watershed (GW) located in the northeast of Iran during recent decades. For this purpose, hydroclimatic (precipitation, temperature, and river discharge) time series recorded at nine stations placed in the GW durin...
Fifteen temperature indices recommended by the ETCCDI (Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices) were applied to evaluate spatiotemporal variability and trends in annual intensity, frequency, and duration of extreme temperature statistics in Finland during 1961–2011. Statistically significant relationships between these high-resolution (...
In cold climate regions, ice roads are engineered as temporary winter transportation routes on frozen lakes, rivers and seas. The ice road season start, end and duration principally depend upon ice thickness, which is controlled by surface air temperature (SAT) in terms of freezing and thawing degree-days (FDD and TDD, respectively). Both FDD and T...
This study analyses spatio-temporal trends in precipitation, temperature, and river discharge in the northeast of Iran during recent decades (1953–2013). The Pettitt, SNHT, Buishand, Box-Pierce, Ljung-Box, and McLeod-Li methods were applied to examine homogeneity in time series studied. The nonparametric Mann-Kendall and Sen’s slope estimator tests...
This study evaluated variabilities and trends in annual snowfall to total precipitation (S/P) ratio at Sodankylä, Kajaani and Kaisaniemi weather stations in northern, central and southern Finland during 1909–2008. Annual S/P ratio was estimated using daily precipitation and temperature records as input to a calibrated and validated temperature-inde...
Ten precipitation indices recommended by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices were used to analyse spatial distribution and temporal changes in annual amount, intensity, frequency and duration of precipitation statistics based on daily data with a focus on extremes in Finland during 1961–2011. Also, the connections between these...
Understanding the atmospheric circulation patterns (ACPs) influencing drought development is important in management of this spatially extensive and recurrently prolonged natural hazard. Using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), this study evaluates the spatio-temporal variability in climatological drought dynamics (in t...
In cold climate regions, ice roads are engineered as temporary winter transportation routes on the frozen seas, lakes and rivers. The ice road season parameters (start, end and length) are principally dependent on the thickness of ice, which is naturally controlled by temperature in terms of freezing (FDDs) and thawing (TDDs) degree-days. It has be...
This study evaluates interannual variations and trends in growing season daily temperature sum and daily
precipitation sum in Finland during 1961–2011, and their connections to well-known atmospheric circulation patterns. Changes in summer (June–August) climate partially explain changes in growing season daily temperature sum and daily precipitatio...
Long-term variations and trends in a wide range of statistics for daily precipitation characteristics in terms of intensity, frequency and duration in Finland were analysed using precipitation records during 1908-2008 from 3 meteorological stations in the south (Kaisaniemi), center (Kajaani) and north (Sodankylä). Although precipitation days in nor...
Recovery of hydrological conditions after restoration in previously drained peatlands is typically faster process compared to changes in runoff water quality. Often nutrient load from restored sites increase remarkably during restoration operation and reduce over time when conditions stabilize. However, in some sites nutrient load can remain high f...
A before-after-control approach was used to analyze the impact of peatland restoration on hydrology, based on high temporal resolution water-table (WT) data from 43 boreal peatlands representative of a south-boreal to north-boreal climate gradient. During the study, 24 forestry drained sites were restored and 19 pristine peatlands used as control s...
In northern regions such as Finland, snowpack represents a major water resource for aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems and different human uses, and snowmelt usually controls peak annual river
discharge. To understand potential impacts of climate change, this thesis explored the effects of
changes in surface air temperature (SAT) and precipitation...
Atmospheric circulation generally influences regional climate variability and thereby control catchment hydrology and consequently transport of elements in natural riverine systems. This study examined dependencies between TOC variability in the River Oulujoki (Finland) during 1963-2011 and prominent atmospheric circulation patterns (ACPs), which m...
Peatland restorations have been actively done in Finland since the 1970s. The restoration has covered about 1300 hectares of land annually in order to meet the global target of halting the loss of biodiversity and secure ecosystem services. This is for the fact that restoration of drained peatlands is believed to restore back the lost biodiversity...
There is increasing interest to restore degraded peatland, but long term effects of restoration are poorly known. Totally 46 boreal peatland were included in a study set, including 20 fens, 13 pine mires and 13 spruce mires, with peatland types ranging from nearly ombrotrophic Sphagnum bogs to rich fens. Study sites covered spatially almost whole F...
Numerous studies have reported significant declines in snow resources in Finland and elsewhere during the 20th century. To identify the main climate factors controlling these declines in Finland, this study evaluated long-term variations and trends in wintertime climate, snowpack hydrological processes (SHPs) and continuous snow cover duration (CSC...
Using daily mean temperature datasets applied at regular grid points (10 × 10km2) throughout Finland for the period 1961-2011, interannual variations and trends in thermal growing season (GS) parameters, in terms of start (GSS), end (GSE) and length (GSL) and their relationships with various atmospheric teleconnection patterns (ATPs) were analysed....
Climate change would cause mean sea level to rise +1 m by 2100. To prevent coastal floods resulting from the sea level rising, different flood control structures have been built, with acceptable protection levels. Gothenburg with the River Göta älv located on the southwest coast of Sweden is a vulnerable city to the accelerated rises in mean sea le...
Climate warming would increase rainfall by shifting precipitation falling form from snow to rain, and would accelerate snow cover disappearing by increasing snowpack. Using temperature and precipitation data in the temperature-index snowmelt model, we evaluated variability of snowfall and continuous snow cover duration (CSCD) during 1944-2010 over...
ETABS software, this study analyzed 23 buildings to evaluate effects of mistakes during construction phase on buildings structural behavior. For modelling, two different loadings were assumed: 1) design loading and 2) loading due to the effects of mistakes in construction phase. Research results determined that considering traditional construction...
Annual and seasonal variations in surface air temperature (SAT) during the period 1961–2011 were analysed using daily mean temperature data sets from regular grid points (10 × 10 km2) throughout Finland. The Mann–Kendall nonparametric test was used to detect significant historical trends in SAT and Spearman's correlation coefficient (ρ) to test the...
Interannual variability in meteorological dryness and wetness in central Finland during the period 1959-2009 was analysed using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) on three timescales (annual, seasonal and monthly). For different time steps (12, 3 and 1 months) of SPI values (SPI12, SPI3 and SPI1), trends based on the Mann-Kendall non-parametric...
Spring flood discharges resulting mainly from snowmelt runoff are currently considered as the largest flood in northern regions, including Finland. Climate change extensively influences both quantity and temporal characteristics of Nordic river discharges by impacting the snow accumulation and melt processes. Previous studies have reported decreasi...
Climate change due to increasing of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere will cause mean sea level to rise about +1 m by 2100. To prevent coastal floods resulted from the sea level rising, different flood control structures have been built and showed acceptable protection levels at least so far; e.g. Thames Barrier in London, UK. Gothenburg c...
Annual, seasonal and monthly variations in precipitation during the period 1911–2011 were evaluated using spatially interpolated monthly precipitation records at 165 stations with more than 30 years of data (of which 32 stations had 101 years of data referring to full length of study period). Historical trends and cyclic patterns of precipitation a...
Using daily precipitation dataset (>100 years) from 3 meteorological stations in southern, central and northern areas, we evaluated long-term variations in characteristics of extreme precipitation (intensity, frequency and duration) in Finland. For intensity, two indices of AP95p as Annual Precipitation computing from days with precipitation >95th...
Distribution of ground temperature at different depths plays a key role in physical, biological
and microbiological processes through the soil. It can also be used as energy source/heat sink
for house heating/cooling objectives and road de-icing, design parameter for foundation constructing
based on maximum depth of soil frost, and an indicator of...
Many studies have reported increases in temperature and precipitation for high latitude areas in the Northern Hemisphere during the 20th century. This warming reduces precipitation falling form as snow, and accelerates snow cover disappearing by increasing meltout and evaporation from snowpack. However, increases in precipitation may provide suffic...
Annual, seasonal, and monthly variations in precipitation over Finland
during the period 1911-2011 were evaluated using spatially interpolated
monthly precipitation records at 237 stations with more than 10 years
data (of which 166 stations with over 30 year data). The non-parametric
Mann-Kendall test and Fourier series method were used to determin...
Many studies have reported substantial decreasing trends in snowpack accumulation over much of Finland during the last century. These trends are particularly vulnerable to wintertime climate variability and change. Winter climate warming decreases the snowpack water content by shifting precipitation falling form from snow to rain, while changes in...
This paper evaluates changes in snow water equivalent and snowpack peak outflow caused by climate variability and change in Kajaani for the period 1903-2008. Observed daily precipitation, temperature and the snow water equivalent data from 1946 to 2008 were used to calibrate and validate the empirical snowmelt temperature-index model. Climate varia...
Variations in temperature of winter period directly affect water content of snowpack due to shifting of precipitation falling form from snow to rain or vice versa. Using temperature and precipitation data with combination of the temperature-index model of snowmelt, we evaluated changes in snowpack water availability in southern Finland. The model w...