Martin Steppan

Martin Steppan
Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel | UPK · Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr. rer. nat.


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Complex methods in psychiatry / psychology. Please only use to correspond.
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September 2014 - January 2015
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
  • Researcher
  • Development of epidemiological methods in the field of substance use.
October 2009 - March 2013
University of Innsbruck
  • Lecturer
  • Lecturer on computer-based data analysis.
August 2014 - December 2020
University of St Andrews
  • Researcher


Publications (46)
With growing interest in within-person variations in personality, reliable instruments for assessing personality states are essential. A literature review revealed most studies use ad-hoc measures with little focus on content validity. This research presents the development and validation of the German Five-Factor Model Personality States Inventory...
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Intelligence plays a crucial role in various aspects of human life, impacting health, academic achievement, and socio-economic success. However, cultural and linguistic disparities in intelligence testing pose challenges, particularly for individuals from migrant backgrounds. This study replicates and extends the landmark study by Wicherts and Dola...
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b> Background: New advances in the field of machine learning make it possible to track facial emotional expression with high resolution, including micro-expressions. These advances have promising applications for psychotherapy research, since manual coding (e.g., the Facial Action Coding System), is time-consuming. Purpose: We tested whether this t...
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Alliance ruptures of the withdrawal type are prevalent in adolescents with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Longer speech pauses are negatively perceived by these patients. Safran and Muran’s rupture model is promising but its application is very work intensive. This workload makes research costly and limits clinical usage. We hypothesised th...
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Background Outcome expectancy has been found to be a significant predictor of psychotherapy outcome. However, given that severity, chronicity and comorbidity are moderators of outcome expectancy, it is important to provide evidence of whether the same holds true in clinical conditions marked by these attributes, such as in borderline personality di...
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The LoPF-Q 12–18 (Levels of Personality Functioning Questionnaire) was designed for clinical use and to promote early detection of personality disorder (PD). It is a self-report measure with 97 items to assess personality functioning in adolescents from 12 years up. It operationalizes the dimensional concept of personality disorder (PD) severity us...
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Background: Child welfare and juvenile justice placed youths show high levels of psychosocial burden and high rates of mental disorders. It remains unclear how mental disorders develop into adulthood in these populations. The aim was to present the rates of mental disorders in adolescence and adulthood in child welfare and juvenile justice samples...
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The LoPF-Q 12-18 (Levels of Personality Functioning Questionnaire) was designed for clinical use and to promote early detection of personality disorder (PD). It is a self-report measure with 97 items to assess personality functioning in adolescents from 12 years up. It operationalizes the dimensional concept of personality disorder (PD) severity us...
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Background With the implementation of the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) in early 2022, there will be a radical change in the framework and process for diagnosing personality disorders (PDs), indicating a transition from the categorical to the dimensional model. Despite increasing evidence that PDs are not as...
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Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Fremdplatzierte Kinder und Jugendliche sind psychisch hoch belastet, jedoch ist der Verlauf von psychischen Problemen bis in deren Erwachsenenalter weitgehend unbekannt. Fragestellung: Die Prävalenz und der Verlauf von psychischen Problemen bei fremdplatzierten Kindern und Jugendlichen bis ins Erwachsenen...
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Introduction Patient suicidality is a frequently experienced topic for psychotherapists. Especially adolescents with borderline personality pathology (BPP) often exhibit suicidal tendencies. Previous research which examined therapists’ countertransference towards suicidal patients suggested that therapists are negatively affected and distressed by...
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Movement synchrony describes the coordination of body movements. In psychotherapy, higher movement synchrony between therapist and patient has been associated with higher levels of empathy, therapeutic alliance, better therapy outcome, and fewer drop-outs. The current study investigated movement synchrony during the psychotherapeutic treatment of f...
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Background Despite the increasing interest in cardiac autonomic nervous activity, the normal development is not fully understood. The main aim was to determine the maturation of different cardiac sympathetic‐(SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activity parameters in healthy patients aged 0.5 to 20 years. A second aim was to determine pot...
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Purpose of Review This review provides an overview of the state of research on alliance ruptures and resolutions in the treatment of personality disorders (PDs). We discuss frequently used instruments to measure alliance ruptures and resolutions. We discuss the effectiveness of rupture resolution processes and highlight possible avenues for researc...
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Reduced responsiveness to emotions is hypothesized to contribute to the development of conduct disorder (CD) in children and adolescents. Accordingly, blunted psychophysiological responses to emotions have been observed in boys with CD, but this has never been tested in girls. Therefore, this study compared psychophysiological responses to sadness...
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Speaker diarization is the practice of determining who speaks when in audio recordings. Psychotherapy research often relies on labor intensive manual diarization. Unsupervised methods are available but yield higher error rates. We present a method for supervised speaker diarization based on random forests. It can be considered a compromise between...
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Less is known about the relationship between conduct disorder (CD), callous–unemotional (CU) traits, and positive and negative parenting in youth compared to early childhood. We combined traditional univariate analyses with a novel machine learning classifier (Angle-based Generalized Matrix Learning Vector Quantization) to classify youth ( N = 756;...
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Earlier research has shown observational associations of earlypubertal timing and poor mental health. Mendelian randomization (MR)studies demonstrated a transient effect of pubertal timing on mentalhealth during adolescence, but not later in life. MR studies also showedthat there is a likely causal association of pubertal timing with life historytr...
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Background: Historic shifts in personality cannot easily be quantified, particularly before the existence of standardized personality tests. However, the historical corpus of a language can give insights into how writers of an era described their fellow men. The archive of Google books can be used to quantify the relative frequency of personality d...
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Background: Manual coding of facial emotion expression, e.g. using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), can be very time consuming. For psychotherapy research the change in emotion expression and microexpressions over time is relevant. Hence, automatic emotion recognition may be a promising tool. Method: We apply a Convolutionary Neural Network...
The present study investigates the mediating effect of attachment trauma on the relationship between childhood maltreatment and personality functioning in 199 adolescents (12-18 years) using a novel approach of an in-depth analysis of attachment-related traumatic contents during an attachment interview (AAP). Our findings demonstrate that adolescen...
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Background: Early menarche has been associated with father absence, stepfather presence and adverse health consequences in later life. This article assesses the association of different family compositions with the age at menarche. Pathways are explored which may explain any association between family characteristics and pubertal timing. Methods:...
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p>Objective: studies using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate white matter (WM) microstructure in youths with conduct disorder (CD) have reported disparate findings. We investigated WM alterations in a large sample of youths with CD, and examined the influence of sex and callous-unemotional (CU) traits. Method: DTI data were acquired f...
Purpose: Autonomic nervous system (ANS) functioning has been widely studied in relation to antisocial behavior, such as Conduct Disorder (CD). However, research in females is scarce and findings are inconsistent. This study investigated baseline ANS activity in CD children and adolescents and tested for sex differences. Furthermore, subgroups of CD...
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Purpose: Autonomic nervous system (ANS) functioning has long been studied in relation to antisocial behaviour, but relevant measures (heart rate, heart rate variability, pre-ejection period, respiration rate) have rarely been considered together. This study investigated the relationship between these measures and antisocial behaviour. Methods: Usin...
Distribution of the delinquency and aggression subscale from the CBCL (left: raw scores; right T-scores).
Distribution of callous-unemotional traits, for girls and boys respectively.
Characteristics and usefulness of the newly built composite score reflecting CU traits.
Site-specific acquisition parameters and numbers of subjects tested.
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Callous-unemotional traits are characterized by a lack of empathy, a disregard for others' feelings and shallow or deficient affect, such as a lack of remorse or guilt. Neuroanatomical correlates of callous-unemotional traits have been demonstrated in clinical samples (i.e., adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders). However, it is unknown wh...
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Exposure to community violence through witnessing or being directly victimized has been associated with conduct problems in a range of studies. However, the relationship between community violence exposure (CVE) and conduct problems has never been studied separately in healthy individuals and individuals with conduct disorder (CD). Therefore, it is...
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Fragestellung: Bildung stellt einen wesentlichen Faktor für das Gesundheitsverhalten dar. Während hohe Bildung als protektiver Faktor für die Gesundheit gesehen wird, scheint niedrige Bildung mit gesundheitsriskanterem Verhalten verbunden zu sein. Substanzkonsum gilt als eine dieser gesundheitsschädlichen Verhaltensweisen. Klienten aus ambulanten u...
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Aim: The effect of sample selection on the dimensionality of DSM-IV alcohol and dependence (AUD) criteria was tested applying different methods. Sample: Data from the 2006 German Epidemiological Survey of Substance Abuse (ESA) were used. A mixed-mode design was used (self-administered questionnaires and telephone interviews), and 7,912 individuals,...
Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen überblick über Betreuungen und Behandlungen, die in ambulanten und stationären Einrichtungen der Suchtkrankenhilfe im Jahr 2011 durchgeführt und im Rahmen der Deutschen Suchthilfestatistik (DSHS) dokumentiert wurden. Dargestellt werden die Verteilungen der substanzbezogenen Diagnosen und die Merkmale der jeweilige...
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Peer review is a widely accepted instrument for raising the quality of science. Peer review limits the enormous unstructured influx of information and the sheer amount of dubious data, which in its absence would plunge science into chaos. In particular, peer review offers the benefit of eliminating papers that suffer from poor craftsmanship or meth...
Background: Prevalence estimation of cannabis use is usually based on self-report data. Although there is evidence on the reliability of this data source, its cross-cultural validity is still a major concern. External objective criteria are needed for this purpose. In this study, cannabis-related search engine query data are used as an external cr...
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Ziel: Die Gruppe der Klienten mit der Hauptdiagnose (HD) Cannabis wird über ein Jahrzehnt (2000-2009) beschrieben und mit den Klienten mit anderen HD verglichen. Dabei soll untersucht werden, ob sich soziodemographische und epidemiologische Parameter der Klienten verändert haben. Methodik: Es handelt sich um eine deskriptive Reanalyse der soziodemo...
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Fragestellung: Die Deutsche Suchthilfestatistik (DSHS) stellt eines der größten und umfassendsten Dokumentationssysteme im Suchtbereich weltweit dar. Die Datenlage eröffnet hier ein breites Feld für Trendbeobachtung und Monitoring. Die vorliegende Untersuchung stellt den Versuch dar, anhand einer umschriebenen Störungsgruppe (Alkohol-bezogener Stör...
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Fragestellung: Darstellung von Behandlungs- und Patientenmerkmalen ambulanter und stationarer Einrichtungen der Suchtkrankenhilfe in Deutschland fur das Jahr 2009. Methodik: Die Auswertung basiert auf aggregierten Daten von N = 936 (779 ambulanten und 157 stationaren) Einrichtungen, die sich im Berichtsjahr 2009 an der DSHS beteiligt und 316.075 Be...
The most important results of the Statistical Report on substance abuse treatment in Germany (DSHS) are summarized in this annual book. The underlying statistics are based on data from 2008, which were gathered by means of the German Core Dataset (updated version valid from 2007) for documentation in the area of drug treatment (KDS). The 2008 DSHS...


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