Martín Sevilla

Martín Sevilla
University of Alicante | UA · Departamento de Análisis Económico Aplicado


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Publications (56)
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This article proposes and theoretically develops the Real Estate Growth Hypothesis concept. It empirically investigates the connection between the expansion of tourism and the progress of real estate in Calp, an established tourist hotspot situated on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Using annual data for the period 1967-2019 and a time series met...
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VIII Workshop on International Economics. Alicante, 19, 20 October 2023
One of the justifications for promoting tourism development is the capacity that it has to generate spillover effects on traditional economic activities. However, the strength of these spillover effects depends, largely, on the complementary or competitive nature of the traditional sector with respect to the resources used by tourism. Using time se...
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Reseña de libro: Reseña del libro de Germán Bernácer: El interés del capital: el problema de sus orígenes. Reeditado por el Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante.
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p> Germán Bernácer, a Spanish economist of the early 20th century, proposed in his 1925 book Interés del capital. El problema de sus orígenes that the interest rate's origin is external to the regular functioning of the economic system. He attributed it to the income generated by "income goods." This study examines the plausibility of Bernácer's...
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p> Germán Bernácer, a Spanish economist of the early 20th century, proposed in his 1925 book Interés del capital. El problema de sus orígenes that the interest rate's origin is external to the regular functioning of the economic system. He attributed it to the income generated by "income goods." This study examines the plausibility of Bernácer's...
The search for sustainable alternative food sources has led to the expansion of aquaculture, with the proliferation of marine farms in more and more places, some of them very touristic. The installation of these farms in the waters of consolidated Sun and Beach tourist destinations represents a planning challenge, which requires consideration of th...
Studies on the development of hydroelectricity in early twentieth century in Spain have paid very little attention to the south-eastern part of the country, specifically the provinces of Alicante and Murcia. The specific needs of this industry (regular flowing rivers and with steep slopes) were in conflict with the fact that there is only one large...
The most widely used indicator for measuring the COVID-19 pandemic is the 14-day rate, calculated as the ratio per 100.000 inhabitants betweenthe number of confirmed cases in the last 14-day period and theregistered population of a destination. However, this indicator is notappropriate for the reality of tourist destinations where, in the absenceof...
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This note explores the differences existing in the level of per capita income in residential and hotel-based tourist destinations using static panel data analysis on a pool of 136 tourist destinations of the Spanish coastline. The preliminary findings are not entirely conclusive in the sense that no model clearly outperforms the other. However, the...
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This note explores the diff erences existing in the level of per capita income and employment creation in residential and hotel-based tourist destinations. Th e exercise is conducted on a pool of 136 tourist destinations of the Spanish coastline, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. The results point out that in terms of income and employme...
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Supplying water to the population is one of the fundamental services of any Spanish city given the importance of the good itself, regardless of how it is managed. However, it is sometimes seen more as a source of extra finance for the municipality, and, in recent years, as an issue of political debate in terms of the adequacy of one form of managem...
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This paper analyses recent experiences of water transfers between rural and urban areas in Mediterranean Spain (Valencia Region) to assess the validity and sustainability of these procedures, and their fairness and consistency with the spirit of the current legal water framework. In order to investigate the transfer mechanisms, three case studies w...
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Las diversas concepciones multidisciplinares sobre el estudio del agua reconocen la importancia de la gobernanza hídirca. La existencia de múltiples actores y factores que inciden en los procesos de toma de decisión sobre esta problemática, están relacionados con la gestión de los recursos hídricos, y el contexto geográfico de donde existen. El des...
During the last two decades, a relevant development of renewable energy sources for electricity generation has been observed in Spain. Their diffusion has provoked deep changes that at times have been controversial. The large penetration of renewables under the recent economic conditions has affected power plants, triggering changes in the regulato...
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La crisis económica y financiera que ha afectado durante los últimos años a gran parte de los países desarrollados presenta rasgos diferenciales muy acusados en cada uno de ellos. En el caso español, la gestación previa de la crisis vino impulsada por la introducción del euro y la Política Monetaria Europea aplicada por el Banco Central Europeo (BC...
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This paper compares the economic performance of holiday and residential tourism destinations in Spain, as measured by the level of retail activity, from a quantitative perspective. Differences between destinations are explored. A positive association between the economic development of destinations and their retail index was expected. However, no s...
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Los estudios e investigaciones sobre las alternativas organizativas para gestionar los recursos renovables de acceso común, han adquirido una gran revitalización a partir de los enfoques aportados por la premio Nobel de Economía de 2009 Elinor Ostrom. Para esta autora, la realidad social permite ver que existen otros modelos (o “marcos teóricos” co...
This paper analyses the effects of economic crises on tourism destinations from a city and regional point of view. The objective is to determine which kind of Spanish "Sun and Beach" tourism destinations, residential or hotel, has better weathered the most recent economic crisis in Spain, linked to the Global Financial Crisis of 2007/8. For this pu...
This note analyzes the relationship between economic crises and tourism performance in Spain during the period 1970-2013 using machine learning techniques. Specifically, a regression tree is estimated to confirm that, although the dynamics of Spanish tourism performance is influenced by the general variables established by the literature, the crisi...
Conference Paper
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A inicios de la pasada decada la legislacion espanola de aguas incorporo diversos cambios normativos para permitir la realizacion de cesiones e intercambios de recursos hidricos entre concesionarios y usuarios, con el animo de flexibilizar la asignacion de recursos y mejorar su aprovechamiento, particularmente en contextos de escasez. Sin embargo,...
This paper provides a theoretical model of the influence of economic crises on tourism destination performance. It discusses the temporary and permanent effects that economic crises have on the global market shares of tourism destinations through a series of potential transmission mechanisms based on the main economic competitiveness determinants i...
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The significant changes which have taken place in recent years have modified the panorama of the world tourism market and made it face new challenges and opportunities. This has created the need to study the new factors and strategies which guarantee the competitiveness of firms belonging to this sector. Among other things, it becomes undoubtedly e...
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La cuota de mercado es el indicador más difundido en el análisis de la competitividad empresarial para todo tipo de bienes y servicios. Sin embargo, su uso en turismo está sometido a una amplia controversia, especialmente cuando el objeto de estudio es la competitividad de los destinos turísticos. Ello es debido a que objetivos de maximización de e...
The market share is the most widely used indicator in the analysis of competitiveness in trade of goods and services. However, their use in tourism is subject to a widespread controversy, especially in those cases where goes together to the territorial analysis. This is because the goals of maximization of this variable by policy-makers, can lead t...
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Las energías renovables se han convertido durante los últimos años en un sector de gran dinamismo en España. A la necesidad de aplicar las Directivas europeas para hacer frente a la problemática del cambio climático, se le han unido las exigencias de mejorar la eficiencia energética así como la de disminuir la dependencia del exterior. En este artí...
This paper focuses on an analysis of the tourism competitiveness of residential destinations on the Spanish coast, applying Porter's competitive advantage theory. This analysis is conducted with a hypothesis test using a structural equation model based on Porter's competitive diamond. The paper shows that by analysing a range of variables, it is po...
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One of the most controversial issues in recent years in water management has been finding a balance between available resources and water needs related to certain territories. The changes brought about by a new awareness over the need to preserve the environment, the social perception of the ownership of the river chan-nels, the need for adjust fin...
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In the Marina Baja region there is a tradition of fierce competition for water resources which necessitates the regulation of institutions in order to satisfy the interests of the different water users. The management of the water resources in this region is based on the water exchange between the different users with no legal modification of the w...
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The study analyzes variables that influence the water management model based on a simultaneous relationship between competing demands in the Marina Baja of Alicante, using a methodology that directly links together urban and irrigation demands, making them relevant to each other from a socioeconomic point of view. The paper identifies the relevant...
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In the paper we provide an overview on how the issue of natural resources, especially water, have been incorporated into economic reasoning in a progressive manner. As we shall see, this does not mean that we are facing a new theoretical framework around the natural resources management. But progress has been so important in recent years that there...
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La economía es una actividad institucionalizada y de ahí la importancia de identificar y analizar las instituciones implicadas en cada fenómeno económico. En la gestión de los recursos hídricos la importancia de los aspectos institucionales ha quedado patente en la reciente historia económica española. En muchas ocasiones, el éxito o fracaso de un...
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La integración del sistema natural o físico toma como punto de partida el ciclo hidrológico, y se basa en la integración de los recursos tierra y agua, en la calidad y cantidad de los recursos hídricos, en la integración de las aguas superficiales y subterráneas junto con recursos alternativos y por último, en las interrelaciones entre actividades...
Conference Paper
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This article considers the competitiveness of residential tourist destinations of the Spanish Mediterranean Sea, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, studied through the prism of Michael Porter’s competitive advantage theory. The methodology applied in this study is based on the contrast of hypotheses applied on a model of structural equati...
Conference Paper
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Over recent years, the scientific community, the government and the general public have shown their concern for the rapid deterioration of the earth’s natural resources, particularly water resources. In a number of countries this has led to the creation of new legislation which has been designed to help slow down this deterioration and to implement...
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En una economía de mercado, los distintos bienes económicos tratan de gestionarse buscando la máxima eficiencia, sobre todo para los propietarios. La gestión colectiva se aplica en el caso de algunos bienes con características específicas, tales como la dificultad de su divisibilidad y apropiación privada. Las aguas subterráneas entrarían dentro de...
La Comunidad valenciana: rasgos físicos y demográficos -- Situación actual y dinámica económica de la Comunidad Valenciana -- Las ayudas de la Unión Europea a la Comunidad Valenciana: estrategias de desarrollo e impacto -- Bibliografía básica
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In a market economy different economic goods are managed trying to look for maximum efficiency, especially for the owners. Collective management is applied in the case of some goods with specific characteristics, such as the difficulty of its divisibility and private appropriation. Groundwater falls into this group. Water located under large areas...


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