Martín Sende Pombo

Martín Sende Pombo
Valencian International University | VIU · Department of Information Technology

Master of Science
I am currently studying the Master's Degree in Bioinformatics offered by the Valencian International University (VIU).


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September 2024 - July 2025
Valencian International University
Field of study
  • Bioinformatics
September 2020 - July 2024
University of Santiago de Compostela
Field of study
  • Biotechnology
September 2019 - June 2020
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Field of study
  • Biotechnology


Publications (102)
The 3 supplementary figures linked to my report of experimental findings titled “Citometría de flujo”.
This is the slide presentation I used to support my oral presentation during the defense of my Final Degree Project before the academic tribunal. The text of the slides is in Spanish.
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This is the slide presentation I used to support my oral presentation during the defense of my Final Degree Project before the academic tribunal. The text of the slides is in Spanish.
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Head and neck cancers (HNC) reached the third most prevalent malignant tumor types worldwide in 2020. Within these, the subtype with the highest prevalence is head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). These can be further divided into those positive and those negative for human papillomavirus (HPV). Although HNSCCs can be treated with surgery...
This is the GitHub repository corresponding to my dissertation, entitled "Identification and validation of novel synthetic lethalities applicable to personalized medicine for head and neck tumors", which contains 4 tools (DAISY, blitzGSEA, STRING and Intersection_FG) aimed at finding such synthetic lethal gene pairs. It also includes the starting d...
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This is the slide presentation that Elton and I used to present our homonymous research paper, in the second seminar of the subject Vaccines and Biotechnological Applications of Viruses.
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HIV infection, 95% of whose causative agent is human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) (1), remains a global public health concern. Although combination antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has been effective (2), challenges such as drug resistance and access barriers persist (3). In the face of this, gene editing technology, particularly CRISPR-Cas9...
Box plots corresponding to the expression data matrix with GEO access code GSE48060 and its decimal logarithm.
Volcano plot corresponding to the expression data matrix with GEO access code GSE48060.
List of the "top" 100 differentially expressed genes (spots) from the expression data matrix with GEO accession code GSE48060, sorted according to the B-value provided by limma.
This spreadsheet contains all the calculations necessary to answer the questions posed in the report of the second laboratory practice of the subject Analytical and Instrumental Techniques, called "Práctica 2: Espectrofotometría UV-Vis".
This spreadsheet contains experimental data and calculations necessary to complete and answer the questions posed in the report of the third laboratory practice session of the course Analytical and Instrumental Techniques.
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This is the slide presentation I prepared to explain the relevance of the first 4 photographs and the infrared transmission spectrum obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope. These images were released on 12 July 2022.
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The objective of this practical is to isolate "blood cells with a single round nucleus" (PBMC), essentially monocytes and lymphocytes, from the remaining constituents (some red blood cells, plasma and most of the platelets) of a buffy coat or leukocyte concentrate (an "intermediate product" obtained during the "separation process of" the blood comp...
Experiment Findings
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In this third practice, we have prepared 2 samples (test and negative control) of leukocytes with the same origin, each of which reacted with a different fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated primary murine antibody, "FITC mouse anti human CD14 clone M5E2" and "FITC mouse IgG2a" respectively, both belonging to the IgG2a isotype; for subseque...
Experiment Findings
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In this fourth practical, we performed a "cellulose acetate electrophoresis" to separate "plasma proteins" extracted from a buffy coat or leukocyte concentrate, donated by ADOS. After its completion, "the approximate relative percentages of the bands obtained" were calculated.
Supplementary figures linked to my report of experimental results titled "PRÁCTICA IV.- ELECTROFORESIS EN ACETATO DE CELULOSA DE PROTEÍNAS PLASMÁTICAS".
Using 2 different methods, ImageJ software was used to perform densitometry for the relative quantification of plasma proteins extracted from a buffy coat, present in the 4 bands visible on a cellulose acetate strip previously subjected to electrophoresis.
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Slide presentation created to explain and summarise the content of the research work carried out by the Environmental Biotechnology tutorial group 4, called "Trabajo residuos: Producción de biopesticidas como alternativa a los pesticidas persistentes". It is also complemented by the poster entitled "Producción de biopesticidas como alternativa a lo...
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In modern agricultural practices, extensive use of pesticides is very common to meet higher yield requirements. However, their dependence has led to an environmental and social crisis, because of the synthetic pollutants derived from them, which are very difficult to degrade. The solution we propose is their replacement by biopesticides, which are...
Conference Paper
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A pesticide can be defined as any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel or mitigate any pest. In modern agricultural practices, extensive use of pesticides is very common to meet higher yield requirements. However, their dependence has led to an environmental and social crisis, because of the synthetic pollutants de...
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This document contains my answers to the questions raised in the "Genetic Engineering Practicum Script", prepared by Cristina Díaz Jullien, about the 4 laboratory practical clases of Genetic engineering.
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This task of the subject Environmental Biotechnology consisted of drawing up an outline of the legislation on wastewater treatment at EU, Spanish and regional level. The text is written in Galician.
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This slide presentation is based on the article "Shifting the Specificity of E. coli Biosensor from Inorganic Arsenic to Phenylarsine Oxide through Genetic Engineering", whose authors are: Hyojin Kim, Yangwon Jeon, Woonwoo Lee, Geupil Jang and Youngdae Yoon. It was made to be presented in seminar 5 of group 2 of Genetic Engineering.
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Block diagram (although it has some characteristics of a process flow diagram) with the main equipment, unit operations and flows in a wastewater treatment plant. It is based on the text provided by Professor Pastora M. Bello Bugallo during the sixth seminar on Environmental biotechnology, on the audiovisual content we saw with her and, on the arti...
This slide presentation, prepared for a presentation of no more than 10 or 11 minutes, aims to explain the importance of the optogenetic technique used in the article entitled "MYC amplifies gene expression through global changes in transcription factor dynamics", for the study of cancer; as well as its advantages and limitations. In addition, it a...
Block diagram of a generic wastewater treatment plant, started during the sixth seminar of the subject Environmental biotechnology and carried out as a group.
Research Proposal
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This theoretical proposal for bioremediation of soils contaminated by effluents from textile industries in Bangladesh was made, to complete the group task assigned in the 8th Environmental biotechnology seminar.
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This research paper aims to provide an up-to-date overview of the main sources and magnitude of Bangladesh's freshwater and soil pollution problem, caused by its textile industry. The text is written in English.
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This report was written after the visit that the students of the subject called Immunology made to the laboratories of the ADOS (Axencia de Doazón de Órganos e Sangue) of Galicia. It begins by briefly introducing the history and main functions of this regional health agency. Then the main characteristics and tasks performed by 2 of its 8 functional...
These 3 optional tasks on the first topic of Environmental Biotechnology consisted of: finding out whether the Paris agreement had included any additional greenhouse gases to those covered by the Kyoto protocol; investigating the current state of the ozone hole; and answering several questions on the Montreal Protocol.
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En esta práctica se ha reproducido, en un laboratorio virtual, el procedimiento que habría que seguir (paso a paso) para efectuar un ELISA tipo sándwich, destinado al diagnóstico de una enfermedad autoinmune denominada lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), a partir de la sangre de 3 pacientes que podrían presentar dicha patología. No obstante, durante...
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This is the slide presentation that we had to prepare in less than an hour, to complement and expose more easily the content of the abstract that the professor had us prepare previously, on the article titled "Ancient genomics is born", whose authors are David M. Lambert and Craig D. Milla. Lambert and Craig D. Milla.
This is the Environmental Biotechnology group activity we started in the second week of class. Its corresponding document had to be a text with references dealing with the topic "Analysis and behaviour of the mobilisation and transformation of plastics in the environment (including their entry into the trophic chain)". It consisted of locating in...
The purpose of this document, carried out during the first week of the Environmental biotechnology course, was to identify environmental problems related to waste in general documents, and then to choose a more specific topic from among those found, on which the first group work of this subject will be elaborated.
This is the report corresponding to the fourth practical of the subject called Cell Cultures and Tissue Engineering, whose objectives were: 1) To know the main animal models for the study of Parkinson's disease and the performance of cell therapy assays based on the implantation of dopaminergic cells. 2) To know the different methods of functional...
Results in the cylinder test and in the rotational behavior test of 6 rats subjected to unilateral lesions with 6-OHDA in the right hemisphere and, of another 6, which subsequently underwent ipsilateral transplantation of neuroblasts in the right hemisphere. These data were extracted from the document entitled "GUION PRÁCTICAS 4. EVALUACIÓN MORFOLÓ...
Enriched analysis of GO terms and routes using the DAVID and STRING web tools.
This slide presentation was created to present and discuss at the 7th Plant Biotechnology Seminar, the scientist's paper entitled "Robust Transcriptional Activation in Plants Using Multiplexed CRISPR-Act2.0 and mTALE-Act Systems", prepared by Lowder and his collaborators.
Conference Paper
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Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest threats to global health. In order to find solutions, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms underlying the acquisition of these resistances. Several studies have shown that, in many cases, the resistance mechanisms used by strains with different MICs are different. In addition, the evolutionary pr...
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This slide presentation was elaborated as part of a tutored group work, aimed to address the following proposed topic related to the subject Cell cultures and tissue engineering: "Regenerative Medicine: Applications in Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering. Advantages, limitations and future perspectives". In addition to the contents, critical reflec...
In this tenth Bioinformatics practice, the 2 Å resolution X-ray crystal structure of the HIV-1 protease with a drug molecule (indinavir) bound to its active centre (PDB ID: 1HSG) is used. In addition, the VMD molecular viewer is used to view the protein, the binding site and the drug molecule. After exploring the features of the complex, a pair of...
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This questionnaire corresponds to the laboratory practical, whose objective was to introduce the students of the Biotechnology Degree (I am one of them) to two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), focusing on its fundamentals and the technical aspects to be taken into account when planning and executing an assay of these characteristics.
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This is the questionnaire corresponding to the second computer practice of the subject Proteomics and metabolomics, in which we work with computer programs and databases in proteomics and metabolomics.
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Arabidopsis Columbia (A) and Landsberg erecta (B) ecotypes show numerous phenotypic differences. Part of these phenotypic differences are due to the mutation in the ERECTA gene induced by X-ray treatment in the wild Landsberg ecotype. This gene is located 32.1 cM from the start of chromosome 2. The two ecotypes have more than 600,000 nucleotide dif...
Experiment Findings
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Previous research has identified exoglycosidases in Arabidopsis thaliana, which act on xyloglucan, a heteropolysaccharide (in this species, some of its galactoses are acetylated) present in the primary wall of most angiosperms. The GDSL family also includes lipases and acetyl esterases, some of which act on xylan, another polysaccharide that is als...
Experiment Findings
This is the summary report of practical 2 of my Plant Biotechnology course, based on the following article: Lister C, Dean C (1993) Recombinant inbred lines for mapping RFLP and phenotypic markers in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 4:745-750. In it, 36 RILs (Recombinan Inbred Lines) of Arabidopsis thaliana were mapped, using genetic markers, in...
This PBD file was created using the Membrane Builder tool of CHARMM-GUI, to complete the first elective assignment of the Bioinformatics subject. The simulation corresponds to a heterogeneous lipid bilayer without proteins, composed of 62 POPE molecules and 188 POPG molecules in each of the 2 lipid layers.
Data and statistical analysis of the acetylesterase activity of the 3 protein extracts containing the proteins encoded, respectively, by the At1g09390, At1g67830 and At5g14450 genes of Arabidopsis thaliana. This information was used to prepare the Plant Biotechnology practical report entitled "Análisis funcional de posibles acetilesterasas mediant...
Data and statistical analysis corresponding to the genetic mapping of 40 RILs of Arabidopsis thaliana, with different genome contributions from ecotypes Columbia (A) and Landsberg erecta (B), which were used as parental generation and as control. The objective was to identify the most likely location of the gene(s) responsible for the differences...
Statistical analysis of the data from the genetic mapping carried out by the laboratory of Javier Sampedro Jiménez, to 36 RILs (Recombinan Inbred Lines) belonging to the ecotypes Columbia (A) and Landsberg erecta (B) of Arabidopsis thaliana; as well as their relationship with their main phenotypic differences. This information was used to prepare t...
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This is the questionnaire corresponding to the first computer practice of the subject Proteomics and metabolomics, in which we work with computer programs and databases in proteomics and metabolomics.
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This is the small report made on the practice 3 of Cell Cultures and Tissue Engineering and includes the results obtained in it and the answers to the questions posed in the "PRACTICE 3 GUIDE. TESTS FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF CELLS IN CULTURE: CELL VIABILITY". The objective of the aforementioned practical was to determine the possible cytotoxicity...
These are the values corresponding to the optical densities of each experimental group (blank, blank, control, treatment 1 with MPP+ and treatment 2 with resveratrol), obtained using ImageJ on the image named "experimental plate-grayscale", attached to the "PRACTICAL GUIDE 3.
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In this first bioinformatics task in Spanish, the human STT3A gene was identified from a part of the sequence of one of its mRNAs. Then, BLAST alignment of the genomic region of the gene with the sequences of its different possible transcript variants was carried out. Homologous sequences to the protein it encodes in other species were then search...
Obtaining a distribution with given characteristics and its representation by means of a histogram and a box-and-whisker plot, using the R programming language and the integrated development environment called RStudio. This code was written as part of the fifth Bioinformatics practice.
In the fifth Bioinformatics practical we learned how to manipulate character strings in R, using the Biostrings package of the Bioconductor project. This code and its corresponding comments are an adaptation of the one in the web "Lab 1: Biostrings in R" ( of Stanford Univ...
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When working in a cell culture laboratory, we must be attentive to a number of factors. There are several and diverse indicators that give us information about how well the equipment we have is working and how the cultures we are working with are evolving. Therefore, one of our tasks consisted of observing and taking note of the indicators that all...
Aligned amino acid sequences corresponding to the At1g09390 and At5g14450 genes, as well as, to their putative homologs in 4 species (Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa, Amborella trichopoda and Nymphaea colorata). This multiple alignment was performed using the MEGA X tool.
Amino acid sequences of the proteins encoded by the genes At1g09390 and At5g14450, as well as, of their putative homologs in 4 species (8 of Arabidopsis thaliana, 10 of Oryza sativa, 10 of Amborella trichopoda and 10 of Nymphaea colorata).
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This is the slide presentation I created to tell, in the last session of the "Taller Multidisciplinar en Química: Logros e retos da Química do século XXI", which was part of the "IX curso de divulgación: Química, a Ciencia que envolve a nosa vida", what we currently know about the anomalous variation of methane concentration in the Martian atmosphe...
This document in Spanish contains the calculations and the answers to the questions posed in the third practical session of the subject Analytical and Instrumental Techniques. Practice 3.1 ("DETERMINACIÓN DE CAFEÍNA EN BEBIDAS ENERGÉTICAS MEDIANTE HPLC") consisted of the determination of the concentration of caffeine in different samples of energy...
The aim of this laboratory practical, carried out for the subject Analytical and Instrumental Techniques, is: to obtain the absorption spectrum of the organic dye methylene blue, to determine the working wavelength from its spectrum, to make a calibration line with its pure standard, and to determine the molar absorptivity coefficient of this dye a...
Experimental data of temperature and cooling curve, at atmospheric pressure, of a liquid mixture of naphthalene and biphenyl of composition 𝒙biphenyl = 0.717.
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This document explains: 7 concepts related to tissue regeneration, the main components required in regenerative medicine, various applications of mesenchymal stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells and, some examples related to tissue engineering. It is written in Galician and the main bibliographic reference is the book entitled "Tissue rege...
This spreadsheet contains all the experimental data and calculations necessary to prepare the report of the second practice of the subject Fluid transport and heat transfer, called "MEMORIA DE PRÁCTICAS | ESTUDIO DE UN INTERCAMBIADOR DE CALOR (II): DOBLE TUBO Y PLACAS PLANAS".
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This assignment was carried out by the members of the fourth group of tutorials of the subject Genetics I and, in it, the topic proposed in the text that introduces it is expanded and deepened. Specifically, it deals briefly with the mechanism by which mutations can accumulate in mitochondrial DNA, the best-known human pathologies that can result...
This slide presentation was created to summarise the relevance, objectives, main results and conclusions of the article entitled "A new antibiotic selectively kills Gramnegative pathogens", authored by Yu Imai et al. It was produced in Spanish and presented in the last seminar of the subject Microbiology II.
Experiment Findings
In this second laboratory practice of the subject Fluid transport and heat transfer, we study a concentric tube heat exchanger and a flat plate heat exchanger. Three flow rates (20, 30 and 40 L/h) of cold fluid and two flow patterns (parallel or counterflow) were tested, although the flat plate heat exchanger only operated in counterflow. The objec...
These are the experimental data and the characteristic curves corresponding to the association of two centrifugal pumps in series and parallel. They were obtained during the second laboratory practical of the subject Fluid transport and heat transfer.
This slide presentation in Galician was prepared for the tenth seminar of the subject Cell Biology, based on the information extracted from the article entitled “Prospect of Stem Cells in Bone Tissue Engineering: A Review”.
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This paper in Spanish describes the main known mechanisms of Coronavirus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) genome replication.
Technical Report
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This document in Spanish explains the function and main characteristics of the first heat exchanger (INT1), present in the flow diagram, corresponding to the process of supercritical transesterification of the oil obtained by cultivation of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. This diagram is part of a pilot plant for the production of 13 kg/h of...
This was the slide presentation created as a visual support to present the information contained in the technical report called "Intercambiador de calor de una planta de producción de biodiesel, a partir de microalgas", in the second group tutorial of the subject Fluid transport and heat transfer.
This slide presentation in Galician was prepared for the fifth seminar of the subject Cell Biology, based on the information extracted from the article called “Molecular biology at the cutting edge: A review on CRISPR/CAS9 gene editing for undergraduates”.
This slide presentation in Spanish was prepared for the third seminar of the subject Cell Biology, based on the information extracted from the 3 articles with the following titles: "Targeting the endocytic pathway and the autophagy process as a novel therapeutic strategy in COVID 19", "Inhibition of SARS CoV 2 entry through the ACE2/TMPRSS2 pathway...
This was the slide presentation created as a visual support to present the information contained in the technical report of the same name, in the second group tutorial of the subject Fluid transport and heat transfer.
Technical Report
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This document in Spanish analyses the equipment used for the transport of fluids in a biotechnological process aimed at immobilising different lipase enzyme derivatives, the final objective of which was to obtain spermaceti by biocatalytic means. Specifically, this experimental setup belongs to the section " System for the immobilisation of...
This repository contains the source code, with comments in Spanish, corresponding to a basic example (without GUI), made using sub-programming (3 specialized functions in addition to the main one). It was created to fulfill the objective of the "PRACTICE 4 PARAMETERIZED FUNCTIONS", that was part of the practices of the subject of Statistics and Com...
This repository contains the source code, with comments in Spanish, corresponding to a basic example (without GUI) of a menu, performed using only the "main" function. It was created to fulfill the objective of the "PRACTICE 3 CONDITIONAL AND ITERATIVE SENTENCES (II)", that was part of the practices of the subject of Statistics and Computational Me...
This repository contains the source code (with comments in Spanish) corresponding to a simulator of the D'Hont law, valid for up to 3 political parties. It was created, in the programming language C, to fulfill the objective of the "PRACTICE 2 CONDITIONAL AND ITERATIVE SENTENCES (I)", that was part of the practices of the subject of Statistics and...
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In this slide presentation in Spanish, made in PowerPoint for the subject of microbiology, we introduce the concept of grey (or environmental) biotechnology and the main processes involved, define the biodegradation of organic polymers, explain extensively the plastics and the environmental damage they cause, discuss the biodegradable plastics (inc...
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This is the Spanish version of the report corresponding to a laboratory practice in plant physiology, the aim of which is to check the stem elongation effect exerted by gibberellins, only, on dwarf varieties of certain plants such as the bean.
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This is the English version of the report corresponding to a laboratory practice in plant physiology, the aim of which is to check the stem elongation effect exerted by gibberellins, only, on dwarf varieties of certain plants such as the bean.
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This is the Spanish version of the report corresponding to a laboratory practice of plant physiology, whose objective is to verify the protective effect of 6-Benzylaminopurine (also called benzyladenine or BAP) on the chlorophyll present in spinach leaves. We have used two methods of analysis: quantitative (requires a spectrophotometer) and qualita...
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This is the Spanish version of the report corresponding to a laboratory practice of plant physiology, whose objective is to verify the protective effect of 6-Benzylaminopurine (also called benzyladenine or BAP) on the chlorophyll present in spinach leaves. We have used two methods of analysis: quantitative (requires a spectrophotometer) and qualit...
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This is the Spanish version of the report corresponding to a laboratory practice of plant physiology, whose objective is to verify the herbicide effect (germination inhibition) that certain synthetic auxins, in this case 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic, present in some plants (essentially dicotyledonous of herbaceous bearing and wide leaf) like the bean.
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This is the Engish version of the report corresponding to a laboratory practice of plant physiology, whose objective is to verify the herbicide effect (germination inhibition) that certain synthetic auxins, in this case 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic, present in some plants (essentially dicotyledonous of herbaceous bearing and wide leaf) like the bean.
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This is the Spanish version of the report corresponding to a laboratory practice of plant physiology, whose objective is to verify that, the indolacetic acid (main natural auxin of the superior plants), inhibits the lateral growth of the axillary buds of the leaves of a plant, in the surrounding area where it is synthesized endogenously or applied...
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This is the English version of the report corresponding to a laboratory practice of plant physiology, whose objective is to verify that, the indolacetic acid (main natural auxin of the superior plants), inhibits the lateral growth of the axillary buds of the leaves of a plant, in the surrounding area where it is synthesized endogenously or applied...
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This is the Spanish version of the report corresponding to a plant physiology laboratory practice whose objective is to determine which of the following scarification methods provides greater germination power to honey locust seeds, a species belonging to the Fabaceae family.
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This is the English version of the report corresponding to a plant physiology laboratory practice whose objective is to determine which of the following scarification methods provides greater germination power to honey locust seeds, a species belonging to the Fabaceae family.
