![Martin Sebera](https://i1.rgstatic.net/ii/profile.image/413852610121733-1475681559471_Q128/Martin-Sebera-2.jpg)
Martin SeberaMasaryk University, Faculty of Sports Studies · Kinesiology
Martin Sebera
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Publications (63)
Falls occurring during activities of daily living pose a major threat and are the third most common cause of death in seniors. In clinical evaluations, mostly single tests are used to assess the risk of fall. However, a complex set of tests would lead to a more comprehensive assessment of the risk of falls. The purpose of this study was to develop...
This study describes a beta version of a mobile application (app) that focuses on preventing chronic fatigue in Czech youth athletes. The first version of the SmartTraining app was developed for athletes as a way to prevent chronic fatigue via alertness and education. For alertness, a multistage process was developed using a combination of paramete...
The aim of this study was to analyze factors affecting spatio-temporal gait parameters in elderly people of both genders and different ages with different risks of fall, fall history, and medications.
Patients and Methods
A total of 210 community-dwelling older adults (156 females, 54 males; mean age 72.84±6.26 years) participated in this...
This study aimed to analyse the kinematic differences in gait between three groups of toddlers who differed in their weeks of independent walking (IW) experience, but not in anthropometrical characteristics, to determine the relationship between walking experience without the side effect of morphological differences on gait parameters. Twenty-six t...
Polyphenols, secondary metabolites of plants, exhibit different anti-cancer and cytoprotective properties such as anti-radical, anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammation, or cardioprotective. Some of these activities could be linked to modulation of miRNAs expression. MiRNAs play an important role in posttranscriptional regulation of their target genes th...
Introduction: Due to an international trend of the aging population, we see increased attention paid to studies dealing with the factors that have a positive or negative impact on successful aging. As we know, a higher level of physical activity and thus increased physical fitness significantly affect the quality of aging. One of the major problems...
During pregnancy, an array of changes occurs in women body to enable the growth and development of the future baby and the consequent delivery. These changes are reflected in the range of motion of trunk, pelvis, lower limbs and other body segments, affect the locomotion and some of these changes may persist to the postpartum period. The aim of thi...
Not all the journals included in credible indices meet the ethical rules of COPE, DOAJ, OASPA, and WAME, and there may also be trustworthy journals excluded from these indices, which means they cannot be used as whitelists for trustworthy journals. Equally, the many methods suggested to determine trustworthiness are not reliable because they includ...
Based on the research review, fascia-oriented training may positively influence sports performance. Its component focused on the “catapult” mechanism can increase the capability of the connective tissue to store and release kinetic energy, which is involved in various movement actions, activities and skills including the jumping skills in volleybal...
Energy drinks are frequently purported as a non-alcoholic beverage food commodity to im-prove cognitive function and concentration and as such is marketed especially on vulnerable populations such as professional drivers, students, managers. We aimed to explore the acute dose-effect of commercially available multi-ingredient beverage on cognitive p...
Purpose: Many high performance and especially top athletes are still at risk or suffer from total fatigue. Therefore, sports science seeks to develop an objective, sensitive and reliable method of early diagnosis of this fatigue (e.g. heart rate variability – HRV as a modern ob-jective method). The aim of the study was to evaluate whether the HRV m...
Introduction: The police forces performance is demanding on well-timed and quick reaction. Single reaction time and choice reaction time are crucial when the jeopardy appears. Performing under stress in life-threatening situations needs a good level of stress tolerance. In our study, we used two non-specific, and two specific (shooting) tests to an...
Demographic change in a lot of countries produced an increase in the proportion of older adults in society, resulting in specific healthcare challenges. With the aging process, the number of people with Alzheimer's disease, which is one of the leading causes of dementia, is going up. This fact consequently affects the extent of self-sufficiency and...
The number of the elderly is growing dramatically, the average life expectancy is growing too, and we see natality decreasing at the same time. There is a close connection between life expectancy and quality of life. Due to an international trend of aging population we see an increased atten-tion paid to studies dealing with the factors that have p...
Mental and moral maturity, growth, appearance, physical skills are nowadays more and more often used as reference points of our identity and emphasized in adolescence (Harter, 1999). Development of physical self-concept’s domains (e. g. appearance, self-esteem, physical competences, etc) has been a major concern among physical activity researchers...
Introduction. Falls are a well-known problem among the elderly. Recent studies focused on risk factors for falls in the elderly indicated that gait changes and poor balance ability are among the major fall risk factors. Objectives. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of resistance training, balance training and their combination on gait...
The aim of this work was to offer an ecological alternative to conventional observational studies and identify factors potentially associated with cancer incidence in Europe. The incidence of 24 types of cancer in 39 European countries (2012) was compared with a long-term mean supply of 68 food items from the FAOSTAT database (1993–2011) and some o...
We live in the era of aging population. It is necessary to focus not only on the length of life but also on its quality. Fear of falling has been considered a health problem among older people for years. One of the limiting factors is inherently the level of physical activity. This study investigated the association between habitual physical activi...
The aim of this study was a large-scale ecological analysis of nutritional and other environmental factors potentially associated with the incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in the global context. Indicators of CVDs from 158 countries were compared with the statistics of mean intake (supply) of 60 food items between 1993 and 2011, obesity...
The aim of this study was a large-scale ecological analysis of nutritional and other environmental factors potentially associated with the incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in the global context. Indicators of CVDs from 158 countries were compared with the statistics of mean intake (supply) of 60 food items between 1993 and 2011, obesity...
Fascia-oriented training is supposed to enhance physical performance potential. Specifically, the employment of the catapult mechanism, the refinement of the elastic energy storage, remodelling, rehydration and release in fascia tissue are supposed to enable faster and more powerful jump performance. The authors of the present study reviewed that l...
Úvod: Náš výzkum byl zaměřen na objektivní data týkající se změn plantárního tlaku v průběhu těhotenství a po porodu, jakož i na možnost ovlivnit tyto změny pomocí speciální biomechanické obuvi, vyvinuté ve spolupráci Masarykovy univerzity s firmou J Hanák R, s.r.o.; Výzkumné metody: Výzkumu se zúčastnilo 38 těhotných žen, kterým byl na plantografi...
The aim of this ecological study was to identify the main nutritional factors related to the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in Europe, based on a comparison of international statistics.
The mean consumption of 62 food items from the FAOSTAT database (1993–2008) was compared with the actual statistics of five CVD ind...
Food consumption and the actual statistics of cardiovascular diseases: an epidemiological comparison of 42 European countries
Food consumption and the actual statistics of cardiovascular diseases: an epidemiological comparison of 42 European countries
Background & Study Aim
The paper is based on the presumption that the probability of successful defence of a child against an adult attacker is influenced by diversity of variables with different predictive values. The aim of the study is to find the best predictors and determine their impact on children’s chance to defend themselves.
Material & M...
The purpose of this study is to explore the main correlates of male height in 105 countries in Europe & overseas, Asia, North Africa and Oceania. Actual data on male height are compared with the average consumption of 28 protein sources (FAOSTAT, 1993-2009) and seven socioeconomic indicators (according to the World Bank, the CIA World Factbook and...
In our research we assessed the effect of an intervention programme based on regular use of the dance pad on the level of rhythmic abilities as important factors influencing the performance in gymnastic sports, dancing, figure skating and so on. The sample consisted of 28 dancers aged between 8-13 years. The tested persons were divided into 2 group...
Cílem studie bylo zjistit a porovnat reaktivní agilitu ligových hráčů a hráčů regionálních soutěží a její změny vlivem sportovně-specifického rozcvičení. Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 43 hráčů, kteří byli rozděleni do dvou skupin. Jednu skupinu tvořilo 22 hráčů z družstev hrající národní ligové soutěž (24,3 ± 5,6 let, výška 179,4 ± 8 cm, hmotnost 74,8 ±...
The aim of this study was to identify the most important variables determining current differences in physical stature in Europe and some of its overseas offshoots such as Australia, New Zealand and USA. We collected data on the height of young men from 45 countries and compared them with long-term averages of food consumption from the FAOSTAT data...
The purpose of this study was to assess the flow state of aikido practitioners. Seventy-six Czech male and female aikido practitioners (age 32.5 +/- 9.2 years (mean +/- SD), range 18-56 years) participated in this study. The subjects were divided according to a ranking system into three groups: Beginners (up to third kyu), Intermediate (second and...
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the relationship between selected indicators of obesity and the highest completed level of education in the adult female population of the Czech republic. As basic indicators of obesity, these following parameters were selected and measured via the bioimpedance method on the device InBody 720: BMI, WHR (waist-t...
Many studies indicate that smoking is one of risk factors influencing the accumulation of visceral fat (VFA). The mechanism by which smoking contributes to the accumulation of visceral fat is not yet fully understood, but it is assumed that smoking increases the level of plasma cortisol, causes imbalance between male and female sex hormones in wome...
The aim of this research was to describe the relationship between the level of flexibility (sit-and-reach test) and relative sitting height (sitting height/body height ratio). The survey was conducted between 2011-13 in 1370 individuals (739 women and 631 men) divided into 6 age groups: 18-29 (n=451), 30-39 (n=310), 40-49 (n=248), 50-59 (n=147) 60-...
Presented study material is aimed at serving both the students and researchers in understanding both basic and extended statistical methods suitable for the data analysis in the kinanthropology research. Study material already assumes knowledge of the basic statistical terms. Nevertheless if the reader is not sure if he understands the meaning of t...
SAŽETAK Many scientists agree that the weight of the school bags is one of the most important factors that may affect the health and proper growth of the child, especially in elementary school. The aim of the research is to determine the effect of weight of school bags on the appearance of asymmetry of the lower extremities. Protocol research measu...
In this contribution are presented results of testing 569 Czech adult people (273 males and 296 females) older than 18 years. There are discussed results in BMI, which was measured by machine Inbody 720. By questionnaire were learned parameters of sport practicing, magnitude of settlement, life status and education level. Presented results show neg...
The retrospective data collection whose aim was to prove the effects of smoking associated with the increase of overall illness rate, respiratory infections and the inflammation of the middle ear in children up to the age of 3 living with smoking mothers and in smoking households was carried out in Brno, Czech Republic (CR) and in Southern Slovakia...
Disciplíny sportovní gymnastiky jsou nedílnou součástí přijímacího řízení na vysoké školy s tělovýchovným zaměřením již řadu let. Nejinak je tomu také na Fakultě sportovních studií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Ve snaze co možná nejlépe postihnout úroveň motorických schopností a určitých pohybových předpokladů potřebných pro studium praktických pře...
The project is focused on plantar posture research among combative sportsmen. We concentrate on possible differences related to the type of pad used for specific sport. After previous experience especially with softer surfaces there can be expected negative effects on the foot arch and influence on plantar pressure distribution during normal walkin...
This article introduces the biomechanical analysis of forward somersault. The theoretical part deals with general gymnastics, biomechanics and forward somersault. The practical part analyzes the different phases of forward somersault and using software SIMI. It discusses the implementation of forward somersault in the administration of three gymnas...
Výzkum pohybové aktivity studentů Masarykovy univerzity byl proveden prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření na souboru 1327 respondentů. Výzkum probíhal v letech 2008 až 2009 a přinesl celou řadu významných zjištění jak z hlediska plnění zdravotních doporučení, tak z hlediska sídla respondentů. Za nejvýznamnější zjištění lze považovat, že muži jsou...
Aging affects functions of the hands among older adults living in homes for elderly people. The lack of opportunities to be active in daily living tasks during the day leads to the impairment of hand functions, upper extremity functions, grip functions, and overall manual dexterity. The aim of our experiment was to determine the impact of a six-mon...
The basic task of prevention in persons who are overweight or obese is to prevent the development of metabolic syndrome (MS) and to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus and early atherogenesis. Group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) of obesity is one possibility. The objective of the study was to verify the popular method of CB...
This poster deals with using e-learning in education of older people in Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University in Brno. We can see many advantages in education with using new IT technologies (flexibility, independency, anywhere, anytime, simpler administration, multisensual sensation, communication etc.). There are also a few disadvantages c...
Sledování vzájemné závislosti dvou kvantitativních proměnných, které splňují předpoklad normality U kvantitativních proměnných, které splňují předpoklad normality, lze zkoumat vzájemnou závislost pomocí korelační analýzy. Intenzita závislosti je posuzována pomocí Pearsonova korelačního koeficientu, který nabývá hodnot z intervalu <-1;1>, přičemž ho...
Význam psychiky na výkon ve sportu je dán řadou osobnostních faktorů a lze jí přičítat hlavní podíl na úspěšném nebo neúspěšném výsledku. Kadá osobnost sportovce je definována řadou psychologických vlastností osobnosti, které zaujímají různé pozice v období tréninkové a sportovní přípravy a v období soutěním. Současná společnost klade na výkony v...
Video is considered for popular and frequently used tool to develop teachers' professional knowledge and skills. In this paper are introduced authors' activities, which focus in creating of e-learning environment for future teachers. This learning environment with working title "CPV videoweb" is based on video recordings of lessons. It should be us...