Martin SchlüpmannArbeitskreis Amphibien und Reptilien in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Martin Schlüpmann
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Focuses on mapping amphibians, reptiles and dragonflies, volunteer to lead the mapping of the herpetofauna of North Rhine-Westphalia, founder and editor of the "Jahrbuch für Feldherpetologie" and founder and longtime editor of the "Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie", professionally from 2003 to the end of 2022 in the "Biologische Station Westliches Ruhrgebiet", previously an expert and planner in an engineering office.
Additional affiliations
January 1994 - December 2007
Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie
- Begründer, Herausgeber und Redakteur
- in Pension
- Kursleiter
Publications (376)
The adder in North Rhine-Westphalia - indicators of population development
The adder (Vipera berus) has a limited area in North Rhine-Westphalia. The oldest finds date from the 19th century. Due to the frequent confusion, especially with the smooth snake, old finds are often incorrect and a critical examination of them is necessary. The species is...
Öffentliche Sitzung der DGHT-AG Feldherpetologie und Artenschutz am 23.11.2024. Tagesordungspunkt 2.7. Das Meldeportal für Naturbeobachtungen Observation.org generiert inzwischen deutschlandweit auch unzählige Funddaten. Eine Mitarbeit oder aktive Beteiligung an dem offenen System von Observation.org wird vorgeschlagen und diskutiert.
Comparative study of the trapping of crested and smooth newts (Triturus cristatus, Lissotriton vulgaris) with different funnel traps (bucket traps, bank bottle traps, underwater bottle traps and box traps). In 2014 five types of water funnel traps were laid out in three ponds in Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia. Bucket traps without and with illumi...
International online data collection from nature observations - using the example of amphibian and reptile records in Observation.org. Comprehensive books and overviews on the distribution of amphibians and reptiles are now available from almost all federal states in Germany. The DGHT has also merged the data on maps for Germany that are available...
On the floristic recording in the Hagen area with the Observation.org system. Interim report for the AG Flora in the Natural Science Association Hagen e. V.
In Observation.org I have provisionally delimited a "Hagen study area (for evaluation only)" (UG). It covers an area of 442 km². The UG enables a quick overview of the status of the recording i...
Short biography of the zoologist and especially herpetologist Dieter Glandt.
The fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) – interesting facts about an endangered inhabitant of local forests. Popular science essay on the fire salamander with explanations of the characteristics, aspects of the history of research, explanations of the name, the coloration, the skin toxins, the way of life, the ecology, the endangerment, the chy...
Amphibians in the landscapes associated with coal mining and industry in the Ruhr area
Mining in the Ruhr area was primarily underground mining of hard coal; locally there was and is opencast mining in the form of quarries (in the south) and gravel and sand pits (in the north and west). Hard coal mining in the Ruhr area reached its peak in the 20th...
A brief overview of field herpetological research in the North Rhine-Westphalia area since 1789.
Increase of fly maggot disease (myiasis) in anurans in North Rhine-Westphalia? Since 2017, there have been 137 new myiasis records in amphibians in NRW. These are presented in a new distribution map. Myiasis was detected in 162 of 1260 grid squares (12.9 %), a significant increase compared to the data collected until 2017 (8.7 % at that time). The...
Dragonflies in the western Ruhr area – developments in the last decades / The western Ruhr area includes five cities (Bottrop, Duisburg, Essen, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Oberhausen) up to the central Ruhr area. In addition to a few natural habitats (forest areas in the north and south with natural streams, but also water-filled bomb craters), dragonfly...
The Salamander plague: Characterization, current situation in Germany, recommendations for action
The pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), one of the two amphibian chytrid fungi and the cause of the salamander plague, was introduced to Europe from Asia. Currently , Bsal outbreaks are known in the wild from > 130 sites in Belgium, Ge...
Dragonflies in the western Ruhr area – developments in the last decades / The western Ruhr area includes five cities (Bottrop, Duisburg, Essen, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Oberhausen) up to the central Ruhr area. In addition to a few natural habitats (forest areas in the north and south with natural streams, but also water-filled bomb craters), dragonfly...
1 Einführung (Eingrenzung, Quellen und Methoden)
2 Ur- oder Naturlandschaft: Altsteinzeit
3 Großtiere und Jäger: Altsteinzeit-Neolithikum
4 Neolithische Revolution: Weiden und Ackerbau
5 Devastierung der Wälder: Mittelalter bis 1850/1900
6 Ackerbau, Wiesen und Dörfer
7 Natur in Zeiten der Industrialisierung
8 Die Geschichte geht weiter
The alpine newt (Mesotriton alpestris) – more widespread in Duisburg than assumed. The results of the mapping of the herpetofauna by Klewen (1988, 1989) had suggested a complete absence of the alpine newt in the north and west of the city of Duisburg. In fact, evidence from nine areas (18 bodies of water in 12 grid fields: 1x1 km grid) is now known...
Wir berichten über 20 Jahre Naturschutz- und Bildungsarbeit der Biologischen Station im westlichen Ruhrgebiet. Dabei zeigen wir die Veränderungen in Flora und Fauna und in der urban geprägten Landschaft des Ruhrgebiets auf, berichten über erfolgreiche Projekte und die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen.
Possibilities of determining the native water frog taxa. Identifying water frogs (Pelophylax) is not easy, and many field herpetologists and conservationists do not dare to name the species or taxa (the edible frog is a hybrid). Because of the great similarity of the edible frog (Pelophylax esculentus) with its parent species, the Marsh Frog (Pelop...
Distribution and ecology of the Pool Frog (Pelophylax lessonae) – amphibian species of the year 2023. The Pool Frog is amphibian species of the year 2023 in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. The article provides an overview of its characteristics, its distribution in Europe, its habitats and way of life, its threat and its protection. B...
There is a great biological sensation behind the apparently “ordinary” European water frog: an intricate reproductive system consisting of two parent species and a hybrid, plus several close relatives in southern Europe, the Near East and North Africa. It took a long time to decipher this complex and it still offers much material for further resear...
Before 2003, there were hardly any publications or other works on dragonfly fauna known for the area of the Western Ruhr Biological Station. The BSWR began taking inventory of the dragonfly fauna in its first year of operation. Individual areas, such as the species protection waterway created in 2005 on the edge of the Hiesfelder Forest, have even...
Until the mid-1990s, only 20 species were recorded in the western Ruhr area. Observations of at least 37 species are now known, some of which can be classified as probably carried over and unstable or not yet established. In fact, the density of observers has increased significantly since the 1990s, with the founding of the nationwide working group...
For at least two decades, European amphibians have been affected by the 'salamander plague', an emerging infectious disease caused by the invasive chytrid skin fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) that originated from Asia. Resulting dramatic declines are well known from the European Fire Salamander, while the impact of Bsal on other Eur...
An online system for amphibian and reptile observation
Although the distribution of many amphibians and reptiles is broadly known, this is not true for all species and by no means for all regions of the world. Quite apart from that, we often know little about the actual areas and populations outside developed countries. There is still a lot to be d...
Also a piece of nature conservation history: the Helmke quarry in Iserlohn-Letmathe – the value and development of a nature reserve in the limestone zone of the northern Sauerland. The "Helmke limestone quarry" is located in Iserlohn-Letmathe. Limestone semi-dry grasslands, species-rich forest including a limestone beech forest form the vegetation...
In memory of Bernd von Bülow. In the background running presentation of the funeral speech for Mr. Bernd von Bülow at the annual meeting of the working group amphibians and reptiles North Rhine-Westphalia on November 6th, 2022. / Im Hintergrund laufende Präsentation zur Trauerrede für Herrn Bernd von Bülow auf der Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Am...
Progress in mapping the herpetofauna in North Rhine-Westphalia. Examples as of 11/05/2022: The Working Group on Amphibians and Reptiles NRW records and maps the stocks of amphibians and reptiles with the help of the online platform "observation.org". Selected examples show the processing status.
Zusammenfassung: Der Arbeitskreis Amphibien und Rept...
Systems for recording and reporting nature observations in comparison and instructions for use: Slightly extended version of the lecture at the 58th DGHT conference on September 29th, 2022 in Berlin. Three globally usable, interactive online platforms for recording nature observations are compared: "Naturgucker.de", iNaturalist and Observation.org....
Nature conservation for the former Alstaden dump: The clearing work on the "Alstaden biotope" has sparked public debate and led to a great deal of open criticism of administrative action. The Western Ruhr Area Biological Station emphasizes that no senseless, thoughtless activism or even environmental outrage was committed here. Partial clearing of...
Online systems for recording and reporting amphibian and reptile sightings - experiences and possibilities: Three globally usable, interactive online platforms for recording nature observations are compared: "Naturgucker.de", iNaturalist and Observation.org. The sponsorship, application and handling, validation of the uploaded data, connection to t...
Online systems for recording and reporting amphibian and
Reptile observations - experiences and possibilities. /
There are now a number of systems with which nature observations can not only be recorded online, but also directly on site using an app with a mobile phone. With such systems, every citizen has the opportunity to report observations an...
Nachruf auf Dr. Bernd von Bülow: Bernd von Bülow wurde in Posen (heute Polen) geboren, erlebte als elfjähriger Junge die Flucht vor den Russen, studierte später Chemie und war dann beruflich als Chemiker tätig. Seinen Neigungen folgend hat er sich bei der Erforschung der Herpetofauna, der Säugetierfauna und der Avifauna in Westfalen und auch darübe...
Bericht einer Exkursion des Bochumer Botanischen Vereins in den Kalksteinbruch Helmke in Iserlohn-Letmathe. Flora und Fauna und ihre Bedeutung für den Naturschutz werden vorgestellt. Die Bemühungen des Naturschutzes für den Erhalt des Steinbruches in den 1980er Jahren werden vorgestellt. Eine aktuelle Liste der während der Exkursion beobachteten un...
Nitrogen inputs change the roadsides and forest clearings.
Roadsides in the forests and forest clearings in the areas with silicate rocks in the subsoil have changed their appearance in recent decades. More and more nitrophilous plant species have spread and often overgrow them very quickly. Species from nutrient-poor, more acidic locations that us...
Wir berichten über zahlreiche umgesetzte Projekte und Kartierergebnisse sowie über Umweltbildung und Öffentlichtskeitsarbeit im Jahr 2021 der Biologischen Station Westliches Ruhrgebiet
Im Alter von 69 Jahren verstarb am 29.03.2019 Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Glandt (Abb. 1) in Ochtrup. Beigesetzt wurde er auf dem Kommunalfriedhof. Mit Dieter Glandt haben wir einen großen Herpetologen mit einem umfangreichen Wissen verloren, dessen Leben von der Leidenschaft zu den Amphibien und Reptilien geprägt war. Ihn interessierten vor allem die hei...
In der Schriftenreihe berichten wir über unsere laufenden Arbeiten in den Schutzgebieten, im Bereich der urbanen Biodiversität (hier insbesondere im Themenfeld Industrienatur) und in der Umweltbildung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Zudem werden Neufunde von Pflanzen und Tiere in unserem Zuständigkeitsbereich aufgeführt. Alle Berichte sind online auf un...
Native reptiles. Part 1. Popular scientific publication on reptiles with a special focus on species native to Germany.
Key words: definition, historical separation from amphibians, phylogenetic relationship of reptile groups and birds, amniota, poikilothermia, lungs, structure of the heart, skin and molting, tongue and Jacobsonian organ, sexual dim...
Arno Geiger - herpetologist and conservationist out of conviction, says goodbye to (un) retirement.
Right from the start, Arno Geiger was involved in the "AG Field Herpetology and Species Protection", which he now also heads. He helped organize many of the AG's annual specialist conferences and worked on many brochures on the respective type of yea...
Annual report 2020 of the voluntary working group amphibians and reptiles North Rhine-Westphalia
Online recording of amphibian and reptile sites, contributions to the "Methods of Field Herpetology" conference, working meetings, events, workshop "The Natterjack Toad in the Structural Change in the Ruhr Area", workshop on technical amphibian protecti...
Basic considerations for the determination of green frogs (genus Pelophylax)
Plea for a pragmatic approach to the identification of the frogs of the genus Pelophylax. Until the end of the 1960s, only one (edible frog) or two species (edible frog, marsh frog) were distinguished, depending on the view. After it became known that there are two species...
Wall lizards have been expand their areal more and more in Central Europe for more than 40 years, and have successfully established many populations north of the known area boundary. The expansion has assumed rapid development in large parts, especially in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. There are also quite a few documented releases of lizard...
Extract from the complete list of species and the Red List of amphibians in Germany with appendices for understanding (legend, complete list, literature).
The fire salamander is bound to forest areas and is largely absent in the lowlands north of the low mountain range. In the south there is a large gap between the Danube and the Isar. The low moun...
Extract from the complete list of species and the Red List of Germany's reptiles with appendices for understanding (legend, complete list, literature).
The midwife toad can only be found in the western part of Germany and is absent in large parts of our state. With a grid area frequency of less than 5%, the species is therefore classified as rare....
Extract from the complete list of species and the Red List of Germany's amphibians with appendices for understanding (legend, complete list, literature).
After the common toad, the common frog is the most widespread species in Germany and is still very common. Taking into account old literature, the decline in the last 100-150 years for this speci...
Extract from the complete list of species and the Red List of Germany's amphibians with appendices for understanding (legend, complete list, literature).
The Palmate Newt reaches its north-eastern limit of distribution on the European mainland in Germany. It is therefore only widespread in western Germany and only inhabits a small area, which makes...
Extract from the total species list and the red list of reptiles in Germany with appendices for understanding (legend, complete list, literature)
Anguis fragilis has declined moderately in Germany in the long term and in the short term, special risk factors that would further worsen the trend are not known. But the slow worm is still common. German...
Extract from the complete list of species and the Red List of Germany's reptiles with appendices for understanding (legend, complete list, literature).
The existing surveys and mappings of the herpetofauna do not differentiate between the two grass snakes (Natrix natrix, Natrix helvetica), which were considered subspecies until 2017. The risk asses...
Popular scientific contribution to the slow worm. The frequent confusion with snakes, the naming of both the German name and the scientific one, the typical features, the way of life, the habitats, the distribution, endangerment and protection are explained. The focus is on observations in the Hagen area and the surrounding area.
The chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), recently introduced from Asia to Europe, causes mortality in numerous species of salamanders and newts and has led to catastrophic declines and local extinctions of the European fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. Due to the continuous spread...
The salamander plague, caused by the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), is one of the most devastating amphibian diseases, currently threatening the entire Western Palearctic caudate diversity with extinction. Apparently of Asian origin and recently introduced into Europe, Bsal is known from currently ca. 80 sites in...
In der Schriftenreihe berichten wir über unsere laufenden Arbeiten in den Schutzgebieten, im Bereich der urbanen Biodiversität (hier insbesondere im Themenfeld Industrienatur) und in der Umweltbildung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Zudem werden Neufunde von Pflanzen und Tiere in unserem Zuständigkeitsbereich aufgeführt. Alle Berichte sind online auf un...
Observations on Slow Worms in the Hagen area – age structure, sex ratio, morphometry and phenology /
Observations and measurements on captured Slow Worms in the Hagen area (North Rhine-Westphalia) from the past 40 years have been collected and analysed. More than three quarters of all observations concern adult animals, the sex ratio was balanced....
Bag box traps, bucket traps and bottle traps in comparative experiments. /
In 2014 various funnel traps have been tested under controlled conditions. In experiment 1, the catching of Smooth Newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) males and females as well as Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) males taken from a pond in Duisburg was simulated. The experiments...
Working Group on Amphibians and Reptiles North Rhine-Westphalia - Annual Report 2019 /
Keywords: Working Group on Amphibians and Reptiles in North Rhine-Westphalia, mapping of amphibians and reptiles, conferences, excursions, seminars, working meetings, red lists, salamander plague, chytrid skin fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), Wol...
The bag box trap in the amphibian monitoring – a new funneltrap compared to bottle and bucket traps as well as recommendations for the standardized recording of the crested newt (Triturus cristatus). /
The bag box trap consists of a box with trap openings, which stands at the bottom of the water, and a bag carried by swimmers into the atmospheric...
Sammelband mit Beiträgen zur Biologie der Gelbbauchunke:
Verwandtschaft, Verbreitung, Lebensweise
Wo lebten Gelbbauchunken in der historischen Kulturlandschaft?
Der Amphibien-Chytridpilz und die Gelbbauchunke – Ein relevanter Gefährdungsfaktor?,
Verfahren zur Identifikation individueller Musterung von Amphibien im Feld am Beispiel der Gelbbauchunk...
In the natural landscape, the toads were largely confined to meadows with untamed rivers and streams. Alluvial deposits of gravel, sand and clay as well as pools of water were frequently found here. Fires, storms and cycles in the natural forest also created sunny habitats outside the valleys. They were often kept open by large herbivores for a lon...
Status and protection of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) in North Rhine-Westphalia
In North Rhine-Westphalia, the yellow-bellied toad has been threatened with extinction since the 1970s and continued to decline until the end of the 1990s. Since then, numerous conservation projects have prevented extinction. A series of small and large...
Preface to the Book "Distribution, biology and protection of the yellow-bellied toad, Bombina variegata"
Yellow-bellied toads were still common and in large numbers to be observed in the 1960s and 70s, especially in southern Central Europe, but have now disappeared in many places. This was first noticeable at the northern limit of distribution. The...
In den 2000er Jahren wurde es zunehmend möglich, Beobachtungen online zu verorten und zu erfassen. Auf Basis der in den Niederlanden und Belgien entwickelten Meldeplattform „Waarnemingen“ wurde das internationale System „Observation.org“ geschaffen, das die Erfassung prinzipiell aller Artengruppen weltweit ermöglicht. Es wird von einer nichtprofito...
Fang-Wiederfang ist eine Standardmethode zur Ermittlung der Größe von Tierpopulationen. In insgesamt fünf Fällen wurde in vier Gewässern die Größe von Kammmolch-Populationen mit der Fang-Wiederfang-Methode geschätzt. Kammmolche wurden dabei mit Reusenfallen (Flaschenreusen, Eimerreusen, Beutelboxfallen) gefangen. Mittels Fotos der ventralen Bauchmu...
Die Idee, eine sichere Falle für den Gewässergrund ähnlich der von Drewsbury (2014) zu bauen, wurde aufgegriffen und eine abgewandelte Beutelboxfalle mit fünf Flaschenöffnungen als Reusentrichter wurde konstruiert. Der Eigenbau der Falle wird vorgestellt. Die Fallenbox (als Haushaltsbox mit Klippverschluss) mit den Reusenöffnungen steht dem Grund a...
Bei Untersuchungen im Rahmen von Monitoring-, Amphibienschutz- und anderen wissenschaftlichen und bürgerwissenschaftlichen (Citizen science) Projekten werden u. a. zur Ermittlung des Artenspektrums Materialien v. a. in den aquatischen Lebensräumen eingesetzt. Bei einer nicht ausreichenden Desinfektion der Materialien im Gelände kann es zur Übertrag...
see the conference paper of the same name
see the conference paper of the same name
Contributions to the habitat selection and spatial distribution of the alpine newt / Findings on the habitat selection and spatial distribution of the species are compiled from various studies in the northwestern Sauerland and the western Ruhr area. The mountain newt often occurs together with the other newts (Lissotriton helveticus, L. vulgaris an...
Seit 2008 wurde in den südöstlichen Niederlanden ein dramatischer Einbruch der Feuersalamanderpopulation beobachtet. 2013 wurde mit der Beschreibung des Krankheitserregers die Ursache erkannt. Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, kurz Bsal, ist ein Amphibien-Hautpilz, der vor allem für Feuersalamander, aber auch für Molche, eine große Gefahr darstell...
Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald SDW aktuelles aus NRW 3/2019: 5-6.
Text to an exhibit of an exhibition in the Ruhr Museum on Zeche Zollverein on the relationship between humans and animals. / The toad was still barely known in the 1970s and played no role in public. In the 1980s, it was found that it is native to many industrial wastes and dumps of the Ruhr area. It is one of the characteristic animals in the Ruhr...
In der Schriftenreihe berichten wir über unsere laufenden Arbeiten in den Schutzgebieten, im Bereich der urbanen Biodiversität (hier insbesondere im Themenfeld Industrienatur) und in der Umweltbildung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Zudem werden Neufunde von Pflanzen und Tiere in unserem Zuständigkeitsbereich aufgeführt. Alle Berichte sind online auf un...
Im Rahmen der Öffnung der Verrohrung und dem Neubau des Gewässerbettes vom Läppkes Mühlenbach im Bereich eines ehemaligen Stahlwerkgeländes in Oberhausen ergibt sich die einmalige Chance, die Fließgewässer- und Flächenentwicklung auf einer Industriebrache über einen langen Zeitraum zu dokumentieren. Eine interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe aus dem „Net...
1978 wurden in den beiden Landesteilen Westfalen und Rheinland Arbeitskreise oder Projektgruppen zur Erfassung und zum Schutz der Amphibien und Reptilien des Landes gegründet. 1981 und 1983 wurden erste Landesteilfaunen veröffentlicht. 1992 ging aus den beiden Projektgruppen der Arbeitskreis Amphibien und Reptilien Nordrhein-Westfalen hervor. Die h...
Infektionskrankheiten werden als eine der Hauptursachen des alarmierenden globalen Rückgangs von Amphibien angesehen. Seit Jahrzehnten verursacht der Amphibien-Hautpilz Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) weltweit dramatische Bestandseinbrüche und -verluste, während ein weiterer Amphibien-Hautpilz namens Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) ers...
Das Hexbachtal ist ein Naturschutzgebiet im Grenzbereich der Städte Mülheim an der Ruhr und Essen. Nutzungsansprüche und Naturschutz stehen hier seit Jahrzehnten im Konflikt. Der Beitrag gibt einen kleinen Überblick über die Entwicklung der letzten Jahrzehnte und beschreibt Vegetation und Tierwelt des Bachtals.
The common frog in Germany - distribution, ecology and population.
The common frog can be found throughout Germany and, along with the common toad, is probably the most common species. Only in some areas does it outnumber its relatives, such as Rana arvalis. The choice of spawning waters seems random at first glance, as it ultimately accepts all t...
Short biography of Prof. Dr. med. Reiner Feldmann.
Kurze Biographie von Prof. Dr. Reiner Feldmann.
Reiner Feldmann (1933–2014) and its significance for field herpetology - a personal consideration / Reiner Feldmann was a versatile field biologist and faunist. First of all he recorded and mapped birds, bats and insects. But earlier than many others in German-speaking countries he also practiced field herpetology. He has found inspiration in many...
Distribution, Habitats and Status of the Slowworm (Anguis fragilis) in the Hagen area. / The western slowworm (Anguis fragilis) is widespread in the Hagen area. The species is detected in almost half of the 262 investigated 1 km² grid areas. The slowworm is the most common reptile species in the study area. With the preference of hem structures, fo...
Obituary for Albrecht Belz (1942-2017). He studied biology, chemistry and English at the University of Bonn. His thesis on the color genetics of the house mouse was already oriented towards zoology. Until his retirement he worked as a teacher in Erndtebrück. He has published important articles on the flora and fauna of the Wittgensteiner Land, in p...
1 Vorwort 2 Danksagung 3 Aus der Station. 3.1 Trägerverein 3.2 Bundesfreiwilligendienst 3.3 Praktikanten 3.4 Zusammenarbeit mit Universitäten 4 Projekte in Bottrop 4.1 FFH-Gebiet und NSG Köllnischer Wald 4.2 FFH-Gebiet Kirchheller Heide 4.3 FFH-Gebiet Heidesee in der Kirchheller Heide 4.4 FFH-Gebiet Postwegmoore 4.5 NSG Torfvenn Rehrbach. 4.6 NSG G...
The behaviour of an egg-laying Trachemys s. scripta is described. The clutch included eight eggs. Development and hatching of the eggs was not established. The size and mass of the eggs were determined. A successful reproduction appears very unlikely in northwest Germany due to its oceanic climate.
Zusammenfassung: Das Verhalten einer eierlegenden...
The amphibian of the year 2018 - is the common frog really an all-world start? The common frog (Rana temporaria) is one of the most common and widespread frogs in Germany. Nevertheless, significant declines in populations have been observed in many places for a long time. With the election of the "Lurch of the Year 2018" by the German Society for H...
The common frog in Germany – decline of a once common species. As late as the 19th century, the common frog was a species that was found in large numbers and was very common even in fields. Agricultural areas are now deserted and the species can almost only be found in forest areas. The endangerment factors include the intensification of agricultur...
Reptiles in Essen
The last time systematic investigation on the herpetofauna of the city of Essen were carried out was in the 1980s. The results were also published at that time. Unfortunately, the exact localities cannot be figured out anymore as the occurrence can only be assigned to square kilometer grid areas. Since 1990, reptiles have no longe...
Short presentation on the spread of the fungus Batrachochytridium salamandrivorans and the endangerment of the salamander. At the same time a call for observance and compliance with hygiene measures.
Biography and bibliography of Reiner Feldmann
Biographie und Bibliographie von Reiner Feldmann
Important neobiota found in Mülheim are described. The importance for the native flora and fauna is evaluated.
Kurze Übersicht über den Grasfrosch (Rana temporaria): Verbreitung, Bestand, Ökologie, Lebensweise, Gefährdung und Schutz