Martin Misut

Martin Misut
University of Economics in Bratislava · Department of Applied Informatics



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February 2013 - present
University of Economics in Bratislava
  • university teacher
September 2001 - June 2013
University of Trnava
  • university teacher


Publications (54)
The article presents the Composition Diagram of a Complex Process (CDCP), a new diagramming method for modelling business processes with complex vertical structures. This Method addresses the limitations of traditional modelling techniques such as BPMN, Activity Diagrams (AD), and Event-Driven Process Chains (EPC). The experiment was carried out on...
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data types (ADTs) provide a way to define data structures and the operations allowed on them, independent of the specific implementation details. Choosing the appropriate data type is for many applications the most important step in their development that affects their performance. To investigate the most suitable stack implementation for evaluatin...
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The research results published so far have shown that success in mathematics positively affects the retention rate at technical and economic universities. Various studies have explored different forms, methods, and tools in mathematics teaching to improve student success, but an effective teaching model is yet to be identified. Based on previous ex...
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Not only unemployment itself but also the reduced work intensity of a household has a major impact on the social exclusion of a person. The work intensity of households is currently being monitored in Europe mainly for purposes of identifying those people or households that are excluded from the labour market. The households’ work intensity directl...
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The digital transformation of business in the light of opportunities and focusing on the challenges posed by the introduction of Big Data in enterprises allows for a more accurate reflection of the internal and external environmental stimuli. Intuition ceases to be present in the decision-making process, and decision-making becomes strictly data-ba...
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Almost every Android user application has some kind of user interface. Android programmers who create Xamarin.Forms applications and who uses the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment to do so can create user interfaces in the XAML (the Extensible Application Markup Language) or in the C# programming language. This paper deals with a comp...
The presented research had two primary goals. The first goal was to find out what is the attitude of students to lectures and exercises conducted through the MS Teams application. Students’ attitudes to online teaching were identified by the students’ activity within the subject Modeling of Business Processes and by students’ opinions on the usabil...
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The key difference between testing a small and a larger group of students is typically the impossibility to use an e-assessment interface for a very large group of students in one room, especially in mathematics courses. Traditional testing causes overloading of the teacher when evaluating students´ results, and delay in releasing of the results. M...
The paper describes the analysis and characterization of partial results (mathematics) research, which focused on the issue of detection of key knowledge and skills of pupils and students in primary and secondary schools in selected regions in Slovakia and the Czech Republic (the border area between the two countries). The aim was to determine whet...
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This article describes the part of the solution of effective assessment with the support of technology. It is a part of a complex solution containing model of teaching, which includes the assessment with the support of technology, verification of the model by implementing in selected mathematics courses, adaptation of teaching model based on the re...
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For the purpose of clarity and consistency, the term e-learning is used throughout the paper to refer to technology-enhanced learning. This paper describes selected aspects of the implementation model, which aims at the improvement and complex assurance of quality and cost efficiency in the context of e-learning. Within the described project, a com...
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This paper deals with the efficiency of blended learning in selected courses, within the mathematics and computer science curriculum at Trnava University, Faculty of Education. The experiment, as part of a quality project, lasted for two years, when the subjects were taught by a combination of e-learning and traditional method. The complex solution...
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Some results of educational experiments conducted as a part of long-term research project are described in this paper. Primary goal of the research was set as to improve the quality and flexibility of mathematical education by implementing of new teaching model with ICT support. The model was designed with the aim to increase flexibility and qualit...
Some results of educational experiments conducted as a part of long-term research project are described in this paper. Primary goal of the research was to improve the quality and flexibility of mathematical education by implementing of new teaching model with ICT support. The model was designed with an aim to increase flexibility and quality of tea...
Conference Paper
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Influence of on-line support on quality of teaching results (gained knowledge and skills), as well as on attitude of engineering students to the Mathematics' courses have been researched at the University of Technology, Faculty of Material Science and Technology. Part of gained results, concerning the relation between studentsreativity and theirs p...
Text describes results of research conducted at Faculty of Education of Trnava University in Trnava. One of the stated goals was to find out what is the impact of communication among students and teachers, as well, on the effectiveness of project oriented education. Experiments were made with students during the computer science courses.
Conference Paper
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The paper presents a state-of-the-art project that is being carried at Trnava University. The main goal of the project focuses on the complex quality assurance and continual improvement of education at Trnava University. For evaluation of quality of blended learning a Kirkpatrick Evaluating Four Level Model has been selected. However original Kirkp...
Conference Paper
Some results of educational experiments conducted as a part of long-term research project are described in this paper. Primary goal of the research was set as to improve the quality and flexibility of mathematical education by implementing of new teaching model with ICT support. The model was designed with the aim to increase flexibility and qualit...
Conference Paper
Paper describes results of research realized in frame of e- learning implementation. It deals with system for management of educational process (Learning Management System) implemented within the Faculty of education TU and its functionalities.
Paper describes results of research realized in frame of e- learning implementation. It deals with system for management of educational process (Learning Management System) implemented within the Faculty of education TU and its functionalities.
Conference Paper
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Some results of joined research projects that have been realized during 2006 - 2011 period are described in this paper. Primary goal of these projects was set as to improve the quality and flexibility of mathematical education at the university of technology by implementing of teaching models with emphasis on creativity improvement and ICT support....
This article describes the results of previous research in electronic communication area. It deals with the organization and implementation of research, which goal was to find out the electronic communication impact at project oriented education effectiveness within the computer science courses at the Faculty of Education at Trnava University in Tr...
Conference Paper
Na efektivitu vzdelávania vplýva organizácia vyučovacieho proces, ktorý má vzájomne sa vylučujúce ciele: náklady na vzdelávanie je potrebné udržať čo najnižšie, zatiaľ čo požiadavky spoločnosti je nutné maximálne uspokojiť. V dôsledku toho je potrebné inovovať vzdelávací proces v oblasti obsahu, metód a foriem. Jednou z možností ako sa pokúsiť rozl...
Conference Paper
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Universities play important role in society. As knowledge becomes crucial factor of society success – we speak about knowledge-based society – the place and role of universities is changing, as well. In order to stay the crucial source and mediator of knowledge in new society, universities have to adapt onto process of society character change. It...
Conference Paper
Complex e-learning system, as base for university system, according to strategic decision made by faculty management in 2001, started to build at the Faculty of Education of Trnava University. Realization of this system has been supported by several grants (e.g. development grant of Ministry of Education, IDEP program of NOS OSF, VEGA and KEGA gran...
Competition in the international market place has meant that industrial production must become more structured and more efficient. In particular, the organisation of the production process has conflicting goals: production costs have to be kept as low as possible while specific customer demands should be satisfied to a maximum degree. Consequently,...
In this paper, a decision support system for operation scheduling with the name Integrated Scheduling System (ISS) is presented. The ISS is a tandem system which consists of two main subsystems: RAPO and ESPRA The RAPO subsystem is responsible for schedule generation and is based on the deterministic discrete-event simulation. A newly developed alg...
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Paper discuss about education by e-learning at the Faculty of Education of Trnava's University in Trnava. We describe the new situation in view of students and teachers. Paper briefly characterizes the centre dealing with e-learning and its parts, experience and production of courses at the university.


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